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File: 100 KB, 684x756, 1476110366-20161010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8172031 No.8172031 [Reply] [Original]

what's wrong with gin

>> No.8172034

Makes you hate others.

>> No.8172048

What's wrong with cheap vodka?

>> No.8172089

I love malt liquor

>> No.8172095

what does it mean if you just rotate between them all depending on what you're in the mood for

>> No.8172122


>> No.8172124
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That youre an alcoholic.

>> No.8172135


that your hatred for self and others is not a constant, but varies.

>> No.8172142
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>the only spirits on that chart Thayne have are whisky, champagne, brandy and gin
>mfw when realizing how accurate the chart is

>> No.8172293

Nothing. People who cannot appreciate gin and tonic do not deserve to live.

>> No.8172298

Which other drink kills both you and malaria?

>> No.8172301

Cyanide and bitter lemon?

Terrible pairing.

>> No.8172314
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>> No.8172564

whoa whoa whoa, pump the brakes there

what the fuck is box-beer?

>> No.8172619

homeless mimosas are my shit


of course

i need to know, too

>> No.8173059

Sounds like something along the lines of box wine?

>> No.8173305

no shit but I'm a seasoned alcoholic and I've never heard of beer coming boxed/bagged like wine. I mean I remember when miller had those home draft things which was just a gallon keg you sat in the fridge a few years back but they were killed off quick.

maybe its just a joke, you know, for comedy

>> No.8173316

this maybe?

>> No.8173323
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nothing at all.

>> No.8173329

That was awesome.

>> No.8173344
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I don't want to believe

>> No.8174772

I'd try it.

>> No.8175361

Nothing. This is pretty accurate.

>> No.8175414
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>tfw drinking plastic jug vodka since I can remember

>> No.8175430

>tfw vodka is the drink that I almost always go for

>> No.8175447


>> No.8175472

Box Beer is just a strong dark type of Beer with a Smokey aftertaste, like a mix between Stout n Pilsner with a little higher Alco content.

It's called Bockbier in German.

>> No.8175535

okay, but kannste mir ne sauce geben? can´t find proof

>> No.8175576

Are you sure box beer is Bockbeer? I didn't make the connection

>> No.8175680

I don't habeeb it

>> No.8175745

Gin and tonic is my go-to drink and I have a general disdain for the human race.


>> No.8176505

and nevermind gin, how is cider worse than tequila?

>> No.8176579

I don't think anything should go in the lower left corner except maybe for beer

>> No.8176585

Thayne, Wyoming. What are you like retarded or something?

>> No.8176800

Why does rum make me feel depressed?

>> No.8176819


it's a fucking joke you colossal autists, there's no such thing as boxed beer

>> No.8177050
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Well, we have the boxer beer in swizerland

>> No.8177080


>the faggot that made this chat is the same guy who said people are only pretending to like beer

I hope he gets into a car wreck.

>> No.8177112

Gin used to have a nice effect on me, now it makes me feel like crap. I would say that cheap bourbon whisky is worse as far as making people violent and mean.

>> No.8177121
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there´s places that sell cola out of plastic bags which i didn´t know until some years ago. i wouldn´t have been surprised if boxed beer was a thing somewhere, just like boxed wine. take your head out of your ass

>> No.8177172

what is this madness? appletinis are fucking delicious

>> No.8177174

Pine sol taste better

>> No.8177187

Which is why you treat yourself to one while quietly hating everyone around you.

It's the drink of choice for misanthropic egotists.

>> No.8177208

I'll second the vodka in a plastic jug bit

>> No.8177235

>quietly hating everyone around you
let me explain the graph for you:
on the left side is a vertical axis labeled "hatred for others". the appletini is on the low end of said axis, meaning the drinkers hatred for others is very low.
on the bottom of the graph is a horizontal line titled "hatred for self". the appletini is on the far right side, meaning the drinker hates himself very much.
in short: the drinker hates himself, not others
have you never seen a school from the inside or are you just american?

>> No.8177325

since this morning?

>> No.8177380
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I like appletini and gin.

>> No.8177440

drink vodka then

>> No.8177447

out of a plastic jug?

>> No.8177460

Popov is high quality shit for that price point.

>> No.8177545

>that seething hatred for other people

Gin drinker detected.

>> No.8177643

this chart is so arbitrary

its not what you drink (unless youre drinking rubbing alcohol and vanilla extract), it's how much you drink.

>> No.8177654

Good joke.

>> No.8177671

you are correct and I agree with you

>> No.8177690

She was the worst girl.

>> No.8177698

I only drink rum when it has a pirate or other sea creature on the label.

I like authenticity.

>> No.8177705

samefag more pls

>> No.8177740

What about plastic bottled beer?

>> No.8177761


>> No.8177764

>what's wrong with gin
What's wrong with hatred for others?
Nothing, gin is the best spirit.

>> No.8177775
File: 768 KB, 1330x825, Beer-street-and-Gin-lane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8177846

i don't usually stop at one and according to that chart, i should hate myself and not everyone around me. i love myself for drinking appletinis

>> No.8177976


>take your head out of your ass

Says the guy informing people that cola served in a plastic bag is the exact same thing as a box of wine.

Save for the small differences, like a box of win could be set down without dispersing itself everywhere.

>> No.8177988

>cola served in a plastic bag is the exact same thing as a box of wine
how in the fuck would you conclude that out of the post? that´s literally in two different sentences. you really need to work on your reading comprehension

>> No.8178093

I came here just to post this. You beat me to it. EVERYONE BOOZE UP AND RIOT!

>> No.8178113

>when your milk & cheese tee gets ripped the fuck up because your consumption of plastic-jug vodka led to a fistfight with three dudes that you lost in short order
i mean it was more like two dudes holding me in a full nelson while the third one punched me up but still

>> No.8178135

But I hate myself and other people at maximum levels but only really drink whiskey.

>> No.8178152

>drinking gin straight
>hate myself far more than I hate others
This chart is inaccurate

>> No.8178190
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>> No.8178200
File: 1.65 MB, 2592x3888, asda-gin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason gin makes me feel sad. Maybe it
s the juniper.

>> No.8178208

Meh I still enjoy sipping gin straight as its a lot more enjoyable to taste the botanical products then something monotonous like cheap rum and vodka.

However I mostly drink beer and whisky and I have close to zero friends and I'm a fat fuck but at least I'm trying to lose weight.

>> No.8178211

I'd be sad too if all I had to drink was that cheap shit. I'd still drink it though.

>> No.8178400

I hope you do.
xkcd and Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereals are not the same comic.

>> No.8178800

They're called Brass Monkeys you underage shit.

>> No.8179468

its okay anon, i gave up on my $13 handle gasoline rum because i found $9 handle of even worse rum. It feels like a treat for me when my friends have a handle of plastic jug vodka thats even slightly better.

>> No.8179618

I always bring gin with me to every party because not only does it fulfill the highest requirements of party etiquette, but it ensures that I'll be leaving with most of a fifth for some other night.

The trick is improper priming: I'm always the one to bartend at these shindigs and very few young people know anything about booze, so if they express any interest in what I'm drinking, I tell them it's a gin and tonic and if they inquire, I'll pour them a half shot of gin to "let them get a sense of the flavor."

It's both a funny novelty to anyone watching and a conversation topic to those around me, but a fantastic way to save booze. Most people will recoil because gin makes for a terrible shot.

Gin also serves as a patrician shit test and allows me to scout out potential mates based on shared booze interest.

In short, young people hate the taste of gin.

>> No.8181117

Where would this anon>>8177870 be?

>> No.8181131

Does your beer come in bags too?

>> No.8181138

Who the fuck are you drinking with, that they turn down a shot of gin?

Gin was our drink of choice in high-school, and early uni. I've never seen anyone turn it down -- gin is fucking delicious.

>> No.8181142

I don't see what would be so great about a world full of old women

>> No.8181150


they're all pretentious faggotshit.

I hope you get pancreatic cancer.

>> No.8181289

My grandfather always considered gin to be a very depressing drink (i.e. it had a depressing effect on its drinkers)

Bizarre that it's now become a go-to party drink

>> No.8181297

maybe it's because depression is a key factor in todays partys?

>> No.8181647

>maybe it's because depression is a key factor in todays partys?

>> No.8181675


Not unless you're at a 1950's beat bongo party.

>> No.8182253

nice photoshop

>> No.8183746

Every day we move further from God's light.

>> No.8183914


What is the cheap Asda stuff like?

Cheapest I buy is the Aldi stuff for a tenner, it is actually really good. Much better than Gordons / Greenhalls etc as far as cheap stuff goes