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8211669 No.8211669 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of asshole doesn't eat meat

>> No.8211671

The kind that realize factory farming is morally indefensible.

>> No.8211674

you can eat meat that isn't factory farmed, i do

>> No.8211685

>morally indefensible

Isnt that like an oxymoron?

>> No.8211694

>morally indefensible

Assuming most human beings give a fuck about those beasts being slaughtered. Christ, even the ones that care a little bit renamed them. We buy beef not cow. We boy pork, bacon and ham not pig. Chicken though.... not sure about that one. Guess they are too dumb to care for.

>> No.8211698

>people who don't share my diet are assholes
Now where have I heard this before?

>> No.8211706

I have no idea what I would eat if I didn't eat meat

>> No.8211710

cock meat

>> No.8211714

No; It's not.

>> No.8211721

Theres no such thing as a moral that can't be defended because morals are subjective to the individual.

>> No.8211730
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Idk beef farming also has genuine and significant impacts on the environment (deforestation, green house gas emissions, water usage and rampant abuse of antibiotics)

I'd never go veg nor do I recommend it but it might be nice if everyone cut back on their use of animal products

>> No.8211732

Sorry man I buy and eat a family pack of chicken and usually a flank or new York strip steak every other

>> No.8211734

You mean you don't hold a moral system where well being is seen as a universally good thing? You don't care for the well being of you and your family? Why? Why not? Why won't you apply that same moral consistency to other non-human animals which are capable of suffering and well-being? Sounds like cognitive dissonance to me.

>> No.8211737

Take it up with Sam Harris at 0:50sec.

>> No.8211738

This. Eating meat with every meal is straight up unhealthy anyway.

>> No.8211741


So why not avoid the damaging factory farmed stuff only as opposed to cutting out ALL meat products?

>> No.8211756

Because the way I see it there are two schools of thought regarding animals other than human life. Either you believe all life is created equal, and thus you would not so much as literally harm a fly, or you believe that animal lives are not created equal and have a hierarchy of importance in so much as what they can offer. You sound like the former, yet I guarantee you act hypocritically.

>> No.8211757

>wellbeing of their families

Numerous sets of parents have been sentenced to long prison terms for killing their infants by attempting to feed them a vegan diet.

t. AP, UPI, Reuters ad a host of other press syndicates.

>> No.8211759

Because it's not sustainable for the majority. There isn't enough game and fish to go around. Not at this consumption rate anyway. That's why factory farming was invented in the first place. Either go full on vegan or eat wild meat like once a month.

>> No.8211763

No, I don't believe all life is equal. However, when given the choice to kill or not to kill, i choose the latter. I would choose a human over any animal any day. Please point out the hypocrisy in me.

>> No.8211768

Disclaimer: I agree with other anons that meat is not sustainable and is not the answer economically. I am merely arguing that morally it can be justified to make an industry out of it.

>> No.8211770

What does that have to do with a vegan diet per se? The american dietetic associations official stand of vegan diets state that a vegan diet is suitable for all stages of life with a healthy outcome. What about all the omninormie parents who make their children diabetic or just kill them? There are plenty of idiots like that too. Its easy to accuse vegan diets, but keep in mind that idiots are always idiots.

>> No.8211774

Literally every doctor you ask is going to give you different dietary advice. Every fucking week we are told something is good for us, then next week we hear its the devil.

>> No.8211775

No it can't if you have moral values which hold well being and freedom. If you are a non-psychopath, there's no justification to factory farming.

>> No.8211782

Listen up now. This is the OFFICIAL STANCE of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION, the largest nutritional association in the world. You cant compete with this.

>It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that appropriately planned vegetarian diets, including total vegetarian or vegan diets, are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Well-planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence, and for athletes.

>> No.8211785
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The dead kind of asshole.

>> No.8211788

>Implying any meat eating chumps have not died at the Everest
Are you trolling or just a chump?

>> No.8211795

Most factory farming contamination doesn't even come from America because it's actually an over population issue
I don't give a fuck if a cow has to suffer for me to get cheaper meat

>> No.8211800

Clearly what we should take away from this is that healthy eating is purely subjective, and it is impossible to determine that one diet is "better" than another.
Those babies were probably going to die anyway.

>> No.8211805

>Its official so its objective
>Nevermind how historically they have changed their stance on certain products based on withdrawal of funding for their organization

>> No.8211809

You're literally calling a majority of the population psychopaths. Listen to yourself. Yes people realize its gross and mean, but theres a cost/benefit to be weighed here.

>> No.8211810

>hurr durr parents killing their infants with vegan diet encouraged by some nufem association.

Thankfully, judges, prosecutors and child protective services take a different view.

>> No.8211811

>I acknowledge that the wellbeing of nonhuman animals is important.
>However, the enjoyment I get from eating this steak is greater than the suffering of the animals that went into making it.

>Dude who cares it's just a cow.

Clearly what we must do is start feeding the factory-farmed animals mood-altering drugs that make them perpetually happy.

>> No.8211815
File: 39 KB, 500x500, blackandveganstory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of them tried to prove what a STRONK NORMAL DIET PERSON they are

>> No.8211822

They didn't even try to prove anything so they just died? k

>> No.8211824

Is this a real news article? Because I find it sort of difficult to accept that serious mainstream news publication could get away with joking about a death that occurred less than three days ago. There's a waiting period for these things.

>> No.8211829

>i don't believe in nutritional information did i tell im a centrist as well haha loser nerd guess who wins haha its me the centrist

>> No.8211830

The first blegan in the world

>> No.8211831

>not knowing all those names come from french cuisine

>> No.8211832

Majority of the people don't want animals to die, so why they fund industries which kill animals? Cognitive dissonance my friend. They do it behind closed doors and hide the truth so people can disconnect with reality.

>> No.8211833

>Eating meat makes you a psychopath
>Harrasing a little girl online because she likes to hunt is perfectly normal
>Demanding a zoo let's a toddler get ripped apart by a gorilla instead of shooting it is perfectly normal
I don't think you should be telling other people how mentally sound they are

>> No.8211877

I assure you people know they are eating animals and essentially paying assassins to kill those animals in a slaughterhouse. Were not that bluepulled anon. Just because theres a disconnect between the product and the process doesn't mean people are blind to what they are doing.

>> No.8211881

Fuck now I want pot roast but the restaurant I love with it is closing for the season soon

>> No.8211883

You know it's wrong but yet you support it. Sounds pretty dumb to me.

>> No.8211884

Those are just wild accusations you came up with because you can't deal with reality.

>> No.8211891

Wrong is subjective too. Many people who eat meat don't actually feel bad for animals at all. Those who do but keep eating meat realize that its human nature to weigh benefits and costs, and ultimately they weighed that their pleasure is more important. Doing something bad for personal gain is not 'psychotic' by any means.

>> No.8211912

>Because it's not sustainable for the majority

First off, I'm not talking about the majority. I'm asking you specifically.

Second, what's wrong with simply reducing our amount of meat consumption? I don't see a problem with eating meat, just higher quality & in smaller amounts. There's no need to go to either extreme.

>> No.8211949

The one that shits it out.

>> No.8211994

Don't care about factory farming etc...
But the gorilla should not have been killed , it is our responsibility to avoid retarded decisions like that when we capture and enclose an endangered species like its a toy for dumb children.

t. Animal researcher who has euthanized thousands of animals.

>> No.8212013

Poultry you idiot.

>> No.8212028

>Parent/child made a reckless mistake so we should just let them die

>> No.8212053

So the life of a gorilla is more important than that of a child?

>> No.8212058

Depends how rare the gorilla is. Despite what you think many people hold this belief.

>> No.8212069

Precisely. Remove defecient DNA from the gene pool. A little more of that and we might begin to see some improvement in this shithole of a country.

>> No.8212073

I had a heated conversation with a college girl last week who tried to convince me to stop eating meat because it was torturous to the animals in question
I debated her usage of "torture" in regards to animals, and also told her that I thought meat was delicious and also that plants have been shown to be able to feel pain, and she got kinda mad. Her solution was "everyone should raise their own animals lmao"
she was pretty cute, it's too bad she was nuts

>> No.8212074

Anon you're sounding pretty dystopian right now. I'm glad you arent in charge.

>> No.8212108

Out of sight out of mind.

>> No.8212120

Give us time, babe, give us time.

>> No.8212168

Not inherently. I'd say they have about equal value. If I had to just choose one of them to die (in some insane thought experiment set up by an evil ethicist), all other things considered equal, I'd prrroooobably kill the gorilla.

However, if you're dealing with a scenario where the gorilla is just minding its own business, and the child breaks into its enclosure, it's pretty clear that the child is responsible for causing the situation and should suffer the consequences. Castle doctrine, bitch. If you don't want to get torn limb from limb by an angry gorilla, don't invade its home.

>> No.8212359

i know a fucker ,a fish head vegetarian

>> No.8212367

Me. Have fun with all that fat and cholesterol

>> No.8212426
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>factory farming is morally indefensible.

well actually, it is a perfectly sounds practice when done with the proper safeguards in place to prevent harm to humans.

As long as a "factory farm" is not producing meat that is harmful to humans (e.g. via pathogens, contamination, and whatnot) then the ends justify the means. There are billions of people that need to be fed in this world; "factory farms" provide a safe, stable, reliable solution to that problem.

**mic drop** d - | - b

>> No.8212430


>fast food eating virgin man child
>talking to cute women

>> No.8212435

I don't know if this is bait or not, but you can feed more people by just growing crops for people
rather than wasting a ton of food growing animals who will suffer and shit up the environment

>> No.8212440

yeah but
>people like meat
>people will pay for meat
it's good business, morals aside

>> No.8212448

>beta thinks their's some barrier preventing you from talking to girls

>> No.8212458
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I dont know op. why don't you tell us all about how much 'meat' your asshole 'consumes'

>> No.8212471
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so you would agree to not reproduce since the world is consuming too many resources then?
or do you like to satisfy yourself with recycling cans and not eating "meat" because it costs so much "resources" (not all veggies are created equal, tard)

The only objectivly moral thing to do if you are concerned about the state of our industry on planet earth is to fucking DOWN SCALE

but none of you fuckers want to talk about how reproduction shouldnt be a human right and be unchecked. that could get in the way of your peepee's or pussys pleasure. we cant have that.

>> No.8212505

>reports a quote and a fact
>not good journalism
Maybe the idiot should have made a proper judgement on weather he could walk 8km vertciallly or not

>> No.8212527

no sorry i actually know how to cook

>> No.8212559
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>> No.8212591

You mean, "whether he could weather it," don't you faggita?

>> No.8213129

So you just continue to eat meat and reproduce while nitpicking on others and making up accusations to defend yourself from reality?

>> No.8213158

I have seen your it will totally change your life videos about slaughter house and i still don't give a fuck and an overwhelming majority doesn't give a fuck either

>> No.8213175

Human's where litiraley never ment too eat meat anneyway that was maid up buy meat indestrey fagg's

>> No.8213225

I love meat but my bfs family thinks it should be enough only to eat meat
>Be me
>Staying at my bfs
>His mom prepares lunch
>Basically it's just grilled meats from butchers across the street
>They grill it for you too
>Basically she did non cooking
>Even we helped set up the table
>Meat arrives
>Everybody sits and start flowing their plates with it
>There's not enought cuts of meat, lame shitty sausages left
>No bread, no salad, no side dishes
>Only salt and fresh chilly on table
>Everyone is pleased with lunch
>I'm crying to my bf later to take me out to eat

Fast forward 4 years later my bf worships me and my cooking and housekeeping skills, starts to participate in kitchen, mind blown you can make restaurant tier food at home. He got ourselves a nice Solingen knife, everything is going well us

>> No.8213302
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Animals do not think. They cannot rationalize. They do not have an intellect. They are soulless automatons that respond to environmental stimuli, and to even suggest something as banal as "animals are capable of suffering" is to assume too much about the animal psychology -- an animal doesn't even know what suffering is.

They are wholly inferior beings to humans and we may do with them as we please.