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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, Tejas_BBQ.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8175482 No.8175482 [Reply] [Original]

Is BBQ the only cuisine that can't be made in a typical kitchen?

>> No.8175499

The bbq is an extension to the kitchen

>> No.8175518

bbq is shit

>> No.8175549

BBQ is Europe's gift to the world.

>> No.8175645

What's a "typical kitchen" to you?

>> No.8175650

You are actually subhuman.

>> No.8175654

Where in SoCal can I get something like that?

My dick is diamonds

>> No.8175665


BBQ can be made in a kitchen. Not quite as good as the "real" thing but excellent nonetheless. Liquid smoke works wonders.

>> No.8175675

There are styles where things are cooked underground for long periods of time which you can't really replicate


>> No.8175677

the largest piece of equipment is an oven, 4 burners, fridge, broiler, mixer, blender, toaster, other small appliances

>> No.8175699

I'm pretty sure it's possible to burn food in a normal kitchen

>> No.8175707


m8 every culture has been smoking meats since the dawn of humanity cut that shit out.

>> No.8175726
File: 85 KB, 360x360, buena.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw all this meat

vegfags on suicide watch

>> No.8175795

>which you can't really replicate

Yeah, I guess it's pretty sophisticated.

Dig hole in ground
Line hole with stone
Gather wood and pile in hole
Burn wood until it becomes coals
Place food in pit
Cover pit

What part of this process are we unable to replicate?

>> No.8175805

>all that burnt meat
Enjoy your cancer i guess.

>> No.8175820

Inside of a typical kitchen you fucking dipshit.

>> No.8175855

Consumer ovens can't get hot enough to work as tandoors or traditional brick pizza ovens, and burners can't get hot on their own to create wok hei.

>> No.8175869


>> No.8176008

>he doesn't know what bark is
Autism affects 1 in 68 children.

>> No.8176013

>all that burnt meat
But none of that meat is burnt. Do you see how pink all that beef is?

>> No.8176017

>Liquid smoke works wonders
You fucking take that back.

That stuff is absolutely disgusting, and I guarantee you I'd be able to point out if it's been used 100 times out of 100.

>> No.8176019

This is false

>> No.8176321

Don't you know that white people invented everything? Nobody makes up bullshit better.