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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8216881 No.8216881 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever go to the grocery store and judge the shit out of people, solely based on the foods they buy?

>> No.8216905

yeah but then i look into my own cart and see a 30 rack of beer, some tendies, milk/eggs/bread, and not a single fruit or veggie

and i realize they're probably judging me just as hard

>> No.8216906

every time i'm in line

>> No.8217417

Never used to, then I went vegan. I'll see some almond milk, get excited thinking maybe they're vegan too, then I see them place some raw chicken flesh on the conveyor belt and I just look away, heartbroken. Also grossed out at the thought that animal flesh has touched the same conveyor belt my food is on because I have a serious phobia of animal products.

>> No.8217430
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>> No.8217432
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I feel you bro

>> No.8217435

I'm too content with myself to give a fuck about the faceless people around me in public. You probably aren't happy thus you compare yourself to and belittle other people to convince yourself that you're better than them. Get better sources of validation.

>> No.8217444

Do you start crying every time you pass a farm, you seam like you would start crying every time you pass a farm

Also you do realise there is a bunch of plastic between the chicken and the convayor belt

>> No.8217448

God, can I not express myself without having a group of meat eaters hanging on every word I say, ready to be offended?

>> No.8217450

Yeah sure. When you find your balls then you can have your own opinion.

>> No.8217451

Im not offended, as a matter of fact i am amused

>> No.8217463

I realize but that plastic is not very reliable. It comforts me a little but I also think about the hands that touched that plastic and how the "juice" sometimes starts to leak from the plastic and I want to vomit.

And I don't pass farms with animals where I live. I did go to a smallish farm that I believe just provided food for a single family recently because I was taking some kids to a birthday party hosted there. I honestly loved seeing the animals even though the thought of them being slaughtered for no reason loomed in the back of my mind. Also there were two pigs being strictly confined for breeding purposes that was annoying to see. I'm primarily concerned with larger operations though that severely abuse/torture the animals even under the "humane" label.

I love living animals, it's the dead, dismembered ones and the people who dismember them I have a phobia of.

Also don't start insinuating I'm weak because I've survived more shit than you could stomach witnessing on television.

>> No.8217466

Let me guess, you're a Trump supporter.

I'm a woman, I don't hope to ever find that I have balls, and I don't expect to ever have to take your opinion seriously.

>> No.8217477
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What does trump have to do with this? And I'm not even American you uppity cunt. And this is the second post where I've seen someone claim they're a woman when I'm starting to believe you're really not. So once again, go find your balls and grow a spine. In fact, have this.

>> No.8217483

I am not that guy and I am a vaishnav brahmin(hindu priest caste), my religion makes me a vegetarian but it doesn't make me whiny.

I am pretty fine as long as some doesn't shove meat in my mouth and I love milk and derivatives btw.
You can express yourself but you should really not expect others to honor your hubris as something commendable.

My tradition looks down on non vegetarians but I realise It's retarded to. You what do you have as a westerner to back your hubris of veganism? I had thousands of years of tradition but I still realise I have no right to inflict it on others and judge them for it.

You project yourself as holier than thou and you get shot down"."

>> No.8217487

Jesus titty fucking christ. What the fuck is that shit? A dehooved horse?

>> No.8217491

i haven't reached that point of bitterness yet but i will eventually.

>> No.8217495


God, you're cringey.

>> No.8217499

Almond milk has stabilizers, added sugar and flavourings, and is less healthy than the chicken they bought.

>> No.8217503


I get mine unsweetened, can't beat 30 calories a cup when I mostly just use it for cereal or tea.

>> No.8217504

i upvoted it...

>> No.8217505

>I am a vaishnav brahmin, therefore vegetarian
So Skandinavians should eat fly amanita? Fijians should eat people?

>> No.8217507
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How lazy are you if you can't blend and strain some almonds? Do you enjoy wasting your money?

>> No.8217514


It's like 2-3 dollars for a half gallon, who cares?

>> No.8217517

The fact that in this day and age I identify as a traditionalist-fundamentalist is rare enough.

Why do you think I expect people to do the same for their cultures? I choose to abide by the way of life My ancestors devised millennia ago(which is frankly not hurting others or making a spectacle out of me unlike the vegans, a brahmin has pride a vegan has hubris) I just choose to not look down on other human beings for their lifestyle choices well atleast not the ones who don't go boasting about their moral high ground in life like the vegans.

>> No.8217526

This is how the Afghan revolution started

>> No.8217528

my company whores me out for $300 an hour to our customers. that kinda puts the value of my time into perspective, so yes I'd rather just spend the money than waste 1/2 an hour doing it myself

>> No.8217533

How many of those $300 goes to your pocket?

>> No.8217534

You realize you're actually the one projecting yourself as holier than though? The irony is hilarious here. The biggest difference is you're holier than thou over absolute bullshit.

I said I was heartbroken when I realized people weren't vegan. How the fuck is that acting holier than thou? I'm heartbroken because it means that animals will be tortured for their diet.

I find it hilarious you have no problem insulting me, but you completely ignore the people who are openly judging others for their diet on purely health or elite premises. Fuck you, you illogical, smug, bullying little shit stain.

>> No.8217537


It's 1:37 am and I can barely keep my eyes open so excuse any typos I make.

>> No.8217543

In my town, people tend to eat fairly healthy and my state has the lowest obesity rate so finding gluttonous fatties isn't easy.

>> No.8217544

For once I agree with the pedovegan, except for the last sentence. Brahmin boy, you're the arrogant one.

>> No.8217545

Apples and oranges.

>> No.8217547

Trump's supporters want to end women's suffrage. I don't think I have to explain how your statement relates to that.

>> No.8217548 [DELETED] 

Are you a female? If not...

>> No.8217552
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I usually comment on what people buy especially when they're fatties. Conditioning is lacking in our society.

>> No.8217553

$80k a year

>> No.8217557

Both are fruit

>> No.8217558

I don't judge anyone for their own personal health choices.... that's retarded. I judge because animals are being tortured for the food they're purchasing and it breaks my heart.

Also you're a fucking idiot and know absolutely nothing about nutrition and I really hope you're a troll so I don't have to explain why.

>> No.8217561

You didn't answer my question

>> No.8217563

>The biggest difference is you're holier than thou over absolute bullshit
Rambling of a culturally orphan westerner without a history to be proud of.

You misunderstand I wasn't insulting you originally I was pointing out why people were hostile and mocking.
I am arrogant I know , unapologetically even.
Just that I don't discount people as barbarians over their way of life like she and her vegan brethren do.

>> No.8217568

>I said I was heartbroken when I realized people weren't vegan. How the fuck is that acting holier than thou? I'm heartbroken because it means that animals will be tortured for their diet.
I never addressed this statement of yours
It was >>8217448
I was pointing out why people are mocking you.

>> No.8217570

Peoples personal health choices affect everyone. If you fuck up your health you become a drain on society, the people around you, and the welfare system. We have to work harder to fix your mistakes.
You say you judge for animal torture? Have you ever seen industrial agriculture? It destroys ecosystems and kills billions of animals every year because they happened to get in the way of your comfort staples. You know when you see images of harvest machines on fields being surrounded by a flock of birds? It's not the straws they're after, it's the chopped up field mice and porcupines who got in the way.

>> No.8217573

I work 40 hours a week, do the math dickhead

>> No.8217574


i look for people buyin vegan things, follow them home and slash their tires when they go inside their house

>> No.8217576

Is it nice? Projecting that much? Still has nothing at all to do with trump.

>> No.8217577

Humanity is barbaric. To see people as barbaric is a reasonable conclusion for anyone who has learned of people and the world.
To see yourself as a special little snowflake because you did some family research is pathetic. Your social construct is no more special than every one elses, 'brahmin' boy.

>> No.8217579
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I deduct that you struggle to to the math yourself since you've avoided my question two times

>> No.8217581

Nah. Just take their dog, bake him into seitan and serve it to them as a nice neighbourly gest.

>> No.8217583

Peak autism. Your feeling of victory only serves to reinforce my assumption that you're an aspie faggot

>> No.8217585

It's just almond water.

Almonds don't have tits.

>> No.8217596

How does it feel to get a fraction of your own profit?

>> No.8217597

>Humanity is barbaric. To see people as barbaric is a reasonable conclusion for anyone who has learned of people and the world.

Agreed but labeling a certain group just because of their dietary habits is just as ignorant and generalising.

>To see yourself as a special little snowflake because you did some family research is pathetic. Your social construct is no more special than every one elses, 'brahmin' boy.
Except my way of life survived nearly 5000 years and 2 major cultures inflicting themselves on us(muslims and anglos) and yet here I stand a hindu, a brahmin, a vegetarian.

>> No.8217601

Alright good points about personal health affecting everyone I guess but I still don't judge those people. And wouldn't that only apply to people who damage their health who are on welfare? I don't even actually really judge the people buying animal products. I feel more sorry for them than anything (unless I know that they're aware of the damage they cause, then they can get fucked).

And animals eat so any suffering vegans accidentally cause, meat eaters cause a ridiculous amount more. But yeah, I would love to live in a world with veganic agriculture. But the world has to become largely vegan before that happens. I used to garden back when I lived with my mom, and got a lot of my food from veganic agriculture and vegan restaurants. I think it's great, and ideal, but not required to be a halfway decent human, since that's an issue that will be fixed later after we create a vegan economy. It's an issue that I don't think now is the right time to put our full focus on for various reasons. It's also much less of an issue than I think you're assuming. http://liberatehp.freeforums.net/thread/2/vegans-animals

I hate that it sounds like I'm justifying this. But I'm just trying to defend veganism as a whole because people will read your comment and think to themselves that's an excuse not to go vegan. It isn't.

>> No.8217608

Alright. I wouldn't have the customer base, nor would I have the ability to demand such a high rate if I worked individually. Go to bed dude.

>> No.8217611

>it's a vegan faggotry ruins another thread thread
You guys are such insufferable cunts with your holier than thou faggotry.

>> No.8217619
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>waiting in line at checkout holding some vegetables and shit
>there's a 4'11" elderly woman in front of me
>she is as big around as a she is tall and audibly breathing while leaning against the counter
>look at the her groceries
>three boxes of crispy kreme donuts and a few tubs of gummy bears and other candy
>suddenly her head snaps toward the impulse buy items as she makes a gurgly rasping noise
>she extends a fully open hand and grabs as many kitkats as possible in one grab and throws it on the counter

>> No.8217624

This entire thread is literally one vegan saying animals being tortured breaks their hearts, and meat eaters lining up to insult them for it.

You people are so deluded it's almost funny.

>> No.8217629

Only if it's a fuck tonne of junk food. I've seen $200-$300 worth of groceries before and not a single nutrient in the pile.

>> No.8217639

Who told her to announce her vegan identity? She should expect to be grilled for being a contrarian in retrospect to the majority of people in the world.

Nobody is delusional except for the ones who run from criticism, this is not a hugbox but a place for discussion.

>> No.8217640

>I love living animals, it's the dead
life is a part of death bro

>> No.8217642

You're so weak you can't handle a vegan giving their opinion in a relevant thread.

You are truly pathetic.

>> No.8217644

You prefer easy access and lazyness over success and freedom. It's sad, really.

>> No.8217646

No I can handle a vegan speaking her mind, it is the pathetic display of a persecution complex that a vegan puts up when confronted with casual criticism that makes me look down on them.

You get to hear harsh words, man up or be forever mocked.

>> No.8217650

Kek. Read up on invention of tradition, brahminboy. Cultural expressions change in time, and seeing 'a way of life' as a reified entity is ignorant at best. You have nothing in common with those people 5000 years ago, not even blood lines according to anthropological research. The Caste system and how the upper castes view the world and themselves is a great example of narcissistic masturbation.

>> No.8217656

> it is the pathetic display of a persecution complex


And they were pointing out the vegetarians/meat eaters hypocrisy. Try to actually read the thread before commenting about it.

>> No.8217660

You can't feed a big population without industrial agriculture and that kills animals, no matter if everyone is vegan or not. Easy as that.
Can you please elaborate what you mean with 'veganic' agriculture and how it is different from normal agriculture? How are you planning on feeding 8 billion on it? And don't just say it's void of husbandry because we already stated that grain, legume and vegetable crop kills animals.

>> No.8217661

The average business owner works much more than 40 hours a week. There are multitude of reasons why one would prefer to work at a company compared to running their own business, such as being able to leave work at the office, and having coworkers who have to cover for you when you take time off. I understand who you are as a person. You're a sad frustrated sack of shit who has been crushed by a life of disappointment to the point that the only glimpse of happiness you get is in trying to take it from others. You are literal dog shit hoping to ruin the day of whoever steps on you. You aren't worth my scorn, so instead you earn my pity. I hope that you allow yourself to be happy some day, though it's likely that there's something so flawed about you that it wouldn't even be possible if you chased it endlessly. Go to bed.

>> No.8217662

>Kek. Read up on invention of tradition, brahminboy.
I have
>Cultural expressions change in time
It has,
>and seeing 'a way of life' as a reified entity is ignorant at best.
But it has been the same fundamentally since the vedic era, least for my bloodline.
>You have nothing in common with those people 5000 years ago, not even blood lines according to anthropological research.
Please quote the said research then
>The Caste system and how the upper castes view the world and themselves is a great example of narcissistic masturbation.
I call it pride you call it narcissism.

>> No.8217665

Sorry but you'll have to google it. It's 2:29 am and I'm going to bed.

>> No.8217668
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Only if they buy pre-packaged minced meat or sausages

>> No.8217671

Why am I not surprised your only argument is
>No u

I hadn't labeled you before but now I have to.

Juvenile vegan girl.

>> No.8217673

Why can't a vegan ever give a reasonable response?

>> No.8217684

I sold my business this summer, and live very comfortably now. I find it intriguing that people like you assume being the boss is such a impossible or draining task. Being the owner means you have the freedom to control and delegate, and by working 3-4 years with full focus you can save up more money than the average worker can save in 15 years. I want to have time and peace in my old age, not being chained to give up all my time for others to become rich.

>> No.8217685


>> No.8217686

>But it has been the same fundamentally since the vedic era, least for my bloodline.
Not true, and your bloodline doesn't run in a straight line. Post proof if you want to insist.

>Please quote the said research then
Genographic project

>I call it pride you call it narcissism.
Pride goes before the fall.

>> No.8217698

>be me, 23, college student
>be broke in a student sense because college
>typical week consists of lots of veggies, chicken, home made bread, quinoa, lentils, salads, and smoothies
>Cart is almost all filled with veggies and fruits with leans meats
>never break above $60 a week, and it call all be paid for by food stamps because I qualify because again, broke student
>See other kids from my college at the store
>it's all frozen pizza and stoffers
>totals out to over $100, have to pay in cash because it's all pre-made food
>judge them for being lazy and foolish stoners while I take my awesome chicken penecotta ingredients home and disposable income to the weed dispensary instead of spending it on junk food

I absolutely judge.

>> No.8217699

Im actually an attack helicopter how dare you

>> No.8217706

You don't have the composure or demeanor of someone who has the comfort and happiness that would result from what you describe. You're here lying on the Internet, a true keyboard warrior

>> No.8217708

>Not true, and your bloodline doesn't run in a straight line. Post proof if you want to insist.
I guess I could scan the manuscripts but would you be able to decipher the sanskrit , prakrit and tamil? Or verify their authenticity?
>Genographi project
Which one?
>I call it pride you call it narcissism.
Pride goes before the fall
What withstood 5 millennia won't go down just yet not just by you wishing it.

>> No.8217709

So you never associate with the boss, am I right? You don't seem to have an understanding of how business works. Different businesses have different work cultures. A man running a towing boat company is different from a man running an IT-firm. Both have employees, and both make a surplus on other people's work.
What type of company do you work in?

>> No.8217721

>genetic testing
>archeological finds (especially genes)
Difference? You're claiming pure descendence 5000 years back. Surely you must have evidence layed out other than minor historical mentionings implying someone you might or might not share a bloodline with did so and so.

>What withstood 5 millennia won't go down just yet not just by you wishing it.
One modern war is enough to destroy the evidence of decades of millennias. See what happened to Syria.

>> No.8217723

Wtf are you doing? Let me reply.

>> No.8217749

What are you even talking about? How does anything you just said have anything to do with the previous conversation? You sound like you're trying to win an argument by portraying a position of authority, I'm sorry but I'm not buying it. Your character is more that of an angry basement dwelling troll who gains validation by arguing with unverifiable statements online than someone who has actually achieved success. Anyways, here's your reply, I hope you're validated

>> No.8217755

This is so sad

>> No.8217756

No mainly because I'm trying to get in and out of that place as quickly as fucking possible. I don't want to look at the other mouthbreathers who frequent that place, I don't want to acknowledge their existence just get the fuck out of my way while I move my shitty cart through the aisles.

>> No.8217902

I work a Sams Club, so I judge the shit out of people that buy nothing but sugary foods and frozen dinners and then pay with food stamps

>> No.8217956

Oh yeah. I'm the fucking worst about standing behind people in line or in the aisles and mentally judging them on the groceries they're buying. I'm a pretentious fuck about groceries, THERE, I ADMIT IT, OKAY?
But yeah, when I see carts full of sodas and premade food I judge them. No vegetables or fruits? I judge them. Boxes of shake and bake or cake mixes? I judge them.
I will say though, I'm not very judgy about people who are just buying a couple of things, like milk and eggs, or bread and bacon or whatever. I mean, that's not representative of a whole diet, not like a full cart.

>> No.8218005

>$60 a week on food

You weren't even close to broke.

>> No.8218039

Congratulations! You've ruined yet another thread. The world is now a little bit shittier.

Hmm. I don't really judge them, but it's kind of interesting trying to imagine who they are for a couple minutes.

>> No.8218040
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>No mainly because I'm trying to get in and out of that place as quickly as fucking possible.
Pretty much this. I only really slowdown to see what produce is in season or what meat is on sale.

Other than that, it's follow the list and get the fuck out. One of the better things in life is running errands at 7am on a Saturday and no traffic/hordes to deal with

>> No.8218080

>people shopping with their kids
>only canned shit, processed shit, meat, chips and sweets in the cart

Reminds me of my childhood. Not in a good way. I still have terrible taste because I was raised on microwave lasagna.

>> No.8218106
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>go shopping for grandma
>cart is piled high with sweets and frozen meals
I just want to explain to everyone that it isn't mine

>> No.8218368
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>not enjoying culinary pursuits and activities
>on a board about cooking and food

I mean, sure, alright.

>> No.8218378

>almond milk

enjoy your rainbow of pesticides, hebicides and fungicides.

Almonds are so loaded with ag chems they don't dare test them.

>> No.8218381

Yes when I when I was poor and shopping I'd manage to be able to get pounds of meat and veggies under like 40 dollardoos and I'd see "struggling" minorities using their welfare to buy soda and junk food. It pisses me off when I see people using government gib me dats and not using them responsibly.

>> No.8218382

w-why does she have a bepis in her bag

>> No.8218389

Any rant about appropriate posting is instantly negated by using animu.

>> No.8218394

Only if they're fat or super skellingtons.

>> No.8218397


but i will talk to people about what they're buying in the checkout line if it's something i'm interested in but don't know what to do with

>> No.8218403

>talking to strangers

How do people do this?

>> No.8218502

Assuming you're a meat eater getting defensive, all the pesticides from the food animals eat becomes concentrated in their fat. So enjoy way more pesticides than I could ever consume on a vegan diet?

>> No.8218551

Do you eat the milk from any other types of nut, homo?

>> No.8218554

That looks beautiful.

>> No.8218559


Its easy. I make conversation with just about everyone all the time. I actually enjoy taking the train and going to bars alone. Gives me a chance to meet new people.

>> No.8218572

Not that guy but do you have any advice for chatting to strangers?
What to talk about?

>> No.8218581

>>never break above $60 a week, and it call all be paid for by food stamps

anon, you and reading comprehension need an introduction

>> No.8218594


I dont know, I didnt actually know this was an issue before I moved to a big city and realized that talking to some people made them uncomfortable. I just, talk to them like they are friends and if they seem uncomfortable talking (you can tell pretty easily as some people will not make eye contact at all)

As for what to talk about, a smile and a "how is your day going?" is a great ice breaker but the topic usually comes from why I wanted to talk to them to begin with (you have something interesting to read, drinking something I like or never tried, etc) Just think of how you would talk to a friend ran into on the street.

People arent scary (except when they actually are) Most people just want to be social and friendly in my experiance

>> No.8218630

Never. I'm too busy getting my shit and going back home to play video games.

>> No.8218638
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Good job on being a freak who looks like hes trying to hit on every woman or man he sees in a supermarket lmao. You realize that's what most people are thinking when you ask how their day has been in a fucking checkout que?

>> No.8218650


Humans are social animals. Not having conversation with new and interesting people makes YOU the freak, not me... Unless you are British, then it seems like it is a societal norm to avoid any and all human contact.

I came from a small rural town where everyone talked to everyone. Everyone was a friend. You would be the talk of the town if you tried to lower your head and make it out of a store without saying anything except thank you.

When I went on vacation to London my friend had to tell me a few times that its actually considered rude to start a conversation with someone on the train. I just dont get how you can WANT to avoid talking to people

>> No.8218659


If that is a dehooved horse, that looks immensely fucking painful.

God fucking jesus merciful christ.

>> No.8218660



>> No.8218675


As a sociable human being you should have already realized by now that if you live in a big city and one person out of the thousands you pass a day is going out of their way to speak to you for seemingly no reason then they are either distracting you for a robbery or are up to some sort of no good.

I too come from a small town, hell a small island, where I can't even walk for a minute without good morning'ing multiple people and when I am driving somewhere I haven't been for years people shout my name from the bush, literally.

But when I go to NY or London I don't end up like crocodile dundee "G'DAY M8!"ing everyone because I understand that shit is different.

>> No.8218685

I'm female so that wouldn't make me a homo if I did. I have a clusterfuck of mental and health issues that lower my sex drive though so I haven't been drinking the kind of nut milk you're thinking of. (None of them have anything to do with veganism for the record, except the phobia and some of the anxiety caused by knowing that animals are being tortured on a mass scale for no reason and a lot of people don't even care.)

>> No.8218708

Hahaha, 10/10 troll

>> No.8218714

Enjoy your weak bloodline vegannigger
That is if you ever breed and dont end up murdering your children
Either way kys

Tits or gtfo you attention seeking whore

>> No.8218738

No. I have never judged someone for their shopping at a grocery store. If they have a whole bunch of frozen pizzas I think they're probably stocking up. If it's just candy, I'm assuming they're having a kid's birthday party. Copious amounts of alcohol? A regular party. If it's a single banana I'm guessing they have to catch a plane very early and just plan on eating that one banana as a quick pre-breakfast before they get to the airport.

Some lube, a condom and a rake? Well, they're having sex tonight, but the rake broke earlier in the day, so you might as well buy both at the same time.

There's always a reasonable explanation.

>> No.8218758


What's "reasonable" about stocking up on frozen pizzas? That's fatass territory, not "reasonable". The fact that they are buying even one frozen pizza speaks volumes.

>> No.8218764


I have never been fat yet during my school years I used to eat a couple frozen pizzas a week.

>> No.8218765

Not trolling at all sadly. I have PTSD and Hashimoto's disease - and the treatment also lowers sex drive. It's okay though because I would only date vegans anyway and pretty much no vegans live near me so it's very convenient I have no sex drive.

I don't plan on breeding. Used to think I wanted to create the best humans possible, but I'm 26 years old and I'm coming to terms with the reality that it would be irresponsible to have children in this world and I have a lot more work to do than two children will likely be worth hindering honestly. I might adopt one day, but I'm getting too old to have them myself.

What does kys mean?

I usually freely show tits but you're cringy so I won't.

>> No.8218770

Eh, not really. Go shopping on a weeknight after 8 or 9 p.m. and you'll see loads of normal weight single men ages 20-40 with mostly TV dinners and frozen pizzas.

>> No.8218779

A frozen pizza and a salad is basically a balanced meal. If you're in an extreme hurry, it's not a bad choice. And after a night of drinking, a little frozen pizza feels nice.

>> No.8218793

>>A frozen pizza and a salad is basically a balanced meal

Sure. But frozen pizzas suck. Why eat one when you can make your own that doesn't suck?

>> No.8218832

When I plan on making pizza, I obviously make my own. It's better, and it's extremely simple. But the dough has to rise, so while the active time might not be that much, the total time it takes from start to finish is pretty long. And when something comes up and I suddenly have to leave in half an hour to be somewhere, I just heat a frozen pizza.
It's kind of a guilty pleasure of mine. I honestly think they taste good.

>> No.8218844


kill yourself

>> No.8218882

Oh, thanks.

>> No.8218901

>not using self checkout

>> No.8218905

Wait. Do Americans get free food when they're in college? Don't you need to be disabled and unable to work to get free shit?
And I thought my government was charitable!

>> No.8218927

i hope you realize how hypocritical this is

>> No.8218937
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>> No.8218958

muh test

>> No.8218985

no they don't normally
depending on states it's either impossible to get on foodstamps while enrolled in college or requires full time education hours + 20 hours of work but not full time work

>> No.8219018

The gas station I work at is also the only place on base to buy liquor. I was indoctrinated heavily against alcohol in my youth my my grandma and I kinda get disgusted by the people who buy profane amounts or have visible habits.

Working on letting it go tho

>> No.8219027

>implying you aren't a fat landwhale and i would enjoy looking at your pancake tits

Lel Yea i can im sure thats why you wont have kids and has nothing to do with the fact that youre an obese unloveable cunt

Kill Your Self.

>> No.8219126

Tits or GTFO.

Sorry to be horrible, but honesty is the best policy, plus you already know this deep down; man, woman, fluid, whatever: You should probably just kill yourself anyway.

>> No.8219136

I'm not the person you just replied to but yeah, help the human race and also the planet by an heroing ASAP.

>> No.8219166

I get asked how to cook or eat this or that often. Usually odd veggies. I'm glad people are interested. I see fat people looking at what I buy, meat, veg, dairy, fruit, just a few canned or frozen fruits and veg. Feelsgoodman.

>> No.8219175

i learned it in the usa
they friendly

>> No.8219593

I just got in from my local market. It was busy. I was the only one in line with fresh fruits and veggies in my basket. I feel a little like other people were judging me. I'm in the south too. We have spring and summer for 9 months out of the year. Our climate is excellent for produce.

>> No.8219639

No. Don't care

>> No.8219659

i tried to updoot this, then i remembered i wasn't on reddit, hehehe

>> No.8219705

Not a landwhale, definitely don't have pancake tits, and I have multiple men obsessed with me who want to marry me. The last man I hung out with guilt tripped me for like four hours to have sex with him, and I get hit on at school and while shopping.

I'm not trying to brag, I'm average looking, but I'm far from unlovable.

Not sure if this is a joke or not but thanks anyway.

>> No.8219710
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Nah, I go to the grocery store to buy food and get the hell out.

Only thing that deserves more than a second glance is the meat.

>> No.8219715

Why're you attention whoring now? >>>/soc/ is a thing you know. Quit shitting the thread up already.

>> No.8219745

Sort of. I mean, I notice them. Fat mom buying 30 packs of instant ramen and 5 liters of soda... yeah, I fucking notice this shit. Fit bitch with yoga pants buying 30 bags of various produce. Somehow both equally obnoxious to me. I ride the middle ground, and I admittedly get a bit annoyed by the ones who fall into the extremes of either side. Fuck it, though. But yeah, I definitely cant help but look around usually.

>> No.8219876

Nah, too focused on getting the stuff I want and paying for it.

>> No.8219899
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tits or gtfo

>> No.8219963

Fake and gay. You automatically get denied food stamps if you have more than 4 units.

>> No.8220048

sorry but... are you a teen?

>> No.8220066

I'm gonna assume an RPing autist. No one who is as well off as "she" claims to be sits in the same thread all night and day without being an RP fag.

>> No.8220080
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haha practically all the time

kek what the shit

>> No.8220097

Lets see, the last time I saw a woman hit on at the supermarket was the day before never. So yeah, you're a pre-pubescent girl.

>> No.8220286

I'm 26 years old.

Did I mention I have no friends? None of my friendships last because they're either a) not vegan and it's near impossible to be friends with someone who knowingly funds animal abuse or b) men pretending to be vegan to manipulate me into a relationship.

Then the last guy I hung out with was in fact a vegan but he also guilt tripped me into sex and he's insane so he's confined to Facebook now.

>> No.8220291

It doesn't happen very often but it happens. There are thirsty men everywhere. I got asked out on a public bus too. It also depends on the area. In some areas I'll get catcalled twice just crossing the parking lot, in others, people largely ignore me.

>> No.8220297

Nice blog faggot. Now fuck off out of here and go to >>>/soc/ like has been mentioned.

>> No.8220319


Do you live in Boulder?

>> No.8220349


Maybe Dave doesn't need to ask questions? Maybe Dave is perfectly fine with the relationship and is secure about his family without putting unnecessary pressure on his wife.

Maybe Dave doesn't need to "start asking questions" because those thoughts that kept him up at odd hours of the morning were only quelled by attending to THEIR childs needs.

Maybe he doesn't need to because he knows that when that child is in my arms there's nothing in the fucking WORLD, certainly nothing as superficial as skin color, that will take my daughter away from me.

>> No.8220366


it's funny because they're paying for cancer xd

>> No.8220373

I try not to, but when I see a hamplanet load the conveyor belt with frozen dinners, soda, chips, and premade food I do cringe a bit inside when the total is ridiculously expensive.

Like you could buy meat, veggies, fruit, beans, etc and eat so much better for a lot less money.

>> No.8220377

>ho to store
>search for ingredients
>cop ingredients
>"did you find everything okay"
>walk out

Are you really that autistic? Get in there, get your shit, and leave.

>> No.8220399

>$60 a week

$80 for one month is plenty. Bulk buy chicken, rice, beans, veggies, and eggs. Buy food online. You aren't broke at all. Your fruit intake should be from juice.

>> No.8220480
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>fruit intake should be from juice

>> No.8220726

I liked it

>> No.8220767


>> No.8220781

>my arms
Hi Dave

>> No.8220818

>probably wears leather shoes

>> No.8220991

Yeah I usually look down on people buying soda, I throw in a couple snorts and pig noises if they're fat.

>> No.8221103
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>> No.8221713
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lol @ meat eaters who try so hard to find flaws in vegans that they blatantly just make shit up.

This is the only kind of "leather" I'd be wearing.

>> No.8221810


>Congratulations! You've ruined yet another thread. The world is now a little bit shittier.

This, vegans should honestly leave /ck/ or keep to one containment thread

>> No.8222110

You're from the South eh? Southern hospitality is real. I got the same bs when I left Texas. Motherfuckers just don't understand people. Be nice and people are nice back woowww color me surprised.

>> No.8222123


Dave must be British.

British movies are the only place I see where a child comes out black to a white couple and while the man gets angry he sticks around.

>> No.8222127


I think you'd need to up the shoe size a couple times to accommodate your cankles.

>> No.8222142

the "vegan" in this thread is clearly a troll, no one is that infantile in real life, at least no one that is capable of using a computer.

>> No.8222275
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I think I'll be okay.

How am I infantile? And I have over a 4.0 in college, going to school full time and working. And I'm definitely vegan. Been vegan for 7 years.

>> No.8222298
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Ha. Probably more like .. 《----

>> No.8222356

I didn't specify because you can never be sure it's not just a troll who knows how to derail any fucking thread on this board. Did everyone forget that you don't feed them? 75% of the posts are feeding its ego, not talking about grocery stores.

(Good lord though. If it's actually a vegan chick, she has a slew of mental issues. Do not engage.)

>> No.8222368

I really don't see why it's so hard for people to believe I'm female, or not obese. Is this like 4chan xenophobia? You guys are so used to it only being filled with neckbeards it's so hard to believe anyone but would come here, and if they do you're determined to scare them away?

>> No.8222382

Which posts are me feeding my ego? And yeah honestly I do have a slew of mental issues but they're only caused by my environment. Any sane person would have mental issues if they lived my life. I've coped amazingly really.

>> No.8222390

>Troll baits harder

Just a reminder, guys. Do not engage. It only wants attention.

>> No.8222407

Although it's actually more like one to three mental issues, they just have a lot of symptoms. I have PTSD but have largely recovered through desensitizing myself, but general anxiety has become an increasingly larger issue for me, and I'm highly sensitive to smells from animal products, and certain frequencies. I also used to hallucinate a little bit (screaming overlapping, feeling blood dripping down my legs, I think I only ever had one visual one) and had serious brain fog but for some reason that stopped when I went vegan. I think I was allergic to dairy and never realized it. Also had chronic nausea that immediately went away when I went vegan.

Anyway, other than that I'm saner than most people.

>> No.8222689
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>> No.8223390

This is a dumb tactic because it doesn't work in real life. It might work if you're in a school messageboard or something. You're supposed to reply to stupid shitposts with shitposts of your own.

I buy top of the line organic shit and then proceed to pay with EBT SNAP. It gets me jollies off when these judgemental numbskulls get all mental on me for doing exactly what I'm supposed to do with the card. I don't even respond to them, I just stare at them when they spew their usual social commentaries. Just look at them straight in the eyeballs. It only takes 5 seconds for them to shut the fuck up and fuck off, it's pretty amusing.

>> No.8223864

>ending an imperative statement in a question mark
Sorry but you've revealed your true colors. Now you must go back from whence you came. >>>/tumblr/

>> No.8223876
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>> No.8224094

I dunno, dude. I find it works quite well for internet trolls.

What many people fail to realize about SNAP programs is that they massively buffer the economy during a recession, accounting for activity and recovery when there otherwise would be none. In other words, it helps the people on the bottom and middle keep their jerbs, and the people on the top continue to make their fortunes (even after they try really hard to crash the economy with investment scams). The added benefit is people aren't dying in the streets of starvation. Food is one of those industries that we cannot afford to be broken. As far as the "luxury" items go, as long as it falls within the federal guidelines, it falls under freedom of choice. Just because people are poor, it doesn't make them slaves. Whether they buy shitty food or awesome food, they still have a defined spending amount and it achieves the same economic stimulus purpose.

>> No.8224111

Yeah, I go to Tesco and look at the poorest of the poor swarming around the reduced price sections and almost fighting for who can get the cheapest shit that goes out of date like, today, it's pretty amusing.

>> No.8224115


im too worried about people judging me to think about what other people are buying.

>> No.8224124
File: 54 KB, 375x413, 43252345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these butthurt meat-eaters.

Need a trigger warning next time before someone mentions that they don't like eating meat?

>> No.8224136

Do not reply to vegan trollposters

>> No.8224140

This isn't facebook, fisheroo

>> No.8224169

If people are buying a shit ton of ready meals or stuff like that I'm going to think a little less of them. It's a bit snobbish, but honestly, unless you're buying for people who don't know how to cook or are going into a time when you literally don't have time to cook, like major crunch at work, or last minute revision, there's no real reason to buy ready meals.

>> No.8224171

No they don't.

>> No.8224614

lmao I'm dying.

Aww. I was like that when I first went vegan actually. I used to try to hide the Tofurky because I was sickly looking from my Hashimoto's disease and I know people are dumbasses/assholes so they would think my hideousness was caused by veganism and then go posting on the internet about the sickly vegan they saw and all the defensive meat eaters would be like "Yeah, yeah, vegans are all sick man! Gotta keep eating meat to stay healthy."

lol that bird. For real though, meat eaters are so sensitive.

>> No.8224638
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>a week

>> No.8224704

>seeing fat people with 20 litres of soft drink
Yeah I'm judgy as fuck. Drink some fucking water fatzilla, god damn.

>> No.8224723

>I have a serious phobia of animal products.
>can I not express myself

>> No.8224745

No one's disbelieving that you're female or skinny. We're just insulting you because you're a self-righteous cunt.

>> No.8224796

Whatever you are in real life doesn't mean shit here. Fuck off. Stick to the topic.

>> No.8224826

Not at the grocery store, but I work at a pasta restaurant and I subconsciously judge most of the custom orders I serve. Like mac m cheese with shrimp. Or Japanese pan noodles with parmesan chicken.

>> No.8224860

I walked past a """"""""health food""""""" shop a few months ago. Every customer looked anorexic, livid, and pale. I don't mean American anorexic, I mean literally skeletal mode anorexia.

>> No.8224880

I went to one about a year ago, looking for ingredients for the cookies I was sending my gf. Can confirm the appearance of the customers. Plus health food shoppers are judgmental as fuck. I'm a heavy guy and I got the stink-eye from virtually everyone.

I just wanted some dried currants.

>> No.8224911

>health food shoppers are judgmental as fuck

So true. I got out of my car at one on a weekend in a crowded parking lot with a lit cigar and I had 3 skeletons run up to me screaming that I had to put that out or they were calling the police. I was like, ladies I'm outside, I'm not taking it into the store, and one immediately started dialing 911. I said fuck this noise and left.

>> No.8224919

To be fair, cigars are disgusting and you're rude for smoking one in an area with a lot of people. Also sounds like a made up/highly exaggerated story but whatever.

>> No.8224925

Currant guy here.

I'm not fond of smoking but I wouldn't get in someone's face about it. That said, I believe the story, especially if it was in California.

>> No.8224934

I know a chick like that. Only eats healthy food but she's a fucking stick. No tits or ass. Thankfully she has a cute face or she'd be fucked.

>> No.8224942

I live in California and don't believe they really screamed at him or threatened to call the police unless he did something else, or maybe if it was their store and all his nasty cigar smoke was blowing into it and giving everyone second hand smoke.

I mean it's possible but I've never seen anything like that. I don't live in Los Angeles - I live about an hour away from there. So IDK. But here - that would be extremely rare.

But seriously, cigar smoke is nasty you have to be rude as fuck to smoke one at a health food store. Especially if it's a health food store with tables to eat at out front and he was smoking there - I could see that making even me want to scream at him.

>> No.8224945

>in California


I have a cigar about every couple of days. It's not like I'm a slave to it. Plus, I was about 5 cars away from them, not blowing smoke in their face or anything.

>> No.8224946

>Especially if it's a health food store with tables to eat at out front and he was smoking there
That one I'd agree on.

Maybe it was just the town I used to live in? But the people there were assholes.

>> No.8224957

Take your awful attempt at baiting back to /pol/

>> No.8224961

This, so much this

>> No.8224971

>don't believe they really screamed at >him
>making me want to scream at him

Hmmm, makes sense, not!

>> No.8224974

As another femanon, I basically just agree with >>8224745 . Quit being so far up your own ass and don't give out so much of your personal life.

Though, for the record, I've been hit on at the grocery store too, but I sure as hell wouldn't brag about it.

>> No.8224979

>I don't believe they really screamed at him for smoking in a parking lot.
>Smoking right next to people trying to eat their lunch would make me want to scream at him.

You're retarded.

>> No.8224990

I'm saying in that situation, but given what he said, it wasn't believable unless he had left information out.

>> No.8224997

I don't acknowledge other people at the store. Who fucking cares

>> No.8225016

How is it possible there are two people dumb enough to not understand what I meant with that?


>> No.8225027

lol I'm not allowed to talk about my personal life? And you're insulting me for what exactly? And I'M the one stuck up my ass? Bitch you're ridiculous.

And I literally said I wasn't bragging. Girls get hit on, I'm a girl. It means nothing to me and I was just refuting his claim that I'm an unlovable land-whale. You're retarded.

>> No.8225030

Nah, just one. I was insulting >>8224971 for not getting you.

>> No.8225068

Oh shit sorry. Now I'm the retard. How embarrassing.

>> No.8225081

you're shit-stirring is not going to change anyone's mind

people are calling you out for baiting and idiots are taking the bait

>> No.8225082

It happens; don't sweat it.

>> No.8225129
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I did this in Singapore. You don't know pain my friend.

>> No.8225148

>I wouldn't have the customer base,
you didnt say much about the spread of those hours so im gonna guess you waste half of 40h weekly in transit to the call-in consultations so your company only profits off you 20h/week

that's still 250k/year

you could charge 2/3, work 1/2, so you only need half the client base (or even less if you work almost those 40h)

...and still make those 80k

or you know, hire a secretary and "pretend" to be a company yourself for 30-60k/year and keep those

nor would I have the ability to demand such a high rate if I worked individually.

>> No.8225417

Not baiting, literally just saying whatever I feel like saying.

So tired of meat eaters trying to force vegans to be something they're not.

I'm shit-stirring for answering the OP's question honestly?

Nah, you people are the shit-stirrers because you're whiny little cunts who are offended by honesty and try to force vegans to either lie or say nothing at all for your comfort. You're weak.

>> No.8225438

Just report the faggot for off topic spam.

>> No.8225710

Cigars are wonderful and the same people will happily breath in smog fumes all day.

>> No.8225711

Pushed it too far, trollio.

>> No.8225714

I don't leave my apartment if it's at all avoidable

>> No.8225732

ew a woman kys

>> No.8225748
File: 21 KB, 408x352, 1460104277114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know how you feel

>> No.8225751

whats wrong with sausages?

>> No.8225760

dont let it go people should be ashamed of having visible habits say something shitty make them feel bad for it

>> No.8225767

No I don't. Why should I?

>> No.8225779

might see shit like that in ct too. women are such cunts around here

>> No.8225820

Only people with kids. It's disgusting to see them with a cart loaded up with soda and no veg

>> No.8225829

If you think women are so terrible why do you feel the need to falseflag? Shouldn't it be self evident? People like you are why blatantly hating women is more and more common here

>> No.8225863

I hope you fucking die

>> No.8225923

Put me in the screencap.


>> No.8225957

Yeah all the time

>black family with cart full of chips, sodas, frozen pizzas, chicken tenders
>pays with EBT

>> No.8225987

Black families also love to go around eating things in stores, like donuts without paying. Working retail made me racist as fuck

>> No.8225998


Projection much

>> No.8226002

Call the cops?

>> No.8226009

Ohhh, /ck/ is worse than Hitler! My butt got blasted and my feelings got hurt. What kind of monsters are you? I'm going to have to get a bunch more meds to cope. Aaarrrgh! I can't take it anymore!

>> No.8226013

I used to work at a CVS as cashier
I tried to be neutral but same I couldn't. Every Indian came in with coupons and was rude, blacks buying junk food with EBT, hispanics coming in with 5 family members and barely speaking english ,etc.

>see black people come in
>see them carrying food around
>they disappear in the back
>can't follow because cashiering
>also das racist to suspect them
>they walk out with nothing
>go clean aisles later
>find empty box of food container nigger was carrying
sometimes you can't do anything

>> No.8226015

Ever consider an education?

>> No.8226023

We'd just ban the ones we caught from the store. I was usually the one the management would tell to go confront them about it. One time I caught a mother watching her kid eat powdered donuts, and when I said they were banned from the store they acted like they didn't do anything wrong, while the kids face and fingers were covered in the powder.

>> No.8226030

Of course anon, I just needed a job while I went through college.

>> No.8226046

you dont get any of the benefits from drinking juice you moron. youre just drinking sugar. even 100% natural juice is still just pretty much all sugar.

you eat your fruits and juice your vegetables.

>> No.8226049
File: 94 KB, 400x317, 1346147241848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that manly physique

ok you had your fun now fuck back to /soc/ tranny

>> No.8226189
File: 136 KB, 1193x1384, QztcJpj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This isn't me. >>8220349

This is me. >>8217417 (You)

Just for the record.

And I'm not falseflagging, I'm just being more honest than omnivores are used to vegan's being. And I never made a statement insinuating that women are terrible. People in general are terrible. If you look at statistics it's and if you go by my personal experiences it wouldn't be illogical to determine that men are the most deserving of hate. But violence is the main cause of that and if a woman had the testosterone she'd be the same way and it's the beliefs deep down that determine what men choose to use their violent feelings for. And women were raised in the same shitty culture therefore I hate most people regardless of gender.

Heyyy me too.


My sister (we're 99.9% white) used to eat/drink things in the store and hand it to the cashier already opened and eaten and I thought it was really trashy but honestly sometimes I wish I had the guts to do that.

That's what I said.

BTW I would like to say you're welcome to the internet because I'm pretty sure I'm the one who made you all aware of what projection means. Never heard that term back in high school and I started using it and now I hear it everywhere on the internet. (Inb4 "I wonder why hur dur" - you're welcome for ruining your obvious joke ahead of time too.) Don't give me any bullshit that you studied psychology I refuse to believe it.

Yeah, totes a tranny.

>> No.8226780

I rotate the stores I go to when I buy beer for this reason, even at a high traffic Kroger, they managed to remember me

>> No.8226786

are you single

>> No.8226796

Only when I'm working.

>> No.8226810

Only for vegans. But yeah.

>> No.8226866

>food stamps

>> No.8226892

>>it's all frozen pizza and stoffers
>>totals out to over $100, have to pay in cash because it's all pre-made food
Where I live you can get that shit on foodstamps just not hot food.

>> No.8226896
File: 29 KB, 690x500, hahhahaha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to /cgl/

>> No.8226900

learn to dress better, jesus.

>> No.8226923

The spots are actually on the mirror. I didn't see them til I saw the photo.

And it was a last minute attempt at a costume so I could get free Chipotle. I used my mom's coat for it.

Not that I dress much better normally though to be honest. I wear a lot of hoodies and yoga pants.

>> No.8226938

Man. Tumblrite white bitches always gotta be fucking with men of color.
the fuck is your.problem? Respect his culture and fuck off back to the suburbs you ugg boot wearing vegan fucking twat.

I don't judge people at the supermarket. But I do feel like they judge me. Doesn't bother much though.

>> No.8226945

That's not me, and vegans don't wear UGGs...

I respect what they're saying though.

Also a lot of or most or all cultures are absolute shit and people who order people to respect cultures solely because cultures vary are honestly degenerates who are against the progression of the human species.

>> No.8226982

How do you have PTSD? Were you diagnosed?

>> No.8226997 [DELETED] 

I was physically abused almost daily from around age 8-18 and off and on after that. I was often thrown into things, had heavy object thrown at me, was beaten, had my life threatened, etc. I used to have nightmares every night I remembered my dreams, hallucinations (possibly caused by other factors like Hashimoto's disease - but is a symptom of psychosis in PTSD. Never told anyone irl.), and other symptoms I don't feel like getting into. And yes. I'm supposed to be on Prozac.

>> No.8227001

What the fuck man? If I spend more than £20 a week I feel like I'm over spending.

>> No.8227003

That stupid face killed me.

>> No.8227015

>see fat guy with his fat wife
>youngest kid still looks normal
>oldest kid is already obese at the age of probably 10
>premade frozen foods, soda, premade pastries, junk food, snacks, candy, etc
>they buy that shit and immediately eat at some fast food joint

>see a family of normal looking people
>lots of vegetables
>eggs, pork, beef, chicken
>rice, beans
>frozen juice
>they finish their grocery shopping and head straight home to eat

>> No.8227035

I only judge fat families that have their shopping carts filled with junk-food, soda and microwavable meals, though I do feel pity for the fat children.

>> No.8227038

Frozen Juice?

>> No.8227112

There's this construction worker who buys 4 liters of store brand cola, 2 loafs of white bread and a tub of chocolate spread. Every day.

>> No.8227154

Is he a fat guy? Just curious. A lot of people with very physically active jobs have trouble getting enough calories to maintain their weight.

>> No.8227207

He looks like a 40 yo dadbod, but he's in his mid 20's. Not fat, so you're right about that, but he looks a lot older than he is.

>> No.8227219

>$300 an hour charge rate
>$80k salary

wew, lad

Assuming you only bill 1200 hours, that's still over 75% going to overhead. They are either inefficient as fuck, or running a huge racket.

>> No.8227260

I wonder why.

>> No.8227382


No, none of your relationships last because you are a mentalist.

If it weren't for the pic >>8226189 I could have sworn you were an ex friend of mine.

She was OK until she became vegan, then you couldn't even bat an eye lid without her quizzing you as to why you eat animal products.

I am a omnivore and I don't force that on anybody. I have friends that are Christian, yet they don't try to convert me to the baby cheeses. So why in the fuck does every vegan I meet and talk to (with the exception of my bro in law) think they've got an exclusive right to force their belief on everybody?

>> No.8227479


Do you ever go.a board on 4chan and judge the shit out of OPs, based solely on the threads they start?

>> No.8227502
File: 124 KB, 960x960, whats happening to me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Click the tabs at the top, especially the animal section, and watch the videos. That's why.

Christianity isn't based on reality and even if you were to go to Hell that'd be on you. Tons of Christians do try to convert anyway but that's besides the point.

Your actions hurt others in reality, the real world. And no vegans can force their beliefs on you. Meat eaters on the other hand definitely do force their beliefs on others. They force them on the animals, they force them on every species in the world that is being destroyed because of them, they force it on people whose public health suffers or will suffer in the future because of it if we don't stop, they force the burden on future generations, they force vegans to smell cooked flesh and animal secretions, etc.

No meat eater has a right to complain about "vegans pushing their beliefs" on others....

>> No.8227504
File: 49 KB, 960x805, 13680943_10154377560689700_7427588325873434916_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I forgot to add the link. Just woke up, sorry. http://theradicalvegan.tumblr.com/

>> No.8227505

Animals don't have rights, we can do what we please with them.

>> No.8227508

Worked at a grocery store for a year

>that fat guy who comes in with his fat wife and buys about 15 hungry man XL's

I would kill myself long before I ever reached that point desu

>> No.8227515

I used to be a cashier, so yes.

>> No.8227521

He means that really condensed shit you get from a can in the frozen sections. It's not really a big thing anymore, but shit was primo in the 90s.

>> No.8227580

I work at a grocery store and make fun of all the fatties buying cartloads of utter rubbish at 10pm

>> No.8227587
File: 37 KB, 131x125, 1393722674256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>THEIR child

>> No.8227596

I judge the fuck out of people regardless of what they do.

>> No.8227604

this pic is correct though

>> No.8227608

>eating meat destroys species
not like people have been doing it for thousands of years or anything
eating meat is bringing species like the bison back from the brink
I'm proud to fund bison repopulation efforts with my eating of them.

>> No.8227721

No, you don't understand what I meant. I mean you're decreasing their quality of life through environmental degradation and causing their death - and you won't be able to bring them back if we don't do something about this now.

>> No.8228046

Not that guy, but this is silly. Farming of all kinds relies on land management techniques which involves culling wild animal species. Everything raised or grown by humans directly causes the death of animals–rabbit, gophers, deer, birds, etc. It is simply unavoidable if you wish to eat. Hypothetically, if you lived out in the wilderness and foraged plants, you would be in direct competition with other animals, taking their food and causing them suffering, starvation, and death. I'm sorry, but this is the way being alive on planet Earth works, whether or not you choose to eat domesticated species. The key is to find a good balance, not rage about the truths of life and death.

>> No.8228114

So if you've ever wondered why evangelical veganism tends to make people upset, it isn't because it forces them to confront their wickedness and challenge their beliefs. It strikes them as deeply hypocritical, and out of harmony with nature. It's like a wealthy person who complains about having to pay the wages of the peons who work in his factory. Most people have difficulty expressing this because the harsh reality of being alive, and the reasons why we choose to remain so are so deeply ingrained and subconscious that they aren't practiced at expressing it.

>> No.8228140

>and one immediately started dialing 911. I said fuck this noise and left.


should have stayed your ground, even lit a second cigar just to give police time to arrive and arrest the caller for wasting police time, hence turning your society a grain safer by helping stop useless calls to 911

>> No.8228175

>buy 4 trays of sushi because it looks like I'm purchasing a meal for a couple, whereas 3 trays for myself would make it obvious

>> No.8228340

random anon bumping into this argument stream
>This is how the Afghan revolution started

care to elaborate to an ignorant anon?
i read

but i dont see what you meant

>> No.8228356


Not hardly. I was in a mellow mood with my cigar on a nice weekend and didn't feel like fucking with it. Screw the skeleton noise. I was just going to get some pork butt they carry that I've had good success with in the smoker. I found a comparable product elsewhere.

>> No.8228460

/pol/ here

we want nothing to do with this cuck

send them to /g/ or something

>> No.8229333

I'm sorry but this is stupid on so many levels.

1. There's veganic agriculture that will become more prevalent as the vegan economy expands. The vegan economy has to expand first though for it to be realistic for all vegans to access veganic food.

2. Yeah, farming in general can be terrible, but the amount of suffering involved in animal products is inarguably thousands of times worse. Remember, animals eat.

And as a side note - it is unavoidable. I used to work for some vegans who grew much of their own food and purchased the rest from veganic farms.

It's silly to expect everyone to live like that though, and there are many arguments that could be made that we SHOULD contribute to more conventional agriculture if it produces vegan food and if vegan companies use that agriculture. It shows a demand for vegan food, and also makes realistically priced vegan food available to more people, which makes veganism seem more attainable for everyone with increased options and better prices, for example.

>> No.8229578

>they force vegans to smell cooked flesh and animal secretions,
good one

btw, that picture is dead wrong, im a caring person who volunteers during half my vacations (when not on a trip), and i dont give two shits about what a neighbor does with their property

whoever draws those pics is just a silly idealist student going thru a phase in life.

>> No.8229631

>I wear a lot of hoodies and yoga pants.
Yeah, gross.

what costume was that supposed to be?

garbage taste.

>> No.8229639

>I have friends that are Christian, yet they don't try to convert me to the baby cheeses.
then they're doing it wrong.

>> No.8230164

And you're an edgelord, and hopefully a troll. Normal, sane people don't think like you. That picture is directed at normal, sane people having a temporary lapse of judgment because of the strength of cognitive dissonance.You have a permanent lack of judgment.

It was supposed to be a dead Marilyn Monroe. Like I said, last minute. Literally just threw it on in 4 minutes and put on some blue make up and a blonde wig and hoped no one asked who I was supposed to be.

And I used to love Chipotle and it was my favorite fast food place but they don't separate their vegan food from the animal based food well at all so I stopped going there after I got a piece of chicken in my sofritas. Ruined my fucking day. Never again.

>> No.8230624

>4 units.


>> No.8230637

>this comic

actually i just consider chinks, viets, etc to be subhuman monsters because they eat dogs. why would you try to rationalize it this way instead?

dogs are symbiotic with humanity, cows and shit are not. end of argument

>> No.8230654

>Dave and his wife decide to adopt a refugee Nigerian babby
>internet trolls him for years thinking he was cucked

>> No.8230768

>slaughtered for no reason
To eat them ya dingus
Also for hats

>> No.8230815

Eh, I really couldn't care less about what people buy when I'm at the grocery store. I really hate going to the grocery store so I'm oblivious to what other people are buying since I'm just thinking about getting out.

I dk feel judged sometimes when I'm paying for my stuff. I tend to pick up a can or two of energy drinks when I'm there and I sometimes feel judged. I feel like the employees judge me tbqhwy. Makes my experience even more dreadful. I'm wondering why energy drinks get such a bad rap.

>> No.8230843
File: 16 KB, 248x270, abe lincoln.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really judge people, since I eat a good amount of junk myself.

But the other day, I was at a restaurant and I saw a guy putting Sweet'n Low in his soda. I judged the shit out of him.

>> No.8230857


I can't imagine that even making the soda sweeter. What the fuck

>> No.8231147

I don't give a care what other people are buying, but I judge the shit out of other people's lack of spatial awareness.

I swear to god, I get worse 'road rage' trying to maneuver around oblivious fucks in stores than when actually driving.

>> No.8231864

>One buggy of frozen instant crap
>Kids pushing two carts of tonic
>They all smell bad; probably from diet and not lack of hygiene
I can't help it. That's nasty.
It was funny the first time, but now I see it all the time and it makes me hate humanity.

>> No.8231876

I kind of understand what you are talking about. I feel like people have forgotten how to walk sometimes. I'll get behind people in the market taking dozens of tiny steps while I take a single step and then wait 5 seconds so I don't walk into them.

I'm not even tall or long legged. People just can't move.