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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8194611 No.8194611 [Reply] [Original]

What food/drink most makes you feel nostalgic, and why?

>> No.8194617


>> No.8194619
File: 49 KB, 600x587, 1457156047981.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good turkey stuffing, jellied cranberry sauce, and spiced apple cider.

Reminds me of the holidays when my grandpa would spend all day cooking and I got to help...fuck I can't even type about it without crying.

Pic kind of related, he liked to bring us doughnuts.

>> No.8194623

Have you kept up the tradition and taken over what he used to do?

>> No.8194624
File: 119 KB, 640x480, rallys-hamburgers-logo-original-1980s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rallys fries and strawberry milkshake always got this with dad

McDonalds cheeseburger happy meal with no pickles or onions always got this on good days

Wendys cheeseburger kids meal and Frosty (used to get this after karate class)

>> No.8194633

Urine. It reminds me of the womb..so comfy.

>> No.8194660

Kit Kats.
My Dad would always get them for me whenever I went with him to the grocery store.
It's one of the few memories I have left of him when he passed away when I was four.

>> No.8194680

Thanksgiving dinner when you get to grams house early, and it smells like sage and thyme and roasting meat, and there are 3 hommemade pies (pecan, pumpkin, and banana cream) on the pie cooling counter, while she's bustling around in her apron, shooing all the other women out of the kitchen getting all the side dishes (home canned green beans, home canned sweet corn, potatoes both roasted and mashed, scalloped oysters, several different dressings, etc.) together; the men of the family having some whiskey, the women wine; the kids caging sips from the adult beverages.

Yeah, the US was kind of good when I was a kid.

>> No.8194725 [DELETED] 


>> No.8194729

4 u

>> No.8194731

dammit hunter stop shitposting

>> No.8194754

donuts with strawberry frosting, I'd get one on Sundays if I was good

There also was this dinner meal my mother used to make, I think she used to call it chicken cacciatore but it wasn't the same thing. It was chicken with noodles and strips of carrots and peppers with some other vegetables. I loved it as a kid but whenever she makes cacciatore now it's the regular chicken/sauce/wine kind.

>> No.8194761
File: 2.39 MB, 2800x1620, McD-McChicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me...

>> No.8194778

Shitty teriyaki and Fred Myer deli food

>> No.8194811

'member chupa chups lollipops
'member shitty Tang juice that was so filled with colorant even your piss changed color
'member shitty croissants that had god knows how much chemical shit in them

>> No.8194827

It sucks so many people are taking the message of that to be "all nostalgia is bad" rather than unhealthily fixating on the past being unhealthy. Nostalgia is perfectly fine and healthy to experience, but as with everything, moderation is key.

>> No.8194910

You can think it's false if you want, I don't really give a flying fuck. That shit was real in my family, and it's a true childhood memory.

I hope you derive some kind of pleasure from your memories of TV dinners or Chef Boy-ar-Dee canned spaghetti in a dismal, cold, suburban pasteboard hovel. At some point, the memories are going to be all you have.

>> No.8194934

I think he was just saying not everyone's experiences as a kid in the US were as good as your's. Calm down.

>> No.8194961

English breakfast tea with milk,my dad made me some whenever I went over(American so I didnt drink tea anywhere else)

>> No.8194986

Long pork

>> No.8194987

Alright. But in a friggin' thread that's supposed to be about nostalgia, it's kind of stupid to be ridiculed for being nostalgiac.

>> No.8195028
File: 84 KB, 500x228, TERRYS-CHOCOLATE-ORANGE-BAR-68Z78370_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These remind me of the horrible times at school as I had them in my pack lunch most days. My anxiety would make me feel nauseous so eating was hard and since the chocolate bar was the last thing I'd eat I'd often not finish it. I still get the same feeling when I see them on the shelf.

>> No.8195196

Scrambled eggs with shitty slices of Kraft singles on it. After 9/11 and my dad being gone my mom couldn't afford much else. Those shitty eggs and cheese remind me of childhood

>> No.8195198

I don't have my own family yet, but I try to make his stuffing...it will never be the same, but I try...

I do love cooking all day on Thanks Giving and Christmas though, and yes, I do bring home doughnuts somewhat often.

I did learn how to make the cornbeef he used to like, and I'm not half bad at fried chicken and mashed potatoes with gravy.

>> No.8195218

Crystal Pepsi! AND I CAN'T FIND ANY!

>> No.8195247


Good on you, Anon.
Your grandfather no doubt took years to perfect his recipes, you're interpretation of his dishes will no doubt take a similar time to perfect. Keep it up.

>> No.8195263

Hot chocolate. My grandfather would make some in a slow cooker, and it was the richest tasting hot chocolate ever. I can't even drink the packaged powered stuff anymore.
Chili. The good, hearty kind with fresh chunks of tomato, meat, and a variety of beans. It's perfect when it's a winter's night and the bowl is too hot to eat. I will usually hold the bowl to warm up my hands, and enjoy the comfy feeling. Whenever my grandparents or parents made it, they made a huge ass pot of it, and honestly it's the only food that I love leftover as much as I love fresh.

>> No.8195267

toaster scrambles
huggs juice barrels
bagel bites
andes chocolates

>> No.8195269


>> No.8195429

Nice. Didn't expect anyone else to recognize it.

>> No.8195459
File: 89 KB, 620x413, 418047-klar-til-rabarber--.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had some rubarb in our garden. Mom made some porridge of them. Just added sugar. Cool down. Served with milk or cream.
Simple, but delicious.

>> No.8195481

i like music more than food but /mu/ is fucking awful so here i am

>> No.8195499

What a great set of memories. How rich, and real. There's a depth of heart there that's hard to express.

This board has a lot of bs, but this isn't part of it. Thanks for sharing.

>> No.8195503


>> No.8195504

Yeah, I completely understand. Love them equally, and I can't cook at home without good music in the background.

>> No.8195694


>> No.8195699

some foods make me think of video games i played while eating as a kid
trix makes me think of metroid prime
my dad's chili makes me think of luigis mansion

>> No.8195703

>grilled cheese with campbell's tomato soup
>my grandma's kugel
>Mcdonald's strawberry milkshake and cheeseburger with ketchup and onions
>chicken rings and instant mashed potatoes
If I could ever eat them again. I doubt they serve those for school lunches anymore.

A lot of foods from my childhood don't make me feel nostalgic though because a lot of them don't taste the same anymore.

>> No.8195715

I was a train enthusiast(railfa/n/) as a kid and my mom would take me to a certain train station in our Mid-Atlantic hometown. Pennsylvania Station had a little cafe where'd they sell all kind of convenience store-tier food including chicken wings. And I ate them like they were the best thing in the world.

Fast forward: mom has long died since then. 20 years later, the cafe now has a bar and I'm a raging alcoholic. I start drinking at that bar for the $2.00 beers. They literally have a sign saying "Best Proclaimed Wings".

>> No.8195718

Brandy milkshakes my grandfather would make after working in the garage on a cold winter night.

Sauerkraut soup with my grandmother.

Baozi after school

Large scale hog roasts with friends

jiffy pop over the fireplace

And while my mother has always been a horrible cook, to this day I smile on the occasional meal of fish sticks and tater tots. One of the few things she could follow the directions on.

>> No.8195843

Terrys orange chocolate makes me feel sick, but just cause its disgusting

>> No.8196144

i read that as my grandmas kegel

>> No.8196178
File: 62 KB, 300x300, Calippo_Cola1607-415460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to the beach with family as a kid
>so young that i sit in the stroller
>when we're leaving get a cola popsicle from the really small stall
>be happy
>stroll away and drop the popsicle in the sand
>start crying
>mom buys me a new popsicle

And at some point I realized that I will never experience anything even close to that overwhelming sense of happiness. Now I drink and wish that I could feel like that again but I don't.

Was always pretty sure that it was Rio Cola but couldn't find any pictures that support the idea. Pic pretty related but I still think it was Rio Cola.

>> No.8196181

tea with soft boiled eggs and rohlik with butter
my grandma made it for me every morning when I visited her, fuck I miss her

>> No.8196194

Pumpkin Pie/Rum Cake/Stuffing/Yams

Basically all of Thanksgiving.

Also rum and coke reminds me of getting drunk with my brother when I was 16, he was the first person to get me drunk and we just hung out with his friend getting wasted all summer. Good times.

>> No.8196197

You don't feel like that because you drink.

>> No.8196200

I'm the same way with music. I have an album associated to most games I've played.

>> No.8196447
File: 47 KB, 450x450, 13199450?wid=450&hei=450&fmt=pjpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coffeefag here.

This was the first coffee I learned to prepare in a drip machine. It gives me feels whenever I smell it these days.

>> No.8196451

Arizona honey ginseng tea. That was back before I was a fuck up.

>> No.8196512

Snicker apple salad.

>> No.8196523

4 u

>> No.8196550

The smell of gingerbread. Very Christmasy and vibrant smell that reminds me of the excitement of Christmas as a child.

>> No.8196565

Pineapple/Strawberry soda brand doesn't matter

Used to be something i only drank at my great grandmothers house when we visited then she got Alzheimers and it got really sad but those 2 drinks remind me of happier times.

>> No.8196580
File: 40 KB, 640x480, 11220066_741552212647636_6805715225787701230_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Puto Cheese (steamed rice cakes with cheese on top).

My mom used to make trays of that delicious shit on my birthday. I was a fat little kid who was always greedy with her food. I even demolished trays by myself. By the time I finished eating all the puto cheese, I barely had room for my birthday cake.

>> No.8196633

It's funny that I'm nostalgic/sentimental over it but hey, here we go.

Coffee. Specifically black coffee.
Its odd because I didn't actually drink it back in the days that I reminisce over or feel sentimental about. I was WAY too young, like less than ten years old.

But strong black coffee reminds me of my grandfather so much. He was a strong, warm, intelligent man that loved working with his hands and loved to share stories and teach me and my younger sister everything he could. He was a tough old papa bear and the absolute pillar of our family. He was a total coffee demon and damn near constantly had a cup in his hands. I can't think of him without remembering how he always smelled like wood smoke and freshly brewed coffee. That association is so strong.

I'm a big coffee drinker myself now, always strong and dark and black, and even though I didn't actually drink it at the time it's the most nostalgic food/drink there is to me.

Fucking loved you, granddad.
Gonna go pour myself a cup right now.

>> No.8197161
File: 33 KB, 400x400, LU-chamonix-orange-stuffed-french-cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking cookies. Soft and delicious and covered with orange frosting. My parents used to buy them when I was like 5. Now they don't sell them anymore in my country.

>> No.8197411
File: 334 KB, 1300x870, 14953688-Tomato-plant-in-a-greenhouse-close-image-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The smell of tomato leaves reminds me of my childhood. Probably because i ran around between tomato plants a lot.

>> No.8197416


lost my v-card back in 6th grade after doing a few shots

>> No.8197424

Anyone ever suggest you were kind of a weird kid? What were you running around amongst tomato plants for?

>> No.8198030
File: 342 KB, 500x600, Nilla-Wafers-Box-Small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was my mother and I's thing.

>> No.8198041

Those cheap boxes of old-fashioned donuts and Hostess fruit pies bought at the outlet bakery store

>> No.8198102

So does whitey taste like chicken?

>> No.8198124

Why do you think they call it "look pork", mongo?

>> No.8198135


>> No.8198172

tommy burger because after were done lighting fireworks off well go and eat tommys on the 4th. i wish they were still with me