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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.55 MB, 4608x3456, noodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8206737 No.8206737 [Reply] [Original]


>discuss noodles
>tell people they are faggots for finding hot chicken noodles hot
>be mad that ottogi yeul ramen hasn't been restocked at your local chinese supermarket
>don't look at the sodium stats
>rest assured that chinese noodles are safe after they executed the people responsible for the melamine scandal

PS: I have had all noodles in pic related before, except the chili crab thing.

>> No.8206906

Have you had those jjajang noodles in the brown package

Also hot chicken noodles are murderous desu, but maybe I'm just a baby

>> No.8206908

no but I will, because black soybean paste sounds breddy gud

>> No.8206917

I had a roommate in college that used to buy that stuff in the middle with the egg on it. He would buy it cheap by the case and sell it in the dorms for 50¢/pack, fucker made a small fortune over a couple years.

>> No.8206921

They are the best. Saved my life after a bout of hyponatremia, now they hold a soft spot in my heart.

>> No.8206930


how the fuck does that happen? some disease? seems very unlikely that you'd get this with a somewhat normal diet.

>> No.8206977

I like the mom and noodles but not that green curry flavor I prefer the roast duck

>> No.8208413

protip take the noodles out when they're 3/4 ready

they'll cook in the broth and be more chewy and al dente. soft noodles are the worst. you want your noodles to be more undone than it is overdone, because if it's undone you can just cook it by letting it sit in the hot broth.

also always stir in a beaten egg and also add in a soft-boiled egg. to soft-boil the egg, drop in the egg, wait 60 seconds seconds to let the yolk form, drop in noodles. by the time you're taking out noodles, egg will be softboiled (after it cools down further in the soup and solidifies more).

>> No.8208417

to add on, a splash of sesame oil will enhance the flavor so much, like you have no idea. and maybe a sprinkle of cheese of your preference to let it melt in the soup and create more of an aromatic, richer soup.

>> No.8208419

I've been craving the shin kimchi flavor. Local store had it once, but they haven't had it since.

>> No.8208570

Prima Taste's Lahksa is damn good. Too bad the noodles need to be boiled in an actual pan. It's only barely instant.

But when you're busy with a pan anyway, throwing in mince and veggies is great.

I also love Ufo bowls and other yakisoba style instant noodles. Not so much a fan of broth/soup noodles.

>> No.8208590

yeah I just made them, you actually need two pans and the noodles are not greasy fried noodles so they take 6 minutes. the second pan is to heat the sauce and oil. Tastes great but I think it was pretty expensive. Not something that I will get very often. I think my main comfy noodles are:

>most nongshim
just good noodles, all taste a bit similar (except for the special things like the cold noodles of course)
>tonkotsu noodles from Nissin
these have a very nice ""pork"" soup and they are nice and salty. Most nissin shit is bland as fuck though. But I may just be a bit bitter after having to eat an entire box of their sesame noodles.

>Ottogi Yeul
Comfiest spicy red soup noodle there is, noodles are nice and T H I C C as well, but my local chink ain't got em.

Meme tier:
>Hot chicken noodles
sort of nice actually
>Paldo Cheese ramen
breddy gud :DDD
would clog arteries again

I just throw in the egg in like the last minute or 40 seconds and stir so that the white can sorta spread and solidify while the yellow shit stays soft so you can break it and make your noodles taste even comfier.

>> No.8208694

What are some good vegetarian noodles?

>> No.8208728

You people should see the shit the inmates in my jail make out of fucking instant Ramen.

>> No.8208901

I think shin ramyun is vegetarian, and most "vegetable flavor" noodles are vegetarian.

And then there's all the artificial chicken/pork/beef flavor noodles that you generally see from shit Asia in general and China. Apparently the chinese pack in the OP pic doesn't contain any pork at all.

>> No.8210404
File: 203 KB, 800x600, indomie-mi-goreng-satay_4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These will always be my favorite.

>> No.8210426

I'm having the mama noodles right now except I threw out the flavoring and replaced it with golden curry

>> No.8211562
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I bought a 5 pack of these ones and ate 2 right before bed when i was very drunk one time

Woke up feeling sick as fuck and had to spew a few times, been too scared to eat the remaining packs even though they tasted pretty good. Could've been the drink I suppose but i've never spewed from a hangover before in my life and I've had much worse ones

>> No.8211595

Does anyone else think shrimp-noodles taste like soap?

>> No.8211596

Mi goreng sate is not that good
Kari ayam is my favourite desu senpai

>> No.8212110

Beef Rendang flavor is the best.

>> No.8212285

If you consume large quantities of alcohol, then you have a big, hearty bowl of sodium right before bed, of course your body is going to try to reject your stomach contents.

>> No.8213073

Is there a good place to buy this stuff online in Canada? My local stores have a pretty limited selection

>> No.8213111

for some people, cilantro tastes like soap. maybe that is also the problem for you

>> No.8213326

>Could've been the drink

ya think? Jesus christ I hate millennials.

>> No.8213498

Shin ramyun hot taste is goat.

I add an egg a chicken breast and sprinkle in ghost pepper powder. Shit is so goddamn bangin.

>Also hot chicken noodles are murderous desu, but maybe I'm just a baby
I came here to call you a gay baby.

lmao 2egg. Look at mr rockafeller over here just eating eggs left and right like they can be bought 36 for 4 bucks. I am gonna try stirring in a beaten egg instead of dropping one on top though. Not sure about the two egg move maybe if I de yolk a second one. That would be like 12 grams of protein.

>> No.8213587

Can anyone recommend some instant noodle brands/flavors? Preferably less common brands, but any suggestions are fine.

>> No.8213627

Why are you scared of yolk?

>> No.8213654
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x719, 20161020_083744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like instant noodles.

>> No.8214367

Going to my local Asian grocery tomorrow. Gonna get spicy chicken, kimchi, and jjajang instant noodles. Any other recommendations? They carry predominately Korean brands, but I've seen mi goreng, mama, and the jap brands that come in plastic bowls.

>> No.8214431

I don't get it. I drank a shot of ghost pepper sauce as a prank and was fine, but the chicken noodles that everyone says aren't hot kick my ass. these ones are even worse.

>> No.8214434
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forgot picture

>> No.8214436

Are you from belgium?

>> No.8215240
File: 64 KB, 500x395, 512GHZ8j1sL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought this. Going to try it now.

>> No.8215256


It's very spicy. And very cheesy. The noodles are pretty good too. Rank it up there with Shin Black.

>> No.8215295

As someone who has ever only ate Mr. Noodles brand ramen, am I missing out?

>> No.8215314

Hyponatremia literally means "Lack of salt."

>> No.8215317
File: 768 KB, 2048x1152, 20161024_082637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just came in, it's not instant noodles but I figured it was better than starting a new thread about a package of super hot curry in a retort pouch. If this is hotter than phal I'd be surprised.

>> No.8215332

no shit sherlock your comment is useless. the question is still how this would occur in this day and age where it's easy to have a good diet and even easier to eat too much salt with fast food, ramen etc.

>> No.8215340

How do you guys add shit to your noodles? I'm retarded when it comes to cooking.

I went out on a whim and got this thin pork loins to go with some ramen but I have no idea what method to use to cook them.

>> No.8215379


R18 Curry? Nice. Got this at Daiso about 6 years ago. Good when you are on a budget and your teacher apartment is too small for a kitchen area.

>> No.8215402

I was thinking about getting some microwaveable rice to go with it to complete the experience.

>> No.8215404
File: 724 KB, 2592x1456, IMG-20161024-WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this, I also bought another one.
Is it good?

>> No.8215408
File: 619 KB, 2125x1416, 51149600_roast-pork-lo-mein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a proper type of noodle to use for lo mein or chow mein?

Any recommended brands sold here in 'murica?

>> No.8215455
File: 86 KB, 500x392, mi chay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like the Vina Acecook Daily noodles though they're a bit hard to find now. I think they might have been discontinued unfortunately. If you can find them they come with a dehydrated vegetable packet and some oil as well. Good for the price. Pretty neutral flavor, not spicy or anything.

>> No.8215479

will try to grab these on my next visit to the chink store

dutchfag desu

holy fug cheese flavor, cool

>Shin Black
not that good desu, just a way to scam people out of an extra dollar and give them a bunch of garlic in exchange

Is this jap kare raisu curry? like s&b golden curry but fucking hot?

I've only had the nongshim champong. What brand is this? The nong shim champong is pretty nice with actual pieces of octopus meat or some shit.

>> No.8215500

>Is this jap kare raisu curry? like s&b golden curry but fucking hot?

Yes but it's just curry in a pouch. Its up to you what you want to eat it with.

>> No.8215530

Shin Black and Red is just 75 cents where I live

I'm not really penny pinching, I just like ramen

>> No.8215555

what the hell. Shin black is €1.65 here while normal is €0.95 or something. Maybe not twice the price but significantly more expensive. I don't care about ramen prices too much either, but black seems a bit crappy to me.

>> No.8215572

No idea, I just grabbed because I was buying a lot of shit at the Asian market anyways, according to YouTube is Korean and is great if you add mussels, kalamayy, spinach and mushrooms, going to try it later I also have shrimp so I'm adding that

>> No.8215579

I wouldn't add shrimp desu but maybe that's just me.

>> No.8215651
File: 117 KB, 340x510, Gattuso_Cheddar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you have a guilty pleasure
What's her name? Mine is pick related, the broth is delicious.

>> No.8215723

Does the spicy cheese taste much different from the regular spicy chicken

>> No.8215734

I cook a lot for myself, but I also have ibs which has me eat a lot of simple bland foods during flair ups. Steamed veg and plain grains mostly, I don't find they need salt. Combine that with running 50 km a week in the Florida heat. I didn't have enough sense to supplement electrolytes.

>> No.8215735

I would add shrimp to pretty much everything so I guess I'm safe

>> No.8215740

>having several different options of instant noodles

Most of my shops only have vitana/maggi bullshit that tastes like arse even without the flavor packings. Hard to come by the 40cent packets of the "real" stuff.

>> No.8215771

The broth is more thicker and sticks to the noodles a lot more. It also has the slight taste of sharp cheese too

>> No.8215772

>Hard to come by the 40cent packets of the "real" stuff.

You don't have mail-order where you live?

>> No.8216124
File: 75 KB, 522x522, 71KX9K+hA3L._SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone know what the chewy bits in these are? I couldn't tell if it was mushroom or some kind of soy protein and my korean is too shit to read the ingredients on the back.

>> No.8216901

anybody experienced with throwing cream in there?

>> No.8216989

jjajang is god tier
shame i cant find them anywhere now

>> No.8217040

I've had 2 that came in a black package. Both were pretty good. What's the brown one look like?

>> No.8217043
File: 155 KB, 546x434, chapagetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chapagetti is the best.

>> No.8217055

Most of the sodium is in the seasoning packet, right? or is it the noodles?

>> No.8217059
File: 377 KB, 375x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually get Paldo's jjajang because it comes with actual sauce instead of powder. It was hard to come by for a few months but luckily my market restocked it

>> No.8217061

Yes, most of the sodium is in the packet.
Most. Not all. Most.

>> No.8217073

I mean considering these things have like 3x times your daily recommended sodium intake, I would be happy throwing 3/4 of the seasoning packet away, if it's mostly there

>> No.8217082

In that case yes, toss the seasoning packet and spice it yourself, using less salt. Especially if the packet has heathen powder instead of glorious sauce.

>> No.8217117

I hated these so bad the first time I tried them. Tastes like bitter regret, but they're starting to grow on me.

>> No.8217123

i watched a lot of korean variety and it made me crave it without even knowing how it tasted and i tried it and was addicted immediately

>> No.8217215

They quickly became my "Fuck it" food. Any time I was hungry but just wanted to eat something tasty and quick it was always that.

>> No.8217722

>Lucky Me!
Mah nigga

>> No.8217764

Most likely soy stuff

>> No.8217766

Are these the ones they call korean spaghetti?

>> No.8217882
File: 433 KB, 1440x1390, 20161025_080457-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best

>> No.8217914

>go on ebay
>looking to buy some decent noodles
>all the japanese and south korean ones are expensive as fuck

20$ FOR 4 PACKS!?
fucking chings

>> No.8217940

Can I just buy the powder packets somewhere?

>> No.8218656


>> No.8219596
File: 26 KB, 426x557, Noodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noodles can't be beat.

>> No.8220360

If you want a nice creamy sauce for your ramen today I put diced garlic, milk, flour, and the seasoning packet in a pan and heated it while I was boiling cooking the ramen on a saucepan, then after the noodles were done I drained all the water and put them on the pan, mixed it up and broke a slice of cheese with my fingers in there too, best ramen I had so far

>> No.8220435 [DELETED] 

I got a small penis.

>> No.8221000
File: 130 KB, 800x800, mama_mi_goreng-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shin ramyun are my favourite, I love how spicy they are, and the noodles are high quality. I like eating them with roast chicken and eggs and a bit of turmeric.

Try pork ramen, it's very flavourful.

Mama make a nice pad thai too, it's very sweet and tastes like prawn cocktail. The packet is quite small, though, so it makes a small snack.

Also try these, it's got a strong flavour.

>> No.8221015
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x2068, IMG_0468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the vermicelli type small packs, generally.

The bigger square packs are nicer, thicker noodles.

I liked the duck / beef / pork curried ones the most. You can't go wrong with chicken too.

>> No.8221045

Never had any of those dried packaged noodles.

What do you recommend for a noodle virgin like me?

>> No.8221060


>> No.8221065

What do you like? If you like chicken, buy a chicken one, etc.

Beef, pork, chicken, or shin ramyun.

Try picking a couple, and some more exotic ones. There's hundreds.


>> No.8221073
File: 1.13 MB, 999x3399, ramen improvement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy >>8221000
knows what's up.

Shin ramyun are great.

Also check this picture for ideas on how to improve your meal.

>> No.8221100

Where can I get some good noodles in the UK?

I only ever find super noodles or cheap own brand shit

>> No.8221118

Thanks guys.

>> No.8221169

I've usually buy asian food from 2 places; starrymart.co.uk and waiyeehong. >>8221065

Also I found shin ramyun at poundstretcher type shop, believe it or not.

>> No.8221216

This weekend I found out my inmates split the Ramen bricks in half to form 2 thin sheets and then microwave them without any water to burn them.
I guess it's supposed to be like chips

>> No.8221217

Most asian grocery stores will have proper noodles for this stuff. It's fresh and usually in the fridge/freezer. One type is called "Wife Noodles" and is great for lo mein.

>> No.8221221

thank you anon, that site is cheap as fuck and also does those really spicey noodles that everyone been doing challenge videos on, I want to try them since I fucking love spice

>> No.8221229
File: 7 KB, 300x168, Pot Noodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the best.

>> No.8221307

The curry one is nice poured on top of chips.

>really spicey noodles that everyone been doing challenge videos on
It's not much of a challenge. Unless you add your own spices to them.

I once made the mistake of adding a tablespoon of Bhut Jolokia powder to my chilli in the slow cooker, and it literally burned my mouth so bad I couldn't eat it.

>> No.8221387

Can somebody give me a clue where I can buy fresh ramen (or at least ramen-like) noodles in the UK? google searches result in some bullshit gluten free stuff.
Wish the UK had sun noodle like the US

>> No.8222153
File: 3.77 MB, 4160x3120, noodles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a newbie to the variety of instant noodles but I tried this for the first time today (eating it with no water which was hell).

>> No.8222387
File: 62 KB, 450x450, 00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yo it me >>8213498
I did the double egg and it was dank

upboded since shin ramyun is the shit but also for those who don't know,
These additions are always prostrats. I add diced up grilled chicken to my noodles whenever I got some breast I can forman grill quick.

Even better if you can stir fry some diced veggies and saute them you can make a nice lil meal for company.

Never tried adding milk or doing an omelette style before might suss that fuss

Shin Ramyun is always my GOAT for spicy base noodles and then adding ingredients pic related. I swear it used to say Hot Taste on the container.

pic related da king uh noodle

>> No.8222396

You're only supposed to boil the noodles to hydrate them. It's supposed to be a stir fry.

>> No.8222402
File: 318 KB, 700x601, greatshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indomie noodles are pretty much the best. Shame they don't make their fancy ones anymore (pic related). Current jumbo packs just aren't the same.

>> No.8222559

Muh nigga. Zha Wang is my go to for instant jajang anything.

>> No.8222967

Dude Tescos noodles are way fuckin better than super noodles, or you can just get pot noodles which are fine

>> No.8222997
File: 79 KB, 340x508, fiery-sweet-chilli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best instant noodles i have ever had

>> No.8223006

>fresh ramen
Make it.

>> No.8223022

for something you can make in 3 minutes in the microwave these are pretty damn good
sautee some onions and mushrooms beforehand throw em in and they're amazing

>> No.8223024
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woops forgot pic

>> No.8223337

I have a bag of mushroom and one of beef maruchan ramen

What can i do to make it a more complete meal? Has anyone ever tried adding aditional spices to the ramen? like curry or something?

>> No.8223365
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These are nice. You run them in cold water after cooking and the sauce is sweet

>> No.8223370
File: 20 KB, 131x144, IMG_5902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the hottest noodles I've had. They're a bit too hot to be enjoyable.

I like these. Simple beef broth

>> No.8223568

im about to nip to asda and get something before my lectures start , i'll see what selection they have might try something new.

>> No.8223591
File: 125 KB, 1440x900, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Myojo is so goddamn good. This stuff tastes enough like restaurant tonkotsu ramen that I haven't been tempted to blow 8 bucks on a bowl in weeks. Their yakisoba is delicious, too.

I think it's exclusive to Japanese-specific grocers for its rarity/short life span.

>> No.8223666

well asda has fuck all , where do you guys get your instant noodles from?

>> No.8223843

I love Zha Wang, too.

>> No.8224122

I usually do - but its a lot of work for a bowl of ramen

>> No.8224192

i know morrisons has different types. u have to go to the 'world food' aisle

>> No.8224606
File: 223 KB, 767x1000, IMG_6424 as Smart Object-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you eat your noodles, /ck/?

>> No.8224788
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>> No.8224861
File: 1.49 MB, 2000x2050, Lasagne_-_stonesoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't eat ramen any more. Makes me retch.

Italian noodles are much better. And here's my favorite way of eating them

>> No.8225011

Anyone have a favorite sauce they use for making yaki soba or any fried noodle?

>> No.8225045

Are fly overs just getting lasagna? Yawn.

>> No.8225060
File: 14 KB, 300x300, t3wt364w673tyhdgf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because it's cheaper and more filling then chips

>> No.8225066
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It's because of people like you that Drumpff is going to win.

>> No.8225075
File: 1.68 MB, 4032x3024, どどどどどどどどどどど.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you mean that dry packaged garbage or actual ramen

>> No.8225122

Nothing... i repeat NOTHING will ever replace the nong shin black

>> No.8225480
File: 429 KB, 610x663, how2noodle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man of taste I see.

>> No.8225692

Out of my way plebs.

>> No.8225699
File: 69 KB, 300x300, king of ramen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8225919

Fried mushrooms in the ramen, you could get some green onions too. Maybe some soy sauce.

>> No.8226053
File: 1.78 MB, 3264x1836, 1477613293640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ausfag here, I'm hooked to this one. Tips for anyone who loves indomie, DO NOT BUY THE EXPORTED VERSION.
Buy the imported ones (made in indonesia),it tastes so much better.

Also anything made from nongshim is meme tier, better off buying something else

>> No.8226073
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add egg for gud fud

>> No.8226517
File: 59 KB, 736x495, IMG_3029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry to shit up your board guys but I have 6 dollars until Tuesday. I also have a bunch of sticky rice I can reheat.

What is the best use of this money to eat for the next 4 days

>> No.8226524
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these really didn;t taste bad

>> No.8226538
File: 10 KB, 210x240, skeletor-he-man-and-the-masters-of-the-universe-1.5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6 dollars
>eat for the next 4 days

I'm really trying hard to restrain myself here

>> No.8226542

Well... yeah I just meant... idk people put eggs in noodles?

Or maybe there's something better to use the 6 bucks on that I could mix with the rice. Cause I have plenty of rice and hot sauce

>> No.8226546

A carton of eggs shouldn't be too expensive. Buy some meat to go with it and make some rations OR buy the eggs and a can or two of mixed veg and ration.

You have the rice already, why not capitalize on that? What else is in the fridge?

>> No.8226547

>idk people put eggs in noodles?
maybe you should read the fucking thread BEFORE posting and find out, huh

>> No.8226587
File: 24 KB, 290x290, 41tymbprceL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These things are GOAT but damn expensive.

>> No.8227019
File: 78 KB, 835x700, 1455016059663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you live? Those special ones are still available in Indonesia, in fact they recently released these boxed stuff, I tried them and they were great.

>> No.8227020

>eat noodles
>100% sodium in package
>eat noodles 3 times a day
>get high blood pressure
>kidneys fail

>> No.8227024

Indonesian here, I can't stand the taste of Mie Goreng anymore, it's just way too strong compared to what it used to be.

>> No.8227030

How do I into Soba

>> No.8227083

This is why you only eat 1 packet a day, sometimes 2. It's not supposed to be real food.

>> No.8227094

>literally most expensive on the whole store
You can buy 5 packs of other brands' noodles with this

>> No.8227117
File: 53 KB, 167x223, uwutm8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 packet a day, sometimes 2.
You meant "a week", right? Or maybe "a month"?

>> No.8227124

not every day desu, I think I eat like 5 packets a week

>> No.8227153

That makes more sense.
Still a lot though, 5 a week. Try flavouring it yourself if you eat that many, else your salt-intake is through the roof.

>> No.8227157

Had the crab noodles last year shit was cash, pick up a package if you can find it.

>> No.8227198
File: 633 KB, 650x505, yumyum-duck-flavour-instant-noodles-60g-283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best ramen coming through

>> No.8227822
File: 60 KB, 424x450, 91ddoF13afL._SY450_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


these are good also and less expensive.

>> No.8227857

You misinterpreted duck for chicken.