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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8198628 No.8198628 [Reply] [Original]

Any downside to eating less than 700 calories a day?... I am 19, 6 foot 2, and 250 pounds.

>> No.8198630

you will die

>> No.8198633

Thanks anon, I will take that into consideration deadfag

>> No.8198634

You'll really fuck up your metabolism, not get the nutrition that you need, generally feel like shit, always be hungry, etc.

>> No.8198639

You will feel very weak, and tired all the time. Also you will shit like once a week.

I ate 800cal a day for about a month once, would not repeat. Even if you do want to pursue full skelly mode, there's no reason not to get at least 1200cal a day.

>> No.8198640

The hungry part I can get over, but my metabolism is going to almost shut down and go into a hibernating mode so to speak... Don't know if I'll be fucked when I start eating again

>> No.8198643

emaciation, muscle loss, headaches, fatigue, irritability, loss of coordination and clear thinking, possible organ damage, hormonal changes.

>> No.8198645


Besides nutritional deficiencies and generally feeling like hammered shit, not much.

At 250 lbs, I guarantee you that you'll lose weight if you keep it under 2000 calories. Especially if you are even remotely active.

>> No.8198646
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you'll feel like shit 24/7 and will regain whatever weight you lose. If you had the discipline to pull of 700 calories today long enough to matter, you wouldn't be 250 lbs in the first place.

>> No.8198647

Trying to lose weight (fast, lets say 6 months), but a 1200 calorie diet may be my best option so I don't feel like absolute shit every day

>> No.8198651


You mean other than malnutrition and eventual death?

>> No.8198652

OP Here
Thanks for all the help guys
I am going to do a 1200 diet for a month and will keep /ck/ updated... Already on Day 3

>> No.8198661

You'll fail. 1200 is too low. You'd be far better to go at about 1800 or so. With your weight, as long as you keep it under 2400, you'll still lose weight, and that's assuming that you're sedentary.

>> No.8198665

gl man.

>> No.8198667


Good luck with the weight loss, but you will be much healthier and happier (and still lose weight easily assuming you are moderately active) on an 1800-2000 kcal diet.

>> No.8198674
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Cardio, motherfucker.
I just ran for 2 hours and burned 2000 calories.
I average 1500-2000cals burned a day from recreational activity.
Eat well, live hard.

And don't skimp the fucking carbs. You won't be shit without them. Low carb is a fucking meme.
Carbs and protons are what you need.

>> No.8198704
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hi OP, i know you're trying to lose weight and let me tell you something, i went from 330 to 270 in like 6 months with a diet called PSMF, look it up if you're interested, basically it's a diet where you ONLY consume protein (main sources are chicken, fish, eggs, lean cuts) and some green vegetables, preferable broccoli or greEn beans, i had a maximum of 1200 cals a day but i normally ate around 800, in short it's pretty much a controlled starvation, the protein helps minimize the ratio of muscle loss (since you're gonna eventually lose muscle if you eat that little calories) and by not eating carbs you're able to enter ketosis which is a natural way of suppressing appetite, It's a very easy way of losing weight but it's not for everyone, try it out and see if it works for you

>> No.8198712
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Body wieght is approximately 10% of caloric intake ..... So what do you think you would look like at 70 pounds being 2+ meters tall

>> No.8198726

Your metabolism will drop like a rock and will take a long time to get back to something that could be considered healthy, you will gain alot of fat in this time.
You will feel like shit and be in general useless mentally,physically, socially, and your emotions will be that of a teenage girl during her first period after a breakup.
You will lose muscle mass, bone density, and damage your organs permanently

>> No.8198737

I used to do something similar. You feel fucking weak and lazy. You might be able to force yourself to do it, but then one day you'll binge and feel like super shit

I suggest 1.5k as a lowest calorie limit. You'll be able to fill up and spread your food out over the day.

>> No.8198772


>> No.8198782

I was 35 and 295 lbs at 6 foot. My knees ached when I so much as glanced at a staircase, I broke into a sweat tying my laces, I hadn't seen my dick in years with out craning my neck over my portly belly. I barely changed my diet and dropped down to 205 lbs in 8 months. How, you may ask? I got my fat ass off the couch and started jiu jitsu. I didn't even change my diet that much. I just stopped being a lazy fat fuck. And when you are active all that shit food you cram down your cock holster becomes a lot less appealing. So get in your kitchen and learn to cook and get on the mat and learn how to choke and stop being a fat pussy.

>> No.8198825

shit, this explains a lot

>> No.8198909
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>Protons ?

>> No.8198912

eat a load of bread and potatoes while basking in sunlight

>> No.8198918


>> No.8198921

oops im retarded

>> No.8198927

You are where I was 2 years ago (probably the same actually, I haven't weighed myself in a while and I know I look like shit again).

Go on /fit/. Read the sticky.

Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) can range from 1800-2300 calories depending on how active you are.

There's a calculator there that can ballpark your TDEE very close to what it actually is. Once you know, subtract it by 500 calories and congrats you now know what you need to eat to steadily lose weight while still getting your nutrition and avoiding the yo-yo effect.

>> No.8198971

I work at night so I supplement my daily protons with uranium.

>> No.8199000
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you will be skinnyfat tier unless you exercise too.

Cut your calories down to 1500 a day and do simple shit like planks and push ups

>> No.8199049

>they don't practice nitrogen fixation as part of a healthy breakfast

>> No.8199061


eat 1250-1500 a day you dumb fuck

>> No.8199070

Enjoy the loose skin and fucked hormones and metabolism for going on a 1200cal a day crash diet lol. Why aren't you thinking about the final outcome? Laziness or something?

>> No.8199133

1200 should be fine starting at 250 and are not exercising. Bump to 1500 if you are somewhat active.
It is important to not vary your calorie intake during your diet so no cheat days and no skipping meals when you feel like you're plateauing. Habit is the most important aspect of dieting so whatever number you choose stick to it no matter what.

>> No.8199141

How much should a 115lbs, 5'3" female eat in a day? Asking for my GF because I know she eats less than she should. Not on purpose, I just think she gets really busy/distracted and forgets a lot. She's tired a lot though and I know that's why.

>> No.8199162

there are a bunch of sites online you can use to figure your TDEE and BMR

>> No.8199481

I lost weight sticking to 1200. I tried 1000 but it was too low. 1200 can be rough too but I just ate vegetables and proteins, so I got filled up.

And it's cutting calories where you can, like using egg beaters instead of eggs and low fat cheese, etc. I ended up getting filled up enough everyday.

6' 205 got down to 165.

>> No.8199488

/fit/ reporting in man. a few things.

1) you will feel like shit regardless, but eating at a deficit this large will make you feel even shittier

2) crash diets have a much lower success rate than small deficits. also as someone said if you do this for too long you can fuck yourself metabolically and will balloon back up as soon as you start eating more again

Calculate your TDEE and BMR (google it, they're everywhere) and eat at 500-1000 kcal deficit perday. This should be your limit for healthy weight loss. Keep it gradual and track your progress to stay motivated. Lifting will obviously help you stay filled out more and look better, but that's up to you.

Good luck my man.

>> No.8199489

You'll only keep the weight off if you alter your habits and that's not a sustainable deficit

>> No.8199553

This. Don't be stupid. You won't last on this diet. You obviously don't have the will power to eat sensibly and work out. What makes you think you could even do this?

>> No.8199558

Also forgot to mention in my post (205 guy) that I completely altered my lifestyle afterwards. Stopped drinking and VERY gradually started adding in more calories. Because like the fit fag says you will balloon right the fuck back up.

>> No.8199560

It depends on how much energy you expend.
Mathematics, anon.

>> No.8199563

You'll be weak, have poor concentration and be more likely to get sick.

>> No.8199569
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>> No.8199866

u'll lose weight slowly

that's about it

>> No.8199987

>I just ran for 2 hours and burned 2000 calories
No you didn't

>> No.8200006

I wasn't as big as you, I was 5'10 or 5'11 and 205 pounds

Don't eat 700 cals a day man. That's fucking brutal. Shoot for like 1300-1600, you'll lose weight just fine. Lost 40 pounds in like 5 months

>> No.8200301

I am 6'2 started out at 295 pounds. I am now down to 265. its been a little over 3 months I have been on the diet (coupled with working out daily). I started off at 2200 calories a day, then dropped to 1900, and now I am at 1700. I just recently cut carbs out of my diet.

>> No.8200958

Gradual decrease is what you want, every two day. 300 calorie reduction starting at 2000 cal./day

>> No.8200968

Cycling at 18-20mph burns like 600 cals per hour. No way this guy did 2k cals that fast.

>> No.8200970

You'll make it a few days, if that then binge.

>> No.8200997

The best way of dieting is to cut out your snack food entirely and have a healthy but fairly large meal that will fill you up either once or twice a day depending on what your calorie target is. There is really no reason to starve yourself to lose weight, your body is not designed for it and it will adversely impact your health. Combine that with 30 minutes on the treadmill and some light weight exercises every day and the weight will fall off slowly but surely.

>> No.8201004

Try fasting every other day and eat better every other

>> No.8201057

>220 pounds
>No exercise or heart pounding physical activity

Found out that,
1600 kcal made me gain weight.
1200 kcal made me maintain my weight.
800 kcal made me lose weight.

So now I do 1000 kcal a day and it sucks but I'm getting through it.
I take a multivitamin to really just for piece of mind.
I have a cheat meal (not day) for every 5 pounds I lose.
I know I could easily do 1400+ kcal a day if I made the slightest effort to do some exercise.

People will throw all kinds of kcal intakes at you (like I just did) but you really have to experiment what works for you and your body. 2000 kcal is way too high for most people unless you're making a solid effort to raise your heart rate a few times during every week. When you get down to your target weight I suggest reassessing your diet and activity to get in line with a healthy diet and exercise regimen, where the goal isn't weight loss but just living fit.

One final advice, weigh yourself at the same time everyday (I do after I wake up, hit the toilet, and before I eat or drink anything). It really helps keep you on track.

>> No.8201098

do you literally lay in bed all day? even just getting out of the house running errands every day is enough to have a higher calorie maintenance

>> No.8201103

your total daily expenditure is 2,662 calories if you're sedentary. you need to eat a bare minimum of 2,000 calories a day- more if you exercise- or you will really regret it. eating too low causes your muscles to get digested along with the fat. youll look like shit and feel like shit, and gain all the weight back.

>> No.8201106

i think you may have hypothyroidism or are miscalculating, because youre metabolic burn should be much higher than that even when on full bed rest. i am 5'5, 150, do light exercise 2x per week and maintain at 2000 calories a day

>> No.8201163
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>700 calories a day

Unless you're middle aged and in decent shape, you're not gonna make it.

Just go learn about TDEE, cutting, and watch what you eat.

Being 6ft 2in at age 19, you should be able to eat at least 2,000 to be maintain a decent weight.

>> No.8201167

I eat about 1000 kcals a day and I dont get bigger or smaller is this healthy? For note I'm 5'5 10lbs

>> No.8201171


>> No.8201172

Fucking this

>> No.8201201

From my poor understanding 2000 kcal is the average that's been calculated, and a person can be lower or higher than that, the range of people being on a bell curve.

I think I'm just on one far end of the bell curve, there's probably people out there that can eat a lot more than 2500 kcal on a sedentary life and not gain weight.

>> No.8201387

Considering you're a literal stick that seems plausible, just make you've got a diverse diet that covers all the bases in regards to vitamins and other essentials, the less you eat the more likely it is that you're sticking to certain foods that don't provide everything your body needs

>> No.8201503
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Not hard, guys.

>> No.8201505

Another one

>> No.8201510
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This, op you're a fucking moron, why the fuck am i even replying, you are a moron and you're just looking for attention, FUCK OFF

>> No.8201528

Are you trying to lose weight? Because that's a fucking horrible way to do it.

>> No.8201534

Running burns way more calories than cycling. Fuck running though cycling is way more fun

>> No.8201536

Yeah you're exhausted all day. I did 300 kcal on a fast for 10 days. Felt bad but also good, it was for a limited amount of time though

>> No.8201594

Your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) is 2920 calories.

For healthy fat loos, eat 2420 calories. That will result 1 pound per week fat loss.

Minimum amount is 1920 calories, don't go under that or you will hurt yourself, maybe permanently.

>> No.8201600

the downside is that you don't get to eat and your palate will be ruined
shouldn't you be on /fit/??

>> No.8201659
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Fuck that.
Running is the best. Get your hardest music on and burn your legs to shreds.
And a good trail run is ungodly fun. Mountain bike trails tend to be the best. Twisty, ramping, and covered with obstacles and splits. I hurtle those things like a fucking cannonball.

>> No.8203458

>that post
>tumblrtards thinking that a comparison pic means that you should literally substitute the foods on the left for foods on the right

>meanwhile apples cost $3/kg
>doritos cost $2.50 a bag

>> No.8203640


Yeah. you'll lose all the muscle mass that you built up while carrying around your fat.

It's entirely possible to fast for extended periods of time and survive: http://www.menshealth.com/health/craziest-diet-ever

But there are certain considerations. To preserve muscle mass, you might try a ketogenic (very low-carb) diet, since that will make your body prioritize burning fat. You'll want to drink plenty of water and get extra electrolytes, take a multivitamin, and make sure to eat plenty of non-starchy vegetables.

And no, you won't die if you aren't stupid.

That said, you could go the nutritarian diet and get down to about 1200-1300 calories a day, fill it with the healtheist food you can find, and maintain that indefinitely - there's evidence that this sort of caloric restriction can even make you live longer than otherwise.

Yes, your metabolism slows, but a slow metabolism actually translates to longer lifespan in every animal model so far.

>> No.8204816
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Yeah, a slow metabolism is ok if your life is slow and boring.
Fuck that shit.

>> No.8204928

What if i lift weights and have a lot of protien in my diet, yeah now what faggot?

>> No.8205596

if you start eating 1800 cals a day you will lose around a lb a week without exercise.

>> No.8205804
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Add in exercise and you'll lost two pounds a week and fill it in with some delicious muscle.
But that's mildly difficult and people are lazy and stupid, so just continue to fail.

>> No.8206114
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>When /fit/izens and cu/ck/s meet: the thread

>> No.8206123


Clearly not a /fit/izen

>> No.8206162

well you are right, but give those people a break. every serious /fit/izen knows about nutrition, but not every co/ck/ knows about training. no reason to get butthurt about the boards residents not knowing about /fit/ memes

>> No.8206437

>you'll be miserable
>you'll lose as much, if not more, muscle than fat
>you'll probably just start eating shity once you've lost weight and gain it back

A 500kcal deficit per day is far more manageable and can be more easily transitioned into good eating habits in the future so you don't just gain the weight back.

>> No.8207524

>this whole image
Fat bitches write this kind of shit on the whiteboard in the office break room after they eat half of a grapefruit doused in sugar to "make up for" the pound of lasagna and 3 brownies they ate for lunch.

>> No.8207534


2 foods historically know for excessive sugar content

>> No.8208254

Starvation mode or slow metabolism is a myth. Everyone here saying eating at an extreme deficit will slow metabolism is NOT well read.

>> No.8208311

enjoy your spine, hip, knee, ankle, and foot problems at 45 years old. Not saying running isn't fun and good exercise, but the human body isn't meant to do it for long distances on a daily basis for years on end. I'm surrounded by runners aged 30-50 and they're all starting to get heartbreaking joint issues. Might want to think about mixing it up with some low-impact activities.

>> No.8208349

You know what If I fucking had this conversation with you in real life I'd probably get mad enough and deck you in the face.

The human body is very adaptable granted it wears down by age and the rate of wear depends on nutrition and other factors too but exclaiming that if you run everyday it'll cost you your joints in your middle/old age is outright wrong.
There is no fucking reason your body wouldn't just overcompensate muscle and adapt it's other functions especially if you are in your early 20s or younger.

Get fucked FUD spreading cunt.

>> No.8208514

Watch out all, we've got a badass over here.

>> No.8208526

fuck... i barely eat like half a meal a day... this thread making me so scared... and im not even fucking fat... what do i do /ck/? i dont want to get fat but i dont want to fuck my organs up by not eating enough and i dont want to gain weigfht putting it all back on... today i had 3 little brioche buns with pulled pork and coleslaw and a sweet potato fritter thing... how many calories is that? fuuuuuuuuck i hate my life

should i eat the icecream ive been saving for later now or wat? its all i got

>> No.8208557

just ate the icecream fuck it

anyone got advice how much i should start eating or trying to eat? wat % should i increase the amount of food i eat by? i try the jap thing hara bachi bun me

>> No.8208559

>Food shaming
kill me

>> No.8208577

>anyone got advice how much i should start eating or trying to eat?

I dont get why so many people ask this. I mean I eat for shit but that is a choice. eating healthy is not hard knowledge wise - rather it is hard because of willpower and quick and easy convenience.

>cut out your sugar
>more green veggies than starches and meats
>grill, bake, smoke, steam over frying in oil
>balance your plates something along the lines of 3-4:1:1 vegetables:starch:meat
>avoid commercially pre-made anything
>cut down on your salt
>eat things that work together like corns, beans, squash (provides almost all your essential amino acids)
>fermentation is your friend be it sour dough breads or pickling.
>dont eat until you cant move nor starve yourself
>pay attention to your sauces,condiments and dips- dipping carrots in ranch dressing defeats the purpose
>whole grains.
>snack on quality food like carrot sticks, nuts, fruit, jerky
>and if it looks like a lot of food then it probably is
>drink more water

>> No.8208582

i know how to eat healthily and get good nutrition but.. fuck it ill just try eat 2 meals a day.. 2 FULL meals... no more half shit... so starch is bad, starch is in bread nad rice right? guess ill replace those with some kind of lettuce or something... wrap meat in lettuce and eat.... could be worse.. wrapping vegetables in lettuce is good too its like a raw vegetarian dumpling or somethin.. that sounds gay as fuck tho

>> No.8208584

I literally lived on 6 100 kcal shakes every day for 3 and a half months. Lost roughly 80lbs. You kinda get into the swing of it after a while, though you will miss chewing things.

Beware though, you will be one hell of a skinny-fat afterwards.

>> No.8208620

>i know how to eat healthily and get good nutrition but.

I don't think you do. Running on half all the time is better than being empty 2 to 3 times a day.If you are only eating 2 big full meals a day you are doing it wrong. Also, starch aids in the digestion of proteins. They should be eaten together. There is a reason that every culture has come across something like rice and beans/peirogis/bao/dumplings/bread & meat/sushi and so on.

>> No.8208658

It is real actually, but it only accounts for 55 calories per day in lost metabolism. And that's only in the most extreme cases.

>> No.8208761
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fatty spotted
But yeah, I know. I bike, hike, dance, swim, fuck, etc as well. Nothing is as fun as a good run, though. And 45 is 20 years away. A hell of a lot will change in that time, and there's a good chance I'll be able to fix any problems with new medical tech.
But I'd do it anyway.

>> No.8208793

wtf m8

>> No.8208908

That's photons dumbass. For protons you gotta push really hard against stuff. If you aren't fusing together with your target, you're not pushing hard enough.

>> No.8208915

Brah, at your weight and height you can easily lose 5 pounds a week until you are down to 200.
Exercise, cut out almost all carbs, and don't drink soda, fruit juice, or booze.

>> No.8208918

he is probably just miscalculating and missing an extra 100-200 cals in cheese or something hard to measure

>> No.8208923

I eat a lunch and dinner and normally just have a snack like toast or a yogurt for breakfast

>> No.8209083

That's actually basically how protons get swapped around molecularly. Molecules bang into each other hard enough in the right places and stuff happens.

>> No.8209093

Im a little shorter than you, and a little heavier than you. I dropped 13 lbs. in a week, just from doing 1600 calories a day tops.

>> No.8209103


>> No.8209137

everyone here telling you you'll feel like shit, your metabolism will shut down, blah blah blah, ignore them, they're idiots.

i haven't eaten for 9 days. i feel fucking fine.

get that? i feel FINE.

i'll have to eat soon, i suppose. i ate 9 days ago, and didn't eat for 3-4 days before that, a few times, started with 2 days and then 5 days a while back.

i think it went

eating yes/no

today (no)

i've lost a lot of weight. i feel fine.

just not eating is FUCKING OBVIOUSLY the best way to lose weight.

the entire 'starvation mode' thing is just a myth that fat fucks made up and which these mediocre plebs spread, they can't imagine anything outside of their experience not making them feel miserable because they're BORN TO BE SLAVES.

eating is overrated. food is medicine.

>> No.8209144


running for 2 hours burns like, 300 calories.

>> No.8209148


carbs are not necessary to eat. the human body is adapted to exist in a complete absence of any carbs.

>> No.8209165



>> No.8209449
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>> No.8209679
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>All those fatties desperately defending their need to eat 5 feed troughs of fast food a day

>> No.8209717

>running for 2 hours

I can barely run 15 minutes, no i'm not obese

>> No.8209741
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you will look like you are reporting live from auschwitz, no joke though, you will die.

>> No.8210138

Hey OP, I've been on a 1000kcal diet and went from 85Kg to 77,5Kg in 53 days. I also been lifting weights 3 days a week to keep muscles up and brisk walking 2 hours every other day. I don't really feel I'm losing muscle. In fact, I'm lifting heavier than before. Probably not the best way to get gains but, anyway. My bodyfat rate has to get lower and I guess my body is getting all energy from there. Also, I'm on a 16h daily fast.

Disclaimer: This is me and this might not work for anyone else.

Good luck.

>> No.8210255
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Train, bitch.
I hit 2 hours non-stop when I was (barely) obese.
Took me about 4 months to get there, and I could barely run 5 minutes when I started.

I tried sub-BMR calorie restriction for a long time, but my body absolutely hates it. I've lost all my fat through exercise.
And walking is fucking worthless for even slightly healthy people. Cardio harder.
If you don't hit the wall, you aren't getting anything done.

>> No.8210676

Sounds like you've got anger issues. Might want to see someone about that.

>> No.8210680

Why are you so mad? It's not healthy to threaten violence just because someone is wrong.

>> No.8210891

I apologize it's just that I live around people who say stuff like this, I realise It's wrong but I have unfortunately picked up their mannerism. I will consciously work on changing it. Thanks for taking the time to talk to me about a flaw most people would ignore , I appreciate you kind strangers.

>> No.8211158


I hear your brain and breathing uses about 800 of those sedentary calories a day. So If you don't move or think too hard you should be OK.

>> No.8211364

I am truly sorry for offending you so deeply. Have a good one.

>> No.8211406

>Implying walking doesn't burn calories

It does. But I'm talking about brisk walking. Something makes your heart pump faster but not as much as running would do.
Anyway, I can't run well due to my knees being genum varum (aka knees pointing out). When I hit the wall I'll change the strategy. Probably will be steadily adding more calories to my diet and more days of lifting.

>> No.8211532
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The whole point is to get your heart rate up and push your body as hard as it can go. If your heart isn't banging, your breath isn't panting and your muscles aren't burning, then you aren't going hard enough to accomplish anything worthwhile.
If you can't run, then bike or swim or something.
Walking ain't shit, not at any speed, because it's easy.
Cardio is supposed to be hard, and it's supposed to hurt, because that's how you know that you're pushing your entire body's boundaries. Embrace it.

>> No.8211535

Do you include walking in the snow, sand dunes or up steep hills with strolling to a local deli?

>> No.8212351

You'll lose some serious weight, like probably half a pound a day, but a lot of that is going to be bone density and muscle mass on such a restricted diet. Seriously go for about 1500 kcal absolute minimum, you won't be able to squeeze in the nutrients you need on so few calories.

1500 kcal is still likey to be a 1500kcal(minimum) deficit for someone of your mass, and assuming you don't have a comically small skeleton you should probably be pretty close to a decent weight even for a dyel. Someone at 6'2 should probably weigh at least 200lbs

Protons and fats are much more important. Carbs are just a meme filler for the calories you have left

>> No.8212592

>2000 calories in two hours
wow must be fun running at 100mph up mount everest

>> No.8213903

Human beings are some of the best long-distance runners of any animal on the planet. We can even outrun horses over a long enough distance, especially in hot climates. That said, getting on in age obviously has a major effect on your ability to perform.

>> No.8215113

yeah, you burned max 1200 cals unless you were literally sprinting for 2 hours
also, running so much will fuck up your knees

>> No.8215125

at 6' 220 pounds your calorie intake cannot possibly be lower than 2000 cals

>> No.8215177
File: 25 KB, 400x386, 1453164356371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>food shame

>> No.8215233

If you're really fit it's not uncommon to break 1000 cal/hr in cardio based sports. In rowing, for example, I pretty regularly burn >1000 calories in one sitting. Then I eat like a man possesed. It's great.