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8200260 No.8200260 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true being a chef is miserable?

>> No.8200264

the lows are lower than most jobs, but the highs are also higher.

>> No.8200267

Explain the highs?
Seeing a fat chick smack her lips? Does that get you off?
I cant imagine what else it could possibly offer.

>> No.8200269

depends if you like railing cocaine and bartenders or not

>> No.8200271

Yea, because cocaine

>> No.8200274

the feeling at the end of the saturday dinner service.

>> No.8200295

I'm trying to imagine that feeling, but there is no joy.
You get to go home sweaty, smelly and sore after a day's hard work and your weekend ruined? Its a thankless job. I don't get it. Where are the highs?

>> No.8200719

I worked in a lot of restaurants during college. Every chef chain smoked, most of them were overweight, and they were all stressed out and angry a lot of the time

>> No.8200773

Stress is a necessity in the job, once people stop avoiding it and accepting it's reality your prone to enjoy the job which is what I think. Also work at good places, shitty restaurants tend to employ shit people . Places that put the importance on mentorship and development tend to be better overall and that ethos will reflect in the quality of food.

Just be ready to live a very minimal lifestyle though.

>> No.8200777


Being a cook is misersble.

>> No.8200779

For someone like you there are none.

>> No.8200784

Cocaine and alcohol. It's like being a rockstar except you don't make much money and nobody knows who you are. But if your good you can be a prick and get fucked up.

>> No.8202133

>chain smoking
>drinking a lot on the job like the almost empty bottles of wine that busboy brings with the dishes or if you're a true madman the cooking wine like I would(extremely salted)
>doing coke speed MDVP etc off the cutting block
>working at least 12 shifts
>working sometimes over 14 days in a row
>shit pay
>REEEEE I JUST burned,cut,steamed,greased MYSELF
>more fucking stress
>dishwasher or linecook quitting and because of that chaos breaks out
>swearing every second or third word
>talking about how you would fuck each waitress and why
>bitching about getting no tips for doing all the work
>bitching that they should quit and work X since they pay more
>even tho you work around food you forget to eat and 80% of the time its just one big meal daily

what am I forgetting?

>> No.8202136


so the "highs" are only what you can convince yourself are "highs". got it. I'll stick with my high paying 9-5 corporate job that pays for all my hobbies and frivolous spending.

>> No.8202172

Dude I worked in the restaurant industry for five years. A big boost to my eating anything and everything was working fine dining downtown. Average lunch was 80 dollars a person, dinner was ridiculous. I made a shit ton there, but the best part was learning about all sorts of food and how to make it and serve it properly.
When I'm out, I only feel comfortable at bars and restaurants cause that was my life growing up.

It's not like I'd be there alone. The one they trust to close up is the manager. If the dude doesn't close up right, he's gonna redo it until he does, and then the manager will let him bounce. Closing sucks ass.
I could make bank off it though, I'd charge people 20 bucks to do it and then like five bucks a pop to do their sidework. I'd knock out the closing shit in like thirty minutes flying around in an adderal craze lol. Fast times.

I got the job in fine dining when I was 17 starting as a busser. They gave it to me cause I was good looking pretty much; I had no experience. I combed my hair into a pomp at the time and everyone called me James Dean.
It was a sweet gig man, they liked me so much that by the time I turned 18 they immediately let me test to become a server (you have to be 18 to serve alcohol here) and I was making around 2-300 dollars a night on weekends, and 150-200 on weekdays.
They used to schedule shifts for 7:00 on the patio (it's too hot in texas until around then during summer) so I'd come in for like three hours, make two hundred bucks, then head back home. I really miss that place.
But yeah, no, when I was younger I was hot and made bank. I got a nice little beergut now but I'm 6'2 so I just look like a beefcake bro lol. I've been seeing someone seriously for a bit so I don't really chat girls up much anymore.

>> No.8202175


They once sent us to do a catering thing for a guy that my manager used to wait on back at a previous concept. He ordered some 1,000 dollars worth of food for a christmas thing he had going.
Long story short, me and my buddy xavier got picked cause our manager was total bro-tier and knew we'd love it cause we were the youngest. We get to this guys place, and it's a huge fucking house man, huge. We walk in and freak out because he had 55 christmas trees in the house. Everywhere you looked, a tree with a different color scheme. He had trees hanging over bathtubs upside down with ornaments, trees stacked on other trees in corners, the whole house was like walking through a forest.
The brunt of our work was setting up the food and telling people to try the coconut shrimp with the plum sauce. After like thirty minutes he told us to take our ties off and enjoy ourselves. We hung out with the couple's daughters and their boyfriends playing all these weird rich people drinking games with elaborate props. Like some weird posh beerpong with these boards attached by a chain that you throw a ball into.
Anyways, we get smashed and have a great time eating the food we delivered and being entertained, and then he pays us each eighty bucks. We get back to the restaurant wasted and collect our money from earlier (we each made around 170 that day altogether) and find out the 40 top that was supposed to come in canceled (this is fine dining so there's like 14 servers on that) and no one made any money. Everyone hated us lol, and the manager had to pay me and xavier in ones and fives cause that's all there was left, so I left with these huge stacks of ones. Fucking hilarious.
I've had an interesting life. This is all true stuff, but it's the internet, so you're not wrong for being skeptical.

>> No.8202179

>Owner is cool
>Talk shit behind their back anyways

>> No.8202184

ah yes plus lets also not forget
>he owes me for X hours fucking bastard

>> No.8202192


>> No.8202220

If you don't know what being proud of your work is then just go work cubicle and fill out spreadsheets or whatever the fuck they do there

>> No.8202784

In my experience, you get to eat cool stuff that you wouldnt often, if you got a good team you'll develop a nice relationship of camaraderie and all, and if you legitimate like cooking, you'll be learning stuff every now and then. Also there's the odd waitress you can slay.

Otherwise it's bullshit, yeah.

>> No.8202790

>whatever the fuck they do there

Earn more money for less work

>> No.8202817

There's a reason we're all alcoholics and drug addicts.

>> No.8202834


Again, if you can't understand a job where you enjoy what you do and are working to master your craft, no matter the outcome, and you still get paid, then you won't ever understand.

Fortunately for me, I love my job and what I do.

Sorry that you feel numb when you work, but I get filled with excitement when I do my work (not a chef, btw, just dropping in). And when I've got customers and coworkers feeling relieved or grateful for when I help them, I just get fille switch warmth.

Anyways, I'm done being a faggot. Don't rot in your cubicle at a job where no one gives a shit about you.

>> No.8203002


Yea pretty much. I'm a grill cook and I'm miserable most of the time. Also an alcoholic like most of my coworkers

>> No.8203015


grill cook ≠ chef you fuck'n wannabe

>> No.8203020

My father used to always tell us kids to study hard and go to college so that we don't have to become chefs like him.

Finally quit his job at 50 and went to college himself because being a chef was so miserable.

>> No.8203027

There is something super satisfying about creating something that people love, But .....

You will never ever have a Friday or Saturday night off
your cooks will probably be unreliable drug fiends who will steal you blind.
Your waiters/waitresses will practically give anything away for better tips.

>> No.8203032


I didn't say I was a chef calm down

>> No.8203036

You tell him!

I'm a chef at Wendys and make 120K

>> No.8203078

Do chefs get meal breaks or how does it work?

One big ass meal before their shift?

>> No.8203096

really depends where you work. Some cheapskate places might even try to make you pay for your own meals.

other places the whole crew has a meal before the shift together.

Really it just depends on the place.

I wouldn't work anywhere that wouldn't let you eat for free.

>> No.8203106


My chef walks around picking at food constantly to make sure it's alright and makes a plate or two of whatever we're making. He's a huge mofo so he eats a lot

>> No.8203142

I did it for about 3 months. It sucked. Like one of the worst experiences of my life.

12 hour days in a hot kitchen, having to get everything right all the time, and even when you do get it right often some asshole will complain. garbage pay. Dont do it.

>> No.8203158

I only thought of two people to do cocaine at my restaurant until the sous chef asked who was doing lines that day during line-up and at least 5 other people said they were down or not today

>> No.8203239

A lot of people are bitching about how it sucks here but honestly they just aren't the right people for the job and probably got stuck with it somehow. Even people who go to those fancy ass culinary schools for this burn out when they realize they aren't Ramsay as soon as they graduate.

Yeah the pay can suck and so can the environment sometimes, but honestly I can't ever see myself being happy in another career even if I was making more money for less work, hence why I'm not a server even though I could be if I wanted.

I can improve my ability in something I love a little every day. I work with people that are like my best friends. People smile at me a lot. I've been told I smile a lot more when I'm working too. I've come in super early of my own free will just so I can make sure I'm ahead and everything is set up to the standard I hold myself to.

I guess I just feel alive. I have that goal of becoming a stronger cook that I can constantly chase for the rest of my life. I have pride in myself and what I do. So to answer OP's question, no, being a chef is not miserable for some people. It's a calling that you just gotta do.

>> No.8203242

>all this overcompensation and delusion
Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.8203257

>that circumstantial homosexuality that only exists in kitchens, submarines and high security prisons

>> No.8203273

>Don't rot in your cubicle at a job where no one gives a shit about you.

>> No.8203276

Not able to sustain a reasonable relationship due to shit hours.
Burned out at 40.
No social life.
Die young.

>> No.8203295

>Not able to sustain a reasonable relationship due to shit hours.
Wouldn't have a girlfriend anyways
>Burned out at 40.
Life after 40 is shit anyways
>No social life.
Haven't had one and won't get one
>Die young.
Living the dream

>> No.8203486


Nah, you'll die old one way or another

Also go chat up the lonely women at the local animal shelter

>> No.8203493

>Die young

as if. hasn't every kitchen you've worked in had a 60 year old working there for $9.25?

that's going to be you too

>> No.8203497

You're glad it's over

>> No.8203501


Jokes on you I make 10 bucks an hour

>> No.8203511

Not really, in most places no one where more than 35. At one place there was this old geezer, a raving alcoholic with one foot in the grave.

>> No.8203585


Where my girlfriend works, she's the only one that cooks.

So she doesn't get any breaks, aside from when there are no customers.

>> No.8204134
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>Also there's the odd waitress you can slay.

>tfw incredibly qt waitress I want to talk to
>says she "likes me"
>tfw not sure if she's really into me or just being nice

>> No.8204152

>not sure if she's really into me or just being nice
bruh, bruh, bruh, you're being too considerate of her, at the cost of what you want. keep that shit up and eventually you'll melt down and go full autismo.

>> No.8204328

I have no idea how to talk to females. I'm 21 and I'm pretty sure I'm autistic. That or just a mix of being shy and retarded.

>> No.8204330

Not if you love crack

>> No.8204359


absolutely, its the god damn worst profession

>> No.8204366

Your work station translates to miserable place, what the fuck do you expect?

>> No.8204389

The only Happy Chefs are Youtube Chefs who only cook for one person and don't own a restaurant.

>> No.8204398

It is a fucking battlefield. I woulden't mind doing it if the pay was better so that i woulden't have to work so much.
You get kind of addicted to it after a while.

>> No.8204411

What he's saying is shit or get off the pot, the sooner you force yourself to break out of your comfort zone the less chance you have of being autismo neckbeardinson forever. just fucking talk to her anon. Its not going to get easier until you do

>> No.8204428

Bitch you don't need to sit and make garbage for people too lazy to cook for themselves in a hot kitchen for 12 hours a day to feel proud of your work. Some of us actually do something for a living that can't be matched by a 12 year old with a single parent.

>> No.8204430

>catch yourself saying "behind" when passing someone outside of workplace

>> No.8204452

Have you chefs ever thought about the advance of technology.

If robots ever do become mainstream and robot waiters and robot dishwashers become commonplace, would being a chef be less stressful when you only need to deal with machines and not real people?

>> No.8204681

I mean I'm young and maybe things will change, but after 1,5 years in the kitchen I feel exactly as you do. I feel alive, I feel like I'm using my talents, I feel like I'm learning and enjoying the company of my coworkers. Sometimes its shitty, im stressed out, and anxious, but when its over, I feel like I've won a battle.

>> No.8204684

For me it is the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.8205001

>making garbage

Dude the whole reason I do it is so I can make it NICE for people. I love it

>> No.8205010

Sounds like a guy who can't make head or tails of a kitchen, or food

>> No.8205115

Cooks are like pirates, they curse and steal and sleep with anyone if the opportunity is there. They all do drugs and drink themselves sick. But god dammnit if those ain't my kind of people.

I am really good with a computer. Files and paper work, all that shit comes naturally to me. I worked in an office doing data entry and it made me realize that I hated doing office shit even though I was great at it, and that doing it made me want to gun down everyone in the building before taking myself out.

There is something about standing on my feet all shift and sometimes burning myself or cutting myself on accident that doesn't drive me away.

I hate the people I serve. I bitch about people, assuming they'll complain about dumb bull shit and yet I still love doing what I do. I love everything about it. It fills me with a sense of pride.

What I've noticed about people in the industry is the fact that people who don't make it are usually built to be normal. But it's usually the dregs of society that make up most kitchen staff. They just don't mix well with the average people. Myself included.

If you hate your job, fuck off. Do something else for shit pay. Don't try and do something that needs heart to do. Sure you need a paycheck, but there is a reason why you'll be stuck as a cook until you quit. The weak never make it.

>> No.8205137

>work too much
>paid too little
>managerial overhead is either bloated and sucking up profits and wasting or pocketing the money, or bare bones and too stressed to function
>corruption, favoritism, etc
>rules and food regs constantly change
>you can go %125 all day every day and not accomplish much

Its not a job you can make a living wage from and still have time for family and a personal life.

Most jobs seem that way, actually, because all the good jobs are always taken.

>> No.8205145

I think the stress would decrease quite a bit, but the stress that remains would be focused on different things. Whereas, in the present, some of the stress comes from your staff and their bad attitudes, tardiness, clumsiness, carelessness, etc, the future roboticist chef will stress over bug fixing, troubleshooting, maintenance, and programming. Again, I think it would be less stressful but it would be a completely different job.

>> No.8205187

you're a fucking moron. i hate working with people like you.

>> No.8205209

Trust me, just go for it. I've committed the mistake of being an indecisive cunt in these exact situations before, and it only fucking haunted my thoughts. Just act. Whatever's the outcome, you'll be in peace with yourself, 2 nights after. Unless you go full autist and spill spaghetti. Gladly I'm through this part of my life.

>> No.8205222

For me going to the restaurant industry was the best choice I made. Something about the stress, always putting fires out with my cooks and freaking out about being super clean is fun for me. I just enjoy the work, coming home after crushing a gnarly Friday or Saturday service with all the boys is something I look forward to. It's all about just trying to master your craft and I'm way into it. My pay is trash but the work makes me super happy.

>> No.8205228


>> No.8205289

I wish it was acceptable to say it in public. I hate slow walkers so much.

>> No.8205301
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Am I the only one who walks at an unreasonably fast speed?
>walking with family
>"slow down anon!"

It's like one of those videogames where you have to escort an npc and your normal walk speed is faster than theirs so you have to conciously walk around uselessly to match their speed

>> No.8205321

I went to culinary school

All chefs told me the same thing

It's the toughest and the most highly demanded job in America.

So yeah, it's fucking tough.

>> No.8205348

>It's the toughest and the most highly demanded job

Are you just sucking your own cock right now or are you being serious?

>> No.8205365

underrated comment

>> No.8205394

Hard work is good for the soul, being creative in your work makes it alot more intressting

>> No.8205401

Chef working for others is miserable
Chef working for himself is the happiest

>> No.8205433

it's hard and miserable and thankless but i would never do anything else. i'm more or less my own boss. i have an heirarchy to answer to but it's clearly defined so theres no posturing and dick waving bullshit. i get to be creative and passionate about what i do and get rewarded for it. i went to culinary school but that was mostly to shut my parents up. that was helpful and taught me a lot but a lot of kids that go to culinary school are mouthy, lazy, entitled brats. it's not about your education it's about dedication. dedication to your craft and to your employer. yeah some days i hate my job but honestly i'm proud of the work i do and it makes me happy.

>> No.8205436

this post reeks of reading kitchen confidential and suddenly thinking you have the answer to life.

>> No.8205440

if you have to ask its not for you op

>> No.8205441

Aside from this overly dramatic bullshit like that Paul Gerard video, is that book actually a good read?

>> No.8205658

not that guy, but I was so mad 20 pages deep, I fucking dropped it. It could be a fun read if you have a strong stomach for cringe, but I just got angry because this asswipe is making money inviting these edgy cunts into my field of work. I have worked with green cooks who come in with this idiotic BROTHERHOOD OF THIEVES mentality and they usually burn out a few weeks or months after hire because they're more worried about making sure they get as destroyed as possible between shifts and becoming a legend than they are about learning to make a fuckin pan sauce

>worst part is my dad's wife sent me it, and apparently she loved it.

>> No.8205698

>I'm trying to imagine that feeling, but there is no joy.

Some people are creators/producers.
Some people get their self worth by serving others/making others happy.
A chef is a little bit of both.

>> No.8205700

>Cocaine and alcohol. It's like being a rockstar

Its more like being a cheap prostitute, and you need the coke just to get through your shift.

>> No.8205953

>But yeah, no, when I was younger I was hot and made bank. I got a nice little beergut now but I'm 6'2 so I just look like a beefcake bro lol. I've been seeing someone seriously for a bit so I don't really chat girls up much anymore.

Literally no-one cares about this.

>> No.8205966

I've been working for 7 years as a chef. I've started going back to uni this year and am only working part time.

I still like my job, but only because I know I won't have to do it forever. I've had alot of fun as a chef, and I still do. But at the end of the day, you work rediculus hours, for shit pay, so some up themself chef/restaurnture/hotel can look good infront of other wankers and hope and pray when you eventually scrape together enough pennies to open your own place, that it doesn't fail, which 95% of the time they do.

tldr: its fun for a while but have an exit plan, don't get stuck in the job.

>> No.8206192

If someone read that book and decided it was that way all the time people are retarded. Yes cooks back in the day could get away with that pirate ass 2edgy5u meme bullshit but its not like that everywhere. Yeah kitchen fuckery happens its fun but its not like real life. Most of the time its shit people in a shit job complaining so all they can do is romantisize their job.
>hur dur curse like a pirate
Yeah its actually kinda fun to do
>stealing things
That makes you a prick and a thief. Nothing else.
>the coming in drunk overt alcoholic bullshit or doing drugs at work
Yeah no that just means you are drowning yourself in more problems sinking your paycheck into alcohol and drugs. Its shit get over yourself.
>hur dur dredges of society
Yeah cool people work in kitchens but the thing is the responsible cool ones work their way up. the shitty wannabe anthony bourdains get consumed by their drug and alcohol addiction and inability to make friends who arent also le edgy meme resturant pirates on drugs.
I have 2 of his books and what i took from them was that theres a chance you can work with cool people and have a great time but its mostly a shitty job and a shitty lifestyle.

>> No.8206252


we eat after we serve our last customers. we only take reservations so it's not like anyone can walk in and order. often eat at like 9-10pm for dinner.

>> No.8206303

Isnt this basically a chef culture thing at this point? I mean emergency doctors working long shifts must have a job that's at least equally stressful, yet you dont hear about doctors doing coke like it was standard procedure (although Im sure there are still some that do).
Just admit that you like doing coke.

>> No.8206434

>talking about how you would fuck each waitress and why

So much this, even as a server every person in there that's male says those things. Bus boy, bar tender and bar back, dish washer, cook, manager.

I remember on break me and basically the whole male staff had a 20 minute conversation about every good looking female and how we would dump our loads into their bodies gently or violently.

>> No.8206466
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To the chefs or cooks out there how much do you guys get paid every month

>> No.8206468 [DELETED] 
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Jesus Christ, I'm so glad I got an engineering degree and don't have to associate with you turds. I feel sorry for you, when your high school counselor asked "what do you like to do?" and the best answer you had was "I like to eat". Well guess what? EVERYONE likes to eat, but cooking is a brutal service job on par with janitor, but more stress. So, great choice guys! I feel like most cooks fell into the position as a last resort, but for those of you who wanted to do it... because they saw it as glamorous on TV... haha! You got what you deserved. Now, its Friday evening, get to work you filthy slaves! I'm taking my date somewhere nice, and I will complain about both the food and service, and fail to tip.

>> No.8206469


>> No.8206474

why are you even here?
you obviously have never worked in a kitchen

>> No.8206482

1100 USD

>> No.8206667

>spooning cold whatever out of a butter pan
what even is that? no towel in his left hand so the pan has to be cold. why are you putting cold sauce on a hot protein?

>> No.8206715

any job can be miserable when you're monetizing something you were once passionate about.

>> No.8206726

What if you're passionate about monetizing jobs and your job is to monetize jobs passionate people do?

>> No.8206730
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>when you really enjoy the work but you're hot garbage at it
i'm putting everything i have into it but it never seems like enough. constantly behind on prep, overtasking myself and burning something in the other kitchen down the hall, taking 10 minutes to log all my product usage into clearsky and leaving late, going full deer-in-headlights about some shit that isn't on any of my prep lists or menu rollouts.
i mean i can ortho myself during service just fine (fire 10 special-order entree salads that can't use any of your premade setups, anyone?) but holy fuck if i have the 'do you have this thing that isn't listed anywhere and nobody told you about' interaction one more time i might have a stroke.

shoutout to the 'is the branzino fattoush salad gluten-free?' guy.

>> No.8207267

> I eat for free at work
> 12 hour days at $8 an hour

You showed them who's boss

>> No.8207970

im a cook at a local place 20 yrs old

didnt have to start in the pit and make 8 bucks an hour, its not really that bad but it is a lot of work. Im going to community college culimary school soon and hope to make a career out of this

I dont buy the le epic do coke n bang waitress XD

>> No.8208091

Look closer. Pan handle seems to be insulated.

>> No.8208095

I think that makes you an agent

>> No.8208425

My brother is a sous chef. He's a miserable drunk who hates his boss and works more hours than me.

>> No.8208612


Dubtrips never lie

>> No.8208617


Chef is just an asshole word for Cook

>> No.8208634


>not cumming on their face

>> No.8209448

So the high of working as a cook is no longer having to work as a cook. Got it.

>> No.8209470

Same, also nice gif

>> No.8209558

I'm about to become a chef (or cook, is there a differance? im not american), right now I'm an "intern" at a lunch place, it's chill as shit. I imagine working in the evening is more demanding

>> No.8209629

A chef does more managing than cooking in my experience. They make sure the cooks do shit right. They have to deal with management and foh people too along with inventory, ordering and vendors

>> No.8209738

That will probably make you a Line Cook. It's a fun, chill job with evenings having 2-3 hours of a rush that might be stressful. But after that you mostly just stock the line and clean, by my experience.

>> No.8209876

kek i did this today by accident

>> No.8210267


An interesting life? That was a shit story

>> No.8210752

family meal is after prep, about an hour before service. usually just a protein, starch and veg plate of whatever we need to get used up. production staff and dishwashers only, though. no FOH allowed.
exec says "you make 300 dollars a night in my dining room and you want to eat my food? buy something off the menu."

>> No.8210764

Do any of you cooks think being a baker would be less stressful?

Problem is, that baking culture isn't really so strong in America.

Like Asia and Europe support baking enough for it to be a viable livelihood.

But in America, people would rather have sandwiches than just regular bread all by itself.

So they go to subways or a deli if they want bread instead of pure bread all by itself.

Baking seems so fun to watch though but I know you will have to wake up early every morning to bake fresh bread which sucks for someone who is not a morning person.

>> No.8210805

In the US being a full time pastry chef really isn't an option anymore unless you work at a very high end old fashioned place or you work at a bakery or something similar. Its just not worth the money.

It definitely is less stressful. The places I have worked with a dedicated pastry chef came in before everyone else, worked in a separate area, and was pretty much left alone to do whatever. You don't really have to worry about being on a line or under tight time constraints or anything like that.

>> No.8210838

Oh another yuropoor thread

>> No.8210849
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>hey sugar monkeys, i need sixteen dozen hazelnut macaroons and enough tiramisu to realistically bury all of you alive in. yes i know the order said pistachio. it's hazelnut now. no, i don't know why. you're the sugarplum fairy. magic me up some fucking HAZELNUT. MACAROONS. NOW.
i fucking looooooooove my executive chef

>> No.8210908

In the US the majority of bakeries are in are Supermarket like Walmart or Meijer.

My Roomate/Bestfriend worked bakery in a market and I worked Cash register.

He would have to get up at 3 or 4 in the morning to go bake shit, but he also got home by Noon and the had the whole day to himself. The way he describes it, there was lots of freedom (he did most of his work before the bosses came in), but it was long hours for shit pay and you never have time to go out in the evenings because you have to get up at the crack of dawn.

Apparently customers would ask for custom shit all the time and that was a pain in the ass, and large orders almost invariably get screwed up somehow and the whole thing has to be done over again.

>> No.8210930

Yes it sucks

I really don't know why I've been doing this for so many years

>> No.8210941


I work 50 hours a week and make about 2000 (as a fancy cook)

>> No.8210947

He asked pr. month. Not weekly.

>> No.8210966

>Location: Australia
>Position: Commis Chef
>Weekly Pay: Around $1100, more if I work on a public holiday

Not bad considering my rent and weekly expenditures are less than $400/week.

>> No.8210999

top kek

>> No.8211004


I wish

>> No.8211097

>also nice gif

I don't even have it saved in my folder

>> No.8211101
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BASED Joey is a chef

>> No.8211648

£1600 untaxed cash

>> No.8211692


The day a robot can flay, bone and skin a piece of meat with less time space and energy than a human is the day everyone will be out of a job bar a couple of fail-safe maintenance men

>> No.8211712


It's got a creative aspect so already it's ridiculously hard to keep up with the best.

You have to be agile, make measurements with your eyes on the fly, inner clock, you have to know millions of ingredients, their qualities, seasons, accompaniments, their history from each country, managerial skill.

That alone knocks out any other job I know of, and I'm not even warmed up

>> No.8211790
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The mental requirements needed to perform a chef's job are literally dumpster tier. That is why every dropout attempts to go to culinary school.

>> No.8211999

Sounds pretty great man. Any other stories? I love romantic depiction of work, it's always comforting to read about,

>> No.8212283

context for that pic?

>> No.8212305

Redpill me on being a chef. Is it true that you get to chain smoke and drink all day and basically do nothing?

>> No.8212309 [DELETED] 

Looks like it's from meaningless standardized test results on which Americans base their self-worth.

>> No.8212322

Standardized test scores on which Americans base their self worth. In the "land of the free" when you finish secondary school, you have to take a score that will determine your socioeconomic class for the rest of your life.

>> No.8212329

>even tho you work around food you forget to eat and 80% of the time its just one big meal daily
Definitely not the same experience, but when I worked at McDonalds I only ate when I came home. Fast food has been repulsive to me ever since I worked there

>> No.8212334

yes. shitty hours, shitty pay unless you own your own place, most chefs get really really fat from eating their own food.

>> No.8212345

Those are scores from a military aptitude test given to white enlisted men in the Army Air Force in 1945. Precursor to the ASVAB.

>> No.8212374

It's endemic to most high stress, high reward jobs.

>I wrote an algorithm for oil exploration geologists to help find/evaluate projects and successful projects are night and day stress fests and failures involve trashing months of work and wasting huge amounts of someone else's money

at least the parties are good when we make tho

>> No.8212397
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Not a chef but after a bunch of people not telling me to do it, I recently quit my desk job and started working at a ramen place. The owner and most of the staff are Jap and have been pretty nice. I start as early as 4.30am and leave as late as midnight. Yes, it doesn't take a huge IQ to boil 200 eggs but I find even the most menial tasks enjoyable. It's the happiest I've been in years. I personally find things like tending the broth at the break of dawn to be pretty comfy. It helps that I already have a house, car and no one that I need to support financially because them paychecks aren't very dank.

>> No.8212401


*telling me not to do it

>> No.8212405

>I personally find things like tending the broth at the break of dawn
You're doing it wrong.
Weeaboo fantasist detected.
Fuck off.

>> No.8212424


Furthest thing from my friend. It was the newest place close to me so I'd figured they were hiring. I've also been doing BBQ catering (Texas) and find them both to be pretty similar. Long, slow cooking process with very quick serve times.

>> No.8213012

But it does tell you a lot about the mental capacity of a chef.

>> No.8213398

But it's high stress, extremely low reward

>> No.8214363

Personally I was, Had my weekends taken up, split shifts, hot and sweaty constantly, often running around for 5-6 hours non stop, piss turning orange because I wasn't drinking enough water when I had a chance (I neck pints out the tap), thankless and boss always trying to worm out of pay.

Banqueting/events are better and I often enjoyed it but I don't know how people do to order service.

>> No.8214372
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>mfw dishwasher
>been one for a while
>work is simple
>pays well enough

>> No.8215011

Line cook here. I don't get any breaks, but I constantly graze off my station when I get a minute. I can usually make something for myself as long as its not busy. Sometimes we do staff meal at the end of the night, and if we don't I can occasionally make something and take it home.

>> No.8215054

Totally agree, I think we've stumbled on a post full of idiots who don't even want an answer to the question they asked.

>> No.8215086

Around 1800 between my two jobs. My hours from both jobs equal out to around 40-45 hours a week. Tourist season is over here, so I had to pick up another job to make ends meet.

>> No.8215140

So easy a pig can do it

>> No.8215155

chef's are the most miserable insecure people I have ever worked for. I line cooked for 3 years and they're a bunch of condescending assholes too. Fuck em. I don't work in a kitchen anymore, but I do eat out at restaurants 5 minutes before they close.

chef's are dumb asses.

>> No.8215182

It's a wonder there's not more stabbing going on in some kitchens

>> No.8215210

tell me about it. I've seen guys go at it in the walk in though. That's why I quit the kitchen. I realized I'm surrounded by felons and weirdos. most of them are ticking time bombs.

bunch of fucking wack jobs.

>> No.8215459

>when you call dominos 10 min before they close and they get angry

Nigga Just Put The Frozen Pizza In The Oven Lmao

>> No.8215485

dominos is different. they're not chefs either. just pantry grunts. I would never do that to any dominos employee, that's just mean.

restaurants are different. i always go in 5 minutes before they close and order a salmon or well done steak. then i complain that it's under cooked and send it back. fuck em.

>> No.8215528

Someone is bitter that he got sacked for being too shit at his job. Does it feel good, venting about it anonymously on 4chan whilst leaving out the minor details such as them making you cry for being a slow fucking pussy?

>> No.8215534

actually i quit because I found a better higher paying job :)

Sound like your stuck with a job you hate.

>> No.8215541

>being locked in a hot cramped kitchen for hours and hours cooking the same 10 dishes over and over and over again for years

I could never

>> No.8215551

>actually i quit because I found a better higher paying job :)

Sure you did kiddo, you keep the online fantasy going.

>> No.8215560

Am a baker for a gourmet deli in America, we supply bread for some other businesses in town. we make dank

>> No.8215563


So you are telling me at closing time they just drop everything and run. That they have no cleaning to do?

All of the restaurants I have worked in all had "closing time" as more of a "last orders" time because there is still shit to do when you stop selling.

>> No.8215566
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>> No.8215584

>tfw used to be like this
>now i work with females

I miss this feel

>> No.8215592

Oh I know. It's just funny how minimal wage fags think they have rights and can speak out to a paying customer. All the employees think about is the blunt waiting at home, nothing else. Not even the stability of the business they are working under. Such a shame.

>> No.8215773

I could see being stressed out as a chef, but if you're a line cook and you get stressed out, then you're a fucking pussy. Wahhh I have to work fast. Just keep your head down and do your fucking job as fast as you can and ignore everything else. The only time I get close to being stressed is when a server fucks up and I have to refire something, but that's more like anger than stress.

>> No.8215876

Erm I'm Asian and I think being a cook nor a chef is not miserable tho
And whenever I wear that white shirt somehow I feel proud of myself

>> No.8215918

every day 20 times a day

>> No.8216072

that pride will wear off soon enough. you're probably fresh out of culinary school.

>> No.8216126

You pretty much nailed one or two things. Not all of us chefs drink or do hard drugs. No tobacco. I'll smoke some weed. Not a lot though. Keeps me mellow. I enjoy making great food. Since I quit letting little shit get to me, I really don't get angry any more. I treat my employees good and instead of snapping off on them, I just try to help them fix whatever they fucked up and keep on moving. Shit happens. I'm a machine and most people can't keep up with me. I know my employees will never love my business like I do, but I'm lucky that they are proud to work there and they do a good job. I've worked in some shit places over the years but I've worked in some really good places. I opened the best restaurant I've ever worked in.

>> No.8216147

Not true anon. Going on four years of owning my own successful place. I have a lot of my original employees and they love it. I treat them good. Pay them well, bonus everyone when we have a good season.

>> No.8216154

>shit pay
>shit hours
>shitton of work
>shitty co workers
>shitty chef
>shitty life
>shitty commute
>shitty days

yeah being a chef is a meme.

>> No.8216159

boom. nailed it.


>> No.8216162

>shitty restaurant

>> No.8216177

>shitty line
>shitty friends
>shitty food
>shitty city
>shitty lack of prep team
>shitty everything
>15k dollars into culinary school
>only return is misery and regret

>> No.8216204


sounds like you should move out of london buddy

>> No.8216289

>shitty beef
>shitty pork
>shitty chicken

>> No.8217104

duuuuudddeeeee.... fuuuuuuuck youuuuuuu.........
you just did the most realistic resume about this job, so accurate in fact that it pissed me off.

>> No.8217307


Not that guy but I'm still proud to wear a chef coat after a couple years. I didn't go to culinary school and started as a dish pig. There's a certain satisfaction wearing a uniform you earned over one handed to you. I don't have much in life but at least I have something

>> No.8217321
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>shitty chef
>seriously, shitty arrogant asshole of a chef
>tells the people behind the grill to precook chicken instead of make it fresh to order
>doesn't directly talk to me because he barely speaks proper english
>once tries to lecture me on how to keep my cutting board clean
>then later puts containers on the fucking floor then onto my cutting board
>gets pissy when I point out what he's doing
>insists on putting raw chicken, crab and shrimp above the sauces and other ingredients
>abusively yells at people that are doing their job right just to fuck with them
>doesn't yell at the one guy that does everything completely wrong
>everyone asks me for help if they need it instead of talking to him

Sometimes I want to punch this fucker out

>> No.8217325

>putting ingredients on the floor

Wew lad he sounds like a fucker

>> No.8217331


nice dude, do you own your restaurant? how long ago did you open?

>> No.8217334


Thankfully my two chefs are cool af. They trust us and hardly interfere with our work besides tips on how to do shit better etc. Everyone does ask me for help or tell me what they're going to do like I'm their boss, especially new foh people. I usually help out but think to myself I'm not your manager, I just cook here

>> No.8217346

>"it doesn't matter, it's not food!"
>proceeds to contaminate the bottom of the refridgerator and prep surfaces

This is every retard's excuse when I point it out to them. Working at this shit place for nearly 2 years now, I'm finally realizing critical thinking is strongly discouraged.

I was fucking staring at his dumbass hard when I saw him spraying degreaser right next to chicken we had in the fridge when he was cleaning it today. Guy is smart as a bag of penises

>> No.8217351


why the fuck would you ever need to spray a fridge with degreaser??

>> No.8217356

Fuck if I know. Guy is fucked in the head.

>> No.8217373

I was a cook on cruise lines for a while. Cooks and chefs have hard jobs and are constantly yelled at, which means it takes a certain kind of person. The high comes from seeing someone take a bite of what you made and send the waiter back to you with a compliment. It's knowing that someone smiled because of what you did. That's what I get from it at least.

>> No.8217485

One good thing is it's like being a mechanic in that you will never not find work.
Cooks are always needed everywhere

>> No.8217492


exactly.. a robot will never take my job

>> No.8218225

>takes a certain kind of person.

yes you have to be a complete moron or felon otherwise the average intelligent person would walk out and say "fuck this shit".

>> No.8218782




>> No.8218802


They have robots that fix cars?

Because that is what a mechanic does.

I know they have robots that make food.

That is what a cook does.

>> No.8218815

>t. guy who knows less than 0 about women.

Engineering = money = women, dumbshit.

>> No.8218825

dev stage robots for fast food burger flipping that no restaurant can afford
part-time actor server waste of space detected

>> No.8218834
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lol sure you fucking nerd

>> No.8218836

As someone married to an engineer, I can confirm this.

>> No.8218847

wew good luck getting that women to stay with all that angst

>> No.8218960


i work in fine dining, pal..

it's entertainment; they have computer programs that can compose good songs and digital art but musicians and artists won't be out of a job anytime soon (assuming they have actual jobs in those fields, i mean.)

>> No.8218963


classic alpha fucks/beta bucks scenario

>> No.8219069

21 years old started doing dishes at $8.50.
About a year later now and I'm making 11 prepping the dough with my headphones in all day and free food whenever I feel like it weekends off no stress.
No idea what some of you fags are doing wrong.

>> No.8219071


>bragging about making $11 an hour

i'm back of the house as well, but god damn.. that's not great.

>> No.8219076

I'm not bragging about that part. More the weekends off and zero stress. I've denied raises because I don't want more responsibilities.

>> No.8219093

most of them are, not all tho. it really depends on where you work and who you work with. ive been working at a holiday park kitchen for the past few months and the cooks there are miserable alcoholics and drug addicts. the work is hard and the pay is shit, the management is awful and the food is crap. if you work in a place like that it kills your soul.

>> No.8219110

on the other hand ive worked in fancier restaurants and the chefs have all been happy and contented but damn it was boring work. as hell. best thing you can do is work agency and travel around to find a kitchen thats right for you

>> No.8219120

>thinks hollywood stereotypes of engineers reflects reality

Guess what you knuckle dragging Neanderthal, there's an actual real world that you might observe if you ever crawled out of mommy and daddy's basement.

>> No.8219179


your autism is palpable, anon..

classic engineer.

>> No.8219217

Biology and chemistry and astronomy. 3 examples in reverse alphabetical order.

>> No.8219231



none of those things involve the improvisation and cunning/resourcefulness that cooking professionally requires. why the fuck would you compare a skilled trade to academia?

>> No.8219672

All things that really aren't true. Yes I'll take fries with that Mr. Burger Engineer.

>> No.8220308

chef here, been cooking in nyc for 8 yrs,michelin stars, etc. I was recently hired on as executive chef for an upcoming new restaurant

>> No.8220454

What's your fucking point?

Just got done with my shift. Been at the place for 10 years. In the industry (off and on, mostly on) 30 years. I'm far from miserable.
I might be an exception though. I don't treat the servers like shit. And if someone comes in 5 minutes after we close, I'll gladly serve them food (limited menu, of course). I treat the restaurant like I'm the owner.

>> No.8220550


lol "limited menu"??

you're either open or you're not, faggot. no wonder you're not exec chef.

>> No.8220559

guys guys guys guys.. guys..

chef said it was good, first try today. it finally happened. it took one guy 8 months on his last day to hear it.

Thats all.

>> No.8220606

Limited as in, I've already tossed the X and I'm not going to spend 15 minutes reheating it because it's going to end up being a 30 minute ticket time.
Not that it matters, because you're just banting, but I was the exec for 8 years at the place. Had to leave because stress, came back and am now a lowly line cook -making a very high hourly wage (plus tips now that I'm not mgmt).
Fuck salary.

>> No.8220612

Ah... see what I said?
I actually WAS miserable as exec chef.
Now that I'm not, shit like I said in >>8220454
isn't a big deal at all.