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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 178 KB, 750x1000, retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8146067 No.8146067 [Reply] [Original]

"What are you getting, anon?"

>> No.8146080

>That will be $10.01 plus tip!

>> No.8146099

>no activated almonds

>> No.8146101

>sprouted almond mylk

>> No.8146102
File: 156 KB, 750x1000, retarded 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't make this up.

>> No.8146104

"the inner flame please"

>> No.8146108

i would probably just kill myself instead of ordering any meme foods or beverages

>> No.8146113

There's a place like that near my office.

Granted, their smoothies are fucking delicious, but damn I can't afford that shit, plus they're pretty small.

Anyway, toss up between natural high and tropical sunshine.

>> No.8146114


Jesus christ. You should have started the thread with this image.

>> No.8146115

Is that pesto a actual dish?

I'd try it.

>> No.8146131
File: 6 KB, 196x148, 1461014586540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elevated cheesecake

>> No.8146134

>liquid nitrogen ice cream

Where thefuck is this memestraunt

>> No.8146135 [DELETED] 

"hmmm can I get a Pure Bliss with some Ionic Magnesium and maybe a Nori Wrap too."

>> No.8146140 [DELETED] 

I bet you faggots never even had mylk before.

>> No.8146163

>lists 'crystal attunements' for their menu items
>sprouted almond mylk
>'protection' and 'universal truth' are listed alongside things like 'prebiotic' and 'healthy skin'
What is going on here

>> No.8146175

My ass out of that place is what I'm getting.

>> No.8146185

I'll have the Aryan Yoga Vipassanā shake for 14.88 $, Cindy.

>> No.8146187

Liquid nitrogen is great for ice cream. Faster freezing = smaller ice crystals = smoother, creamier texture. Same reason liquid nitrogen is used in IQF (Individually Quick Frozen) foods like frozen peas and corn. The faster you freeze vegetables, the less damage you do to their cellular structure.

>> No.8146201


This is why I make my smoothies at home. $4 of leafy greens and frozen berries plus the various powdered shit I add into it would probably cost over $10 at one of these places.

>mfw the fruit in these $8.88 smoothies isn't even organic like mine

Shit, have I become some kind of elitist hippie?

>> No.8146203
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>"What are you getting, anon?"

>> No.8146208
File: 110 KB, 720x960, 13567448_1759869434250628_7251948207226237284_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks... edible

>> No.8146209 [DELETED] 


"oh well I suggest the Green gaia with a double shot of living silica"

>> No.8146212
File: 95 KB, 688x631, 1472808799711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Useless unactivated almonds
>No mention of the evil that is gluten

At least the basil pesto is Holy, I mean one time a place served me basil pesto that I'm pretty sure literally hadn't even been literally looked at by a non-denominational organic food cleric and of course I was stupid enough to literally eat it. Chakra imbalance literally immediately, of course, svadhishthana just TOTALLY literally started stealing all anahata's spiritual energy! Ugh, I literally had to call off of work, my boss at the natural food's co-op totally understood about chakric balance of course. He's not so bad for someone who literally has a penis.

>> No.8146214

>natural high

This is discriminatory, there's no "cis privledge" on the menu

>> No.8146217


>ill have the macunte honey, for my strong sonny

>> No.8146221


1000% triggered

>> No.8146228

>Ocimum tenuiflorum, also known as Ocimum sanctum, holy basil, or tulasi or tulsi, is an aromatic plant in the family Lamiaceae which is native to the Indian subcontinent and widespread as a cultivated plant throughout the Southeast Asian tropics.

>> No.8146238

Out of here

>> No.8146275
File: 14 KB, 480x712, 1475198614673.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elevated cheesecake

>> No.8146319

That place looks GAY AS FUCK.....

BUT I'D STILL EAT THERE. (there, I said it.)

Anyway, I'll have the Zen and a Rainbow Magic salad, and take a Natural High to go for teh sex later.

>> No.8146322


>> No.8146341

>"What are you getting, anon?"
an uber to a better restaurant

>> No.8146344

Ill take a large 'buch please

>> No.8146355

I get that food service has low profit margins and you need to differentiate yourself. But Jesus fucking Christ this is the faggiest shit I've ever seen. And I'm a vegetarian.

>> No.8146359

You're no better.

>> No.8146370

>I'd rather pay an idiot paki cab driver twice as much for the same "service"

enjoy throwing around buzzwords, I'll be saving money and not having to smell shitskins

>> No.8146379

Cabs are more expensive, give worse service, are driven by people who are more curry than human, and you have to argue with them for 20 minutes to make them take your credit card and give you a receipt.
If I wanted low cost and to waste my time I would take the train or walk.

>> No.8146383


Yeah no, fuck you.

>> No.8146403


Slightly more edible food on this side. I'll just take a cheesecake. So long as it's not vegan, of course.

>> No.8146458

Soy free is good because people shouldn't be eating soy due to phyto-oestrogen

>> No.8146461


>> No.8146466

Read that menu again then take a wild guess

>> No.8146477


>> No.8146483

No, you're just economical and health wise. I wouldn't spend the money at this place either, but I make a cleansing juice every morning at home and eat salad for lunch every day, and use only organic stuff for mine as well. But, I'm also an omnivore and eat meat as well at dinner, but my meat is also always free range or game meats. So.....

>> No.8146487


I'll have the golden spiral with ionic magnesium and don't hold the crystal coconuts

this is satire menu... right

>> No.8146535

Lavendar Lucuma smoothie with summa dat holy pesto

>> No.8146552

>coconut crystals


i want coconut to go back to being just a weird exotic fruit that you MAYBE baked a cake with. it doesn't even taste that good, it usually overpowers everything else too

>> No.8146571

>8.88 for a fucking salad
That shit better come in a popcorn bowl.

>> No.8146589

Coconut was never exotic you retarded fly over fuck.

Also they're delicious. The jelly like flesh of a green coconut is amazing...

>> No.8146608

Sucks to be poor, poorfaggot.

>> No.8146858
File: 8 KB, 346x302, paul allen observes a get.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of the prices are trips

>> No.8146875

Seems like they're just calling them "sprouted almonds" in >>8146102

>> No.8146879

A glass of water thank you

>> No.8146882


Never talk to me again.

>> No.8146891

second that.

It's pretentious as fuck, but 9 dollars for a salad as an entree isnt bad.

Eat a veggie you fat fucks.

>> No.8146946

Honestly I'd eat the fuck out of this place.

Like I'd legit drop 20$

In terms of smoothies I'd get the Lavender Lacuma, and then just nuke it with superfood ad ins.

I didn't even know you could eat baobab! It's a fucking tree!

>> No.8146978

I just got back from a place that's similar to this, a juice/smoothie bar that serves vegan salads and desserts and cold pressed coffee and shit like that. I just go for the juices and smoothies. Had their Toxin Flush, really perks you up. I'm an omnivore, but I have no objections at all to eating all veg meals sometimes. I'll always eat meat, though, I have chronic anemia, and when I need a steak, or duck liver pate, or a braunschweiger sandwich, I fucking NEED it.

>> No.8146994

I wouldn't mind eating there. Your all fags.

>> No.8147002


>> No.8147007


holy pesto sounds baller

>> No.8147016

make me an acai bowl puto

>> No.8147018


>dessert bar credits
What the fuck? What's with the $X.XX prices? It's really fucking stupid.

Baobab has fruit

>tfw drinking mylk straight from the tiddy

They also flash freeze fish.

>> No.8147021
File: 197 KB, 500x276, Elite Dangerous updates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gettin' the fuck outta this dump is what I'm gettin'.

>> No.8147022


>read as cholera

>> No.8147023

You'll probably get a good dose of cholera from those dirty hippies.

>> No.8147026


nori wrap sounds good

yeah, I get it, it's some bullshit health fad, but it's not like everything on the meny is terrible

also liquid nitrogen ice cream? that's fucking baller

>> No.8147027
File: 1001 KB, 640x480, ISHYGDDT.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't ionize his magnesium

>> No.8147029

But the nori wrap has
>magnesium mayo
I mean, what the fuck is that?

The magnesium you eat is usually ionized, dangus. Unless you're eating shavings from a block of elemental magnesium.

>> No.8147031


you're a fucking retard

holy basil is a thing and has been for centuries


>> No.8147035

Probably mayo mixed with milk of magnesium.

>> No.8147036



>> No.8147037

I bet you don't even activate your magnesium blocks.

>> No.8147040

The guy starts off with >useless unactivated almonds, you're the fucking retard for taking him seriously.

>> No.8147041


cleansing is literally a fad invented for marketing

smoothies are healthy because they provide micronutrients, especially all kinds of vitamins

don't buy into this bullshit

>> No.8147044

>milk of magnesium
It's milk of magnesia, which is actually a manganese solution. It's probably magnesium oil (which isn't actually an oil, just a thick magnesium chloride solution).

>needing to activate it
I pump chlorine gas into my special reaction chamber that I fill with magnesium scraps (among other things) to produce my own salts....

>> No.8147046


>tfw central european
>tfw eat coconut milk once a week in my thai curry
>tfw this nigga tells me coconut is overpowering and exotic



the salads are huge, but they dont look good imo. op pasted a pic.

>> No.8147047

I'm not "cleansing". Their Toxin Flush IS a smoothie.
Fucking hell......

>> No.8147054

Smoothies are unhealthy because they're loaded to fuck with sugar with no fiber from the fruits since they're deskinned and crushed. It is the exact same as drinking a cup of sugar water.

>> No.8147059


>the third American that has made this joke itt

and they call themselves a superpower. really makes you think.


here in gookland they sell milk with added magnesia

i suppose thats what they add, brother

>> No.8147060

>coconut in everything

Fuck you.

>> No.8147065


>I pump chlorine gas into my special reaction chamber that I fill with magnesium scraps (among other things) to produce my own salts....

different anon

I want to hear more, please

it turns me on as a cook and .. as a.. man

>> No.8147066

magnesia != magnesium. Magnesia is manganese, which is a completely different element.

>> No.8147071

>It's milk of magnesia, which is actually a manganese solution.
I feel dumb now.

>> No.8147072

What if it's the same person, and they have Alzheimer's?

>> No.8147076


>I make a cleansing juice every morning

isn't that exactly what you said?


>It is the exact same as drinking a cup of sugar water.

are you retarded? do you think coca cola is THE EXACT SAME as a glass of orange juice? fuck outta here you retard

>what are vitamins
>what is calcium
>what is potassium
>what is manganese
>what is copper

..and so on

>> No.8147083


dw, I got it wrong, too:


>> No.8147088
File: 84 KB, 907x661, 36c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamned hippies.

I bet the fucking Green Party had their national convention in this "restaurant".

Jesus Fucking Christ.

>The Nori Wrap is a great snack for in between classes, on your way to yoga, or whenever you need a quick bite to eat. It's filled with spicy magnesium mayo, carrots, cucumbers, mixed greens, and kimchi.

>> No.8147090

Well, it's a specialized airtight and nonreactive chamber with ports for gas intake. You load it in with scraps and dust of whatever metal you want to use (potassium, sodium, magnesium, etc) and then pump in the gaseous elemental form of a halogen (usually chlorine). I make everything, and I mean everything, homemade if I'm going to cook with it.

>> No.8147111


You're a massive carnivore shitlord who doesn't activate his almonds or take his coconut crystals.

>> No.8147113


>I make everything, and I mean everything, homemade if I'm going to cook with it.

do you make your own flour? grow your own veg?

(i'm not being sarcastic, I do grow my own crops)

what else do you do by yourself? ever considered making a thread about it?

are you greg easter?

>> No.8147127

>tfw doing a line of coconut crystals
This habit is going to kill me, but it just makes me feel so alive!

>do you make your own flour? grow your own veg?
Of course. I also specially formulate the soil for the optimum nitrogen balance, make my own compost, and make my own mulch. Hell, all of my produce is made up of unique cultivars that I've refined through my many years. I even ship in ocean water to make my own sea salt (which I make in the traditional salt evaporation pond method).

>> No.8147139


>Of course. I also specially formulate the soil for the optimum nitrogen balance, make my own compost, and make my own mulch. Hell, all of my produce is made up of unique cultivars that I've refined through my many years. I even ship in ocean water to make my own sea salt (which I make in the traditional salt evaporation pond method).

you mind if I get in contact with you via E-Mail? I have a feeling this thread will be derailed, but I have so many questions I still want to ask you

>> No.8147144

Why are you worried about a derail? My posts are still here and you can still respond to me. I'll give you my email once this thread reaches its bump limit. Ask away while you can.

>> No.8147145
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interestingly enough they seem to observe the power of doubles and triples, praise kek.

>> No.8147157


I would honestly order a random mylk smoothie, suggest I pick the place next time, laughing it off saying it's not really my thing (washing it down with a couple swigs of vodka from the hip flask), and literally eat a bullet before ever referring to a food or drink as a meme, because you are honestly worse than anyone who actually leaves the house and actually tries things, unless they eat cold fast food, and actually consider that a step up from their usual fare.

>> No.8147161

That would give me the dankest farts, holy shit.

>> No.8147162


sure enough my friend. where did you get your information from, regarding planting crops, soil, ideal watering and so forth? mostly scientific journals?

what is your work? it seems you invest a lot of time into this, as do I.

what are some things I can grow inside? I've successfully grown physalis, maracuja, all kinds of herbs and I have a few flowers that I keep making offshoots off, but I want to enter the next step.

right now it is only possible for me to grow fruit and veg in my parents garden since I'm much too young to buy a house.

any fruit or veg you can think of that can be grown insides? I have had success with mushrooms.

>> No.8147166

That coconut cream pie looks horrid.

>> No.8147179


You would fart all the way to yoga class, and then you would smoke a massive blunt with the superfood smoothie you had for lunch and pass out due to nourishment.

Namaste, Anon

>> No.8147180

>vitamins mattering when you're the kind of person that drinks 60g of sugar in a "healthy" fruit smoothie

Please be fat somewhere else.

>> No.8147190
File: 179 KB, 1000x670, pad thai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be honest though. The Pad Thai actually looks pretty decent. I'd definitely eat it.

The Nori looks bland though. If you don't put some sort of sauce, you are pretty much eating raw, shredded lettuce wrapped in seaweed

>> No.8147197

>where did you get your information from, regarding planting crops, soil, ideal watering and so forth? mostly scientific journals?
A wide collection of sources. The internet is quite the valuable tool nowadays and you can find any sort of information if you look hard enough.
>what is your work?
I don't.
>any fruit or veg you can think of that can be grown insides?
The simplest things are, as you said, mushrooms. There are various mushroom cultures that you can get and then have a stable mycelium base that will regularly fruit. The stump method with plugs is one way to go about it, but that takes a good amount of room. The main constraint with indoor gardening is of course sunlight. You'd need some place with a high amount of window access which also gets plenty of light. For a good indoor plant, you'd want something compact that also bears fruit. Tomatoes and some varieties of peppers are very good if you live in an area with plenty of sun. What type of climate do you live in?

>pad thai that isn't made out of fried noodles
>pad thai without fish sauce or any sort of shrimp product
They also sauce their nori wraps with MAGNESIUM MAYO and "Kim Chi," whoever that is..

I know, right? No coconut or cream!

>> No.8147205

Sure, because the only people you ever see in juice bars are all FAT, aren't they?

>> No.8147209

I can't believe nobody has noticed "liquid nitrogen ice cream"

>> No.8147215

I can't believe that you haven't noticed the other people in this thread that have noticed "liquid nitrogen ice cream." Liquid nitrogen ice cream is actually really legit.

>> No.8147217

As long as it contains activated almonds, we will be fine.

>> No.8147221

why don't you notice me ;)

>> No.8147222

>coconut cream pie made out of an activated almond crust and activated almond cream

>> No.8147224

That's probably the only thing I'd get from this place. They don't even have wheat grass, everything else is just sugar shit, so might as well get something good

>> No.8147225


>For a good indoor plant, you'd want something compact that also bears fruit. Tomatoes and some varieties of peppers are very good if you live in an area with plenty of sun

done both actually. I love peppers, probably doing my own hot sauce at one point

>What type of climate do you live in?

I live in Germany.


Additional questions:

How do you keep yourself afloat?

Are you into sustainability, i.e. do you only produce for yourself or you sell, too?

Next question will be a little off the rails, hope that's okay..

..For a long time I have been very much turned onto the idea of saving biodiversity, this contains two aspects:

1 Find ways to prepare invasive species, be they animals or plants, or at least make them useful

2 Find ways to cultivate common regional plants that are put in danger by industrial scale farming/livestock; invasive species; climate change; environment change

any ideas how I would go about doing that? how do I find out what is on the decline? I have a decent idea of invasive species in Germany, but that's pretty much it


Any websites you can recommend me that helped you with your research/ that you generally use?

How much time goes into the cultivating of your grains, veggies, fruits?

What else do you do besides spices, crops?

Tx mate this has been really interesting so far

>> No.8147236

>he doesn't know what skinny fat is

Enjoy your diabetes, ya dingus.

>> No.8147243

>Heart Activation
>Tiger's Eye
>Crystal Attunement
>Wound Healing

This is the gayest RPG I have ever seen, /ck/

>> No.8147251

>add ins
>fulvic acid
>literally paying more for unactivated almonds

>> No.8147255

Don't worry about me, thanks, I'm in absolutely zero danger of getting the 'beetus. Just had a full work up a month ago. Worry about yourself, since you're so full of misinformation and self-denial.

>> No.8147256

You make your own water?

>> No.8147271

>getting this upset just because someone told you the bitter truth that you're eating the equivalent of a mcflurry and pretending it's healthy

That's some serious delusion, my friend.

>> No.8147275

Do you have a greenhouse? Those can be very useful for preserving plants that you don't want to get cold and still get sun. I assume that you grow leafy greens of some sort outside and possibly squash.
>How do you keep yourself afloat
A large chunk of cash that will last for the rest of my life.
>do you only produce for yourself or you sell, too?
Only for myself. This is less of a sustainability thing and more of an OCD thing.
>1 Find ways to prepare invasive species, be they animals or plants, or at least make them useful
Admirable. What's invasive in Germany?
>2 Find ways to cultivate common regional plants that are put in danger by industrial scale farming/livestock; invasive species; climate change; environment change
Your country should have some sort of registry on what types of plants are threatened/endangered. From there, if you can procure a sample of some sort you can experiment a bit while trying to maintain qualities that you'd find in their natural habitat. Every detail matters for that, such as light exposure, soil moisture, soil composition, etc.
>How much time goes into the cultivating
A lot.
>What else do you do besides spices, crops?
Some animals, such as chickens, goats, and pigs.
>Any websites?

I'm not as anal about that, since I can get it distilled and making it isn't as cool as other compounds.

>> No.8147278

>detonating a hydrogen bomb
>not as cool

>> No.8147285

A hydrogen bomb is a device that fuses hydrogen nuclei in order to create a giant explosion. A hydrogen-oxygen reaction is just a bit of flame, usually in a controlled flow like a torch in a chamber that is able to condense it. That's pretty eh.

>> No.8147298


>Do you have a greenhouse?

chances are we will acquire a public garden (my own house is not in sight for the next..10 years)

and set up a green house, yes

> I assume that you grow leafy greens of some sort outside and possibly squash.

in my parents garden: potatoes, carrots, leek, zucchini, squash, asparagus

strawberries, peaches, raspberries, apples, cherries, nashi pears..

I don't live with them ever since I finished HS and have gotten pretty detached from the gardening the last three years, I still check everything I originally planted when I visit, every other month

>Only for myself. This is less of a sustainability thing and more of an OCD thing.

completely understand, I feel the same way to be honest

>Admirable. What's invasive in Germany?

the biggest problems are raccoons, by far, but I probably won't cook those..

the more realistic contenders would be aquatic plants (certainly problematic) and invasive species of fish, mostly from the caucasus (probably edible!) and, probably the biggest thread in the water department: some form of minitature shrimp (idk the proper English word, sorry!)

>Your country should have some sort of registry on what types of plants are threatened/endangered. From there, if you can procure a sample of some sort you can experiment a bit while trying to maintain qualities that you'd find in their natural habitat. Every detail matters for that, such as light exposure, soil moisture, soil composition, etc.

yes, that was my plan. have a separate garden just for the cultivation of threatened plants/funghi/mosses et cetera and then give out offshoots for free!

>Some animals, such as chickens, goats, and pigs.

fuck I'm jealous. sounds like a dream.

thanks for the websites, will bookmark them.

>> No.8147306


Is it okay if I have some more questions?

The scale of your operation is impressive, do you actually do all of it by yourself?

Have you ever gotten really attached to your animals? I figure I couldn't kill a pig I had raised for years.

Where do you live?

How many people know about your operation, you ever have people over for meals or something like that?

What motivated you to build this up? For how long have you been doing this?

>> No.8147322

> some form of minitature shrimp
Sounds weird. I know Britain has a problem with invasive crayfish, but that's a bit different.
>potatoes, carrots, leek, zucchini, squash, asparagus, strawberries, peaches, raspberries, apples, cherries, nashi pears..
Damn, man. That's great variety. What exactly is a nashi pear? Is that like an Asian pear? I recommend kale and chard because they're easy, hardy, nutritious, and delicious. Maybe try sweet potatoes and radishes as well. Beans are also pretty good to grow as are peas. They fix nitrogen and can help with depleted soil.
>The scale of your operation is impressive, do you actually do all of it by yourself?
I have help.
>Have you ever gotten really attached to your animals? I figure I couldn't kill a pig I had raised for years.
You learn to set aside attachment. Also it's not a good idea to bond with future food.
>Where do you live?
>How many people know about your operation, you ever have people over for meals or something like that?
People visit. I have a large amount of land.
>What motivated you to build this up? For how long have you been doing this?
A want to detach from society. I've been doing this for quite some time.

>> No.8147358
File: 191 KB, 1024x756, NASHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Damn, man. That's great variety

most of it was initiated and is still maintained by my parents. I bought a great deal of foreign herbs that are impossible to acquire in shops and also helped with potaters, asparagus and my dad's jalapenos, birdeyes and pepperoni. he has a great variety of chili peppers.

>What exactly is a nashi pear? Is that like an Asian pear?

yes. also called nashu here in korea or nashj, many different spellings as always. it has a much better texture (in my opinion) than regular pears, it has way, way more crunch, is a bit more juicy, while the flavor is largely the same.

>I recommend kale and chard because they're easy, hardy, nutritious, and delicious.

word, green leafy vegetables are actually my favorite.

swiss chard, beet greens, baby bok choy, collard greens, savoy cabbage, spinach..

I eat them raw often times in a salad, but also integrated into all kinds of dishes. swiss chard, bok choy, savoy cabbage are my favorite flavor wise.

here in ROK meat is super expensive so I mainly eat vegetable, only get meat once or twice a week or if I eat out.

>I have help.
>You learn to set aside attachment. Also it's not a good idea to bond with future food.

I see.

>People visit. I have a large amount of land.

do you just live in a suburb/rural area or did you go full Thoreau and moved out into your own sanctuary?

>A want to detach from society. I've been doing this for quite some time.

detach yourself from society in a way of not having human contact and not wanting to interact with people or in a way of being self-sufficient, independent, not supporting institutions and the state?

sorry if these questions are stupid. cheers.

>> No.8147370

>do you just live in a suburb/rural area or did you go full Thoreau and moved out into your own sanctuary?
More on the Thoreau side of things.
>detach yourself from society in a way of not having human contact and not wanting to interact with people or in a way of being self-sufficient, independent, not supporting institutions and the state?
More the latter.
I have a question for you: are you in Korea or Germany? Both seem to have been referenced, though I may be talking to two different people.

>> No.8147398


I am German, just spending a semester abroad. I will return home in approx 4 months. Sorry for the confusion.

I am out of ammunition, but would love to keep the conversation going at a later time.

Got to finish roughly 40 pages of research and easily 500 pages of reading in the next 5 days but I have plenty of time after that.

If you are interested just throw me a mail at this throwaway:


If not, no problem at all.