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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.79 MB, 4032x3024, 20161020_123139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8203451 No.8203451 [Reply] [Original]

Is this too raw to eat?

>> No.8203457

looks pretty gooey in the middle to me yeah. I like it a bit more done.

>> No.8203460

>too raw to eat?
Anything can be eaten.

>> No.8203474

I just wanted to know if I'd get sick or anything. I usually like it more done

>> No.8203482
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>> No.8203499

I would not eat that.

>> No.8203502

depends.. is it fresh, high quality ground beef? i order all of my burgers at good restaurants medium rare

>> No.8203506

>ground beef
>high quality meat

Pick one.

>> No.8203507

I bought it at a place that makes them every day on Monday

>> No.8203510

You guys are fuckin pussies, it's fine

>> No.8203523

I would eat it but never serve it

>> No.8203546
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this didn't kill anyone

>> No.8203547

srsly.. ordering burgers above medium is a mistake

>> No.8203554
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>> No.8203561
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>> No.8203568

really depends on the quality of the meat

but honestly, it's probably fine

>> No.8203879

I wish it did.

>> No.8203887

no that's fine now stop trolling with your low-tier bait

>> No.8203899

Not if it's freshly ground. If not, it should be fully cooked.

>> No.8203919

Ignore everyone who references "quality" of meat. The problem with ground meat is that the grinding process cuts the bacteria in half, so you end up with twice the amount of bacteria. All meat will have some bacteria, and you've just increased the quantity 2 fold.

>> No.8204203

>too raw to eat?
no, raw beef is edible.
but bland, unseasoned raw minced beef is pretty revolting in texture and very underwhelming in taste. i doubt you'll enjoy pic related very much,

>> No.8204222

>Ignore everyone who references "quality" of meat
>the grinding process cuts the bacteria in half

just stop

>> No.8204226


You can eat it.

BUT in comparison to the cooked meat on the outside it will give you a shitty texture along. Unless you like eating goo.

>> No.8204249
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If you have to ask if it's too raw then it's too fucking raw

>> No.8204255

You're dumb. Grinding just mixes the surface bacteria into the interior. Since the interior is under cooked, the bacteria hasn't been killed.

That being said, I've never had an issue with eating burgers with that amount of pink in the middle. If the restaurant was suspect of uncleanliness, I would like it well done. Or better yet, don't go to dirty shit holes.

>> No.8204494

Too raw for me. Doesn't look like it even got a good sear on it.

>> No.8204501

The fat hasn't even melted, gross...

>> No.8204510

What is it? Where did you get it? If you trust the source, eat it raw if you wish.

>> No.8204536

Too raw to eat? No. Probably not very pleasant though, I wouldn't eat it by choice. Texture probably sucks.

>> No.8204540

I'm not even going to argue this. I'd just like to hear -
please explain to me how the grinding process changes the amount of bacteria

>> No.8204551
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It probably tastes like shit because it's raw hamburger. But as long as raw meat is fresh and was properly handled and prepared then it's safe. (So long as it's not wild game.)

If I was served this at a restaurant I'd send it back but if a friend/relative made it I probably wouldn't care.

>> No.8204557

edible, but not ideal. this is why burger patties should be fairly thin, they cook much faster and more evenly

>> No.8204558
File: 214 KB, 500x728, teleports-behind-you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's actually no way to tell based on your picture alone. A lot of niggerfaggots on this board will say it's raw, but depending on the monitor they use and its settings, the meat may look more red or pink.

On my monitor, that meat looks pink, not red. Based on that alone, it's probably safe enough to eat, but there may still be some risk.

What temperature did you cook the meat to? Another oft-forgotten part of meat cookery is that sometimes meat that was cooked to a safe temperature will remain pink, depending on the conditions in which it was cooked. As long as you cooked that burger to a safe temperature, it is safe to eat, guaranteed.

tl;dr color is not a reliable indicator of temperature, especially across the internet. pic unrelated.

>> No.8204601

Thats perfect medium rare.

>> No.8204621

holy shit this is one of the dumbest things i've ever read

>> No.8204626

Me too anon, me too.

>> No.8204711

As long as it's not cold in the middle you're gtg.

>> No.8204722

High end restaurants ground their own chuck or flank burgers.

>> No.8204730

looks just about perfect unless its shit meat.

>> No.8204734

unless its way pinker than it looks in the pic you're fine.

>> No.8204738
