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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 450x194, tilapia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8201507 No.8201507 [Reply] [Original]

Tilapia is best fish

>> No.8201519
File: 212 KB, 393x319, rlyfgt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never eat a fresh water fish. Especially a fucking cichlid.

>> No.8201525
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At worst it tastes like mud, and at best it tastes like nothing.
>best fish

>> No.8201544

>Especially fucking a child


>> No.8201567

Tilapia is a garbage fish

>> No.8201568
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Tilapia is literally garbage fish.

>> No.8201571

It's okay OP. I like Tilapia too

>> No.8201576

t. poor person who's never had more expensive fish

>> No.8201577

at worst it taste like sewage when its grown in sewage treatment tanks.

>> No.8201619

>a fish that literally eats shit
>actually putting that in your body

>> No.8201695

what about.. any other fish??

>> No.8201702
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Everybody relax.
He's got to be fucking with us.

>> No.8201709

Monkfish is good.

>> No.8201716

why exactly?

>> No.8201722

I ate Turkish style Tilapia once and it was 69/69

>> No.8201726


Enjoy your mercury poisoning.

>> No.8201736

>he fell for the mercury meme

>> No.8201739

Don't worry op I get where you're coming from. There are too many foodies in this thread to truly appreciate the humble tilapia. It's good and cheap. Like anything cheap, it's hardly ever extraordinary. It is good though.

I'm kinda over fish anyway. The good kinds are usually expensive. Even then you had better get them in the right area and time of year, otherwise they aren't really worth it. Raising them yourself is impossible unless we're talking something plain like catfish. Tuna is great and all but I always thought they take a long time to grow to maturity. Does this mean that we're depopulating them by eating more and more?

>> No.8201764


tfw fresh saltwater fish is a byproduct of your hobby.

>> No.8201951


>> No.8201960

I don't think you can call any vegetarian fish the "best fish". the more carnivorous the more delicious

>> No.8201963

I used to help raise tilapia in an aquaponics system, ama

>> No.8201969


what veggies were you growing?

>> No.8201987
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>fucking a special child

You're crazy man. You're fucking out there.

>> No.8201990

No clue, actually. This was back in high school and the culinary arts kids had the finishing tank where they actually grew edible veggies. I was in media class, and the teacher had the breeding operation so we just grew duckweed for the fish, and other aquatic plants.

>> No.8202007


> no clue


>> No.8202017

I'm sorry that I can only speak as to the things I was personally involved in.

>> No.8202018


>> No.8202058
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Salmon is objectively the best fish. Prove me wrong.

>> No.8202064


you say objectively, therefore it's on you to prove yourself right. should be easy, since it's objective and all

>> No.8202072

swordfish internet defence force pls go and stay go

>> No.8202075

Halibut here... salmon is a faget.

>> No.8202081

fuck off you flat chested whore

>> No.8202083


jesus someone sure did a number on you

>> No.8202098

Arctic char you fucking plebs.

>> No.8202104
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MFW no flounder on list.

>> No.8202122
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>motherfucking smoked eel

>> No.8202162
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That's not Halibut

>> No.8202166

Tfw God was making this and sneezed while doing the mouth

>> No.8202205
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>> No.8202214
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>tfw you live Hawaii and you're getting the ahi straight off the boat, the first time its touched land and it's half the price of mainland nasty ass frozen fish

>> No.8202228

Not worth the mark up you pay on literally everything else. Enjoy your $50 watermelons.

>> No.8202231

Mackerel? I like mackerel.

>> No.8202344


>> No.8202354

In my country tilapia are classed noxious

>> No.8202359

Enjoy your mercury!

>> No.8202360

I only like smoked salmon.

>> No.8202364


>> No.8202366
File: 52 KB, 540x960, 12279007_1015443001847219_200495553590764774_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people who don't know how to cook dismissing tilapia

Maybe l2season or cook fish in general. I'll bet money half the people slamming it have never tried it cause it's cheap or heard it's bland and nasty. That and their idea of cooking fish is baking it into jerky.

Pic related is my tilapia dish, faggots.

>> No.8202370
File: 41 KB, 450x675, grilled mackerel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get a load of these pretentious fags with their meme fishes

>> No.8202371


>> No.8202376

did i stutter you pieca of shit

>> No.8202378

Christ, your grammar is bloody terrible.

>> No.8202398

all the tilapia I've eaten has tasted like dirt

>> No.8202418

Came here to post this

>I will never eat my grandmother's pan fried mackerel again

Why bother living?

>> No.8202423

then stop eating shit because it went straight to your head. Or would you rather get fat injected straight into your ass since you have no taste you flamming faggot?

>> No.8202425

don't talk to him like that

>> No.8202433


>$50 watermelons

I don't see how that can be true. Here is how water melon far in goes in the West Indies

>walking around outside
>chew into water melon occasionally
>spit out seeds around the yard
>forget about the whole deal
>live your life for a couple months
>where the fuck are all these watermelons coming from?

>> No.8202434
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>mfw I sometimes eat smoked herrings and poached eggs on toast for breakfast on Fridays

>> No.8202437



>> No.8202721

Ah yes, enjoy that taste of Fukushima waste materials and heavy metals.

>> No.8204573

My favourite fish is the Rainbow Trout. I no longer eat meat though, so I don't really care.

Fish is the god tier of meats though, objectively.

>> No.8205088

Pretentious fuck

>> No.8205185
File: 3.19 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20160806_203015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude just eat sum sardines lmao

or swordfish

or salmon or tuna

or squid

but not tilapia or any shitty white fish basically including the cod meme.

>> No.8205277

I prefer catfish you yuppie faghat

>> No.8205373

roasted tilapia best tilapia

>> No.8205435

Chilean Sea Bass or bust

>> No.8206169


Now that is the sign of a shitty person.

>> No.8206336

who /herring/ here

>> No.8206431
File: 795 KB, 2592x1456, IMG_20161021_125456021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have tilapia w/ steamed veg (most broccoli, green peas, string beans, bell pepper, corn, baby carrots) and brown rice for lunch and dinner almost every day of the week. Some times I change it up with roast split chicken breasts. On the weekends I might have filet mignon and a plain baked potato. Snacks and breakfast are granola bars, Greek yogurt cups, peanut butter and honey on a slice of whole wheat bread, muesli, can of tuna, banana, etc. Sometimes I'll buy a bag of pistachios, but they're kind of expensive. I don't drink alcohol or caffeine, and I'm smoke-free. No drugs or marijuana. Occasionally I'll drink a caffeine-free soda like Sprite if I can find it with pure cane sugar. Pic related is today's lunch.

>> No.8207175

Herring, sardines and mackerel. Maybe some frozen pollock. Cheap healthy fish is best fish.

>> No.8207199

Protip: Most of the tilapia sold in America is imported from China. China loves farming this hardy fish because they survive in conditions that would kill most other breeds. They literally feed them shit and pump antibiotics into the water creating some of the most toxic fish ever devised by man.

>> No.8207207

Not even close OP, I would never eat tilapia again. Best fish I have ever had was Onaga. Grilled, basted in dill butter with a squirt of lemon, God-tier.

>> No.8207213

t h i s p o s t

>> No.8207215

I prefer to catch and eat bluegill and crappie

>> No.8207663
File: 352 KB, 774x255, Wild Planet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level

>> No.8207886

That just means they hurt the environment

>> No.8207890

You're eating the budget fish we used to eat in middle school runescape.

>> No.8209258

Since there seems to be a lot of fish fags in this thread, what would you guys recommend to someone who doesn't normally like fish?

I would like to start eating more for health reasons, but the only time I like fish is in sushi.

>> No.8209318

>or swordfish

>He eats swordfish

>No one tell him

>> No.8209988

what does he mean by this?

>> No.8210091

Looks good to me. I would put a bit of ponzu sauce on the broccoli and either butter and black pepper or lime juice and salt on the corn.

>> No.8210101
File: 27 KB, 520x253, morwong-banded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morwong good tasting, but doesn't beat Waahoo fish

>> No.8210117

I used to miss fishing these up at some lakes with my dad and chucking them into the woods for animals to eat

tilapia is a fucking trash fish that deserves extinction

>> No.8210126

Tilapia a shit

>> No.8210144
File: 61 KB, 380x380, 1447896514341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had some tilapia so I figured I'd try and batter and fry it. I took one bite and threw that shit in the garbage. I'll stick to eating saltwater fish, thanks.

>> No.8210161
File: 183 KB, 1024x686, looking down on yourself for being caught.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one word, but you gotta say it twice

Mahi Mahi

>> No.8210228
File: 127 KB, 560x373, IMG_00581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this desu

steamed tilapia with soy sauce and sesame oil is some good shit and not all that hard to make

>> No.8210810

Why does it have to be so damn expensive

>> No.8210815


>> No.8210821

Boiled cod with egg sauce is one of my favourite meals.

t. scandinavian

>> No.8211112
File: 30 KB, 480x480, 14371932_283366918715238_698887891_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you go back to the point where God made Swordfish, he was weeping.

>> No.8211265

Hogfish. Fresh off the boat, of course.

>> No.8211288

>these people haven't eaten saltwater

>> No.8211322

>Tfw Tilapia with simple SPG+ paprika
>Tfw breaded tilapia
>TFW Tilapia chunks, ceviche style.

I don't understand how people can hate Tilapia.

>> No.8211368
File: 29 KB, 459x320, IMG_1242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sablefish tops my list

>> No.8211391

enjoy eating your antibacterials laced Chinese Tilapia

> Bad as Bacon
The comparison to bacon first came from a Wake Forest study that revealed tilapia raised on farms in China and Central America — which accounts for most of the tilapia we get — has very high levels of omega-6 fatty acids and negligible omega-3s, thanks to their diets. Unlike omega-3s, which tame inflammation and promote heart and brain health, omega-6s may increase inflammation, but only when they're consumed in excess of omega-3s. In other words, omega-6s themselves aren't bad for you. But when your fatty acid ratio falls out of whack, "omega-6s are converted to pro-inflammatory messengers that orchestrate diabetes, stroke, heart disease, arthritis, and even Alzheimer's,"

>> No.8211396

>"omega-6s are converted to pro-inflammatory messengers that orchestrate diabetes, stroke, heart disease, arthritis, and even Alzheimer's,"

Tilapia are, shit eating, bottom cleaners. They're basically living accumulators of waste.

>> No.8211478

So is shrimp no?

>> No.8211668

Did you soak it in water with lemon or vinegar first?

>> No.8212188

Flounder is fucking amazing. Fun to fish for too.

>> No.8212207

Dover sole

>> No.8212279
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>> No.8212281

Catching a dozen bluegill and panfrying them whole on some butter and mirepoix, bit of lime, salt pepper chile powder is a treasured memory

>> No.8212288

Tourist name for dolphin bub

>> No.8212301


This man knows. Best freshwater fish known to man.

>> No.8212711

Tilapia is fine, but not best fish.

>> No.8213503

Monkfish best fish.

>> No.8213568
File: 9 KB, 253x199, yellowperch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl F Yellow perch 0
surprised no one brang up yellow perch imo one of the tastiest fish out there.

>> No.8213570

Great mufucking lakes

>> No.8213737

Which was, apparently, not very much of anything interesting or worth talking about.

>> No.8213746

> taste like mud
> best fish

>> No.8213891


>111 replies

dude.. this board is the worst.

>> No.8213911

irrelevant but i know the person who caught the largest perch ever recorded.
I also caught one just 2 pounds under the record.
can verify, is very tasty fish

>> No.8213928

That's not a picture of a Halibut. Silly OP.

>> No.8213930
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What's a good grocery store frozen fish for a flyover to get? (NOT tilapia)

They usually have stuff like flounder, cod, swai (whatever that is), salmon, whiting, and catfish. And probably some others I forgot.

>> No.8213931

>Tilapia is best fish

"It's like tofu with fins."

>> No.8213936


"For a flyover to get"? What? Swai is another farmed fish like tilapia.

>> No.8213970

Dude. Cichlids are a kind of fish. It wasn't a typo.

>> No.8213985

Tilapia gets so much unnecessary hatred.
It's whitefish. How flavorful do you really expect it to be? It lends itself to any flavor you add.
Is it the best? No. But goddamn it's cheap and you can do almost anything with it.
85% of you are cunts

>> No.8213999


>> No.8214045

Lol reddit
>but seriously can you give us an overview of what you did? Also have your experiences changed your view on eating Tilapia?

>> No.8214132

>we don't get decent fish here in bumblefuck arkansas.
Tilapia isn't even the best white fish. I suppose it's the only thing you can afford, yes? Cod, rockfish, halibut and lingcod caught fresh from the ocean make your sewage eating farm fish look like the trash it is. Don't even get me started on proper pacific salmon (sorry folks, Atlantic salmon are a fucking joke.)

>> No.8214137

because you're a fucking loser.

>> No.8214236

Like: cod, haddock, plaice, rock eel, pilchards, mackerel, herring (kippers)
Had once/ was ok: tilapia, basa, river cobbler, red snapper
Dislike: tuna, salmon ( I know, I'm a faggot, but I have honestly tried them a few times and just can't deal)
never tried: swordfish, monkfish, trout

>> No.8214249

is it the mercury?

>> No.8214277

that's a fucking Mojarra dweeb

>> No.8214302


>> No.8214303

Common sole is fucking god

>> No.8214329

And they regularly have worms in them.

>> No.8214332

Sheltered, pampered, opinionated.

>> No.8214339

I disagree. Nemo is the best fish.

>> No.8214354


No problem :^)

>> No.8214362
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Sea bass master race reporting in

>> No.8214369
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>> No.8214388

It's carnivourous unlike Tilapia

>> No.8214405

Wrong because anchovies exists :^)

>> No.8214412
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really makes u think

>> No.8214419
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>he's never had good fish

>> No.8214430

I like tilapia for home cooking. I'd never order it at a restaurant though because if I'm going to have someone else cook for me I want to splurge on a pricier fish.

>> No.8215008

Tilapia is good if you cook it right
Just bread and pan fry Wala
Easy and cheap

>> No.8216831

Our operation was centred around 400-gal main tank where we raised the fish. The tank siphoned into a growbed (an old darkroom sink) which we filled with water lilies and other plants. The sink then drained into a basin with a pump that returned the water to the tank via the biofilter, which used a bead medium. We also hung several grow lights (acquired from a police auction) over the tank and sink.

Besides the main tank where the fish grew, we had half a dozen regular aquariums that we used for breeding, along with a floating cage we used to introduce fry to the main tank. Once the fish were large enough (about half a pound) we sent them to the culinary room where they grew them to harvest size.

Besides breeding times, it was very little work to maintain the system. With a large tank, the water chemistry was very stable once the biofilter and plants were established, and most of the work we put in was really just tinkering to make it look nicer or run a little smoother. I would have no qualms about trying my hand at aquaponics again, if I had the space.

>> No.8216845

This anon has good tastes.

>> No.8217096

Trips of truth. Though the most recent time I remember eating it fresh (we actually caught and filet it) was in 2014 and was bones galore.

>> No.8217549

what about mountain river trout? My fav.

>> No.8217631

You can probably get fresh catfish, walleye, bluegill, trout, and bass depending on your state.

>> No.8217635


just look at that smug motherfucker he knows how delicious he is

>> No.8218876
File: 1.49 MB, 3312x1326, serveimage(88).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you fucking gay?
Lake trout's are godteir masterfish!

>> No.8219236

Dorada beats tilapia any day of the week...

>> No.8219243

Yes it is. With some rice and shrimps yum yum.
> Arroz de Tamboril com Gambas

>> No.8219248

for me it is. The cod is the best fish

>> No.8219273
File: 161 KB, 590x590, 001EB527-6179-4A5A-AB10-A91344AAA43A-638-0000016DB88CD4DC_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahi belly is the best fish food

>> No.8220684

tilapia... I will ignore this bait: salmon

>> No.8220689

We can't.