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File: 97 KB, 720x960, lobsterclawmachine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8162906 No.8162906 [Reply] [Original]

Carnivores will defend this

>> No.8162919

Lobsters don't have feelings, they're fucking bugs

>> No.8162924

Seems like a rip off. Nothing to defend here.

>> No.8162937
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, wasp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

three fucking dollars per shot?

>> No.8162946
File: 323 KB, 1020x1615, vending crabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8162949
File: 422 KB, 1280x1707, Meat_vending_machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8162952

Buy genuine Windows if you want the wasp to leave.

>> No.8162961


I don't think anyone would defend this. I mean I'm one hell of a carnivore, but that is pretty fucked up.

Honestly, I don't know what to say about this other than it being a waste of resources. A large cold receptacle like you find in the meat market does the job better.

>> No.8163199

It's food. I care about lobsters getting caught and cooked for fun about as much as I care about a hunter cooking game. That is to say, I don't care.

>> No.8163204

Sea bugs don't feel pain

>> No.8163603

I hope those things aren't still alive.
>putting crabs in a vending machine
what won't those silly japs do?

>> No.8163628

>what won't those silly japs do

Win wars?

>> No.8164067

>Win wars
thats a bit specious. And it took nukes to bring them to a stop. Its probably because I am partial, since my wife is Vietnamese & I have been to Nam and Japan a few times. The people just have a different level of dedication that has be long lost here in the west.
>department store
>employees lined up in formation at the start of the day
>the leader shouting something and the employees responding in unison.
Just makes me scared to have to fight the folks.


>> No.8164076

Poor crusties ;_;

>> No.8164077

Pretty sure that woman is Chinese. But I've heard of Chinese malls/restaurants doing the same line-up and chant thing as well, so your point is solid.

>> No.8164086

>Pretty sure that woman is Chinese
you maybe right, but I was making a general 'Asian' point. Lets not forget how the Korean bros defended their property during the L.A. Riots.

>> No.8164093

These creatures honestly don't give a fuck either way.

>> No.8164094

the lobsters can't even fathom the world because their dull perception only dwells on the basest of planes, the smarter ones maybe even enjoy being cooked and eaten

>> No.8164127
File: 294 KB, 582x600, 1465837558926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8164153 [DELETED] 

Did you still this thing from a restaurant?

>> No.8164172

>And it took nukes to bring them to a stop

Yeah they weren't getting their asses kicked from island to island until a mainland invasion was possible at all

>> No.8164194

come on man.. We all know the war.. No need to argue and nitpick. Lets not get too braggy here. Remember: we broke their codes and knew what they were doing, so its not like it was a completely fair fight.

>> No.8164208

There is literally nothing special in having the soon-to-be-cooked lobsters on display.

The price is the only fucked up part.

>> No.8164221


>> No.8164223


The are lucky to get a knife to the head, and not fall in to the hands of a sushi chef.

>> No.8164424
File: 78 KB, 956x960, 1475758601148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>war is fair and with fight with honor is like in my fantasy faggot books.

Would do with a megalomaniac laugh/10

>> No.8164464

If you get one on your first try, then you get a lobster for 3 bucks. Good deal. 2 or 3 tries, still not a bad price. But when you start to drop 15 or more dollars trying to win one, it becomes more cost effective to just buy the lobster off the menu. It's an interesting idea, and I'd probably put one of those in my seafood restaurant, if I owned one.

>> No.8164605
File: 74 KB, 600x800, 0asHYlX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germans will defend this

>> No.8164610

Yum yum
Does this mean that if I catch them in my first try they are only 3?

>> No.8164613

That's pretty dope 2bh

>> No.8164616

Yep. I won a GameCube back in the day on one of these things. 1.50$

>> No.8164620

But I still would rather have the lobster

>> No.8164629

Price is actually a steal, even at three or four tries.
Buying a lobster directly from the fisherman costs $6/lb, nevermind the cost of transporting and housing a live lobster in your restaurant.

>> No.8164635
File: 270 KB, 768x1024, 10674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews will defend this

>> No.8164639


I eat lobster, and love it, but this shit is pretty cruel.

I also think that picking out the lobster you're going to eat in one of those shitty tanks is pretty bad, but I guess it is what it is.

I also associate these claw machines with only the dirtiest, shittiest bars, where I'd never order a cheeseburger, much less a lobster.

>> No.8164647



>> No.8164650

Is that soup? With an egg?

Why was there a GameCube in the Lobster Zone? Wouldn't it get wet?

>> No.8164654

Can't press buttons on the Sabbath.

>> No.8164655

The machine shuts down on the Sabbath

>> No.8164657


These people and their Sabbath.

>> No.8164662

Anotha shoja

>> No.8164671

That's how it starts
First you feel a little sorry for the lobster then you feel a little sorry for the pig
And one day you find yourself in a cult both giving up meat and being an asshole to anyone who eats it
It's all about hundreds of little compromises and getting people on board one by one
If they told everyone they want to do something insane fro. The get go to the would immediately loose, nobody knew that by accepting get people ten years later they would be accepting transittion treatment and surgery on kids
Or that by taking in refugees they where also accepting the shitfest we have today
Nobody ever knows the truth until its too late, the left didn't destroy us, it was the moderates that where willing to give up everything bit by bit