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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 43 KB, 700x470, alcohol-bottles-and-glasses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8178961 No.8178961 [Reply] [Original]

reminder that alcohol is poison. quit now

>> No.8178973
File: 2.11 MB, 330x166, 1475870623402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some straight edge kid who probably isn't old enough to drink tries to lecture me

>> No.8178995

It literally cleans out your system, though, and even cleans your teeth.

>> No.8179205

>waaah alcohol is bad for me i won't drink it
>mmm yummy fast food eat pizza 3 times a week :)

>> No.8179210

Life is poison bitch

>> No.8179216

>alcohol is poison
Nothing you eat will expand your life span. Just kill yourself now kid.

>> No.8179232

A rather refined poison that has helped homo sapiens have a smidgen of comfort, conviviality, and comaraderie in a cold, cold world for thousands and thousands of years. Long before your jew supposedly turned water to wine.

>> No.8180201

"The dose makes the poison."

>> No.8180234

>quit now
would if i could

>> No.8180239

im pretty sure food expands your lifespan

>> No.8180608

lol no

>> No.8180618

>media brainwashes you
>sex can give you AIDS
>the sun can cause cancer
thanks op, im gonna go to my bunker now and live a sheltered life so that i may live long and disease free. momma will bring me my supper and blanket soon

>> No.8180632

>t. Someone who takes coffee, fast food, and meds
Just because you hear "everything in moderation" a lot doesn't mean it's a meme.

>> No.8180768

>alcoholics who know he's right will get triggered by this

>> No.8180769

>dude just do heroin once a week, its fine as long as its in moderation

>> No.8180783

Damn, I'm going to go fix a drink now.
>A rather refined poison that has helped homo sapiens have a smidgen of comfort, conviviality, and comaraderie in a cold, cold world for thousands and thousands of years
Not to mention probably single-handedly ensured the reproduction of entire communities.

>> No.8180806

Alcohol is literally no worse for you than caffeine.

>> No.8180812

Try it out without... For science

>> No.8180815

doing medical morphine once a week would be safe for you - what kills you with heroin is all the adulterants

>> No.8180823
File: 158 KB, 484x1481, Alcohol is Humanity's friend - Yunowhatitis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's impossible. A wine bottle a week will kill me, but I can't help it. Besides, that's not so bad compared to previous years.

>> No.8180943

It's almost like "moderation" doesn't mean the same thing for everything

That and clean heroin once a week is not actually terrible for you

>> No.8180951

You gotta know this is a dumb statement. Drink coffee 5 times a day for 20 years and drink alcohol 5 times a day for 20 years and see if one is no worse for you than the other

>> No.8180955

Literally the only danger from heroin is ODing or adulterants. Heroin causes no long lasting physical damage to your body. The kicker is the addiction. An addict who has done it for years but somehow manages to quit will be no less healthy than someone who has never done it

>> No.8180973

>Drink coffee 5 times a day for 20 years
I'm kinda curious what this does to a person

>> No.8180985

>talks about maturity
>uses Sweaty mandrama image
Enjoy sipping on your poison

>> No.8181019

Just ask...pretty much any older coffee drinker, it's one of the most widely drunk beverages in the world. The answer is not much besides the obvious caffeine tolerance.

>> No.8181082

>reminder that alcohol is poison. quit now
But if it wasn't for alcohol I would have never done anything interesting in my entire life.

>> No.8181087

>An addict who has done it for years but somehow manages to quit will be no less healthy than someone who has never done it
apart from the crippling mental health issues that are prerequisite for any form of drug dependence.

>> No.8181109

Alcohol doesn't kill men, gluttony does.

>> No.8181112

Yeah, but it gets you drunk, so I'd say it's worth it.

>> No.8181168

At least you can still operate an automobile after eating pizza, dumbass.

Some people just don't like to drink. Maybe somebody should put a bullet through your skull if you're too stupid to get that.

>waaaaaahhhhh christfag socialism works and mexican is a race hands up don't shoot really happened capitalism causes global warming waaaaaaahhhh

Fuck your constant SJW /pol/shitting onto literally everything you brainless liberal faggot. All you deserve is a fucking bottle jammed into your fucking neck. Spew your bullshit then you bloated miserable Demokkkrat bitch.

>> No.8181175

There's a substance that yields the exact same effects without destroying your renal system and liver.

It rhymes with "senpai abyss"

>> No.8181195

>can't refute me
>attacks the reaction image instead
Thanks for proving me right

>> No.8181205

this thread makes want a drink

>> No.8181223

ok fatty

>> No.8181238

Dank weed?

>> No.8181439
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Jameson is delicious liquid gold.

>> No.8181471
File: 51 KB, 520x566, Typical Alcoholcuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fall for the alcohol meme.

Don't fall for the distilled jew.

Don't fall for the intoxicating kike.

>> No.8181597

>Fuck your constant SJW /pol/shitting onto literally everything you brainless liberal faggot. All you deserve is a fucking bottle jammed into your fucking neck. Spew your bullshit then you bloated miserable Demokkkrat bitch.
did you have a bad day at work or something and this is what you do instead of drink?

>> No.8181635

I'd agree if you were arguing that alcohol was a shit tier drug but you seem to just be a straight edge fag

>> No.8181668

famous grouse is better and cheaper i believe. it also has flavor, unlike jameson. debate me faggot, you probably dont even 101

>> No.8181684

Why? What about all the patients who got addicted to opiates because of legitimate medical prescriptions?

You, me, and everyone else are just fleshy bags of chemicals; you put enough of certain chemicals in your body for long enough and you will become dependent on them. Maybe you were taking them because you think your life sucks and you want to hide, or maybe you were in a car accident and broke a dozen bones and got a ruptured spleen. It's pretty ignorant to assume that everyone gets hooks for the same reasons.

To think that you are somehow "strong enough" to avoid addiction shows a basic misunderstanding of biology (and life in general).

>> No.8181704

>At least you can still operate an automobile after eating pizza, dumbass.

So the issue here is to not drive drunk. It isn't that hard and most of us who drink manage this without any problems.

>> No.8181710

>To think that you are somehow "strong enough"
We have a human history of people surviving gruesome injury without morphine.

Every choice to begin treating your pain with an opiate is just that, a choice that can be overcome depending on your strength.

>> No.8181713
File: 554 KB, 295x221, 1449457985568.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The difference between poison and medicine is dose faggot.

>> No.8181734

Opioids become physically dependent if you use more than 100mg/day. Nice job perpetuating opioid phobia that has limited chronic pain treatments for decades you faggot.

>> No.8181743

Too expensive. Blackbush is better for the price.

>> No.8181781

>Implying there aren't better alternatives to the opioid jew
Hint: Medical field is on their way to banning an alternative as we speak

>> No.8182183

Great point, I'd love to see you "depend on your strength" after a horrific injury.

Not only that, but going without pain killers increases stress and decreases the rate of survival, increases risk of infection, etc. It's why they even give opiates to animals after surgery.

>> No.8182219

nice strawman senpai, great job on baiting this long too

>> No.8182234
File: 472 KB, 360x360, yank vodka.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reminder that alcohol is poison. quit now
t. Mehmet Al-Yank

>> No.8182371

To the alcoholics here. Does the alcohol itself taste good to you? What I mean is that strong aftertaste after you drink anything alcoholic. Even if I like the taste beer I hate that aftertaste so I don't really like drinking alcohol.

>> No.8182402

the burn means happiness is on the way. or if not happiness the fact that I can feel normal and forget about my one true love not loving me anymore and the time I had to see my friend die in a car accident in the rain. emotional pain is worse than physical pain and the aftertaste means I will die, but I hope to die forgetfull of what i have experienced within my own lifetime.

>> No.8182410

This wasn't the question and I'd like an answer from someone who enjoys the taste and not just the effect.

>> No.8182424

it is the taste of death. your cells die and you react in a way that your body feels it the most necessary for survival. tulala.

>> No.8182426

yes it does taste good after a while, not good, more like an expected taste.

>> No.8182440

underrated post

>> No.8182455

My brain hasn't registered this "burn" for years and I don't really experience anything that'd put my face into grimace unless I'm drinking 160 proof spirit or something.
Regular strength vodka tastes basically like somewhat-off water to me.

>> No.8182480

honestly if I drink five cups of coffee a day I feel like death. my heart beats out of my chest, I get anxious, I shit my brains out, headaches (weird ones too), shit I even start making poor social decisions.

Five beers though? Good nights sleep, and all smiles.

I know that's just one person but I've always felt alcohol in moderation is healthier than coffee.

>> No.8182505

Coffee and alcohol both give me diarrhea.

>> No.8182603


>> No.8182607

Reminder that you're a faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.8182612

also it tastes like ewies and makes me feel like poopy poop

>> No.8182671
File: 54 KB, 720x793, Deano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go away. I realize bumping this is counterintuitive.

>> No.8182685

This seems like a good reply

What liquor is reasonably cheap and tastes decent on its own?

>> No.8182694


>> No.8182696


Any specific brand of Bourbon?

>> No.8182703

Heaven Hill on up will be fine by itself. Add some ice. Enjoy.

>> No.8182748


cool thanks

>> No.8182750

No it isn't.

>> No.8182763
File: 6 KB, 177x284, BuffaloTrace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. If you want something that is good quality for price paid, I'd suggest pic related. Bourbon is a big wide world, anon.

>> No.8182800

I drink vodka 18 hours a day and smoke meth

>> No.8182822

Mmmmm...what food processor do you suggest for making the shakes necessary to provide you with sustenance?

>> No.8182993
File: 1.62 MB, 1872x820, Cheers3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder that op is a faggot. Cheers

>> No.8182997

Go to bed Igor

>> No.8183254

Im sure thats fine.

>> No.8183322

>Putting ice in your whiskey

>> No.8183353

There is nothing wrong with drinking bourbon neat or on the rocks. I bet you like classic mixed drinks (old-fashioned, sazerac, or manhattans) neat too.

>> No.8183457

Can confirm, I haven’t brushed in years, and haven’t had a cavity since.

I also eat a liverwurst sandwich pretty much every day – to counterbalance the effects the vodka has on my liver. I make my sandwiches on seeded rye (because it’s the healthiest bread), with mayo (because eggs are the best protein; I use kewpie, because the msg makes it taste better), coarse mustard (good for the white blood cells), zucchini pickles (because they taste good), and a bunch of baby spinach (just for filler; it could honestly be left out).

I also eat a lot of canned fish (mostly sardines, but also the occasional fancy smoked oysters) on saltines. They give you all your essential amino acids, and provide a nice opportunity to try out various hot sauces, which are generally very low in calories, while high in flavor and immensely prodigious to healthiness.

Aside from that, I drink large amounts of water (anywhere between ice-cold to slightly chilled) every day, always through a straw, and sometimes with a lemon wedge.

To each their own, I say, but I’m just shy of 30 and am doing better than most of you.

>> No.8183460

Good taste, Buffalo Trace has top tier price/quality ratio. Same goes for Bulleit.

>> No.8183572

>reminder that alcohol is poison
So is chlorine, ozone, chloramine, and everything else we use to treat our water.

>> No.8183579

They don't even make up a single percent. Meanwhile alcoholic drinks are usually around 30-50% and go as high as 96%.

>> No.8183633
File: 15 KB, 382x480, c7a9d3136fcb2c41061f18fa164d9e5d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these asshurt alcoholic replies


>> No.8183654

why do you think I drink

>> No.8183660

>one bottle a week
Dude that's like a small glass a day, my mom drinks like that.

>> No.8183726

I meant in one sitting. If you want technicality, then it's more two bottles per week: one spread out for a few days and another in one day for the weekend. It's still not much at all and I've already established that.

>> No.8183839

Reminder that life is deadly. You should quit now.

>> No.8184975

humans aren't the only animal that enjoys intoxicating itself with a poison, within reasonable limits its safe so let people enjoy it. Like anything in life too much is a bad idea, some people have problems with it yes but in this day age people become addicted to anything

I'm honestly confused as to how people have such bad dental health. I never brush and never have any dental issues, nor do I have yellow or worse teeth. I am vegetarian so I'm not sure how much that changes but do people honestly have to eat just pure sugar or something to get where they're at?

>> No.8185023

how is alcohol not a meme

do people not just drink it to get tipsy/drunk?

it fucking burns and tastes like you're dying

light alcoholic beverages like cider are okay and just have that little tang to it, but whisky and stuff is rediculous

>> No.8185043

when you turn 21 you'll be able to buy your own alcohol and find something you like.

>> No.8185048

like I said I like cider and light beers, I've tried lots of different things, i'm talking about the higher alcohol content stuff, I can't even stand wine

>> No.8185082

No shit! Try a quart of rotgut vodka a day, you simperers.

>> No.8185254

Trying sixteen different kinds of flavored chick and frathause liquor isn't lots of different things, anon.

Like others have said when you can buy your own stuff and try what you want when you want you'll be able to see and experience the variety that different alcoholic beverages bring to the table. Like food, some drink is best had seasonal and other is just for comfort. Try different things, be willing to experiment, and be conscious about your decisions.

You'll be fine.

>> No.8186159
File: 219 KB, 1600x900, P_20161015_030748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8186185

I love how these poltards are the first to make memes about SJW and feminists being triggered when they are literally always fucking triggered. So quick to show their hands and reinforce that everybody knows they're knuckle dragging mongoloids. "Demokkkrat" so clever, say how many skin heads does it take to come up with a brilliant one like that

>> No.8186188

>Not liking the distinct and delicious tastes of a nice robust rye tasting bourbon.
Grow up.

>> No.8186189

Lol no it wouldn't dude, morphine isn't good for you, it's just manageable in a medically monitored situation, like in a hospital or with a 24 hour caregiver.

>> No.8186245

>I'm honestly confused as to how people have such bad dental health. I never brush and never have any dental issues, nor do I have yellow or worse teeth. I am vegetarian so I'm not sure how much that changes but do people honestly have to eat just pure sugar or something to get where they're at?
Some people just have shit teeth AND don't do dental hygiene, I guess. I have a congenital tooth enamel defect myself but I brush, floss and use toothpicks so despite worse than normal odds, my teeth don't fall apart. I still get the occasional cavity now and then but I can deal with that.

>> No.8186454

one bottle of wine a week is good for your health