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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8173388 No.8173388 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you buy and eat fast food?

Be honest.

>> No.8173416


>> No.8173436

Taco Bell like once or twice a month

>> No.8173446


>> No.8173511
File: 29 KB, 550x309, lomo-a-la-riojana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

allmost never

And if i do i go for "lomo a la riojana" , look at the recipe , use google traslate and try to do it.


>> No.8173515


>> No.8173518



>> No.8173525

2 or 3 times a month. I try to avoid it, but I'll get cravings for shitty fast food every now and then. Usually fried chicken, McDonald's or Wendy's.

>> No.8173555

I almost never cook these days.
I've got a frozen pizza in the oven because I didn't feel like walking to Little Caesar's. Life could be a LOT worse.

>> No.8173593

1-2 times a week.

I go somewhere with some friends on melee night. Sometimes if I get the munchies I'll go too. That's not too often though

>> No.8175231

I haven't had fast food since December 2006, unless you count take-out pizzas, but those are anything but fast.

>> No.8175263

Depends. I buy food for the weekdays and eat at home. That's 15 meals that get cooked in some way or another. The weekend? I'm trying to maximize the amount of time I have to enjoy life.

As for those 15 meals, there are definitely shortcuts like using a rice cooker, steaming vegetables I cut at the beginning of the week, ready-to-eat vegetables like baby carrots and canned green beans, fish sticks, etc.

>> No.8175266

Not often enough since I got a New Job. Before that 3-4 times a week. McD on tuesday burger king on wednesday, Pizza on tuesday and on friday Kebab. Monday I eat nothing because im disgusted with myself.

>> No.8175285

Every month or so I get a craving for a fast food burger or fries. That's about it, though.

>> No.8175297

almost everyday

>> No.8175522
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5 times a day

>> No.8175541
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I'm on holiday. I had a breakfast jack this morning.
When I'm in some foreign country like Japan and I'm sick of rice balls and dumplings for breakfast I'll go to mcdonalds.

>> No.8175546

Never unless someone else is super insistent. If I'm gonna get fat off food it better be good food.

>> No.8175548

The only time I eat fast food is on long road trips, so maybe twice a year.

>> No.8175574

1-2 times a week.

>> No.8175681

Carl's Jr. is good food.

>> No.8175722

Saturdays and Sundays, I don't cook those days.

>> No.8175747

Once or twice a month

>> No.8176888

It's been a couple years. I stopped being fat.

>> No.8176893

this :(

>> No.8176895

Honestly? Never. Cook my own food every day.

>> No.8176982

Suddenly all the cancer on this board makes sense

>> No.8177687

I'll take an ass burrito and an order of important shit.

>> No.8177689

Every other day. If it's not Thai food is probably fast food like In N Out or Raising Canes

>> No.8177691

This is true for me as well.

>> No.8177697

mcdonalds when they give me coupons in the mail. sheetz. chic-fil-a and five guys every couple months when i venture out of based flyover land

>> No.8177704


I have roommates and it makes cooking pain in arse

>> No.8177718

On the rare occasions that I'm out, hungover, and with enough leftover money. So like two times a year. I usually go to BK or KFC.

>> No.8177741

Once every two or three months, maybe.

Only when I'm traveling and want to remind myself why I don't eat it/there are no other options.

>> No.8177747

It has been a few months. I'd eat pizza more often if the place was closer but it takes an hour to walk there and back.

>> No.8177757
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No. OP was asking for you to lie.

>> No.8177765

Well, I was lyiing. Had some 3-4 years ago. I wouldn't mind having it again, just don't see the point.

>> No.8177766

I love you pepe

>> No.8177772

Mcdonalds for breakfast 4 or 5 days a week, Burger King once for dinner, circle k for dinner once, maybe an extra lunch in there somewhere

>> No.8177813

l-love you too, fampai.

>> No.8177815

I often pick up a double whopper on my way to work. Sometimes chinese.

>> No.8177826

If dunkin donuts counts as fast food then maybe twice a week. Nothing better to start your morning than a nice hot cup of dunkin donuts coffee and a freshly made donut. I also like to try the new breakfast chicken wrap, it's available only for a limited time, or try the new Reese's peanut butter squares for a tasty treat.

>> No.8177849
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It is expensive to buy good ingredients often and I also don't have the time to cook every day or I don't feel like it. About twice a week I'll eat fast food for dinner.

>> No.8177852

I usually get it 0-2 times a week. It depends on how I'm feeling.

>> No.8178066


They don't do delivery to door?

>> No.8178069

Sometimes every day, sometimes like today im going to the actual grocery store for some stuff.
I usually just get 2 or 3 burgers/mcchickens some fries and a shake.
I have to rotate between 5 mcdonalds and jack in the boxes so they don't know how bad i am

>> No.8178072

a couple of times a month

>> No.8178078

Maybe once a month.
I used to eat it at least once a week, but having my gall bladder out and seeing how cutting it affected both my digestive system AND my blood/fluids tests at the doc's has totally turned me around. It's okay to eat it sparingly, but eating it and foods like it, even at home, will wreck you.

>> No.8178398

Not that often,only when i go out with mom,or just coming home from school and really hungry.But when i was younger, i used to a LOT of fast food lol, i was going to mcdonalds like everyday

>> No.8178421

I just got a pizza n wings. but you can just barely here that doorbell. I'm get the megaphone upgrade.

>> No.8178527

it's ok, but it kinda tastes like every dominoes you walk into, what is that oregano?

>> No.8178732

Sometimes I think I eat in a week in calories what some of you must eat in a day.

>> No.8178741

Not as often as I'd like. If fast food wasn't so shitty and unhealthy I'd eat it everyday because it tastes so good. It makes my skin break out, gives me cramps and makes me gain weight so only once in a while.

>> No.8178775

There is no fast food where I live.

>> No.8178778

Maybe once a week.

It fits my macros and I'm losing weight, so whatever.

>> No.8178783

>tfw living on Mixed Fuck daily

Such is life in NYC

>> No.8178798

It looks like meat and potatoes with egg. As midwest as it gets desu.

>> No.8178804

once a month on average maybe? really depends on where I live if there was one next door Id probably eat it more often

>> No.8178826

Once a week.

>> No.8178840

I go to Taco Bell 1 - 2 times a week, since there's one near my college. Beefy frito burrito with habanero sauce is the fucking bomb, too bad the habanero sauce is probably going away soon.

>> No.8178845

I'd say around half a dozen times a month. I'd eat it more often, but I don't have a lot of money.

>> No.8179941

is sodexo fast food?

>> No.8179952

About once every other day.

>> No.8180290

2-5 times per month. Sometimes less.

>> No.8180291

My campus has a coffee shop that sells the best fucking chicken pita wrap ever, I was having that shit twice a week for a while. It was pretty healthy and delicious so I didn't feel bad about it. It got a bit too expensive, though, so I cut back.

>> No.8180384
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I want to eat KFC every day, but I am afraid the KFC staff serving me my food will judge me.

>> No.8180386

A Pepsi restaurant? That's disgusting!

>> No.8180387

being going to wendy's a lot for the $5 grilled chicken

so like two times a week

>> No.8180390

Almost never. It's a last resort option for me.

>> No.8180394

Every 2nd Friday

>> No.8180669

Maybe once every few years. Never really cared for it after I had control over what I ate for a while.

>> No.8181452
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It's delicious, relatively cheap, I'm not fat and my cholesterol/blood pressure are ideal.

>> No.8181458

I eat Subway's like once every week - 2 weeks.

>> No.8182035

Twice a month

>> No.8182042

1-3 times a month. Not because of health, just the price. It's overpriced and far cheaper to make your own food.

>> No.8182046

Once a week, if I do its usually the only meal I have all day.

>> No.8182062

I get McDonald's iced coffee at least 4 times per week

once in a while I'll cave and get a cheeseburger or a hashbrown with it

>> No.8182077

1-2 times a week

chinese food is the definitive once a week, sometimes ill cycle through either vietnamese or sushi as the most common #2, but popeyes makes its way in there pretty rarely

>> No.8182107


I've really only tried fast-food once (KFC) with neighbour's children and that might as well have been a hot sponge soaked in cooking fat. Disgusting.

Some of the places I've eaten in while travelling have been fast-food like. Sometimes it's hard to tell until your served. I would never knowingly order it.

>> No.8182242

Everyday except Wednesdays and Thursdays because i work at a shitty minimum wage job

>> No.8182264

Almost never. Fast food here is not as cheap in america and I love to make huge portions anyway if I really go for it onnce a week so I just cook myself.

>> No.8182295

When I commute once a week, I get taco bell. I look forward to it every week. Taco bell beef is like heroin and i'm genuinely embarrassed about it not only in a foody context, but in every day situations.

I also really look forward to whenever they release a new item. I'm still pretty young and I bike everywhere so it doesn't have too much of a negative effect on my yet. But I will hate the day that I have to give up taco bell..

>> No.8182321

Once a week on weekends. I like to go get lunch by myself on Saturdays because it's the only time I get to myself in the week. That lunch is typically fast food in a shopping mall food court.