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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8142858 No.8142858 [Reply] [Original]

How many of you consider yourself "food addicts"?

>> No.8142859

I would literally die without it.

>> No.8142960

I'm suffering from pretty severe food withdrawal righ now.
Real talk, I fucking hate food. If I could magically make every single food in the world taste like cardboard for everyone, I would.

>> No.8142961

Food and drugs are the only reason I haven't killed myself

>> No.8142982

I think I would too but I'm not completely sure

>> No.8143738

Probably, but it wont be a life worth living. Also i don't have any other addiction and calories in = calories out, anyway, I eat "healthy" most of time.

>> No.8144021

I just can't eat a small meal and then several hours for more. I have to feel satisfied or else the hunger gnaws at me. I guess some might call that addicted. At least I feel I am.

>> No.8145340

I need my hit at least three times a day. It's becoming a problem.

>> No.8145420

I only eat after work in the evenings but I eat a lot. Am I a functioning food addict? I can't remember the last time I went a day without food. I bet withdrawal would set in after a day or two.

>> No.8145491

>Eat on a daily basis
>Have to plan certain aspects of my day around eating
>Adverse side effects when I stop

Shit, I've been on a 1200 to 1500 calorie count for over a year and I still have all the hallmarks.

>> No.8146741
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i'm pretty bad. i got type 2 diabetes 'cause of my binge eating

there's definitely something neurologically and/or hormonal wrong with me.


this guy had an unsustainable appetite and would anything and everything: live animals, garbage, etc. eventually he ate a baby.

>> No.8146754

Sounds more like you hate people

>> No.8146782

>Discover soda
>Be literal vitamin pills away from malnutrition
>Barely eat
Its fine

>> No.8148688

Addict?. No. I eat when im hungry or just know my body needs nutrition.

>> No.8148740

That's not what withdrawal is, you retarded underage b&. If anything that's an aversion.

>> No.8148849
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>interrupt work/studying for food
>go through withdrawal if i miss a day of food, its pretty painful
>withdrawal will get worse until i die
>think about it multiple times a day