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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 230 KB, 618x416, Woolpack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8167060 No.8167060 [Reply] [Original]

What's your local pub/bar/watering hole like?

Mine's called The Woolpack, lovely little place.

>> No.8167071

That's smaller than my bedroom.

>> No.8167086


There's more you wally. Could easily get about five dozen people in.

>> No.8167095
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Ye Olde Black Boy is pretty aesthetic too. They do pork pies with cheese, pickle and black pudding. Bloody marvelous.

>> No.8167101
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The back room is down a secret passageway.

>> No.8167111

Christ, what an intimate setting. This has to be in Great Britain, right? We don't have places like that in 'murrica.

>> No.8168001

Mine is called Floss.
It's a two story bar, where the basement has pool tables and graffiti everywhere.
Basically a shithole, but the beers cheap and they always play good old fashioned music and you're allowed to smoke inside.

>> No.8168005

How do you go to the pub alone? Do you sit at the bar? DO you talk to people or do they talk to you? How long do you stay for? Do they know you by name? Does it embarrass you?

>> No.8168359

The only part of britland I wish I had was the aesthetic of going down to the pub.

>> No.8168738
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Steele's, my second home

>> No.8168744

I usually walk in, order a drink, sit at a table, enjoy my beverage, sit quietly, read and observe others because I'm a well adjusted individual who doesn't analyse every social situation.

>> No.8168753


That selection of cask. No ta.

>> No.8168805
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New owners are in and out of every available bar in town, so they're always changing. The ones that stick around the longest end up being havens for mixtures of terrible and strange people, drunks, or just normies and the bars never change - hard concrete floors or aged, dirty scratched wood and fake/fluff wall decor. As in, it's not your typical, classy pub with interesting characters with stories about life to share over a fine glass of whisky. You sit on dirty stools or torn leather benches in the coldest spots in the bar.

Older single people tired of their jobs and ready to mingle might share something in common with someone else for a change, but the only thing they ever share in common is never accepting their age. The bands suck too. The best bands are playing in coffee shoppes and basements.

I want my pub to be for men, and preferably men only, like a classic barbershop with nudey mags and cigars. Not that I don't like getting my dick wet (wouldn't mind that is), I just want to be appreciated for making it this far in life and not fucking everything up beyond control - the simple things in life a man learns that can be built on and discussed with other gentlemen. But I wouldn't mind the drunk bar games either, maybe some Beerfest style shit in the back alley's of old German factories with tits, good food, and beer foam flopping around.

My town's best bar is wherever the young girls hitting 18 are more likely to frequent. That, and the best food. From there on it's all debatable.

>> No.8168817
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I'm just saying that America has a lot of work to do. The high class bars you see in those shows and magazines sitting atop skylines are filled with your nu-males, scientific bartenders, and pop-culture manikins with absolutely nothing worth serving but their bodies and liquor.
You might be able to put up with their absurd-standard bullshit-judging if you've ever been around the block but after a while you'll find that it's not worth your time and money if you can make your own bar and mixed drinks, connect with and make friends outside of the nightly bar scene, and have fun without being surrounded by imitation surroundings and the bartender or chef's ad-free Spotify playlists.

This is /ck/

>> No.8168838

If you're looking for an over-priced glass or can of swill you can go to any bar, where if you aren't good acquaintance with the bartenders or owner, you can forget top-tier service and quality. And it's rare for people to become good acquaintances with any bartender or owner without sleeping with them or spending a large salary quite often.
Maybe you'll even find some lonely or confused girl under sexual and societal pressure who will fuck you if your face and outfit look like they match a crib the girl can crash at for the night and get some cheap action. Don't count your chickens before they hatch though.

>> No.8168873

Damn, that looks comfy af.

>> No.8169986

Got one of those double sided places, the friendly side is comfy and has a dog.

>> No.8169995

on my chair or in my car

actually saving some of these pics they make me warm and comfy

>> No.8170034

I've lived in a few different places and they're all different. Here I live with a bunch of Bernie Sanders loving pussy ass faggots so the bars are pretty much intolerable. Great beer though. Everyone's nice but man I can't stand the people here. Back home is mostly combo college/biker/rican/townie trash, so obviously I love it. Really I just like the bartenders in town, they're great. We've got pretty good beer too and rock bottom prices. My friends all forgot how to talk to women though so its kind if repetitive and pointless. Still it's my people, bunch of assholes who don't tolerate any bullshit.
I lived at the beach this summer and that was nuts. Mostly all touristy and expensive but I got in with the staff at a few places early so it was fine. The bar is a lot different when bitches walk in off the beach in bikinis and pound fruity drinks that's for sure. And everyone's on vacation so they're down for anything. This one place was nuts, big place but still always packed, right on the beach, djs playing reggae, and cheap drinks. Fuck I miss that shit.

>> No.8170059
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My place for the last few years in this city is The Loyal Oarsman, ugly as sin but the food is alright, for a good price just around the corner.

I'm moving cities next month and hopefully the new favourite pub is a little more aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.8170102

Shefford? It's Shit.

>> No.8170110
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The White Lion

It's pretty comfy tbqh

>> No.8170138
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Weary Traveler in Madison Wisco

Food is great and the drinks p cheap. They have a lot of lol so randum xD shit on the walls but unlike Applebee's it actually works here

>> No.8170148

>Williamson Street
Oh look a hippy living in one of the wealthier areas of town talking about how it is cheap to eat and drink in a bar in his neighborhood.

Protip: it is so "randum" in there because the owners to the Goodwill and St. Vincent's to get old shit for cheap to increase their profit margins while appeal to your shitty original "eclectic" tastes.

>> No.8170164

why are you so mad? The east side is not the wealthy side of town, it's the last part of madison being gentrified. My house has doubled in value over the last 5 years I'm happy about it

>> No.8170171
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word, also ye olde white hearte

>> No.8170172

>he doesnt know that the average household income in the willy street area is nearly twice that of the rest of town
We arent talking about the East side, we are talking about the Williamson Street neighborhood, you filthy hippy.

>> No.8170176

>Keiths Red.
I mean I know you're a leaf, but youre not an eastern leaf. How's Dyketario?

>> No.8170195

I don't live there I iive by the high school

and the average willy street resident is a tech guy, hippies cant afford it you mong

>> No.8170205

>average willy street resident is a tech guy
No, the average resident is graduate students from the UW madison who are so heavily indoctrinated that they will protest the police shooting of someone who robs octogenarians with guns in their own homes.

>> No.8170212
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ok glad we had this chat

>> No.8170299

I'm from the east, just been here a few years. It's alright; the provincial government is fucked up tho with insane hydro rates and education cuts but COL is low where I am since those don't affect me personally... But I'm eager to move.

Pubs are lower quality here than they are on the coast by an English mile.

I don't drink Keith's but I like the logo desu

>> No.8170480
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>> No.8171445
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Specializes in Rum (500 different bottles and counting, I believe 2nd largest selection in the country).

This picture doesn't fully do it justice, but it is


Fantastic in the summer, even better in the winter. They are open on Christmas eve and serve special eggnog and hot drinks. I look forward to it each year.

>> No.8171450
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a few more, why not

>> No.8171455
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>> No.8171464

This is the most pretentious and fedora fucking bar thread I've ever seen

>> No.8171470

tell us more about your local sports bar, brah

>> No.8171514
File: 27 KB, 300x193, TapUnionInsideView-300x193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little beer bar in the Pacific Northwest called tap union.
It doesn't have TVs or pool or loud music, its designed to be a conversation bar.
I was a regular for a long time and just got hired on as a bartender.
It feels like getting to join your favorite band

>> No.8171522
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The upstairs is also super comfy

>> No.8171539
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>> No.8171547

Where do you get the confidence?
I would have to ignore the girls in two-pieces just to keep from getting attention and a matching boner.

Seriously, girls half naked are infinitely times hotter. I can only imagine your setting though. It sounds crazy.

>> No.8171552
File: 44 KB, 337x450, the-liberty-bell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My two haunts are either The Liberty Bell or Maclemores. Both offer great food and a good selection of wine, beers, and mixed drinks, which is much appreciated in a little town like mine.

>> No.8171559

That's it. Arcade games in a pub? That's where it's at. That's the idea. Damn, that would be the finishing touch.

>> No.8171676

OldTown Saloon

It's been around since the 60's

Been one of the most popular biker bars in my area
Smoke and drink alike, pool,

The occasional ass beating

Met a few of the hells angels and vikings in that bar you feel like you are traveling back to a time where men were men.

>> No.8171832
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"MacGowan's The Irish Pub"

Opened by Shay and Geraldine MacGowan in the 80s I think.

It's very authentic and rustic Pub for German standards. It has been awarded several times as the best Irish Pub in Germany.

I like the atmosphere, the english-speaking waitresses, the kitchen with all those snacks,...

>> No.8171839

I have a HA chapter that meets at my work

>> No.8171840 [DELETED] 

Not gonna lie, former Hillary voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Hillary crash and burn.. But in all seriousness we can't let this woman get the nuclear codes!

>> No.8171874

it's the trashiest place I've ever seen, I live in rural canada and the clientele is a 70-30 split between alcoholic construction workers and chain smoking 50 something women covered in tattoos

>> No.8171878
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Howling dog used to be on my way to ft knox. Where the beer is cheap and the girls are wild.

>> No.8171883

A small, dark corner of an obscure alleyway where alcoholics come to continuously drink beer and smoke cigarettes whilst complaining about alimony payments. It's a lovely place.

>> No.8171916

All you cunts seem English here but when I was in York with my gf there was a real comfy place called The Black Horse/Bull
I'm assuming a pretty popular place but they had a black picket style metal fence around the fron, darts/pool table inside
Probably about 10/20 minutes outside the actual town

>> No.8171952
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Green Dot Stables, Detroit, Michigan.

>> No.8172606

thats wicked as fuck

>> No.8172635


So your boss launders money for them I assume? Lets not pretend that Hells Angels is not a criminal organization to the core.

>> No.8172660

how often do you go

>> No.8172846
File: 77 KB, 960x362, bradleys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My old one. Bradley's, in Georgia. Great bar, pretty divey but the drinks are cheap, bartenders are good, and the food is surprisingly fucking amazing. Typical southern, comfort food. Owner is always there and is a drunk, but he's personable and knowshis business. A few arcade games to the right of where this pic was taken. This is the only pic I could find of the place. Lotsa regulars and pretty decent people for the most part.

>> No.8172853
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Cellarmans in Sherman, TX

Cozy as FUCK

>> No.8172859
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The Hilo club in Oklahoma City

>> No.8172863
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>> No.8172865
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Mine - The Fat Rabbit.

And those assholes are sitting at my usual table. Farther back to the left of that pic is where the darts are located, it gets rowdy.

>> No.8172869
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And this is the entryway.

>> No.8172874
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>> No.8172904
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>> No.8172908

love this
nothing fancy and comfy.
only downside, judging from the carpet, seems like its nonsmoking

>> No.8173974

My buddy loves this place. I used to live across the street from it. Nice little spot, food isnt bad. I prefer the downtown red house or the alibi though. Barcadia is a hole if you havent been yet. We Kingston boys taking over.

>> No.8173990


That looks extra super dooper cozy senpai tbqh.

NYC has nothing this cozy and old-world. I need to take a trip to the UK

>> No.8174670

this is in slavlands though. slovakia
but without a doubt youll find a lot like these in the uk too

>> No.8175604
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>> No.8175626

>when you get so drunk that you start eating the plant's leaves like peanuts

>> No.8175644


Bar decor, and "trying too hard" go hand in hand.
Its all cheesy flair as seen in some shitty movie.

Nothing is unique and interesting anymore, this is all canned bullshit. Lets see something unique, this crap is all yearning for 150 years ago.

>> No.8175646

lol copenhagen ??

>> No.8175660

There are a bunch of places near me. They're all dive bars or fake high-end places. I just prefer to buy a bottle or two every payday and build a small bar to make my own drinks.

>> No.8175688

This is the problem with the new generation millennials. The worst generation ever. They are the youth, the best and the brightest! Young people, they are supposed to be filled with energy and new ideas! But, given an opportunity, they shit out rehashed ideas stolen from prior generations. Wheres your signature contribution? I just don't get how an entire generation can fail so badly. Is this really your best? We hand you the keys to the kingdom, and this is what we get? You pathetic piles of shit need to define yourselves with something real, and this is simply unacceptable.

>> No.8175704


>> No.8175714
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They can inherit a war with Russia and China. The last of the boomers seem to be pushing us into that direction.

>> No.8175725

The fact that you think that's unique to "millennials" (not a real group) is embarrassing.

>> No.8175738

I am waiting for young people to develop an identity of their own.
So far, a complete lack of identity is their identity, and that's fucking sad.

>> No.8175757
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Den Gode Nabo (the good neighbor). Pub under an old river warehouse in Trondheim, Norway. Really comfy old place all made of wood with really low ceilings and sloping floors. They've been closed for a while, but they've reopened recently.

>> No.8175765
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>We hand you the keys to the kingdom

Yeah, thanks for that.

>> No.8175781

>I hate all these traits "millenials have"
>if you don't count any of them, they don't have any!
>this is the first time in history young people have had a different idea of what they should do than the older generations!

watch the song trouble from the music man

>> No.8175828
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The Peddler's Daughter, hella cozy pub tucked away in a basement. Good fish and chips and homemade ketchup

>> No.8175861
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Not even going to pretend that my regular haunt isn't a sports bar... Bottoms Up. Half price wings on Mondays and Wednesdays and $5 22oz drafts on Thursdays.
Best wings I've had anywhere and I know pretty much everyone that works there.

Pretty jealous I don't have one of these cozy hole-in-the-wall pubs like some off yall.

>> No.8175944

You live in Emmerdale?

>> No.8176031
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Macallans. Their happy hour is great but not at the best time. The food is a bit more upscale than normal pub fare but also really good. There's also the upside that you can have a really nice meal and drinks without any kids in the place, which is a rarity these days.

>> No.8176035

What do you guys do at these?

Sit and drink beer? How long do you spend there

Do you talk to the bartender? Strangers? How does this work

>> No.8176042
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We usually drink on the deck of my families hotel.

Its been like this every evening all week.

>> No.8176053


Go with friends and drink. Its unusual to go to a bar by yourself.

Its acceptable to talk to the bartender if you're alone and its quiet but still a bit sad.

>> No.8176074

The Eire Pub in Dorchester, Boston is the closest bar geographically to me and similar enough in some regards to the comfy lookin pubs y'all are posting. I'm pretty sure the last black person inside was Obama like 6 years ago on a visit. It's very much a place for shitty old irish people to grumble about how much better ireland was and how the blacks or the gays or the women or the so-and-sos are ruining this 'great nation'
Basically if you arent post 40, irish -not even just white but either fob irish or the son of one-, straight, and one of like 3 careers (read- cop, firefighter, or construction worker), you aren't welcome.
Oh sure you can walk in an order a beer, but it will be that record screetch, everybody in the bar turns and looks at you kind of thing.
If you make the mistake of coming back there, eventually one of the regulars will quietly imply outside that maybe this isn't the bar for you. Not threaten you, of course, because odds are he's a cop or in so good with one you won't be able to prove it was threatening with three different forms of recording.

>> No.8176095
File: 60 KB, 457x314, Eire Front3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.8176100

i disagree with this anon
going to a bar by yourself can be wierd but you have to balance factors such as
geographic location
day of the week
your age
how quiet the bar is
if it's more of a club than a pub
if it's like 4pm on a monday, going to a bar by yourself is kinda wierd
halloween night, it's a whole nother story

>> No.8176115


you sound like a well-adjusted fun person (persons?) to be around.

>> No.8176127

Is that a gay bar?

>> No.8176167

i love british pubs

>> No.8176180

is this in Northamptonshire?

>> No.8176194

You hang out with your friends and drink for a few hours, or you stop there for a pint while you're waiting for a travel connection or someone to meet you. Often there are games to play, like pool or darts.

In smaller towns you'll usually have most people knowing each other so it's a bit more like a relaxed house party, the whole place greeting people when they walk in and the groups shifting between tables. In a place like that it's more normal to wander in on your own because you expect to find people there already.

You can talk to the bartender if you know them or if it's quiet. You may open conversation with strangers if something interesting happens like some cunt stacking it in a humiliating way. If anyone breaks a glass, you shout "wheyyy".

>> No.8176209

are you 12 or just autistic?

>> No.8176221

hah, no.
Most of the regulars would assault/batter you for daring to insinuate that.
It is not a gay friendly place in the slightest.
The fact it says Mens Bar is actually more like a sign that 8 year olds put on their shitty forts- No girls allowed! (or gays or blacks or jews or arabs or asians or brits or Mediterraneans or spaniards or baltics or slavics or scandenaviens or oceanians or...)

>> No.8176257
File: 298 KB, 1072x804, FactoryTap1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Factory Tap in Kendal.

Tiny local place, only open for a few hours in the evening for half the week, pretty much made for the locals across the river. Best kept secret in town.

£3 a pint, nice range of Bowness Bay brews since they own the place, different ales every week, though I could happily drink Swan Blonde till I bleed it.

>> No.8176272
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Listen to the radio and hit on the qt polish bartender as you wait for the guy to finish making your gyro

>> No.8176280

I don't generally go to the pub myself cause I'm not much of a drinker, only go along when my girlfriend and her mates have some sort of birthday/other celebration and we all go eat at the nearest Wetherspoons, which isn't too bad as far as food goes.

>> No.8176302
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The Hound, back when I lived in Alabama.

Bourbon, beer, and bacon was their motto. Delicious all around. Whiskey Wednesdays they'd take a really nice whiskey and heavily discount it. Got to try lots of stuff I'd never buy becsuse it is over $80 a bottle. Got it neat for $5.

Miss it a lot.

>> No.8176393

Got a couple on account of living I England

Most local (closest) is the Goff's Manor pub, but my go to has to be The White Hart in the town centre. Then there's our Turtle Bay branch for cocktails, The Jubilee Oak for eats (It's a J.D. Wetherspoons so make of that what you will), The Swan if you want a cramped atmosphere with live music and staff too busy to check your underaged mates ID, The Plough if I fancy a decent curry with my drink.

And if I'm visiting family in Selsey, we'll go out to The Gribble since they brew their own ales and cider. Make their own gin too, so just all around a damn fine place

>> No.8176839

Yeah, not ideal.

>> No.8177393

my local is a shitty student pub, good beer though, just zero atmosphere, it's in an awful 60s or 70s little shopping strip/hotel
bit further by the harbour is a much nicer pub, reasonably cheap good cocktails depending on who is on, good for when I'm full of cheap and nasty beer

>> No.8177660

This is in Hull init?

>> No.8177662


Hull old town has some pretty based boozers

>> No.8177665
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>> No.8177670
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bar at nellies

>> No.8177683

It's filled with alcoholics, albeit relatively friendly ones, it smells bad and a few years ago it wad the most violent pub in the state, I've literally spat on the floor in front of a security guard and he didn't care

>> No.8177696
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Schouskjelleren in Oslo. It's a small brewery and bar situated in the old laboratory of the Schous brewery. Good beer, nice atmosphere, terrible acoustics. And there is always a free seat.

>> No.8177702
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Are there any old pubs in Britain that still cellar condition ales in casks and have hand pump beer taps at the bar to draw off the beer?

>> No.8177728

I can't remember the last time I was in a pub that didn't have hand pulled pints, it's not rare.

>> No.8177924

Almost all of them

>> No.8177954


God, I've only ever seen one pub here in USica that had that and it was in Manhattan. I really envy you guys.

>> No.8177974

as opposed to what? robot pumped beer?

>> No.8177978

As opposed to pressurized kegs.

>> No.8177991

so, literally hand pumps like on old wells? now that´s something i want to see one day

>> No.8177993


>> No.8178010

In my hometown, the local bar is called The Office. I've never been to it because someone shit on the floor.

>> No.8178012

>tfw American and don't have comfy pubs to go to, just boring sports bars

>> No.8178013

but thats completely wrong

>> No.8178014

Not in my area

>> No.8178138

I just traveled for a year driving around the US visiting all lower 48 states and a ton of National Parks. Went solo. Gotta disagree with going to bars alone. I did it all the time and 95% of the time I had a blast. Most folk are super friendly and nice and when they see my outta state ID, they'd ask me what I'm doin there, etc. and we'd be chatting the rest of the night.

Granted, I'm a pretty social dude and have no issue rolling into a local dive or something and feeling awkward or whatever. It's a great way to meet some new people and learn about whatever part of the country or world you're in.

Just settled down in a new place and hit my local watering hole alone. Been here 2 months now and have a number of buddies at the bar, know all the servers and bartenders, and get comped drinks all the time because I'm a fun guy to bullshit with and the bartender likes to drink with me.

>> No.8178148

The Faltering Fullback

good beers. ok Thai food

>> No.8178157

It's certainly more direct than a bad tripadvisor review.

>> No.8178667

Sometimes it's nice to just sit and have a pint on your own and watch some sports or read the paper, but mostly it's more fun to go with friends.

>> No.8178686

OMG, it's got so many flat screen TV's! You can see a dozen different games at once and not be able to hear a single one of them!

>> No.8178691

>have a pint (...) read the paper
this is just something i can't do. as soon as i drink just one beer my brain is not anymore able to focus on reading. i am a reader as long as i'm sober, but drinking? nah, i have to go out and talk to folks

>> No.8178789

>how do you go to the pub alone
ya just go, it's really that easy
>where do you sit
wherever you feel comfortable
>do you talk to people or do they talk to you
it goes both ways, but I usually have to start the convo cause I got resting bitch face syndrome
>how long do you stay
varies, depending on if I just want a buzz or to get drunk, and if I'm on a roll with my writing(I write shitty poetry while I'm drinking)
>do they know your name
>does it embarrass you?

>> No.8178843
File: 82 KB, 400x300, St.-Joes-interior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Auburn right? Had some really good drinks there, food's good too.

Pic related is my favorite comfy bar. St. Joe's on Magazine in NOLA

>> No.8178849
File: 232 KB, 800x600, IMG_4131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has a great patio and second bar out back. Extra comfy at night with paper lanterns and christmas lights

>> No.8179033


Looks like one of the places in Sutton bonnington, but I think that was the king's something or other. Carbon copy.

>> No.8179286
File: 100 KB, 800x508, 271287-74184-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got four within a mile.
Winding Wheel is a Marston's so you know what you're getting. Used to do a good quiz on Thursdays until the bloke who ran it moved away.
The Talbot used to have live bands on once or twice a month with open mic nights. Haven't been there since they stopped doing that a couple years ago.
Cross Keys is your bog standard pub. No frills just decent pints and food.
Five Ways which used to host the local amateur rally club until the new owners took over. Last time I went it'd gone downhill on every front.

Couple miles down the road in town there's the Wetherspoon's and gastro-pubs/bars, few nightclubs, and the Bar Sport.
Couple miles the other way there's another 'Spoons and a live music bar that I think's on the way out.

Pic related. Probably the most attractive from the outside of them all.

>> No.8179678
File: 232 KB, 600x500, bww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite local bar is called Buffalo Wild Wings. No pretentious hipsters and they always have the game on.

>> No.8179909
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>> No.8180134

I'm sure this goes through everyone's mind at some point while in these treads but I'd love to open a bar. I know it'd cost a lot and realistically it won't happen, but I still like to fantasize.
Alright, how would you react to a bar also selling brewed teas? Tea house/bar combo. I'm not sure if these are a thing, but I'm just mixing my two favorite drinks in a single location.

>> No.8180224

american "pubs" fucking lol

>> No.8180362

where i'm from it's pretty common for many bars to also sell coffee/ espresso and tea. always great for people who aredriving or don't drink for other reasons

>> No.8180393


You got that right, m8.

>> No.8180407

>animu on a food and cooking board.

>> No.8180416
File: 38 KB, 400x400, Fanny's interior..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally every pub in the country has these. If they don't they're a bar and officially not comfy.

Luckily I live in the land of the £2 pint and have a few pubs that are a favourite of mine. Fannys ale house in shipley if I fancy something a bit more up market or I can go to the local boozer and they'll probably be someone I know in there.

>> No.8180427
File: 871 KB, 2000x1333, tmp_6598-kings_arms_dorking-019-739058807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local. They have lives bands and it gets really busy on holidays.

Surrey has some great pubs and of course Surrey Hills Brewery ales.

>> No.8180482
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Official thread theme https://youtu.be/djIXYW9X3Qg

>> No.8180787

Is that satire? Hard to tell with the many other americans itt desperately trying to prove their working class authenticity, where the brits are mostly just posting comfy pubs.

>> No.8180856
File: 95 KB, 1000x750, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is mine.

It's a comfy place. It literally is the town watering hole; it's a small city but we have a University, so we get all kinds from college students to local blue-collar guys to anyone who wants a decent drink. Food is ok, nothing special.

There's another place in town that is basically the frat bar that most locals avoid because the frat fags are fucking morons that are willing to spend daddy's money on drinks twice as high as they are at the Wagon, and another plae I really like that is I guess the "alternative" bar. It's cheap, it's small, it's kinda dirty, but it's got the local punk crowd and some of the nicest people i've ever met.

>> No.8182026

Why is it that every single scene I see of America it just looks soulless. Don't get me wrong Britain can look fairly depressing as well, after Norway we get the the most rain and least daylight of every other country in Europe, but at least English streets have a soul. It can be gritty northern terraces, hilly country cottages, posho southern houses but every street in England has a history. America just looks like any other street in America. Everything is too clean, like it was made in a factory and never actually lived in. How do you keep on?

>> No.8182057

looks half way to the real thing

>> No.8182063

god they need some plants out, leave the weeds in the floor slabs or something, it looks so dead

>> No.8182067
File: 529 KB, 934x400, united-states-america-travel-national-parks-ker-downey-yosemite[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you see the wrong pictures of America

>> No.8182071
File: 966 KB, 1440x900, The-Flowerpot-Mirfield-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to have shitty old style pubs around, now we have new 'traditional' style pubs with hip cool olde style decor

>> No.8182074
File: 525 KB, 1920x1080, 1461467039744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that backdrop...

>> No.8182084

yeah but nobody fuckin lives there do they mate. I'm talking about the towns, cities and suburbs. they all look the same.

>> No.8182094
File: 49 KB, 620x388, Flower_Pot_1905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best part about these pubs is you know they been doin the same depressing shit serving to dirty, repulsive Yorkshire poor for years

>> No.8182274
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>> No.8182683
File: 1.67 MB, 1920x1920, PhotoGrid_1476416448431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep! War Eagle!

I live near Denver now, but haven't quite found a spot like it. Plenty of breweries(pic related, one I frequent) , but on weekends I do like a pint and one glass of whiskey or so and not have to go to 2 different places to do so. My favorite brewery atm, it has a unique feel to it. Awesome beer and they host good food trucks and awesome events like BBQ and crawfish boils.

>> No.8182686

What, are you some SJW cultural appropriation faggot?

Sorry our nation was founded recently enough to not be covered with 300+ year old buildings.

>> No.8182701
File: 3.15 MB, 1920x2401, PhotoGrid_1476417038828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we do.

I've lived in 3 different areas across the country. These are all pics less than 5 miles from where I lived, and they weren't in small areas.

The second picture with the dino footprints is in one of the top 5 growing cities in the USA.

I feel sorry you can see none of these kinds of sights in a place like England in the UK.

>> No.8183249

I think it's the huge roads mostly. It's like a place for cars, not a place for people.

>> No.8183423

>we'll go out to The Gribble
I lived in West Sussex for a bit . . .been to the Gribble a few times.

>> No.8183952
File: 3.83 MB, 3848x2548, at_the_pub_brisbane_1982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8184015
File: 18 KB, 420x226, aff5da32-4a1f-ed24-2171-988dfea5a4a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if that Black Boy post was Hull. I live round the corner from Queens. Nice pub, pool tables, jukebox, good atmosphere, occasional live band or footie game on a big screen. Paul Heaton goes in there a fair bit, and apparently Robert Plant was in there once.

>> No.8184021

That looks really nice. Not sure about the electric blue seats but the rest is good.

>> No.8184048
File: 60 KB, 600x450, 10521510ldc324061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be exploring old town in hull with mates
>one brought his gf
>discover a little alleyway that leads to a secluded pub
>why not
>get the drinks in
>decide to explore the upstairs
>big empty room with four old guys in the corner
>they're actually a swing jazz band, there to practice
>spend the afternoon nicely buzzed, watching my mate and his girlfriend dance surprisingly well to live jazz
Ye Olde Blue Bell. Dunno if it's still going but that was an unforgettable day.

>> No.8184570
File: 88 KB, 960x720, minerva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going minerva next weekend
definitely is, LOVE that pub
top jukebox, but prefer st johns hotel in that area imo
best pub in beverley

>> No.8184591

Lot of Yorkshire love in this thread, comfiest county by far

>> No.8184615
File: 438 KB, 600x507, checkerboard_600x507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checkerboard Lounge, Chicago.

>> No.8184667

what lovely body of water's shore are you on? looks fantastic

>> No.8184895

That's because you're an ignorant cunt.

Do some research.

>> No.8184948

Half of these aren't pubs. They're just shitty, normal bars with pub-like names.

Americans will never understand pubs at all.

>> No.8185056
File: 1.46 MB, 1632x1224, avenues-020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The (English city) street I live on looks a lot like the top pic, and it is by no means unusual.

>> No.8185063


Bloody lovely place ain't it man, I like myself a pint of the Pigs Ear personally

>> No.8185396


Damn that looks cozy as fuck. I hate American bars.

>> No.8185423

this is a pub, not a bar

>> No.8185425

Notice the op also includes bar/ watering hole
Take your impotent rage somewhere else

>> No.8185611
File: 93 KB, 400x400, hst-fairhope-alabama-4042602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neither is it rare seeing snowcapped mountains every day in a traffic jam omw to work.

The first picture I posted are many, many streets in the Deep South.
And Europoors will never stop their strange obsession with America.

>> No.8186126

Can you stop? Your photos are very nice, but they are not what the thread is about.

>> No.8186137

>Your photos are very nice
that's being generous

>> No.8186344

kek stay jelly

>> No.8187929
File: 301 KB, 1645x1080, rg-0020-1283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do like Sam Smiths pubs, the way they keep the old architectural features and tend to be giant warrens with eight tiny bars. Not so much comfy, but they feel kinda like finding a tiny hut to shelter in when it's absolutely pushing it down outside.

I especially like the Princess Louise with that sort of air lock thing it's got going on.

>> No.8188027

Christ, USica could use a real dose of Great Britain about now. Why can't I have a pub culture, just because I was born in USica?

>> No.8188049
File: 373 KB, 1200x1600, KingsArms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Kings Arms in York, it's right next to the river so gets flooded quite often,

They don't bother trying to protect against it, they just mark the wall for the records.

>> No.8188075

>marks at fucking lintel height

Christ, and I thought the table height ones in Harwich were concerning. There's the White Cross in Richmond that's sort of famous for regularly having street level floods from the Thames, but that's mad.

It's probably a difficult thing to bootstrap. Without an existing crowd of regulars or a supremely cheerful landlord, pubs by themselves are pretty grim. You need the ongoing community to make it a welcoming place.

>> No.8188160
File: 658 KB, 1024x747, 8988541276_a9e1826067_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the Kings Arms is both very close to the water and also built much lower than the surrounding buildings.

Pic related is squeaky bum time after heavy rain.

>> No.8188175
File: 93 KB, 800x584, the house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of york

>> No.8188340

>pubs by themselves are pretty grim

I guess that pretty much sums up the USica pub culture.

But I can't help but believe you haven't had to do much bootstrapping with those pubs that have the history, in some cases going back to the 19th century, that you've shown in the pics. It's just something I feel like is missing. Hand pumped cask conditioned ale as a standard? Are you kidding me? I live in a sad place.

>> No.8188802



who the fuck says this, seriously

>> No.8188855
File: 2.51 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

National Tavern, or "The Nash" if you're local. I don't have any pics of the inside because...who does that?

It's a nice bar. As the sign says, they have karaoke some nights (though I've never gone), and every Friday night they have a local band (usually country, but sometimes 80's general).

Cheap drinks (though basic) and friendly staff. Older (and very sparse) crowd, which is nice for avoiding the Chads and Staceys who're just looking to get krunk'd. The place is a bit rundown, but it's not in a great area, so whatever. They have pool, a jukebox, and so on- regular bar stuff. Good place to go and just...drink.

The TL;DR is that it's a nice little dive bar with an older crowd, cheap drinks, and nice staff.

Wife and I went this past Friday and actually chat up a guy who owns a place in town. She drinks the same beer as he does (Labatt 50), and I drink the same as his late wife (black Russian). Lots of other similarities, but I won't get into that. He bought us a few rounds and invited us to his restaurant, on him.

>> No.8188863

He wants to cuck your wife.

>> No.8188870

Nah, he was just a friendly guy. Not every friendly interaction needs to be a cuckold porno.

>> No.8188896

Did you tell you wife about your tendencies, yet?

>> No.8188932

>not every

Spot on. At least SOME (but not every) friendly interactions need to be cuckold pornos.

>> No.8189028

Enjoy it while you can. All those douchebag kids are looking to find "dive bars" they can brag to their friends about going to. They ruin neighborhood bars at an alarming rate.

>> No.8190303

You need to get on the split bar thing we do where one side has music and welcomes kids and the other is for all the sullen alcoholics.

>> No.8190341

I go to the local Fraternal Order of Eagles. Drinks are cheap as hell and strong. Billiards is free. Food is awesome and cheap. Plus hanging out with the old heads is pretty fun.

>> No.8190438

>split bar thing we do where one side has music and welcomes kids and the other is for all the sullen alcoholics
sounds good
>Billiards is free
awesome. i suck at billiard but i still love it

>> No.8190707

Yeah the Eagles is great. Its easy to get better at pool when it's free to play kek. If you're in the States or Canada you should try to join.

>> No.8190710

Squirrel's Tavern

>> No.8190715
File: 719 KB, 1800x1198, Squirrels_overview1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.8190770
File: 35 KB, 550x412, schaller-s-pump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Sit back, relax, and strap it down! White Sox baseball is coming your way next!

>> No.8190774

>American ''''''''''''''''''pubs''''''''''''''''''''

>> No.8190787

Yeah The Princess Louise is a great pub.

>> No.8191756

lol how do you even think of these things

>> No.8191887
File: 287 KB, 2048x1365, 11056563_379715988868872_3348276813173619794_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill me.

It's trash.

>> No.8193398
File: 2.11 MB, 330x166, 1466956881335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>overpaying for watered-down alcohol so that you can drink in a more "socially acceptable" location
>not buying quality beer or booze at a reasonable price and savoring it in comfort of your own home

>> No.8193427

Just shit chav holes here. Nowhere offering anything decent or interesting. Just awful common denominator crap.

>> No.8193672

Don't have a local. best one I've been to though was Yew Tree Historic Inn in Cauldon. Good cider, cornish pasty, mash and peas, perfect after an Alton Towers trip.

>> No.8193693
File: 31 KB, 550x309, yew tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.8193792

I'd be somewhat suspicious of a pasty that's snuck that far North, it might be smuggling things.

>> No.8193798

There are tons of british pubs in the us just live in a city thats worth a damn and youll find several

>> No.8193801

Homemade, along with the pies.

>> No.8193811
File: 311 KB, 1024x682, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mikkeller bar SF. Way better than the SD and Oakland location. Hope the LA one comes out good.

>> No.8193953
File: 188 KB, 1024x768, PICT0305-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey they are from Denmark, didn't know they had made it all the way to SF.

I like Bo-bi bar in Copenhagen. This picture is taken from the entrance so as you can see it is very small.

>> No.8193959

Been to war pigs? Also yeah they have bars in iceland, tokyo, seoul, california, bangkok and spain

>> No.8194016

>Been to war pigs?
Yeah once, and their bar on Stefansgade.
Not the biggest fan of their bar to be honest - Their beers are usually a bit too experimental. There are plenty of better beer bars in Copenhagen.

>> No.8194789
File: 58 KB, 338x450, The Angel Inn Yard Leeds 09-12-2014 12-30-54-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bf is from Leeds, He brought me to his favourite pub when visiting last year. The Angel Inn.

>> No.8194803
File: 31 KB, 550x344, 8069_Sandinos-Restaurant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sandinos, Derry Northern Ireland.

Its a lovely bar but the regulars are annoying political types.

>> No.8194859


St.vincent and the Grenadines. South side

That was a week after hurricane Mathew. Doesn't just look good. Tropical warmth makes for swimming with drinks.

That channel is where the Atlantic meets the caribbean sea