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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 172 KB, 902x538, sardine_can.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8156537 No.8156537 [Reply] [Original]

What are some foods you like that most people don't?

>> No.8156579

Fuck if I know. Kippers are the fucking bomb though, since you're posting canned fishies.

>> No.8156597
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why did you start a new one so soon?

>> No.8156601

What do you mean? This is the only thread I've made on this topic.

>> No.8156643

What's a good way to prepare sardines? I've found myself normally making them by sprinkling them with salt, pepper, and a little flour, and pan frying them in olive oil. I then put them between two pieces of toast, and a little miracle whip. I feel like I'm missing out on what could be MUCH better use of them.

>> No.8156705

just eat them out of the can

they are especially good on public transportation

>> No.8156732

I just cut them into thirds and put them on saltines.

>> No.8156742
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Tripe, smells like farts but tastes gud

>> No.8156743

Who the fuck doesn't like kimchi?

>> No.8156801
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Escargot, no idea why

>> No.8157445
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pickled pig ears, I fucking love the crunch

>> No.8157683

Pickled herring as well. Most pickled meat people avoid, especially fish or weird cuts.

>> No.8157691

Anchovies, sardines, or kippers?

>> No.8157698

Dried cod chips. Little bits of cod that are hard, but you work em in your mouth and they get super chewy. Hard to find in the states, used to have to get them from Norway.

>> No.8157741


Don't lie you piece of shit.

>> No.8157750

i'm gonna try your method, i've been just eating them out of the can with rice. if you can manage to get raw sardines they are pretty damn tasty fresh

>> No.8157755

people with no gut flora

>> No.8159002

I cook them with tomatoes and garlic and put it on pasta

Anchovies are also great

>> No.8159017

Put on a cracker with mustard and/or pickle.
Just replace the tuna in a tuna salad with sardines.

>> No.8159036

Are you talking canned or fresh sardines?

>> No.8159120

I love sardines but anchovies are way too fucking salty. How do you eat them?

>> No.8159135

baked chicken with a honey semen glaze.

>> No.8159689

I like anchovies on crusty bread

>> No.8159691

Tonic water, straight. It is pleasantly bittersweet.

>> No.8159712

Have you tried any Italian aperitif sodas? I'm quite fond of Stappj Red

>> No.8159713
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Can never find someone willing to split these with me.

>> No.8159718

No, but I'll keep that in mind.

In terms of alcoholic ones, I have a taste for Campari.

>> No.8159899

Not him but I love chinotto

>> No.8159904
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>falling for the meme

>> No.8159906
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(chocolate rice porridge)

>> No.8159913


>> No.8159920

What's the meme with these? I live in Texas, it's really popular to have Mexican and "Mexican" foods. They taste good and they're $2 a bag, they're awesome.

>> No.8160506

How could anyone possibly dislike this

>> No.8160512

People always hate on olives. I don't get it.

>> No.8160522

I open the can and sprinkle in malt vinegar and put them on crackers

They taste alright but they scratch the motherfuck out of my tonsils

>> No.8160557

ketchup w/ brocolli

>> No.8160563
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Macco di fave. It's a soup made with dried Fava beans. Add oil, dried bread and bacon. It stink as fuck but it's delicious

>> No.8160800

They're considered to be an acquired taste, like any other fermented food.

>> No.8161056

I need a glass of milk just looking at it

>> No.8161078

You're not washing it good. change the water from the pot where you're boiling it in.

>> No.8161082
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>> No.8161091

I've never heard this. I've liked them my entire life.

>> No.8161125

I have as well. People often use the phrase "acquired taste" to indicate that something requires a sophisticated palate to appreciate. In reality acquired tastes need only repeated exposure, preferably early in life. This is particularly true of fermented foods, because fermentation produces flavors which we instinctively recoil from, associating them with decay. After we've tried the food a few times and not gotten sick, we lose the aversion to the food and can enjoy it for how it tastes.

>> No.8161142

Same here. I remember back in high school I took a cooking class. The teacher provided black olives as an optional addition to whatever the hell we were making that day. Everyone in my group was grossed out because I waned to put them in there. Turns out everyone in the class thought they were gross, and didn't use them. I ended up just going around and taking everyone's olives and eating them. I fuckken love them. That was the firs time I had ever heard that people commonly hated olives
Also, I like black licorice, liver, sauerkraut, and lamb. Oh, and orange juice with MAXIMUM pulp.

>> No.8161557
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I like sardines

Also plain yogurt with unsweetened cocoa powder

>> No.8161643

Sardine master race reporting in.
Cheap, healthy, environmentally friendly. How can you not like them?

>> No.8161734

You buy Bumble Bee in mustard

>> No.8161823

i get brunswick sometimd

>> No.8161828

People don't like lamb? The fuck?

>> No.8161971

on toast with scrambled eggs

>> No.8161989

>w/scrambled eggs

...Huh. You know I never thought of that before. I'mma try that one

If you want good shit, buy Wild Planet or King Oscar

>> No.8162155

This shit is good

>> No.8162158

what? the sardines in mustard are pretty good.

>> No.8162192

Chinotto is GOAT.
Tastes like cola+orange squash then suddenly bitter cleansing.

>> No.8162202

Mate, where I live 1/15 people legitimately never eat vegetables outside of potatoes and corn.

>> No.8163115

Lamb has a pretty strong flavor compared to other common meats

>> No.8163225

I love chicken gizzards, myself.

Pan fried with some spicy mustard on the side? So good.

>> No.8163249
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you had me until miracle whip.

>> No.8163760
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i put grape jelly on my grilled cheese sandwiches

also i grew up in south USA so i like a lot of things which would make most people vomit at a mere glance

>> No.8163932

>After we've tried the food a few times and not gotten sick, we lose the aversion to the food and can enjoy it for how it tastes.

Yet I still hate broccoli. If you overcook it it's disgusting wet mush, but the less you cook it the worse it tastes.

>> No.8163973

liver patee (on toast, with onions, slice of cheese)

>> No.8164181

If the broccoli you're buying isn't very fresh, the outer layer of the stems gets a very funky taste and aroma. Try peeling it like so: http://www.ronniefein.com/blog/its-essential-to-peel-broccoli-stems-i-learned

A lot of people dislike broccoli, tomatoes, mushrooms, and seafood because there's a huge disparity in flavor between properly prepared dishes using fresh, quality instances of these ingredients, and what the vast majority of people are exposed to.

>> No.8164225

Black berry on a good buttery grilled cheese. Yes.

>> No.8164233

Tripe always tastes like butthole. The mexicans are lying and enjoy feces taste.

>> No.8164384

Brussel sprouts

>> No.8164436

I like to use them as a topping for pizza, along with raw tomato slices and black olives.

>> No.8164607
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I like smac/spam a lot. I usually fry slices and cover them with honey and mustard just before taking them out of the pan. I also use it a lot in omelettes, with sambal and mayo

Mon nègre

>> No.8164735

Wifey's mom (Asian) cooks that stuff all the time. No flavour and difficult to chew. Not worth it

>> No.8164820


I fucking love pork and kraut. Have it every year at new years, some kind of German tradition for good luck in the new year I guess.

>> No.8164850

my honest preference senpai

>> No.8165289
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When I'm out at dim sum with my friends, we always try to get any new people to eat a chicken foot.

>> No.8165298

Any tips on how to find affordable anchovies?

As far as I can tell none of the chain stores carry them and delicatessens charge way the fuck too much.

>> No.8165306

Sauerkraut on triscuit crackers.

>> No.8165339

What is the best brand of sardines to buy? Preferably one you can buy at Safeway or Whole Foods.

>> No.8165343

Phoenix claws are fucking delicious. I really like sucking and spitting the bones out.

>> No.8167058

This sounded stupid but then I remembered I like straight up pickles on crackers so there's no reason this would necessarily be bad either

I like Brunswick personally, but I haven't tried many other brands

>> No.8167090

Thanks man. I wil pick some up pn the way home.

>> No.8167107

I fucking love those

>> No.8167335
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Pork scratchings, perfect with beer.

>> No.8168421
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The ones they have here look like this but they too are excellent with beer.

>> No.8168447

Nigga those are cracklins

>> No.8168710
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>> No.8168921

It's not very common in America, I've never had lamb before and never heard anyone every talk about eating it.

I do see it at the store tho

>> No.8168931


they're clearly grunklers you fucking serf

>> No.8168946

pig's ears

meat/fat terrine's

>> No.8170516

Those are chicharrones you dumb spic

>> No.8170528

Pickled pig skin

>> No.8170543

whip them up with a teriyaki sauce over rice

>> No.8170547

king oscar is good

>> No.8170557

Cow tongue
Pig intestines
Pig snout

>> No.8170569

Not common? No Greek restaurants near you? Jeez.

>> No.8170575

what is this?

>> No.8170604

Can anyone please tell me that i'm not the only one around here who loves pineapple on pizza?

>> No.8170663

I think that it's nice to have that sweetness.

>> No.8170971

I think the sugar and acid contrast nicely with the salt and fat from the other toppings.

>> No.8172177
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my entire family and all my friends hate brussel sprouts but i love these little bastards

>> No.8172461

Cranberry or bust.

>> No.8172519

gammon and pineapple pizza is nice.

>> No.8172530

These thing are really good senpai

>> No.8172535

Cow Tongue Stew, honestly. Love the flavor, love the texture. Go great with tomato based sauce

>> No.8173337
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