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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8190597 No.8190597 [Reply] [Original]

How long can sushi be a room temperature?

I left a sushi place and took some of my lunch with me in the car, and there was huge traffic, took me two and a half hours to get home. The car is air conditioned and so forth, but, should I throw it out? Probably a total of three hours it was not refrigerated.

It's lobster and yellowtail maki.

>> No.8190626

That's probably too long. 30 minutes or so, ok, but 3 hours? If it were me I'd stir fry it.

t. Caught salmonella from sushi once and it was as hellish as you can imagine. Incapacitated for 3 days, only 100% after 2 weeks.

>> No.8190628

Okay, thanks. I'll for sure toss the yellowtail maki then. What about the lobster maki? That's cooked, probably okay or don't risk it since it was in the same box as the yellowtail?

>> No.8190629

It will be fine, just eat it

>> No.8190630

if you marinate everything in vinegar, you could leave it all out at room temp for like 13 hours

>> No.8190633

I didn't though. It was just some leftovers from my lunch I took with me. However it came out. It was fresh stuff from a quality restaurant, but, I don't know how fast bacteria can grow.

>> No.8190635

rule of thumb is brown-bag lunch

you can pack it at 7 am and eat it at 12 noon

anything beyond that, who knows.

>> No.8190640

sushi wont go bad that fast if its from a good place

>> No.8190662

rip OP

>> No.8190667

Thanks, I'm a bit scared so might eat the lobster maki but not the yellowtail.

>> No.8190682

I don't follow. Wasn't it all made at the same time at the restaurant?

>> No.8190702

Yeah, but lobster was cooked, yellowtail raw.

>> No.8190705

Don't be a coward. Drink a cup of hot tea before or after you have the sushi and the heat will kill the non existent bacteria

>> No.8190706

Ok. So that really doesn't matter much. Cooking destroys the existing bacteria, and that's it.

>> No.8190713

Ah okay.

>> No.8190717

Next them ask them for a ziploc full of ice for the top. It was 2.5hrs in the car, and another 30mins at least at the restaurant off the ice/out of the fridge meats. It was introduced to bacteria (possibly) when sliced with their meat knife, and roll knife, too. Cut surfaces with food that might have been fresh, but not wiped inbetween use for a while too.

No, I wouldn't eat it. I might go 45 minutes tops. If this is a regular venture, this place. I would order food To Go near the end of your meal, versus plan leftovers off my plate. I would absolutely have an insulated lunchbox, bag of ice, frozen something on top, even a cold can of soda or order of cold edamame.

>> No.8190736
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Okay thank you.

I'm very mixed right now but leaning toward not eating it. Now two people have scared me.

>> No.8190740

if it smells okay, eat it

>> No.8190742

Salmonella is one of the fastest multiplying bacteria and takes about a half hour to multiply under optimal conditions. Unless the fish was questionable in the first place three hours isn't long enough for it to reach dangerous amounts.

>> No.8190743
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>thinking smell is a good judge

>> No.8190752

eat it and report back with shitty news

>> No.8190755

I've gone about the same amount of time in bad heat but it was in the trunk. I just let it chill in the fridge for a bit and ate it.

I don't think it's as big a health risk as people are saying unless you have a really weak immune system. Then again I don't eat sushi at dodgy places to begin with.

Eat it, don't eat it. Up to you.

>> No.8190764

Yeah, not big on wasting food myself, but salmonella is unbelievably bad. After I had it, I understand how people die from it. Every particle of your body aches excrutiatingl for days, even after you shit and vomit all the food out of your system. You can't sleep for the pain and fever, just lay there in a kind of hallucinatory hell.

>> No.8190781

food poisoning from fish is one of the worst, gut-wrenching, painful, rapid onset kind of things. No amount of money is worth it.

Why is this what you think would be wrong? Beef, poultry, eggs? I don't think so. I'm look at everything else first.

>> No.8190823

fish only smells fishy if it's off, no?

>> No.8190865


>> No.8190972

Taste one.

Wait a few hours. Are you shitting liquid?





It's just a tiny amount of fucking fish. The worst you'll get is dysentry.

Fucking hell, why is even so poor.

Eat it or throw it away, it makes no difference if you live in a first world country.

>> No.8191060

>is that wild mushroom safe? Eat one, wait a couple hours. No seizures or internal bleeding? Try another one.

It's a wonder humans haven't gone extinct yet.

>> No.8191072

Is that wild dog safe to pet

Pet it and wait a few hours

>> No.8191084

According to the FDA food can only be at room temp for 2 hours, and it has 1 more hour to be below 41.
That being said, if it's bad, you can tell. It will look slimy or it will smell off, or both. You'll be fine if you eat it.

>> No.8191525
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I ate it. How long until I'm dead?

>> No.8191535

Did it taste any different than earlier?

>> No.8191551

Just the normal "when sushi has been refrigerated and the rice gets a bit dry" different. The fish tasted fine.

>> No.8191560

you should've smelled it. millions of years of evolution won't lie. if it smells like you don't want to eat it, you probably shouldn't

>> No.8191568

Oh I did smell it first. It looked and smelled normal.

>> No.8191592

Protein generally lasts 4 hours above refrigeration.

>> No.8191612

Depends on how hearty your digestive system is. I'd say go for it.

>> No.8191710

But that colon cleanse though

>> No.8191755

No joke, that's how a lot of manuals say you should test mushrooms if you're in a do or die situation.

The toxins are gonna hit you fast (within hours).

So will food poisoning.

>> No.8191759


Thata boy.

>> No.8191846

4 hours absolute maximum. Don't assume that the refrigeration was cold enough (41F or less), that the pH of the sushi rice was low enough to keep bacteria from growing, that the employee was preparing it hygenically, etc.

A good share of sushi places I've inspected have problems following their HACCP plans and written procedures.

>> No.8191851

>The toxins are gonna hit you fast (within hours).
The most deadly ones can have no obvious effect for 24 hours. Liver failure is a very slow and painful death.

>> No.8191862
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With this one it can take weeks before you notice your kidneys are fucked.


>> No.8192783
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I'm still alive guys. Looks like I dodged a bullet.

>> No.8192790

was he a good boy?

>> No.8192797


I would personally eat it without a second thought, but I don't want to advise you one way or the other because food poisoning is some serious shit and can be fatal.