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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8197195 No.8197195 [Reply] [Original]

>/ck/ is supposed to be a food and cooking board
>more than 90% of the threads on this board are about fastfood

>> No.8197202


>> No.8197204

alright hold on ill post a salad i make in like 45 minutes brb

>> No.8197208

Consider the demographic that uses 4chan and that shouldn't be a surprise.

>> No.8197225
File: 45 KB, 600x600, 477732678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I checked fast food is technically food. There are threads on /tv/ about shitty tv shows, but they're still tv shows. What is your point? This isn't the only food/cooking message/imageboard on the internet. If you don't like it then leave

>> No.8197237

>fast food isn't food

Mad liberal detected, go choke on a kale salad ya fruitbowl. #MAGA

>> No.8197242

damn that burger looks good

>> No.8197244

This. All americans should be banned from posting on /ck/, and i say this as an american.

>> No.8197250
File: 54 KB, 221x215, 1466553098075.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just took a quick look at the catalog
>150 threads
>8 are about fast food

That's 5% you dumb son of a bitch

>> No.8197251
File: 89 KB, 846x718, 370276ef-291f-46d6-864b-86757e7e9f2e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off hipster, fast food is art

>> No.8197255

/ck/ should have flags.

>> No.8197267

This this this this this

>> No.8197273

Every single American needs to off themselves.
Not a single good one of you

>> No.8197279

As an American, fuck you and fast food.

>> No.8197290

The shit in our public restrooms would probably taste better than whatever the FUCK you dirty 3rd world sub-humans eat in your country.

>> No.8197291

>fast food is not good food

>> No.8197305

Americans eat shit too...dat good shit

>> No.8197313

ITT: obsessed yuropoors who shitpost about Americans all day then wonder why the board is full of shitposting

>> No.8197324

Where are all of these high quality European food threads I keep hearing so much about?

>> No.8197338

ITT: bored kids from /b starting the next shit thread because they know how easily they can trigger the americans on /ck

>> No.8197348
File: 2.90 MB, 500x280, Kinoshita Yuka [OoGui Eater] 18 Big Macs Guinness Challenge.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't be helped. Board's full of digusting Americans.


>> No.8197369

No. Third world cuisine is delicious.

>> No.8197408


It's like a sample of society

>> No.8197431

I'd like to reiterate my point to all the people whining about this board that if you don't like it here then you can fuck off to another website

>> No.8197452

And 140% of this board is shitposts.

>> No.8197458

We should just ban everyone who doesn't have a Manhattan IP. You flyover yokels don't know shit about food.

>> No.8197534

>Manhattan IP
Ok Trump

>> No.8197630

A few of the shitposts are actually quite creative and humorous. Look at it this way: A gold miner throws away a lot of worthless stuff, but occassionally finds a gem.

If you can't see that, perhaps some other heavily censored site would be a better fit for you.

>> No.8197824

>If you can't see that, perhaps some other heavily censored site would be a better fit for you.


>> No.8197891

it's more like food(and cooking)

>> No.8197961

How the fuck do girls pack that shit away? I can't even do that when I've gone 3 whole days without food.

>> No.8197972

Like it or not Brooklyn is just as legit these days.