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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8193417 No.8193417 [Reply] [Original]

>eat broccoli they said
>it will help lose weight and keep ya full ya disgusting fat fuck
>try broccoli today
>it was crunchy cold flavorless
>chewy yet sort of soggy at the same time
>the mass of organic sludge hits the back of my throat
>eyes start to water
>its disgusting
>almost throw up
>choke it down
>slam water
>repeat this 6 more times until the broccoli is all gone
>fuck you resturant salad bar

Fuck you guys for fat shaming me and telling me to eat this shit. There has to be a better way.

>> No.8193422

Eat less.

>> No.8193423
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So, you only eat cheesy potatoes?


>> No.8193426

I used to be like this, thankfully I unfucked myself.

>> No.8193428

i cant stand broccoli either. there are other green veg though like spinach, kale, chard, etc

>> No.8193434

You don't have to eat a ton of it. Try different veggies and find out which ones you like.

I find steamed broccoli to be pretty good, it's all in the prep also. Salad bar broccoli is normally raw and disgusting.

>> No.8193435

>raw broccoli


>> No.8193436

try cooking it first

>> No.8193440


Why are you eating it cold? I either boil mine for 3 minutes, or I fry it, which takes around 5 minutes. Broccoli should taste sweet, "green" and crunchy.

>> No.8193445


Broccoli should have a rich earthy sweet flavor, exp raw. Your taste buds are just fucked from eating shit.

>> No.8193446

Broccoli isn't some magical weight loss tool, but it can make you feel more full because you can eat a lot without eating many calories.

>> No.8193451

>Your taste buds are just fucked from eating shit.


>> No.8193452

>a rich earthy sweet flavor,
so it tastes like dirt?

>> No.8193455

my gf won't let me do scat stuff anymore ._.

>> No.8193456

I was at a restaurant i like. Its a brazilian churrasco. I was trying to be good so i said ill have a steak salad and not do the bed of white rice and blck beans.

So i made a salad of lettuce, tomato, corn, broccoli with balsamic vinegar. I thibk the broccoli was raw or just lightly steamed. Topped that with some delicious juicy medium rare picanha and maminha.

The broccoli was the only yucky part.

>> No.8193459

Literally the first thing I thought of.

>> No.8193465
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Get ready because Im going to show you how to make my EaZy CheeZy baked potatoes!
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aHAnTOroWTM [Open]



>> No.8193468
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>download myfitnesspal
>log my 2nd dinner I just ate at 12:30am
>Large Mt Dew Baja blast
>steak quesadilla
>Cheesy Gordita Crunch
>Loaded Potato Cheezy Griller
>comes to 1,920 calories
>wew lad
>close app
>dont even want to bother loading my 1st dinner from mcdonalds
>medium Quarter Pounder meal no yucky onions w/ coke + 10 peice nuggets w/ pure honey x2

Am I gross? This is gonna be harder than I thought.... My taco bell meal was over what my daily anons told me to eat at 1600 kcal.

Kill me or help me

>> No.8193477

Just end your life desu.

>> No.8193481


>> No.8193487

Try the brussel sprouts with light cheese sauce that comes in those microwavable packs in the freezwr aisle.

Or maybe try some steamed cabbage with REAL bacon bites and juice it up with some white vinegar.

>> No.8193492

I eat no veggies, I;m trying to be a less picky and more healthy eater but they're all fucking gross and chewy.

Maybe I'll try peppers.

>> No.8193493

Cheesy potatoes are good man

>> No.8193497

Well memed.

>> No.8193501

Try blanching it, sautéing it with some garlic, or roasting it with a little olive oil and salt.

>> No.8193502

Its not a meme this is my life were talking about here!!!!

>> No.8193504

Have you tried baking it in whey protein so you can get ripped?

>> No.8193542

>4 exclamation points
Please, learn to troll better. You're really bad at it.

>> No.8193546
File: 53 KB, 283x281, KANTETSU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find broccoli by itself unthankful to prepare. It's different sections need different cooking times, it cools down quickly and is just not as tasty cold, etc. Broccoli belongs in a nice creme soup, or a nice wok dish. Heck, even on pizza it can work with some TLC.

>> No.8193557

I actually replaced noodles & potatoes with broccoli for a while.

Worked ok but it gave me too much gas.

>> No.8193583

Are there actual adults that makes posts like this or are 12 year olds a significant portion of this board's users?

>> No.8193617

Just cook it in the oven if you don't like it soggy. Or boil it for like 30 seconds.

>> No.8193675

The fact this fat ugly bitch has managed to get married makes me feel very bad about myself.

>> No.8193682

hurr ya bro 420 blazit # what faggot puts weed aon their pizza you fucking loser holy shit. the tlc wont even get you high because it breaks down fucking retarded stoner fagot dumbass

>> No.8193687

I laughed

>> No.8193692

Dumb Cunt.

>> No.8193717

I laughed, but feel like I shouldn't have

>> No.8193721

>picky eaters

literally no time for man-children like this. would NOT associate with.

>> No.8193729

Raw broccoli is as good as it gets. If you can't stomach that, then you're hopeless. Not you personally, but in general.

You're generally hopeless.

>> No.8193738

I feel her.
Brussel sprouts are fucking disgusting.

>> No.8193743
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They're not bad if you add olive oil, salt and pepper. But, anytime I add olive oil to a vegetable I kind of feel like I'm defeating the purpose.

>> No.8193762

>restaurant salad bar
well theres yer problem

>> No.8193805

How do you cook your sprouts? If you cook them to death then they're going to taste like old socks. Cook 'em fast and hard.

>> No.8193817

Youre a waste of space

>> No.8193829
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Broccoli is the shit. I don't know how to eat it other than raw or steamed though. Maybe stir fried or roasted but i don't liked it roasted. Advice?

Also dumb frog poster

>> No.8193831
File: 14 KB, 410x424, 14316927_301992663503344_4859575368405255054_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My father in law (who is an absolute insufferable cunt of a human being) refuses to eat anything besides either fast food or pre-cooked meals from the freezer aisle. Brain-dead mongoloids like this really do exist.

>> No.8193840

Freshly steamed with a pinch of salt is superior to all.

>> No.8193861
File: 266 KB, 368x657, 1451163168896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you even manage to not like veggies?

>> No.8193867

Under rated post

>> No.8193880

If you have to ask, yes you are gross. But keep logging that shit. You can use an app called fooducate that will light the way to some good stuff.

>> No.8193883


>> No.8193893

Try blanching it. A quick (emphasis on quick) boil then a bath in ice water to stop the cooking process makes it taste delicious.

>> No.8193897

The thing is, nature will find a way to punish him. Don't try to change him, you will burn all your energy on nothing. If he doesn't change his ways he will die, not suddenly but in a torturous, slow way.

>> No.8193898

I'll start grading a bit of salt over it next time cheers anon.
Quick as in a minute?

>> No.8193907

>tfw I eat too much broccoli and it upsets my stomach

>> No.8193925

Fuck you im asking for help since i know now other way.

>> No.8193934

>not roasting broccoli/cauliflower with olive oil, salt, and pepper

baka desu senpai

>> No.8193942

>Under roasted rabe

>> No.8194095

Yeah. Boil the water, insert the broccoli for a minute, remove it and dunk in ice water.

>> No.8194102


Cover it in cheese

>> No.8194238

What I do:
>Set up steamer
>Wait for the water to boil
>Drop in broccoli
>Poke it with a fork every minute or so until it's just soft enough to fork
>Immediately remove it from the steamer at that point

I don't like it raw but I also don't like it when it's over-steamed. Has to be just right.

>> No.8194272

Broccoli is great in stir Fry, it really absorbs a lot of flavour.

>> No.8194332

This post is stupid as shit. Minor kek though 5/10

>> No.8194361

Probably spent his whole childhood eating fast food and snacks.

There's no going back anymore for him.

>> No.8194363

She eats only cheesy potatoes. Imagine what her shits are like.

>> No.8194437

This is fucked to me.
There's nothing better than raw broccoli cut from the bunch then only heated for a moment to retain its crunch

>> No.8195081

Some people just have a pallet aversion to raw veggies. I hate them they make me want to puke and the texture as you are chewing makes me dry heave but you have to eat your veggies so you just find a way to choke them down. For me chop up a head of broc wash it leave it wet toss in a bowl microwave for 5mins covered add cheese. If you are trying to loose weight that parm that kraft makes comes in a shaker is lower in calories or toss broc in a little olive oil, fresh garlic, pepper on 400 for 15-20 mins in the oven add fresh lemon juice after you pull it out. This I can stand.

I had an amazing spinach salad last night that was just spinach, tomato, a little cheese, and lemon juice. Throw some shrimp on it you got a full low cal meal.

>> No.8195104

What if you add it to olives

>> No.8195112

Broccoli's good but the farts are atrocious

>> No.8195123

Abuse amphetamines. You'll be able to eat anything you want, but at the same time you won't be hungry so you will eat less. It'll also pep you up and you'll be buzzing around cleaning or doing something else.

>> No.8195195


>> No.8195201

t. Ameriblubber

>> No.8195210

>Tfw you gag on omelette

>> No.8195211

Put some lemon and salt on them maybe pepper if you like that

>> No.8195212

Well fug

>> No.8195213

There's still hope. I used to consider a whole fast food pizza a reasonable meal and I've stepped back from that precipice.

>> No.8195368

I weigh more than her and I love me some veggies, as long as they're prepared well.

That said, if it wasn't for the amount she ate...I learned somewhere that potatoes have almost everything you need in terms of nutrients, so that's not too horrible.

>one of the related videos is "Addicted to soft pretzels"
...yeah, I get that, soft pretzels are the shit.

>> No.8195372

Eating disorder is the way to go. Start with bulimia, you get to fill your piggly mouth with food at first. After you vomit enough, and spend enough time starving, endorphins start to build, and you actually become addicted to hunger. That when you transition into light bulimic tendencies and anorexia. If you get lost enough you wont even realize it, it will happen naturally. You will slowly become repulsed by food. When you shit a a thin stream about 5-6 inches long every 2-3 days you know you've gone god mode. Ignore family member curiosity about your weight loss. You'll get inpatient, and want to loose mass even faster, and you'll start running and lifting with no nutrients. Trust me, you'll look great, and feel absolutely dead inside. And you get to one of the rare males with an eating disorder! Join us, we look great, and want to kill ourselves, we realize out weight loss is cheated, and kill any chance of a confident interactions with women. Me, i went from 250lbs to 165lbs in 6.5 months. People front highschool didn't recognize me. My own family i hadn't seen for months didn't recognize me. Sure i felt i looked good with clothes on, but i wouldn't leet anyone see my stomach. I had three faded stretch marks. They make me want to kill myself. I deal with it by having several relations ships with dumb Tinder girls and put on an act for them. I've been going on Acid binges and buying clothes and electronics for the last month. What am i? I dont feel human anymore. I'm a presentation of what i think people want. I drink every night, and punish myself with omitting whiskey out of my nose. Fuck this.

>> No.8195460


This only works if you want to transition into a tranny because you lose a shit ton of muscle and feel weak all the time

>> No.8195461

Yeah, want has nothing to do with it after a while.

>> No.8195582


>> No.8195647

Just eat less senpai, and go for walks and some light runninf or weights.
I eat like shit, but i don't eat often so i maintain my level of fatness.

>> No.8195665

You are a child, a literal child.

Your forefathers are rolling in shame, this is beyond pathetic.

It's time to grow up

>> No.8195726

>tfw eat whatever I want whenever and never exercise and not disgusting fat or dangerously skinny
>tfw eating a piece of cake or a whole fuck ton of brocolli makes no difference to me

>> No.8195731

>on a diet
>at a restaurant

Never gonna make it.

>> No.8195912

You fuckers don't appreciate one of the finest veggies in the world.
Mmm boil it, Sautee it, stir fry it

The tender stem chopped into medallions makes an excellent stirfry ingredient and its excellent steamed crisp as well.

In fact, I wouldn't be here to tell you about broccoli and cauliflower without those two lovely veggies. Just grin and bear it if you really have so much 'tism from watching cartoons about "icky vegetables" you will end up better in the long run

>> No.8195981
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thanks for reminding me broccoli exists
gonna make a fat pot of broccoli cheese soup today

>> No.8196391


>> No.8196525
File: 15 KB, 432x370, e67ce9686b8b1adbf08058ec8e9b1303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>steamed with butter and seasoning salt
>steamed with melted cheese on top
>raw with dips like ranch, dill, onion (vege dips are hella easy to make)
>broccoli cheese soup

A little bit o' fat makes everything better

>> No.8197033
File: 76 KB, 482x412, 1387065828509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crunchy broccoli
Fucking cook it. Eat it with mashed potatoes and whatever piece of meat you like. I absolutely love broccoli and cauliflower, but I wouldn't fucking ever eat them raw.

I've never understood the combination with cheese though. Why do people love cheese on so many things?

>> No.8197357

Broccoli is pretty gross raw in my opinion.
Try cooking it and see how that is.
I like to eat it with a little soy sauce because it takes okay broccoli and makes it more okay.

>> No.8197379

>never understood the combination with cheese

I agree. I think it's primarily because people are either using out of season tasteless junk or poor quality frozen crap and they have to add something to make it palatable.

The best way is get high quality fresh, steam it, and dip in a soy sauce, ginger, garlic, hot pepper, rice vinegar sauce. Shits god tier then.

>> No.8197398

I love broccoli, raw, steamed, with mashed potatoes - whatever, it's all good. The top part isn't good to eat raw, but the stem tastes exactly the same as lettuce.

>> No.8197421

I've only had brussel sprouts one time and they were surprisingly tasty.
I'd guess they were cooked like >>8193743
says, but the person who made them was kind of a health freak so she probably used minimal salt and maybe no oil

>> No.8197425

chill out man

>> No.8197432

try dipping it in ranch :^)

>> No.8197437

ranch is disgusting and overpowering. leave this thread if you can stomach more than 4 dips

>> No.8197444

>all these buttblasted faggots mad that you don't like a shit tier vegetable

>> No.8197445

>broccoli general

>> No.8197449

>yucky onions
REEE onions are great and eating an onion like an apple is fun

>> No.8197497
File: 570 KB, 600x900, Broccoli-Cheddar-Soup-with-Fried-Cheese-Curds-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cause cheese is fuckin tasty senpai

>> No.8197785

This makes no fucking sense in general

>> No.8198984

Potatoes definitely don't have everything you need; they're actually nutritionally a waste of calories compared to many vegetables, but they're certainly not the worst thing you can eat. Many nutritionists don't recommend them because people douse them in cheese and butter and other shit, plus the empty calories I mentioned. If you're working on a farm or something that's not a problem, but most modern lifestyles don't need it.

>> No.8199090

In small amounts it can be godly, it's just that usually it's added with massive amounts and I just can't help but think I'm chewing on a massive rubber goop ball.

>> No.8199859
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Oh, agreed. It has to blend well too, comes from using good quality ingredients. It should never taste like rubbery goo.
I tried making mashed cauliflower for my parents, and I like mixing in a little shredded cheese. They only had the shitty low-fat cheese and it separated in the mix, little balls of grainy gooey tasteless cheese. Was breddy disgusting.

>> No.8199910

>actually nutritionally a waste of calories

Forgetting that the Irish peasant prior to the potato blight, thrived on a diet based almost exclusively on potatoes. Small plot of garden produces enormous quantities of potatoes in comparison with any other vegetable. Precisely the reason the blight had such a devestating effect on the Irish peasant.

>> No.8200347

I'm well aware of that, although "thrived" is arguable. That's why I noted at the end of my post
>If you're working on a farm or something that's not a problem, but most modern lifestyles don't need it.

All I was saying is that there are more nutritious sources of calories than potatoes. If you burn a lot of calories every day it's probably not a big concern, though.