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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 167 KB, 1024x768, Tsukimi Soba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8177139 No.8177139 [Reply] [Original]

Favourite Japanese dish?

Tsukimi soba is mine. (not my photo)
I was pretty turned off when I heard there was going to be a raw egg cracked on top, as eggs aren't always safe if they're not cooked, depending on where you live.

But when I went to Japan, I had a tour of the restaurants kitchen and their eggs are insanely clean.

The tastes blend so well.

>> No.8177442
File: 602 KB, 1600x1201, P1010827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese eats a raw egg.
A fresh egg is supplied in Japan. It is only two weeks in the expiration date.
The egg which is not fresh is dangerous.

>> No.8177446

you sound retarded

>> No.8177465

My favourite meals from Japan were

>Sushi breakfast at Sushidai
>Ramen at the place down the road from my hotel in Kyoto
>chicken wings and gyoza in Gion
>two huge plates of Katsu curry while drunk off my ass at GoGo
>tempura eel on Asakusa
>okonomiyaki in Hiroshima

>> No.8177466
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The topic of the raw egg reincarnation.

>> No.8177470

I wonder what they smell like haha

>> No.8177479
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I Love Tentamasoba.

>> No.8177541

Never heard of tsukimi soba before. I think I'll give it a try. I can't stand tempura in soup though so I'll skip that.

Can't say I really have a favourite Japanese dish. The only things I've really thought notable are certain sushi items, like uni or scallop, but they're not really dishes.

>> No.8177896
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this is pretty good tbqh

>> No.8177900
File: 2.41 MB, 3872x2592, Chum_salmon,sake-ikura-don,syari-town,japan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when the eggs mix with the rice

>> No.8177901

why is raw egg acceptable in Asian countries?

>> No.8177905
File: 48 KB, 580x387, guest-post-and-kitsune-udon.580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kitsune Udon is godly.

>> No.8177911

No, its not

>> No.8178417

Yakisoba is good,or just normal ramen

>> No.8178563

Zaru soba + tempura

>> No.8178572

tempura icecream

>> No.8178681

food pics from japan

>> No.8178697

Karaage and soup curry have always been my favourite items since my first time to Japan

>> No.8178714

Why not?

>> No.8178720

Katsu curry has always been a favourite of mine, but the okonomiyaki in Hiroshima was definitely up there.

>> No.8179111


stfu loser

>> No.8179122

I love tempura soba the best if the soba has a cold broth and the tempura is served hot

I've only been to one place that served it that way

I like almost all other dishes too though

>> No.8179123
File: 250 KB, 1600x1067, okonomiyaki-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff is good
>tfw had an old japanese cook prepare it specially for us in his tiny, 3-chair restaurant
comfy as fuck desu

>> No.8179136

Eating raw eggs is acceptable in any Asian nation with decent food hygiene standards. I've tried soupy eggs in Singapore and didn't have any problems.

>Why do people in poorer countries still eat raw eggs?
Because their immune system can handle it.

>> No.8179198

>they hate cheese because it's "rotten" food but they eat raw eggs and fermented (SPOILED) beans



>> No.8179296

>thinks fermented food equals spoiled

Thumbsucking, neckbearded, amerilarded, asshat detected.

>> No.8179300

>tfw no proper Japanese restaurant around
My city really is not very /ck/

>> No.8179301

It's decomposition, dumbfuck. It's just "beneficial" decomposition

>> No.8179494

No life /pol/tard spotted

>> No.8180099

I love it when they add the chocolate drizzle, whipped cream, and cherry.

>> No.8180116

>muh /pol/

I feel bad for you because /pol/ is the only thing you think about apparently

>> No.8180123

Salmonella is almost non-existent with modern egg practices. I eat raw eggs all the time.

>> No.8180135

Go Curry was comfy, can't wait to go back

>> No.8180146
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I kekkeld

>> No.8180169

You're a fucking retard

>> No.8180197

Good practices have made raw eggs perfectly fine for consumption over the years. Considering the Japanese, Singaporeans, South Koreans, and other developed Asian nations have some of the longest life expectancy in the world, it's clearly not an issue if they eat raw eggs liberally in their diet.

>> No.8180242

raw eggs are widely consumed in non asian countries aswell. What do you think mouse ou chocolat, eggnog or mayonaise is made off exactly?

>> No.8180602
File: 965 KB, 489x1107, udon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

definitely delicious bukkake udon.

>> No.8180628

What's wrong with that cat?

>> No.8180639

His owner only fed him noodles so he became noodle himself

>> No.8180679

i thought is was typical for an american to drink a raw egg at least once in their life.

Btw why havent any of the pictured egg whitened at all? Is the soup not hot?

>> No.8180683

Katsudon probably. Made it mysepf a couple of times but i'm sure it's better made by someone else.

Also this thing from this resturaunt "Sutadonya" called karasutadon Its supposed to be short for stamina bowl or something. It's a spicy garlic pork bowl.

>> No.8180719

Everyone else in the civilized world vaccinates their chickens so its not a concern.

>> No.8180730

so then it's not spoiled

>> No.8180735

People do in the west.

We have been conditioned to be afraid of anything that hasn't been processed.

>> No.8182166

stupidly good. had it in a small shop in hiroshima. look at that godly texture

>> No.8182248
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>> No.8182299
File: 260 KB, 1500x1125, 20140416-tamago-kake-gohan-recipe-14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try this, anyone ever had it?

>> No.8182327


But they have? You can see the edges have whitened in all of them.

>> No.8182496

it's pretty good, but you have to be an asian to really appreciate it
it's filling, but not filling enough for western diets

>> No.8183047

you spelled 'go 'za wrong

>> No.8183051

he has cancer

>> No.8183101


>> No.8183120

Is ramen a memefood? I've tasted a lot and there is seriously nothing special about it.

>> No.8183136

>their eggs are insanely clean

>> No.8183138

>Never had cold soba before
>at SFO
>Order it because I miss korean cold noodles, assume it'll be somewhat close
>Sauce comes on the side
>Assume its soy sauce, ignore it
>Get halfway through eating it, it tastes awful, impossible to chew, is stuck together
>Finally pour the sauce on because I cant deal with the taste anymore
>mfw i realize i was sitting there like an absolute retard surrounded by asians eating the equivalent of a tamale with the husk still on

>> No.8183155

>their eggs are insanely clean
So they brushed off all the salmonella?
Good job Japs!

>> No.8183345


>> No.8183363


hows it feel to be retarded anon

you don't pour the sauce on, you dip the noodles into the cup of sauce

>> No.8183438
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>> No.8184118

Man this looks godly

Too bad i moved from cali, with all it's variety, to WA and live in buttfuck nowhere now

>> No.8184213

Mine were probably the katsu donburi at the college cafeteria and simple niku donburi from the small place three blocks from my host family's house. Also kaiten sushi.

There's a Go Go Curry only a block or two away from penn station in nyc. I usually end up there whenever I make a trip to the city.

>> No.8184656

Okonomiyaki is a many splendored beast. The ultimate street food coziness.

>> No.8184674

First of all those two posts are clearly not made by the same person.

Also, I think >>8177442 is Japanese and either used google translate, or has very rudimentary English knowledge.

>> No.8184683


As a fan of trying various ramen recipes, I feel like I should try doing this, but I've tasted raw egg before and while raw yolk is tasty, I find the raw whites all slimy and gross.

Is there a version of this where you use the yolk only, or are the whites always part of it too?

>> No.8184684

op's pic looks like shitty spaghetti soup

>> No.8184714
File: 413 KB, 1280x849, R0030806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is generally the whole egg.
Only the egg yolk is rare.

>> No.8184730

hurr durr burp slurp amerifat burgerflap leave please

I'm gonna try it out at least once, as its probably a lot different when the egg is mixed with ramen stock rather than being on its own. One question though: Won't the heat from the ramen start cooking and solidifying the egg as soon as its put in?

>> No.8184749

Wait a minute... The Japanese don't eat cheese? Why?

Or is it just that there are no traditional Japanese dishes with it? Because they haven't banned pizzas and shit, right?

>> No.8184754

when i was a kid and growing up, (asian american here), I would have it about 2-4 times a week for breakfast

I never thought to much about it since it was just standard to me, but once I found out that regular kids in america just ate cereal and shit for breakfast, I started crying for cereal and shit.

But once I moved out, I started craving it again and it took a while to find a farmer's market that sold fresh eggs on a weekly basis.

I've never really shown it to any of my other friends who are all anything but asian, so I don't know how they would receive it.

>> No.8184766
File: 324 KB, 854x1280, IMG_8326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A turn to classify into a bowl.
When an egg is added later.
When soup is poured on an egg.

A soba shop may cool soup intentionally. It is a tradition of the soba shop at the train station.

>> No.8184781
File: 583 KB, 1600x1062, R0029229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8184788

>A turn to classify into a bowl.
>When an egg is added later.
>When soup is poured on an egg.

Dōiu imidesu ka? I think your translator messed up a little.

Do you mean this?:
Soup first, then egg = liquid egg
Egg first, then soup = cooked egg

>> No.8184830
File: 52 KB, 402x348, liquid egg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just had to.

>> No.8184846
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Web translation.

When a raw egg is added at the last stage of the cooking.
When soup is poured at the last stage of the cooking.

In late years there is the cooked hot-spring egg.

>> No.8186192
File: 722 KB, 1600x1201, P1020167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Box lunch which I ate the other day.
It was not bad.

>> No.8186198

Ahi poke.
How does it feel to you mainland turds that I can get delicious fresh ahi poke made every day from the grocery store for half the price per pound for some old tuna that has sat on a boat for a week. Hawaii food FTW

>> No.8186199
File: 541 KB, 904x712, 20161014_223718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hawaiian twist on poke in this one, limu (ogo seaweed, very nice salty crunch, sweet local onion)

>> No.8186202

Traditional Japanese breakfast. I really like fish, pickles, and rice. Having that plus soup and more sounds like a great breakfast for me. I usually don't have time for breakfast.

>> No.8186237
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>> No.8186520
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It was great.

>> No.8186523
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>> No.8186525
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>> No.8186527
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>> No.8186528
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>> No.8186530
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>> No.8186531

Oh, it's so kurwai!

>> No.8186532
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>> No.8186535
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>> No.8186536


I checked out this supper club in London

>> No.8186809
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Those seem very good.
But beauty isn't enough.
When the color of the pickles is added to box lunch, that would be better.
A photograph is a Japanese traditional box lunch.

>> No.8187822

>The Japanese don't eat cheese?
Their geography made raising livestock a pain, outside of a few areas, and Buddhist teachings influenced the Japanese food culture for generations.

The biggest reason, though, is probably that the Japanese are famously shit when it comes to having the enzymes and gut bacteria needed to break down dairy products without it ripping their colons to shreds.

>> No.8187826
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>> No.8187845


Am I being meme'd?

>> No.8187900


>> No.8187925


>> No.8187945

Teriyaki Burger from McDonald's

>> No.8188292
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>> No.8188988
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>> No.8189390

Went to Tokyo last Summer with bros, 10/10 would go again.

Favourite meals were:
>Late night yakitori and beef liver from some izakaya near my airbnb
>Sushi breakfast at Sushibun
>Early morning breakfast at a Jonathan's otw back after walking 10km to a riverbank to watch the sunrise
>Tonkatsu curry at some place in Nakano Broadway (followed by many layers of softserve from the vendor in the basement)
>Cold soba after a long hot springs bath (in the nude), ate it plain w/ sauce & scallion, was perfect
>Kobe beef course at Kobe 511. Almost every other meal in the 2 and a half week trip was 7/11 onigiri to save up for this. So fucking worth it.

Also purin is fucking great

>> No.8189396

forgot lots of shit on sticks outside sensoji, like clams and crab and shit. Good stuff but fucking expensive

>> No.8189531

>i will always be a piggu korean and not a based nip
Why did I have to be born with this disability?

>> No.8189599
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>> No.8189830
File: 107 KB, 1458x909, unagi recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Unagi donburi made with sushi rice is my absolute favorite Japanese dish.

>> No.8189837

whats with japs and having literally ONE egg?

>> No.8189838

Do all japanese meals have to be swimming in liquid? It's the only thing putting me off.

>> No.8190688

you can tell this nigga is Japanese from his tarded Engish.

>My Japanese sucks too, fampai

>> No.8190709

most kids eat cereal sadly, but a real american breakfast is nice and hearty and delicious

>> No.8190719

so, curry, croquette, and cheese croquette? also some kind of broth of vegetables that look like lotus roots

>> No.8190730

too bad nearly every place in north america uses pre made eel and the fish itself is extremely unsustainable

>> No.8190734

it's meant to be a complement and add a nice flavor to a dish, this is in a lot of japanese food, usually the bulk of the calories is rice or noodles, sometimes meat is the main part, aka, sashimi of course

>> No.8190739

It was like, congealed into itself. I couldn't get the noodles separated from each other until I poured it on.

>> No.8191454
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>> No.8191480


>> No.8191490
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>> No.8191642

Does it havy any flavor thoose noodles?

>> No.8191653
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>Favourite Japanese dish?

>> No.8191694
File: 34 KB, 500x375, creamstew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is there a name or recipe for the tempura patties like that they sometimes serve in noodles? I would like to make it.

And my favourite Japanese dish has been something that was told to me to be called "white stew" but it probably has an actual name. It's basically curry except with a white sauce for the meat/potatoes/onion that you can eat as a soup or over rice. So fucking good.

>> No.8191703

If they're good, yes. But they're also meant to be dipped into a thick broth.

>> No.8192395

That's umeboshi right? If so, is there a taste difference between that and the violet colored ones?


>> No.8192401

What kind of soup is that?

Looks too clear to be miso soup. Interesting to see sliced okra in there though.

>> No.8192469
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>> No.8192484

None of you fuckers like gyudon?

>that supple beef
>onions exploding with flavor seeped in sauce
>pickled ginger adding that extra kick
>it's the food that fueled the economy for decades

It's the one that I always get whenever I get entering and leaving Japan

>> No.8192489

Can't ask for anything more for a backdrop of a meal.
Those are some good looking matsutakate.

>> No.8192510

For me it's the ミクチキン, the best fast food sandwich, for only ¥150.

>> No.8192524

You mean マックチキン. And it's called a チキンクリスプ anyway. And it's ¥100.

Please take your shitposting seriously, anon-kun!

>> No.8192581
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>> No.8192621

So did you and your bros fug in the hot springs or what?

>> No.8192641

I found a Nijiya market nearby, and I have a couple of questions.

They have Matsutake mushrooms, but they're really expensive. A pack of 4 was about $12. Are they worth it? What's the best way to appreciate them?

Also, what are some good Japanese staple dishes to make regularly? I made some nikujaga recently. It was delicious, as well as being easy to make.

>> No.8192726
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tonkotsu ramen!

>> No.8194350
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>> No.8194426
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The combination of tempura and noodles limits it to Japanese soba and udon basically.
It is not set to ramen and pasta.
Chinese fried food may be set to ramen.

The white stew is called cream stew.
It is rare at the restaurant. It is sometimes in the cafe.
It is liked in a family having the child.

>> No.8194473

Looks good to me. Why didn't you post the name of it you selfish nip.

>> No.8194555
File: 411 KB, 1280x850, R0030598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is Tentama_soba.
There is a photograph of much Tentama_soba to this thread.

>> No.8194568
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>eating raw eggs
enjoy your salmonella

>> No.8194581
File: 86 KB, 800x600, matsugoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here, stamina ramen from matsugoro in mito. Made me rethink where the taste ceiling for ramen is, and I've had quite a few different regional ramen.

>> No.8194592


It's a haiku.

>> No.8194594

>Hawaiian twist on poke
That's like saying Hawaiian twist on poi

>> No.8195994
File: 63 KB, 580x386, gloriousnipfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking gyoza are the shit. I make my own, and it takes forever, but they're fantastic. ponzu is a must to have as well. Not just my favorite japanese food, but my favorite food period.

>> No.8196042

Excellent work.

>> No.8196052


This with Chinese black vinegar is fantastic.

>> No.8196057
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>> No.8196060



>> No.8196064


>Be American

>> No.8196068

>raw egg

enjoy salmonella, and also wasting all of the white protein that can't be absorbed by the body if not cooked.

God, why are japanese so gross?

>> No.8196103
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The honor that invented the gyoza is a Chinese thing.
In Japan, the gyoza is considered to be Chinese food.

>> No.8196127
File: 344 KB, 746x600, shabushabu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shabu Shabu.

>> No.8196152

yeah, yeah, i know, they brought it back after WWII. Shhhh.

>> No.8196279
File: 89 KB, 650x433, Tsukemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit is heavenly, especially so because I come from a country that's absolutely SWELTERING.

How has no one answered with tsukemen? Absolutely delicious with the black salt(?) soup at Menya Musashi.

>> No.8196406

no it's not

>> No.8196418

>itt: people who don't know Japan pretty much doesn't have salmonella, like the UK doesn't have rabies

>> No.8197711
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>> No.8199052
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>> No.8199243

what about the protein thing? Do you really eat food just because it's "delicious"? I eat to make gains, fucker.

>> No.8199247

that looks good hngg

>> No.8199429
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>> No.8199446

Going to Tokyo in early January, any tips on what to try?

>> No.8199462

Just buy pelmeni and fry them.

>> No.8199475
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>> No.8199479


Get the delicious prepared convenience bento in the back. I recommend the tempura one with the sauce and the onigiri bento.

>> No.8200915
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>> No.8200986
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>raw egg reincarnation.

>> No.8201165
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My favorite foods in Japan are:

>Hitsumabushi in Nagoya (pictured)
>Chicken Nanban in Miyazaki
>Jingisukan in Hokkaido

>> No.8201338
File: 855 KB, 2461x1635, (中身)北海道新幹線開業記念弁当.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is killing me, still have five more months before going back again

>grabbing a bento before jumping on the shinkansen

>> No.8202222
File: 69 KB, 500x333, unagi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese 'food' is all tasteless bland trash that relies on *gimmicks*. The weebs who insist on an authentic way of eating fucking raw fish on rice (uncreative and lazy) eat this gimmicky nonsense up

Examples of gimmicks:
>hurr sugoi bento box tamago kawaii!!
>black squid ink in ramen noodles for dark edgy look
>sushi boats that travel on a conveyor how neat
>not cooking the fish
>raw cracked egg in noodles (see OP)
>handheld crepes
>you must drink the miso soup with your hands and not the spoon or it's not 'authentic'
>you must dip the rice not the fish in the soysauce or else it's not 'authentic', etc. i can see why the fucking animu autists flock to the jap sushi buffets

If Japanese food could stand on its own as being delicious cuisine, it wouldn't need these stupid crutches
Japanese food is such trash - >subtle flavor is just code for BLAND

>> No.8202240

It sounds like you've had bad experiences with shithead weebs ruining the food for you (which they absolutely can and do) but that's no reason to hate on an entire cuisine.

Some of it is fucking garbage but some is really nice, hearty food. Hot, non-packet ramen on a cold day is fucking godly.

And as far as gimmicks go the tableside serving stuff like shabu-shabu, sukiyaki and tepanyaki is actually really fun and gets everyone involved in the food.

>> No.8202249

Objective fact

>> No.8202274

not that anon but the most annoying for me is that a lot of "japanese" food is just copycat foreign food

tonkatsu is no different than a fucking schnitzel its not japanese at all they didnt even have bread before europeans came

>> No.8202281

True, but lots of places have 'traditional' dishes they stole from other countries

>> No.8202374
File: 318 KB, 1280x853, IMG_1070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese dining tables are various.
Chinese food, an Indian dish, French food, Italian food, a British dish, Korean food, Vietnamese food, a Brazilian dish, Japanese food.
However, the Japanese does not call the dish of other countries the Japanese food.
Omulice which only Japan has is not Japanese food.
The tempura is Japanese food. However, it is of Portugal origin. Japanese know it well.

>> No.8202382

There pretty much isn't any indigenous cuisine in Japan. It's generally Western recipes watered down to suit the Asiatic constitution.

>> No.8202386

So, just like america then.

>> No.8202439

what a waste of perfectly good quads

>> No.8202442

Huh. This actually really made me think.

>> No.8202471

??We have never said bread is from Japan. And you know even we often eat gyoza we tell it's from China.
We changed dishes to suit our taste.
Anyway, what's your TRADITIONAL food?

>> No.8202474

/ck/ has been overrun by weebs recently.

>> No.8202481
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The red coloring comes from being flavored with shiso, the Japanese beefsteak plant. Shiso itself has a rather unique flavor which can still be detected in the red umeboshi. The green ones were not flavored with shiso, so they do not carry the flavor.

>> No.8202624

Eastern WA? There's a lot of cool shit near where I live, even a whole Asian grocery store.

>> No.8202701

Well at least we agree on something. We don't want you Commiefornians in WA either, so gtfo.

>> No.8204340
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The ramen is a Chinese noodle peculiar to Japan.
The Japanese thinks it to be Chinese food.

There are no cold noodles in China.
It is in Japan.
It is called "Hiyashi_cyuuka / cold Chinese".

The Japanese dining tables are various.
The Japanese food is the part.

>> No.8204358

>Hitsumabushi in Nagoya

Motherfucker when I was in Nagoya the line for this place covered literally the entire 10th floor of the building it was in. Such a shame because it seemed like a fucking awesome meal

>> No.8204373

It has achieved its full tube sock potential

>> No.8204422

I never see anyone on /ck/ mention they tried American food franchises in Japan before.

For example, I heard that Wendy's Japan has like Foie Gras Burgers and Lobster Sandwiches.

>> No.8204426

Hey, at least, it isn't Raw Pork.

The Germans love Raw Pork.

>> No.8204429

What do you think about soup dumplings?

I feel like I get full faster eating gyoza compared to eating soup dumplings.

>> No.8204437

There are Eel and Tempura Restaurants you could try that aren't really found in America since America doesn't really have a big eel culture.

>> No.8204443


When I visited I only saw McD's, who had the Texas Burger (hamburger topped with pulled pork?) and Iowa Burger (hamburger topped with hashbrown paddy).

>> No.8204600
File: 316 KB, 1280x850, IMGP3929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soup dumpling is very delicious.
I hear that soup dumpling and steaming dumpling are mainstream in China.
Japanese fried dumpling is a side dish of rice.

>> No.8204668

>Not "Eggscellent work"
Christ anon wtf are you doing?

>> No.8204678

For me it is the McChicken. The best fast food sandwich.

>> No.8204704

I really dig those panko crumbed pork things (tonkso??)
made some last week

so many spergs ITT also

>> No.8204752

Yakitori from some izakaya in Kyoto. 250¥ a stick. The negi+beef was so do delicious.

Raw churashi (raw fish on rice) at some place in Hokkaido my friend took me too, it may have been a market. In the Deep South USA we have those seafood wholesale plus restaurant kind of places everywhere, it was kind of like that. Snapper dominated most of the bowl, may be why I like it so much.

Believe it or not, the second best Japanese dish I had was sukiyaki in Lakewood, CO near Denver. The restaurant is owned by an Okinawan family. I never got the chance for having some I Japan, but my Japanese friend could not tell the difference between ordering it there and at a place in Japan. Authentic and delicious. They also have shabu-shabu. Only had Korean version before, hoping to try that soon.