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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 252 KB, 1600x900, Chicken-Curry_13616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8190921 No.8190921 [Reply] [Original]

How do you make good curry?

>> No.8190934

star anise, all that other bullshit they use, and veggies.

>> No.8190942

Just watch a lot of anime.

>> No.8190951

Fuck out of my country and stay fucked out.

>> No.8192278

you poo in loo

>> No.8192306

>How do you make good curry?
Start by shitting in the street and wiping with your hand

>> No.8192310

if you are white don't bother

>> No.8192320

That's a pretty racist statement

>> No.8192327

This is in clear violation of global rule 3

>> No.8192328

don't appropriate me

>> No.8192334

Whites can do anything and to say that we can't is just trying to keep us down

>> No.8192338

>it's another /pol/ ruins a thread because they cant resist spouting nonsense episode

>> No.8192340

because you're white someone can kill you because they don't like white people and it's not a hate crime because you're the oppressor

>> No.8192420
File: 74 KB, 599x403, 1447866101582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for my curry I usually just fry up some vegetables and ground beef in butter until they're soft and mix in a whole bunch of sriracha until it's saucy

>> No.8192431
File: 234 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20160519_145357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Char some aromatics in butter, brown some meat, pour in some stock, add spices (Google garam masala), potato and okra and cook until well reduced. You can vary this formula lots of different ways for good results. Don't use grocery store curry powder alone.

Good luck. There are a billion good recipes online.

>> No.8192438

Op you sure got a shit show going on here. I dont know why you dont just look on youtube if you want a real recipe but heres what I got from talking to people and experimenting. Don't expect exact measurements.

First of all you need some pumpkin or other squash. Bake that shit, then scoop it out into a resevoir/bowl. you can at this stage mash it up or blend it, or you can be lazy and wait till the last possible stage like I did. Reserve some pumpkin for bite sized pieces rather than baking and mashing.

Moving on, you need tomato paste, peppers, onions and garlic. some kind of oil, coconut, butter, olive oil, chilie oil, whatever really. Throw that shit in a pot of some kind large enough for the portions you want. fry your onions, garlic, and reserve squash at this point till the onions are mostly stringy but not yet browned (the squash should keep them from getting browned or burned. you can brown them if you really want but the goal is to add texture not glutamate and sweatness. Deglaze the pan with some vinegar, you haven't been doing much browning so you wont need much in ratio to the other ingredients. It's time for the broth. Get some chicken broth or other broth of your choice, buillian cubes work well, and dump that shit in. The ammount you will need is to ensure that between the ammount of puree pumpkin and tomato paste you will end up with something the consistancy of chillie.

While you simmer your squash and other shit for a bit it's time to add your spices. in the bowl of pumpkin whatever, add your tomato paste, and spices. I favored Generic curry seasoning, a bit extra Extra tumeric, Majoram, cyanne, ginger, and a touch of msg and salt. Normally curry comes out better if you know how to infuse your oil and heat up your spices first thing but you wouldn't be here asking if you where ready for that step, and I'm certainly not the right chuckle fuck to instruct you. Mix the rest of the shit together then serve hot on rice.

>> No.8192439

fuck, where I said majoram I meant garam marsala

>> No.8192630

My condolences OP, this thread had potential.

Good curry needs a good stock. Boil a roast chicken carcass and make curry with the broth bitch.

>> No.8192652

What kind of curry? Do you have a specific cuisine in mind? Thai, Indonesian, Indian etc?

>> No.8192657 [DELETED] 

My go to recipe:
Make a paste by grinding up cumin, coriander seeds, black pepper, lime leaf, lime cest, lemongrass, garlic, ginger, onion, basil, lemon juice and dried anchovy.
Fry some onions until crispy.
Prefry some chicken.
Fry off some thick coconut milk until bubbles form, add curry paste and fry off.
Add chicken, some veggies, thin coconut milk, fish sauce, palm sugar and tamarind paste. Simmer till veggies are properly cooked.
Serve over rice, sprinkle with crispy onion and some fresh herbs(basil, cilantro, perilla).

>> No.8192664

My go to recipe:
Make a paste by grinding up cumin, coriander seeds, black pepper, lime leaf, lime cest, lemongrass, garlic, ginger, onion, basil, lemon juice, chili and dried anchovy.
Fry some onions until crispy.
Prefry some chicken.
Fry off some thick coconut milk until bubbles form, add curry paste and fry off.
Add chicken, some veggies, thin coconut milk, fish sauce, palm sugar and tamarind paste. Simmer till veggies are properly cooked.
Serve over rice, sprinkle with crispy onion and some fresh herbs(basil, cilantro, perilla).

>> No.8192710

Go to Asian market
Get ingredients for Thai curry
Get mortar and pestle
Make curry paste
Put coconut milk and solids in curry paste

>> No.8192904
File: 421 KB, 1600x1200, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to aldi
>purchase any of pic related
Because you clearly can't cook.

>> No.8192920

ITT British Curry and basteradations thereof.

Give me some Handva and Vindaloo.

>> No.8192928

Wisconsin v. Mitchell, 508 U.S. 476

How does it feel to be wrong

>> No.8192931

I do.

>> No.8192935


>> No.8192952

He isn't even talking about animu curry, weeb.

Some general tips for any curry. Just treat it like any other stew and add lots of veggies. Make it hearty! Chunks of potatoes, carrots, onions, peppers. It doesn't have to be complicated.

Also don't be scared to add more water if you think you made the curry too thick, just let it reduce again to your desired viscosity.

>> No.8194530

If you are asking this question, don't bother. Your understanding and conception of south or south east asian food is too limited and there isn't a point to explaining that to you.

>> No.8194807
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>> No.8194816

Sorry to sound like a chump...

Had a South Asian roommate that always stank like curry. I'm not sure what kind of curry it was, but it's a nasty smell.

I want to try to make curry, but I'm not sure what combinations result in the Indian BO smell. Any help?

>> No.8194922

>but I'm not sure what combinations result in the Indian BO smell.
All of them but unless you're eating Indian things often it won't make you smell very much or for very long. It's mostly the massive amounts of onion and garlic that make you smell, not the other stuff.

>> No.8194947

Make sure you simmer that shit.

"Curry" is nothing more than a sauce, or a gravy, and the best of both are simmered long enough to allow the flavors to properly blend.

The minimum simmer time is 1 hour over a low heat, IMO.....

>> No.8195046

This is like asking "how do I make good soup?" or "How do I make good bread?", what kind? The most popular versions of these are different depending on where you are in the world and what makes one good won't always make the others good. I suppose the most universally applicable advice would be to not make the most common mistake for that cuisine.

Indian: people tend to use too much of the spice ingredients, applies to all regional cuisines of India. Thai: too much water added, insufficient reduction of water present in ingredients. Chinese(Cantonese): ingredients added in the wrong order, veg goes in too soon, supposed to be cooked but crunchy.

>> No.8195223

>Indian things

And those are......?

>> No.8195273

Indians eat more than curry anon. But most of it uses a lot of aromatics.

>> No.8195299

Garam Masala. Learn how to make and use it. Happy days will be upon you.

>> No.8195336

kys weeb

>> No.8195600

Not every curry needs to simmer for a ling time.
The things you are looking for are umami and kokumi (umami flavour is caused by glutamic acid and kokumi by glutamic acid with still 1-2 other amino acids attached) which you get from broken diwn proteins. One way to get them is simmering for a long time, the other is aging or fermenting. Thats why most Thai currirs use dried seafood and also fishsauce, cause most of them are not cooked for a long time
Indian curries on the other hand often use lamb or goat which is simmered for a long time anyway or it's tough, so the proteins in the meat break down and you get that satisfying full taste without adding any glutamic acid.

>> No.8195612

You need to get in the correct mindset first so go outside and shit on a sidewalk.

>> No.8195616


The shit talking towards India started on /int/, not /pol/. Some Australian got into it with an Indian guy there and it hasn't stopped since.

>> No.8196117

Blacks take bikes, asians take weird shit to their mouths and other orifices, Whites take cultures, get over it

Example: Dutch East India Company

>> No.8196776


Vindaloo is a Portuguese influenced curry you cretin.

>> No.8196783


Right, since 90% of this thread is shitposts by wankers, let's start again.

What curry are you trying to make?

>> No.8196788

apparently american chili style curry from the looks of these posts.

>> No.8196804
File: 134 KB, 800x800, thai red curry paste copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just fry some onions, ad garlic and ginger and throw some of this shit in there and add some coconut milk

>how pleb is this

Also why make curry paste if you can just buy it?

>> No.8196815

Use chicken thighs

>> No.8196822
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Pic related

>> No.8196824

>Also why make curry paste if you can just buy it?

Because freshly made tastes better than jarred.

>> No.8196826

you people are autist

>> No.8196842

And I'm sure anyone who uses fresh garlic instead of garlic powder is also autist. Fucking idiot.

>> No.8196844

>not using pre-minced garlic in a jar

>> No.8196870

Same difference. It doesn't taste the same as fresh.

>> No.8196884


Of course I'm not using pre-minced garlic from a jar. It's already been cooked as part of the jarring process which means it's lost a lot of its flavor. Why would I want that?

>> No.8197121

> add pork / meat / chicken

Could it be more depressing ?

>> No.8197221

Lol this is probably the worst advice itt. There's already so much going on with the spices and aromatics that adding a million veggies will just make it a mish mash.

Curry principals for good flavor are similar to good gravy. Flavour the oil well, reduce the tomatoes, use freshly ground spices.

If you want a lot of ingredients go for something dry like jhalfrezi.

>> No.8198334

thai curry
