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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8206938 No.8206938 [Reply] [Original]

i accidentally made my sauce in an aluminum pot

i can cover up the taste with hotsauce pretty well of course, but will i die if i eat this whole pot in the next week?

>> No.8206943

Anodized aluminum is non reactive. Unless you bought your pot in the 1960s or from China, you're fine. The taste is likely in your head, placebo effect.

>> No.8206951

assume this shit is from china and not anodized, what should i do?

>> No.8206962

Do you see any pitting in the pan? If yes, toss, if no, it is anodized and you are fine.

>> No.8206999

describe "pitting"

or post a picture

>> No.8207012

Google image search "aluminum pot pitting"

>> No.8207014


>> No.8207039

will i seriously fuck my health up with aluminium tainted sauce though

im a giant cheap skate i can't give it up easily

>> No.8207042

No. Now shut the fuck up you paranoid fucking child. Jesus fuck.

>> No.8207050


>Aside from natural sources, aluminum is also present in products such as buffered aspirin, some antacids, antiperspirants, and pickled and processed foods. If you are intent on limiting your exposure, then consider it one more reason to avoid the inner aisles at the supermarket. Compared to those sources, the one to ten milligrams of aluminum we ingest naturally every day is insignificant, as is the amount that will leach out of an aluminum pot into your dinner. According to lab tests run on tomato sauce cooked in aluminum for two hours, then stored in the same pot overnight, showed that the sauce contained only .0024 milligrams per cup. In contrast, a single antacid tablet may contain more than 200 milligrams.

>> No.8207052

Aluminum is an essential mineral

>> No.8207059

holy shit im retarded i just salted the spaghetti and turns out thats all i forgot, metal taste completely gone now

>> No.8207061

>i was just shitposting all along


>> No.8207071

Oh you.

>> No.8207078

this thread is low quality i agree, but i am a noob and just starting to do basic shit lel

>> No.8207160

just KYS