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8181398 No.8181398 [Reply] [Original]

What was your first alcoholic beverage and what should mine be?

Turn 21 in 2 days, I don't know what to do

>> No.8181408
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>21 in 2 days
>first alcoholic beverage

>> No.8181412
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Don't fall for the alcohol meme

Don't fall for the distilled jew

Don't fall for the intoxicating kike

>> No.8181420

He's probably american, our alcohol culture is pretty shit.

>> No.8181425 [DELETED] 

Agree. If you haven't had it by now, don't bother. Almost everyone I know, me, started at lastest 16.

>> No.8181437

Agree. If you haven't had it by now, don't bother. Everyone I know started by at latest, 16.

>> No.8181500

PBR and being your life as an alcoholic.

>> No.8181522

My first was some beer, I was like 7-8 yrs old served by drunk dad.
You should some some chilled rosé wine.

>> No.8181530

Never had a single drink?

You're going to want to stick with something like a Mike's Hard Lemonade, Smirnoff, or other wine-cooler-like beverage.

>> No.8181534


>> No.8181537

Shot of Tequila, I recommend it.

>> No.8181538
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>21 in 2 days
>first alcoholic beverage
Bud lite

>> No.8181543
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The first thing I drank was technically kahlua but this is the first thing I could stand to drink enough of to get drunk on

>> No.8181548

My first legal drink was a long island ice tea.
MY first drink, however, was some cheap as shit whiskey. I recommend cheap as shit whiskey.

>> No.8181556
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Beer was my first at an age under ten. Then when I was a preteen I tried some spirits. I literally don't taste alcohol as strongly as most people.

The primary appeal of alcohol is getting drunk, you really only appreciate more expensive stuff after you've been desensitized to the alcohol taste.

I would suggest you throw back 2 shots of ice cold vodka, stuff that has been in the freezer. Wait about 30min to 1 hour and have another if you're comfortable.

Pace your self dear lord. DO NOT HAVE 10 shots in 10 minutes!!!! I woke up in jail after that shit with a bloody nose and no idea how the fuck I got there.

>> No.8181559

btw you may want a chaser if even ice cold vodka gets to you, try some coke or something.

>> No.8181575
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Don't follow my mistakes.

>> No.8181594

Rootbeer and Jager desu

>> No.8181603

Try and avoid the filters, Faggot.

>> No.8181622

Whatever you say, senpai.

>> No.8181674

How do you know he didn't just type desu lol

>> No.8181678

I had Magners which was pretty nice and an easy way to get into it.

Something like that I suppose.

>> No.8181682

baka desu senpai

>> No.8181694


If you're going out or to a bar or something get something safe and and timeless. You're not Don Draper, if you're 21 and try to act all knowledgeable and """""classy""""" about liquor it's gonna be instantly transparent to everyone what a tryhard fedora you are.

Go for 7 & 7 or Gin & tonic or rum & coke.

>> No.8181698

Cranberry vodka press with a splash of Malibu.

>> No.8181749

I first tried beer when I was probably about 4 years old. I spat that shit out.

>> No.8181757

This. For the most part, highballs are where a beginner should start.

>> No.8181874

>rum & coke

Fucking tasty desu.

>> No.8181886


I agree, rum and coke is an easy and enjoyable drink to start drinking with.

>> No.8181897


rum and coke tastes metallic and weird to me. i'd rather have whiskey/bourbon and coke, with a tiny squeeze of lemon or lime

>> No.8181974

rum and fruit juice, then shots of rum, then some good wine or beer

>> No.8181990

First was a Mike's hard lemonade when I was like 14 or 15; my dad gave me a couple at a 4th of July party.

I'd recommend a run and coke or a beer of some sort.

>> No.8181991

i don't remember the first alcoholic beverage i had. the first time i was supper drunk i drank captain morgan and dr pepper until i couldn't walk/talk and ate 2 digiornos pizzas.

it was so much vomit i just woke up and vomit was everywhere

>> No.8183272

Isn't a huge fuck off bottle of vodka like $10/£7 over there?
How isn't everyone an alcoholic?

>> No.8183283

Gin and tonic for the new of a drinker? I think the botanical/bitter flavor would be pretty off putting.

I would second the rum & coke though. Especially with lime, just make sure to order it that way. If you order a cuba libre, you're pretty much calling yourself a candy ass

>> No.8183307

Gordons vodka, room temperature and straight.
Make yourself some screwdrivers OP, they're tasty, impossible to fuck up, and you won't give yourself an incredible hangover like rum and coke will

Yes. A lot of us are, but there's also a huge stigma about drinking too much. Which is confusing because people who don't drink get really weird looks.

Everybody I know regularly had access to alcohol since they were 15 you fucking faggot

>> No.8183311

Beta ass OP, I've been drinking wine with my dinner since I was a child. Why haven't you had a drink?

>> No.8183358

My first sip of alcoholic beverage was cider during a school trip.
Yes, apparently in France it's OK for teachers to give a shooter of cider to 10yo kids after a meal because of regional cuisine reasons.
I've had wine and champagne a few times during Xmas (it's the yearly family gathering/feast since no thanksgiving), again adults giving a few drops for the taste.

>You should some some chilled rosé wine.
Makes sense. I mean, OP is a faggot, and he'll likely hate the taste of ethanol, so I wouldn't go with liqueur and soda. That leaves beer and wine.

>> No.8183368

>I'm a virgin so everyone else must be too

>> No.8183372

That sounds weird. I suppose drinking culture is so intrinsic in the UK. I was in the forces and thereso its even worse.
People regularly geting pissed 6/7 nights and going to work the next day.
People turning up still drunk, sobering up about 12/1pm and going out again at 6pm

>> No.8183373

Drink beer.
Dont drink sweet and/or strong alcohol.

>> No.8183383

>Yes, apparently in France it's OK for teachers to give a shooter of cider to 10yo kids after a meal because of regional cuisine reasons.

You make it sound like it's not.

>> No.8183397

Don't do a shot first, because they aren't too pleasant

I'd do a mild beer, like Corona, Budweiser, Coors etc

>> No.8183407
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First alcoholic beverage I ever had. Stole it from my parents liquor cabinet when I was like 15 Found out years later that they have no idea why they had it, and that I probably did them a favor by stealing it.

>> No.8183713

Get some hipster indie beer, if you can't find any, Sam Adams.

>> No.8184221

Yeah people do that here too, but you just stay hush-hush about it because you don't want your boss to fire you for it.

>> No.8184237


>> No.8184254
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>mit Korn

>> No.8184256

Whisky ginger.

>> No.8184260

my nigga.

>> No.8184285

>Go to France when I was 17-ish
>Bartender thinks it's hilarious to get underage Americans shitfaced
>Gives me a tall-ass rum and coke that's 50% rum
I liked that guy

>> No.8184346

because it is fun

t. europoor batender

>> No.8184514

and Angostura bitters

>> No.8184521

brings back the memories... and the dinner.

>> No.8184534


Get a few different thing.

Get a nice beer, not bud, not Miller, I love Franziskaner I'd you can find that. Get some wine, maybe a port. Also get a couple of those little sample liquor bottles.

>> No.8184546


Corona was my first beer. I fucking hated it. If you're gonna go for it get an ass load of limes to squeeze into that shit

>> No.8185066

First ever was everclear mixed with orange soda. First legally was a White Russian.

>> No.8185104
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Don't listen to everyone, OP. I didn't start drinking until maybe a month before I turned 21 and I started with wine coolers. Start off with some hard cider or beer, something with a low alcohol content. Once you have a bit more tolerance you can graduate up to liquor. If you still want something sweet go for rum. Rum is the toppest of tiers for booze. Mix it with a dark soda, Coke or Dr Pepper is what I usually go for. Don't get cheap shit like Malibu. If you're doing shots steer clear from any spiced rum, or it'll wreck your throat.

Pic related, i keep a bottle in my freezer at all times. Great when mixed with soda, but still sweet enough to have shots of.

>> No.8185170

>rum is the toppest of tiers for booze. Mix it

Stop right there! To be sure, there are some great rums that should be savored neat or on the rocks. Mixed? Go back to your frat/sorority gangbang and get off of the adult boards.

>> No.8185200

I'm saying for a first-time drinker. Most people can't handle straight liquor their first time. Mix it with something so you don't end up drinking the whole damn bottle. Or maybe you feel like having a drink without getting totally wasted.

>> No.8185271

Then don't call it top tier. You don't mix top tier rum. You mix frat party baccardi or captain morgan, but not top tier.

>> No.8185275

>brings back the memories... and the dinner
>and the dinner

Fuck you nailed it

>> No.8185393

Smirnoff vodka, tastes awful would not recommend.

Start with beer, Coors Banquet and Kronenburg are okay. From there try white wine and from there get into light spirits like vodka and whisky.

>> No.8185645

Straight bourbon at 6 years old.

CB brandy in a plastic bottle with an arsenic chaser.

>> No.8185964

seagrams gin, straight out of the bottle. i was 13 at the time.

first legal drink? a beer (no idea what kind, probably just bud light) and a shot of jack daniels at a bar. my friend ordered it for me.

i wouldn't recommend either one, really. if you want to catch a buzz and don't know if you'll enjoy the taste of alcohol then get something like a blended drink (margarita, daquiri, whatever) or maybe a long island iced tea. they can be quite strong so don't drink it fast.

>> No.8185967

not him, but i don't think he meant top tier as in the best rum, but that rum itself is the top tier liquor for mixing.

>> No.8185968


>> No.8185988

I remember it well. About 16, I went to my asian friend's house. His mom had bought him a pack of corona because she didn't give a shit. He gave me on and I sipped it. It tasted how I imagined piss would. Slowly finished it over 30 mins. I was like 150lbs 5'11, empty stomach. Felt meh. Had one more and I got a buzz.

After that I was home alone on new years eve at my dad's house. He had half a bottle of cheap wine, abobut 4 oz of rum, and some alcoholic chocolates. I replaced some of it with juice kek

>> No.8186004

my friend's brother was in his 20s and lived at home. we drank half his bottle of bourbon and filled it back up with coke. he always mixed it anyway so he didn't taste the difference. we kept that up every weekend for months

>> No.8186005

>first beverage at 21
Even if it's illegal to drink before 21 where you are you're a fucking faggot

>> No.8186079

I was like 16 and my parents were out of town so my friend came over with whatever he could steal from the back of his parents liquor cabinet. I remember mixing all kinds of weird shit, like jack daniels and orange juice. Needless to say, I puked that night.

If it's your first time drinking, you're gonna want something sweet. I drank a lot of those fruity flavored smirnoff vodkas when I was young, but rum and coke is a better option if you don't want to look like a pussy.

>> No.8186120
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Shut up. Alcohol should be studied and people need a better understanding of it.

OP should know what the basic spirits are. He should know about the types of beers and the different types of wines that exist and what makes them all different. He should know what these beverages are made from and how they're made. In time you can learn about different liquors like Amaretto, Schnapps, Vermouth, Triple sec, Kahlua, Curacao, and so on.

I think OP just wants to know what alcoholic beverage or cocktail best suits his personality or something...

If OP wants to get into strong spirits or wines, I STRONGLY recommend buying the tiny 100 mL bottles.
If he wants to get into beer or cider, I recommend trying something between 6 and 10 ABV - not too strong, and not some weak ass lite beer.
If he wants to try a cocktail, he should make a cocktail properly or try a proper cocktail... don't just go mixing equal parts of tonic water with gin, or rum and coke - you'll fuck it all up.

Since I've had a special made beer from a specific liquor store in town, and after that a shot of pure grain alcohol, I can't give an unbiased recommendation. Something cheap, something easy to make, and something that doesn't taste too strongly of alcohol would be advised. But of course... don't be that guy who buys flavored vodka or something...

>Buy whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.8186144

White lightning cider at about 14
Some fat girl stole some and we stole it off of her

Was fucking great got smashed

>> No.8186360

Don't become a degenerate just because of peer pressure. You don't have to have a drink just because you're turning 21.

>> No.8186493

chav detected

>> No.8186494

literally the biggest addictive waste of money.

If i could get back all the money I've spent on alcohol, I'd have the best collection of items in dota.

>> No.8186496

f-first drink at 21? maybe a tea, dont wanna skip some step there