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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 329 KB, 3000x2000, 11437_macaroni_cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8174096 No.8174096 [Reply] [Original]

>He adds salt to his boiling pasta
>Doesn't know this slightly raises the boiling point of water
>Doesn't cover the pot to conserve heat

Fucking plebs.

>> No.8174098

Sorry dad

>> No.8174099

>chemist explains to him how to make pasta correctly

>> No.8174102

should have put olive oil in it.

>> No.8174103

> not making your pasta from scratch.

>> No.8174106

>add more salt

>> No.8174110

>op doesn't know that salt water take less energy to heat up than pure water
Your meme is weak.

>> No.8174115

>He doesn't realize that the ions from the salt actually increase the amount of energy for water molecules to escape the solution

>> No.8174125

countermeme is poor

>> No.8174130

It doesn't matter when the heat capacity of the solution going down.

>> No.8174132

>not making your own water to boil pasta with

>> No.8174137

>he doesn't buy tanks of hydrogen and react them in a combustion chamber for fresh pure water

>> No.8174138
File: 17 KB, 263x192, 124szdgffgbjhaqdsgfyhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the best macaroni, OP is a fag

>> No.8174140

yeah cause we're just trying to make steam right

>> No.8174141

Can you demonstrate that the heat capacity is lowered enough to make up for the added isoelectric forces?

>> No.8174142

That's penne you dingus.

>> No.8174143

>not making your own salt
Plebs, the lot of you.

>> No.8174144

>he doesn't individually steam his noodles

>> No.8174145

sage thread

>> No.8174146

Salting the water is to flavor the pasta.

>> No.8174148
File: 6 KB, 168x300, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Rpc2NvcmQuc3RvcmFnZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8xODYyMDk3OTk5ODgzMTQxMTIvMjM1MjY3Mzc1NzIzODM5NDg4L0lNR18wMzk3LkpQRyJ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy making macaroni from thread this is the final product

>> No.8174149

The boiling is what allows for the noodles to not turn to mush, ya dingus. There's a reason that you put the noodles into boiling water, and not "almost boiling" water.

>> No.8174157

>he doesn't flavor it with pineapple juice

>> No.8174159

Nice blurry bowl of overcooked penne, dingdong.

>> No.8174165
File: 7 KB, 168x300, eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Rpc2NvcmQuc3RvcmFnZS5nb29nbGVhcGlzLmNvbS9hdHRhY2htZW50cy8xODYyMDk3OTk5ODgzMTQxMTIvMjM1MjY4NjY0NjA4MTYxNzk1L0lNR18wMzk4LkpQRyJ9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not overcooked u newfag

>> No.8174167

The amount of salt you would need to add to raise the boiling point 1 degree would make it taste like shit

>> No.8174168

What kind of cheese is that?

>> No.8174169

chedder jack

>> No.8174171


>> No.8174172
File: 93 KB, 327x480, Great bacon taste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chef here, I usually flavour my dishes with a mixture of spit, cum, and pic related. All my customers love my dishes.

>> No.8174173


Damn, those are some pretty good looking macaroni pasta noodles.

>> No.8174174

>It's for the flavor, I swear!

>> No.8174175

4chan is dead.

>> No.8174197
File: 1.54 MB, 2200x1688, 1476163242702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is real pasta plebs

>> No.8174224

>not using the electrolyte to power the stove top

How do they make the outside layer so tidy?

>> No.8174227

>Implying electrolytes provide power and don't simply allow a medium for a charge to travel through.

>> No.8174244

90% chance it was layered in pot, and then flipped for serving.
Like cakes
Jesus thats hard to not do the easy way
Or not

>> No.8174737

>doesn't flavor his pasta using Knorr stock pots

Not buying it.

>> No.8174777

Salt is for taste and texture, nothing else.

>> No.8174796

Suppose I have about 1L of water, 125g of penne integrale, and I add 5g of salt

What would the boiling point of that combination be, OP?

>> No.8174813

He realizes pasta has no nutritional value

>> No.8174851

he realizes nutritional value is completely subjective and some populations would benefit from readily available simple carbohydrates for energy

>> No.8174872


>he doesn't like smooth slippery soft pasta
>he's an al dente fag

>> No.8174879

Salt is for the taste of the pasta you retarded mong.

Try cooking noodles in a broth. even better.

>> No.8174900

220 grams of salt to 1liter of water raises the boiling point by 2°C
So it would make no real difference

>> No.8174909

>there are people who actually believe draining at any point before or after al dente is acceptable

Fucking burgers.

>> No.8174912

>he doesn't just use the cheesy made easy kraft bowls

If you're going to cook shit you might as well not torture yourself doing it

>> No.8174913

Yeah, but 2°C is 36°F, and that's a huge difference.

>> No.8174920
File: 414 KB, 500x375, 1428067608179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wew I'm going to save this bait for later
nice work anon

>> No.8174939

I say sexy things to myself when I'm cooooookiiing.

>> No.8175042

You don't know me bro maybe i wanted to torture myself, maybe im into that kind of stuff

>> No.8175052

That almost gave me an autism attack. Good baiting 7/10

>> No.8175061

Jesus christ is it 2005 again

>> No.8175064


>11 years ago
>that cat is probably dead

>> No.8175072

Nah, just old. Cats live 15 years on average.

>> No.8175191

It looks adult. Maybe it was already 5.

>> No.8175199

not boiling pasta in your own piss

>> No.8175419

Pretty sure thats penne...

>> No.8175443

>not boiling your pasta in Gatorade

>> No.8175744

>Knorr stock pots
Chef here. You learned to cook off their Youtube channel right?

>> No.8175777

Or maybe it was already dead.

>> No.8175799
File: 50 KB, 599x400, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the salt is for coloring newfags

>> No.8176073
File: 66 KB, 750x763, 1475252780170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8176384

Why are you crossposting these threads on /sci

>> No.8176402

what's the point 0f adding oil while boiling it? it just stays on top

>> No.8176436


i dunno

>> No.8177062 [DELETED] 

nice repeating digits guys

>> No.8177482

Its simply traditional, it doesn't serve any culinary purpose whatsoever.

>> No.8177495


That is the coolest thing I've ever seen, I'm guessing they just cooked the noodles and looped them around in a round bottomed bowl using melted cheese as mortar to hold it together?

>> No.8177516

I do it and then mix the pasta around. It stops the pasta from sticking together, I'm sure of it.

>> No.8177635


gordon ramsay told me this

>> No.8177787

you are dumb, I add salt so it seasons the pasta

>> No.8177795

>Doesn't know this slightly raises the boiling point of water

So...how does this affect cooking?

Isn't it the heat of the water, rather than the actual BOILING of the water, that cooks the noodles?

Isn't water that's 212 degrees and not boiling just as hot as water that's 212 degrees and boiling?

>> No.8177799

I like a rolling boil just so the pasta doesn't stick to the bottom.

>> No.8177804


From the plain buttered pasta, using one strand and starting in the center of the prepared domed container, twirl the pasta around itself to form a coil. Continue the coil with another strand of pasta starting where the last strand ended so it is in one continuous line; continue with additional strands until half way up the pan. Line the pasta with slices of caciocavallo cheese, pressing the cheese firmly against the pasta. Put in half of the vegetable-pasta mixture, pressing firmly into the bottom and sides of the bowl to remove any air pockets and densely pack the filling. Top with cheese slices.
Continue coiling the plain pasta around the dome to the top, adding a strand at the exact spot the last ended. Line the sides with more cheese slices and top with the remaining vegetable-pasta mixture and slices of cheese. Press the pasta down firmly with a spatula or wooden spoon. This is key to getting a nice compact dome that stays together nicely when sliced. Cut the remaining plain buttered pasta with scissors and press on top of the mixture.

>> No.8178003


Water cannot get to 212 degrees and not be boiling
The boiling point of water is 100 degrees, anon

>> No.8178034


>> No.8178040

Go home eurofag

>> No.8178097

ramsay puts olive oil on everything. I think it's a tic of his

>> No.8178119

>ramsay puts olive oil on everything.
Only he doesn't.

>> No.8178573

what else would you use it for?

>> No.8179783

OP make me macaronis pls