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File: 88 KB, 700x395, hero_pdt_value_au[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8209355 No.8209355 [Reply] [Original]

I don't care what anybody says, I just like McDonald's, it's good tasting food

>> No.8209421
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It's better in my country.
They've made an effort to de-niggerize.

>> No.8209479
File: 56 KB, 768x598, gallery-1428350349-lego-burger-fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now the bricks are falling into place.

>> No.8209492
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i haven't had a burger in an entire day send help

>> No.8209513

The fries and drinks are good, but I don't actually like the chicken nuggets or any of the burgers except the big mac. Problem is getting a big mac meal there is too expensive.

>> No.8209522

Well they do have the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.8209537

Who let the fatties out
Message sent from my Nintendo iPad

>> No.8210239

Can just customize a McDouble with Big Mac toppings. You'll lose the middle bun but not like it adds much to the flavor.

>> No.8211079

where do they have cups that big for soft drinks? i've never seen any that big where i live in america

>> No.8211080

I've never seen the burgers or fries that size either, to be fair.

>> No.8211149

I don't understand people who pretend to hate mcdonalds

They always talk about it like they're overturning the evil capitalist system by buying chipotle instead idgi

>> No.8211173


Do you also enjoy watty melon & friend chickun?

>> No.8211488


>> No.8211653

What does that even mean

>> No.8211658


>> No.8211660

>I don't care what anybody says, I just like McDonald's, it's good tasting food

It's not all that great. Makes you feel bloated and loggy after eating it.

>> No.8211708

McChicken McChicken McChicken McChicken McChicken McChicken, McChicken McChicken McChicken McChicken McChicken.

>> No.8211724

small size in australia

>> No.8211876

McChicken anon is that you? have you ate

>> No.8212395

who /mcpick2/ here?
>tfw double cheeseburger and nuggets for $3
>egg mcmuffin and caramel frappe

>> No.8212410
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Did somone sae burger? XxDDDDdDDD

>> No.8212425

>have you ate it

Only when someone's not shilling in ghetto English.

>> No.8212806

Great deal

>> No.8212848

It really isn't that great at all. None of them are. It's something barely edible while you're on the road and I normally will go without eating rather than eating that shit. It seriously isn't good tasting food.

>> No.8213909

As in make more superior/less inferior. duh

>> No.8213949

>go to McD for first time in awhile
>see Mexican Chipotle burger for $2.99
>it's just a cheeseburger on a different bun with some sauce and other cheap crap

Fuck, if I knew that I would have just ordered two McDoubles for the same price.

>> No.8214099

eh Mcdonald's has only gotten better over the years

I remember when I was a kid I didn't even like it that much

>> No.8214104

I haven't had it since I was a kid, I rarely get big chain fast food but when I do it's pretty much burger king

>> No.8214124


>> No.8214144

I pretty much always need to take a massive shit after eating at McD's, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't like the food. Still don't eat there much though, maybe a couple times a year

>> No.8214148


>> No.8214150



>> No.8214152


>> No.8214181

Where the fuck is our piece of shit janitor?


>> No.8214186
File: 29 KB, 470x348, Birdie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it is the parfait. That delectable fruit. Those crunchy granolas. All for only one dollar.

>> No.8214191

I like McDonalds.

They don't let black people touch the food and a Big Mac™ is only $3.99

>> No.8214200

Meanwhile, in Paris, a single cheeseburger alone is 2€30.

Yea, my city is a fucking amusement park.

I still love it.

>> No.8214203

4€35 in Paris. Still a lot more expansive, following what I said here: >>8214200.

>> No.8214240
File: 933 KB, 2560x1536, 20161022_161254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McDonalds is a fine pleasure, simple.

>> No.8214243
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>> No.8214246

Either that cheeseburger is tiny or your bite is a big boy bite.
Also, why do you only evet get small fries?

>> No.8214248
File: 68 KB, 869x501, member berries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have an addiction to McDonalds. I used to eat it literally almost every day. I'd get 2 McDoubles and a large french fry. Combine that with a soda from home and that's about 1,500 calories for just that meal.

Now I only eat it on my cheat day every week. It's like a routine. I eat it while watching old re-runs and things that remind me of my childhood.

McDonalds is basically my member berries.

>> No.8214251

Member berries are cringey and this season of South Park is terrible.

>> No.8214263

Sounds like you need a member berry

>> No.8214264

I feel a small fry is satisfactory with a sandwich or two.

>> No.8214385

>Big Mac
>Has tomato on it

You had one job

>> No.8214389

I'm a sucker for the crispy chicken. I rarely eat there, but when I do I get a crispy chicken sandwich.

>> No.8214391

Do you have McBites outside of Australia? They're like, McDonald's version of popcorn chicken and I'm hopelessly addicted to them.

Other than that, their chips are nice but I kinda avoid them now that I'm trying to diet considering how insanely unhealthy they are even by chip standards, and the nuggets make good comfort food. Don't like much else there, though.

>> No.8214392

They're really shit imo. Popcorn chicken uses the most dreggsiest offcuts possible now and half the time it's just gristle but they're still better than mcbites.

I don't know what it is, mcbites are just so blegh.

>> No.8214394

The fries are the best thing Mcdonalds can make you savage

>> No.8214399

Not that guy but nope.

They used to be off the hook good when they used beef tallow. Now they're okay on average. Every now and again, generally if I get them at lunch time, I get a batch that is absolutely delicious. Golden brown, crispy, just the right amount of salt; and I remember how awesome they can be. But 9 times out of 10 I get pale, half cooked fries barely salted with little flavour and room temperature at best. Really unappetising.

>> No.8214407

Yeah, but fuck the asking for unsalted fries to ensure they're fresh meme.

>> No.8214415

Never once done that. It's just a roll of the dice as far as I'm concerned. You've got disinterested teenagers or middle aged workers a step away from suicide making your food. It's generally gonna be edible unless they're managed by that guy who takes fast food really seriously. They seems to only ever preside over the lunch shift from what I can gather.

>> No.8214418

strangely enough, mcdonalds has the only chicken nuggets I like

dat crispy batter or something.

>> No.8214427

I feel the total opposite, something about McBites makes them taste so much better. I only really go to KFC when I'm severely hungover.

>> No.8214429

Most fast food chicken nuggets are surprisingly garbage. I don't really get why, if shit I buy from the freezer section at the supermarket when I'm feeling lazy can manage it, why the hell can't multi-million dollar fast food chains?

>> No.8214893

haven't been to mcdonald's in years
man i'd like a burger and fries so much right now

>> No.8214922

for me it's the McChicken

>> No.8215071

>have a fresh mcdouble
>Its kind of good

>> No.8215970
File: 647 KB, 1977x1318, happymeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McNuggets are the only true nuggers

>> No.8216018

Just slammed

>10 piece nugs (w/ bbq sauce, the best dipping sauce)
>dr. Pepper, no ice
>hot and spicy mcchicken with extra mayo for my side sandwich

Pretty fucking good famalams

>> No.8216029
File: 325 KB, 1339x716, 1441388380765.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no ranch

>> No.8216077
File: 2.43 MB, 3984x2988, 20150929_214444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I get ranch and buffalo, but not this time. One time I got a 50 piece nuggets they had as a Superbowl promotion and I ate them all with some of every kind of sauce

>> No.8216122

For me it is the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.8216129


>> No.8216829

I love their fries and nuggets and their burgers are okay.

Problem is that where there's a Mcdonald's there's usually something even better nearby. At least in my area.

>> No.8216841

I fucking loved the bigass crispy chicken southwest wrap or whatever it was. I don't think they have them anymore.

>> No.8216847

Those things were the shit.

>> No.8217884

is that paper on the sandwich under the patty?

>> No.8217893


Only double cheeseburger and chicken tends are good. Quarter pounder, big mac and everything else is trash.

>> No.8217920

Is their Garlic Fries a west coast exclusive thing?

fucking THE best new thing on the menu, by far.

>> No.8217932

I love it to.

Last time I paid about 19 bucks for myself and my mom and that shit burger looked minie as fuck.

Advertisements all over.

When I was A kid, I had to hold a burger with 2 hands.

I think they are worried about calories n stuff.

>> No.8217998

The end of the world is close

>> No.8218025

>two mcdoubles
>large fry
>med vanilla shake
if i'm starving and my fridge/pantry is literally empty, that's what i get.

>> No.8219682

I tend to occasionally buy a cheeseburger or chickenburger (used to nab a mcsmazak when they had it)

It's a good "oh gods I've not eaten all day and want something cheap" filler. Plus the icecream is decent.

>> No.8219688


When I'm in a hurry and cheap. I get Mcdonalds

When I'm just cheap. I go to Steak and Sheak

>> No.8220065
File: 40 KB, 569x766, 1475635675699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your hands were smaller when you were a kid, dumbass

>> No.8220076
File: 41 KB, 468x698, mcdonalds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Some people love mcD too much.

>> No.8220091

I went to McDonald's about six months ago and everything was way too salty. I threw more than half my meal in the trash.

But now I have a stack of coupons for free hamburgers and other crap so I'm probably going to give it another try soon.

Don't let me down, clown!

>> No.8220452
File: 123 KB, 500x334, 68560151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>14 year old kid posts a bait with no proof
>100 replies from reddit tards
i'm so done with this shithole

>> No.8220530
File: 38 KB, 750x718, 1475118055415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. I don't know if I've ever met anyone that actively like McDonald's (or at least admitted to it) before.

I'm not against fast food at all, but McDonald's always just tastes like grease and salt or sugar to me. Very little flavor, and then I just feel gross after eating it.

I used to go there when I was in college, because it was cheap and quick. Afterwards, I'd occasionally go there after the bar if I was drunk enough.
Now that I'm older, I haven't been there in years.

Even for fast food, McDonald's is pretty shit-tier. Both in food quality and service. It's hard to see why Americans are killing themselves over it.

But to each their own, I guess.

>> No.8220615

dude, you have never eaten a real burger, havent you?