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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8198337 No.8198337 [Reply] [Original]

What's your excuse for still eating meat, /ck/?

>beef industry literally destroying the earth
>beef and pork clogging your arteries and providing very little benefits to your health
>pigs, one of the most intelligent animals on earth, are subjected to a life of horrendous cruelty

it is completely unethical and inhumane to eat meat

>> No.8198351


>> No.8198357

get out

>> No.8198363

it tastes good

>> No.8198366

For me it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich.

>> No.8198370

It tastes really fucking good and I'll be dead before it destroys the earth? In my defense I do eat a fair amount of offal that would likely go waste so that helps right?

>> No.8198382

it's illegal to eat vegans

>> No.8198384

>a proposed law by a politician, not a scientist
>no scientific basis


>> No.8198389

damn that's a good looking filet OP, thanks for the picture

>> No.8198395

It taste good

>> No.8198397

Because I respect the ways of my ancestors. Stop being a culturally insensitive bigot

>> No.8198408

Where I live you need an excuse for not eating meat. Most days I don't, but if I'm in a social setting I do.

>> No.8198478

It's because pork chops tastes good, bacon tastes good. You know bacon is your weakness.

>> No.8198509

I like the taste of it and it pisses veganas off.

>> No.8198515

Hey, sewer rat might taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know 'cause I'd never eat the filthy motherfucker.

>> No.8198555


>> No.8199053
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Look past the first 3 links, faggot.

>> No.8199056

Try nutria some time.
It's good.

>> No.8199071

>beef and pork clogging your arteries and providing very little benefits to your health
Do people actually believe this in current year?

>Muh cholesterol meme
Learn proper nutrition, babby. Dietary cholesterol has NOTHING to do with blood cholesterol levels.

>> No.8199081

Sounds like a nut job

>> No.8199134

Dietary cholesterol is the main cause of heart disease

>> No.8199166

Why are you so sure of this?

>> No.8199167

morality is a spook

>> No.8199169

I only eat the meat of dumb animals i.e. vegans and other human scum.

>> No.8199170

it's fucking delicious

>> No.8199238

i'm a nihilist

>> No.8199244

Because humans are omnivores. I hope to try dog meat and cat meat some day, despite cats being my favorite animals. I see no problem with this.

>> No.8199251
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this guy fuckin gets it

>> No.8199253

>>beef industry literally destroying the earth
>>beef and pork clogging your arteries and providing very little benefits to your health
>>pigs, one of the most intelligent animals on earth, are subjected to a life of horrendous cruelty
I totally agree op. I know all this but I just don't care. Meat tastes too good.

>> No.8199266
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1200, big asuka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't eat beef, and don't eat pork (except occasionally pancetta - doesn't count), but there's no fucking way I'll give up chicken, turkey, or salmon.
I have a divine second amendment right to derive pleasure from the drawn-out torture of those three animals, and there is nothing you can do to infringe upon that.

>> No.8199312

>beef industry literally destroying the earth
>hurr durr capitalism causes global warming

So you propose that millions of people in the developing world continue to starve and blame white European colonialism from 100 years ago for their current suffering? You liberals really are cancerous self contradictory airheads who literally turn every society into a welfare ghetto, one minute griping about "waaahhhh destroying the planet" to "hurr I don't care if they die because it doesn't affect me."

>implying politically minded pseudo intellectuals calling themselves scientists won't conjure bogus shops for government grants

So if you were starving to death and that was all you had to survive, you'd still be too full of yourself to eat it. Good grief you SJWs are such pretentious brats, and if you think any flesh would taste like pumpkin pie, you need to get the fuck out of that sheltered millennial hugbox of suburban socialist academia and learn what it's like to work for a living.

>> No.8199327

the only meat I eat is chicken and turkey. I cant afford the good beef and pork and the cheap is shit.

>> No.8199339

Jules pls

>> No.8199344

Honestly I went vegetarian for about a year before I gave up.

It gets awkward to explain to people. It sucks to go out with people and have to explain and sit there with my salad.

>> No.8199495

just because you don't like calling yourself a vegetarian and never eating meat doesn't mean you can't make better individual choices. you can order a non-vegetarian dish at a restaurant without buying a bunch of meat at the grocery store.

I went into veganism with this attitude but ended up just never wanting to eat any animal foods. they disgust me now.

>> No.8199502

>study upon study for decades showing all the awful effects of meat in the diet
>completely ignored
>one shit study funded by the egg industry among hordes of dissenting conclusions claims dietary cholesterol doesn't affect serum choloesterol
>everybody and their mother is screaming it from the rooftops
either admit you don't care and continue eating the way you have been or stop looking for excuses and make a change

>> No.8199506

I buy pasture raised meats. So I'm covered on no cruelty. The dietary issues are a myth created by the sugar industry to distract from themselves.

I eat probably about 3-5lbs of bacon a week and my bloodwork is beautiful.

>> No.8199508

i'm a diabetic, and lean protein is one of the best things i can eat.

it doesn't spike my blood sugar. what little fat it has is also poly and mono unsaturated, which gives me a healthy lipid profile.

>> No.8199510


>> No.8199511

PETA here:

>> No.8199570

after years of thought i realized. I don't need an excuse to eat meat.

>> No.8199581

I see arguments against beef and pork there, but no other meat.
Wouldn't "What's your excuse for still eating pork" be a more productive thread?

>> No.8199652

B-but i eat it 2 times a month, a single cow can be enough for 20 years or so (prefer horse anyway)

>> No.8199661

>vegans literally destroying my board

>> No.8199689

It's yummy.

>> No.8199691

I am suicidal and self-destructive and there is an entire industry willing to help slowly kill me and the planet.

Fuck you.

>> No.8199695

1. Tastes good
2. Easy protein source

>pigs, one of the most intelligent animals on earth, are subjected to a life of horrendous cruelty
Crows are smarter and we kill them without giving a fuck either.

>> No.8199701


1) Tastes great
2) I avoid the cruelty and environmental issues by only purchasing free-ranged meat, not factory farm shit. My main motivation for this is the taste, but it's nice that there is no suffering either.

>> No.8199716


Because homo sapiens are omnivorous creatures that have eaten the flesh of other animals for 2.5 million years.

Fuck your stance on animal cruelty. Forests are bulldozed to build crops. Innocent creatures are horrifically poisoned because they are considered "pests". Enjoy your organic palm oil corn chips that are tainted with the blood of critically endangered Orangutans.

Just take your goitrogenic tofu with all the phytates and Christ knows what else. Enjoy the moobs and enjoy the eventual bone cancer.

>> No.8199728
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>he think free-ranged meat is a truly cruelty free solution

Not even a vegan/vegetarian, I love meat, but you're retarded if you think this.

>> No.8199734
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This. They also don't factor how many animal products and by-products are used for their electronics, cars, hell practically anything you use. What about pet food?

>> No.8199739

>but you're retarded if you think this.

What makes you think that? I'm not talking about shit you see at the supermarket that's labeled "free range". I mean that I literally know the farmer in question. They raise a small number of animals, and it really is just like a storybook farm. The only cruelty involved is the moment of slaughter. Expensive? Yes. But worth it.

>> No.8199740


I've known several people who have put their dog on veterinarian diets. It's pretty disgusting.

>> No.8199744

Alright, that is different, my mistake.

>> No.8199745

I wish to enjoy the life of the meat eating aristocracy before the vegan revolution.

>> No.8199747

A dog can thrive perfectly fine on a vegetarian diet.

>> No.8199752
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Just because it can live, doesn't mean it's an ethical thing to do

>> No.8199754

Already reduced my intake of red meat to once a week, and mostly removed milk from my diet outside of the few times I cook with it. I feel 100x better.

>> No.8199755


What about the ethics of keeping a dog as a pet in the first place?

>> No.8199764

You're right, it's super terrible,those poor animals. We should just release them back into the wild with their wolf brethren.

>> No.8199771

I'm sure you can functionally survive on bread and water, doesn't mean you're healthy

>> No.8199780


A lot of the time pet dogs are indeed suffering. You think they like being chained up? Kept inside all day in a cramped apartment while getting minimal, if any, chance to run around, dig, chase animals, and otherwise do dog stuff?

Clearly it doesn't apply to all pets, but many are neglected in one way another.

>> No.8199788

As shitty as that is I'd say it's still better than them trying to fend for themselves out in the wild, starving and being chased by predators.

>> No.8199789

I eat meat cause I'm not a fucking freak

>> No.8200010

>>beef industry literally destroying the earth
I don't care.
>>beef and pork clogging your arteries and providing very little benefits to your health
I don't care.
>>pigs, one of the most intelligent animals on earth, are subjected to a life of horrendous cruelty
I don't care.
>it is completely unethical and inhumane to eat meat
I don't care.
I'm not going to defend eating meat, I just couldn't give two shits about the world around me and it tastes good.

>> No.8200017

Put that fedora away right now

>> No.8200020

why are you still eating vegetables? full of anti nutrients and sugar

>> No.8200314

You didn't just take the bait, you swallowed the hook.

>> No.8200323

because I've been vegetarian and vegan at different times in my life and overall it wasn't optimal.

>> No.8200325

Thriving and surviving are very different.
Find me a photo of a dog supposedly thriving on a vegetarian diet, without supplement powders derived from fuckin meat, and I'll show you a dog that's sick and you just can't see it.
They shouldn't be fed that way for dozens of reasons.

>> No.8200477

What's your excuse for not living on a bowl of rice and beans a day and donating everything else to starving Africans?

>> No.8200518

Dogs chose us tens of thousands of years ago.

No PETA back then, dogs still stayed with us, clearly they though it was gravy, and now they don't know better, alternative is mass euthanasia of every domesticated animal.

>> No.8200543

this, put the reductio ad absurdum on vegan moral logic and you'll find that they aren't that pious after all

>> No.8200616

Because 'aid' from the West is how there came to be so many of the cunts starving these days.

Africa can't support it's population. Nature will redress the imbalance.

>> No.8200656

But nature can support over a billion heads of cattle?

>> No.8200717
File: 131 KB, 500x425, rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted from my iPad

t. OP

>> No.8200859


Same as >>8199238. Pure, unadulterated nihilism.

>> No.8201080

If you read the article you will see that she was arrested because she refused to get the child's rash checked. They just decided to throw the vegan shit in for no reason and claimed that it sped up the spread of the rash with no evidence to support it.

Why don't you read past headlines?

>> No.8201146

Pure adolescent angst.