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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8194249 No.8194249 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this sandwich? Anything you would change or add to it?

>> No.8194252

I dont particularly care for processed lunch meat that is held together by meat glue.

>> No.8194254

More meat and onions of your choice.

>> No.8194271

It's clearly just deli sliced chicken breast, have you ever been to a deli?

>> No.8194277

it looks complete in its wrongness so i just would get a proper meal instead.

>> No.8194281

>chicken breast comes neatly in 10 to 20 pound round balls

Have you ever seen a chicken before?

>> No.8194371

raw egg

>> No.8194441

Don't know what the brown bits are under the meat in the lower right corner, but looks reasonable. I wouldn't call it a sandwich, though. I'd call it a roll.

>> No.8194475

Only thing I'd do is roll it up, and then throw it in the bin and make something better

>> No.8194489
File: 751 KB, 1002x1199, 1464750607560-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lay a turd across the middle of it

>> No.8194503

Why not?
What the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.8194743

Trying to find something i wouldn't change, are you mentally challenged? Or is mom just not cooking tonight?

>> No.8194750

Have you ever broke a chicken down? What the fuck...

>> No.8194755

>Anything you would change or add to it?
i'd trade out the wrap for bread
then i'd removed the melted cheese and italian salad dressing
then i'd add a couple pieces of bacon
and i'd finish it off with some mayo

you should try it out, i guarantee it's better than that hot turd you made

>> No.8194762

How fat are you?

>> No.8194765

what would cause you to do such a horrible thing to a sandwich?

were you molested by a sandwich, or did they kill your dog in front of you when you were a small child?

did they say If you don't post in this thread, your mother will die tonight in her sleep?

>> No.8194774

I think the real question here is how are you going to roll that

Perpendicular to the cheese, parallel?
So much potential for disaster

>> No.8194798

it's the same thing really. just as many carbs in the wrap as white bread, and just as much fat in the oil based dressing as the mayo. only difference is a piece or 2 of bacon. How stupid are you?

>> No.8194812

I would probably use bread instead of ayy lmao crepes, but I'm not a fucking filthy, job-stealing spic.

>> No.8194818

>Bacon and mayonnaise

My point still stands.

I'd never touch a "sandwich" like this

But you come it and just add fat.

Fuck you lardo.

>> No.8194822

>family picnic
>uncle steve is adds mayo to the BLT's he has generously made for everyone
>autistic weirdo anon yells at everyone calling them lardos
thanks for the image

>> No.8194869

>family picnic

being this poor

Me, i don't act in person how i act online. I'd just say, "i already ate", not too difficult.

But keep deflecting how obese you are. Do you also dip your bacon in mayo, little piggy?

>> No.8194893

>being this poor
I'm the successful person here making $200k/year. I'll post my tax returns in a moment.

>> No.8194931

please do
glad you're this upset. post your gut while you're at it?

>> No.8194959

Not going to post your 200k fat stomach little piggy?

>> No.8194989

lol what a gas bag douche
broke and fat

>> No.8194994

>family eating together automatically means they're poor

Well, we now know your level of social aptitude, at least. How is your waifu pillow today?

>> No.8195002

family eating together =/= family picnic

When my family eats together, we dine out, and my brothers and i put our credit cards in a hat and have the server draw a card at the end of the meal.

Nice try though.

>> No.8195003

>But you come it and just add fat.

Beg pardon? No comprendo.

>> No.8195009

Thx donald. We're bored. You lost already.

>> No.8195012

"Take" obviously

not even that guy

>> No.8195013
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>> No.8195022
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Fat rage

>> No.8195027

Thank you.

I bet he really makes that 200k annually. That's why he is online defending mayonnaise...


>> No.8195034

so has the momment passed? How about those tax returns 200k piggy?

>> No.8195037

Have you never had a BLT?

>> No.8195038

>wearing a hat in a restaurant

>> No.8195050

Shared a few with my fiance, i take the excessive bacon off, as it seems they always have about 4 slices on them. Also, there is no "M" in BLT right? Neither me or my fiance are overweight, so if mayo was offered we'd ask for it to not to be included. Why would i order bread, lettuce, tomato and bacon? Just a dumb order, id rather get something with more than four ingredients if im ordering a sandwich, which i rarely do.

>> No.8195057

So your family is a pod of whales incapable of activities outside and unable to make their own food?

Because I really don't see how making food and eating it outside makes someone poor.

>> No.8195070

>using park grill

and yeah, as if i would make fun of this fat fuck while i have a "family of whales"

Where do you think we're going to eat? Which might be a bi monthly occasion, given we all travel a lot.

Man, there is a lot of insecurity in this thread.

>> No.8195125

Please try to use english. If not, use your native language, we'll probably understand "weller."

>> No.8195129

What do you not understand poorfag?

>> No.8195145

why are you so mad that no one likes your shitty idea of a sandwich

>> No.8195159

I never submitted an idea, do you think im OP or something, i was one of the guys arguing with this fat fuck

>> No.8195420
File: 777 KB, 2560x1536, 20161017_175124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8195424


>> No.8196535

2/10 nice b8 m8

>> No.8196543


Looks like a poor man's attempt at something fancy. Including calling it a "sandwich".

>> No.8196644

You're stupid enough to think you can literally only eat outside in a singular location?

I pity the whale pod that's forced to care for you.

>> No.8196661

I do the same thing except it's with my supermodel girlfriend who totally has sex with me before driving home in my Ferrari.

>> No.8196672

Literally stop talking dumb faggot, you lost several posts ago.

>> No.8197748

Lol yeah

I won't lie, my fiance is sort of overweight, but we've known each other since high school. It's nice to love someone. And, since it's so infrequent, it's more so a fun gamble with my brothers, its not about the money. Im not rich, but comfortable. I'm financially fluent, so i can do things like that.

>> No.8197752

You didn't read the entire post, huh?

Try hard faggot no doubt.

post your belly little piglet