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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8136705 No.8136705 [Reply] [Original]

Can any Asians give me tips and recipes on cooking dog?

>> No.8136708
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>> No.8136718

There is literally nothing wrong with eating dogs.

Try to debate me, I know you can't.

>> No.8136747

When did we say there was? Why do you feel the need to defend your shitty food opinions when literally no one cares, are you insecure? baka you're acting like a super vegan "oh by the way I'm vegan and I'm better than you" fuck outta here

>> No.8136751

>everybody! Look at my opinions!!!

>> No.8136753


I feel like dogs are more emotionally responsive than the other animals we eat..

And as such, eating one I find more akin to eating something more human.

Which is unsettling

>> No.8136755

"Here's why I'm right and you're wrong"

>> No.8136757


I mean, I'd eat it. Flesh is flesh. I think it's a social stigma. You wouldn't kill and eat your friends. It's principle bro.

>> No.8136758

both pigs and cows are more emotionally responsive than dogs in my experience. Especially cows. They are emo as fuck. They have best friends, show grief and sadness and express joy like no other animal.

>> No.8136805
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Dog is a great source of protein if you consider the gains.
The slaughtering is very much like pigs.
> dice the boneless meat into 1-inch cubes, with or without skin. There will be little to no fat
> marinate with (grinded, everything here is grinded) galangal, turmeric, rice vinegar, soy sauce or fish sauce to taste, and black pepper
> in a separate bowl, mix sesame oil with finely chopped green onion
> grill on red, flameless charcoal, oil up regularly
> serve with toasted peanuts/sesame sprinkled on top
The general cheat sheet in Viet cuisine is dog goes with turmeric, chicken - lime leaves, and pork - onion
Pic related

>> No.8136807

>There is literally nothing wrong with eating dogs.
Their feed to growth ratio is a bit shit.
And in places with proper sanitation you have to provide all the feed yourself.

>> No.8136830

Mix that with some chili's and some salt pepper and fish sauce and you are golden.

>> No.8136842

I'd eat a dog I don't give a fuck. But is it tasty?

>> No.8136848


Generally speaking people tend not to eat carnivores because they don't taste very good. However pretty much anything is going to taste good if you season it with the kind of stuff being discussed here.

>> No.8136849

Your feelings are wrong. Spend some FUCKKKINGGG time on a farm and you will see how responsive the other animals are when you do stuff with (or to heh heh) them

>> No.8136854

Literally the only reason we don't eat dogs is because they have proven themselves more useful alive as companions and hunting partners and protection and dozens of other things than they are as meat.

It's the same thing with horses and cats. On top of the fact that the meat they produce isn't very good to begin with, all of these animals are more useful to us alive. A cow doesn't do shit for us but provide steaks. That's why we eat cows.

>> No.8136859

The Asians that cook dog probably don't use the Internet. That said, I'll ask my mom next time I visit home.

>> No.8136861

The only reason why you feel this way is because you are familiar with and may have spent a fair deal of time with dogs. Cows and pigs are just as emotionally responsive, if not more.

>> No.8136865
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>A cow doesn't do shit for us but provide steaks.

they sing us to sleep at night
check and mate

>> No.8136932

Have you had dog? It's pretty shit desu.
Doesn't taste any good at all and the meat's too tough and stringy.

>> No.8136939

Boshintang is a traditional Korean dog soup. Fairly spicy with Kolchujang. Older Korean men believe it enhaces virility.

Having tried it when I was in the service over there, I can say that it would be better with pork or beef instead of dog. The flavor and texture of the meat didn't appeal to me.

The slaughter process is pretty horrific. They hang it up alive and beat it to death with a thick pole, theory being it will be more tender. Not for the faint of hear>>8136849

>> No.8136962

Dogs are the oldest domesticated animal, they've been by our sides for 40,000 plus years. Unlike cows, goats, sheep, chicken, etc., dogs were not bred to eat. They came from a time before agriculture- they were domesticated to hunt with us. The taste for dog meat has only ever developed in various cultures because at one point people were starving at had to resort to eating them. But even then these cultures have legends and stories about the bond between man and dog. To me, eating dog is betraying an extremely primordial- and unique- relationship 40,000 years in the making.

>> No.8137027


>> No.8137035

How is this even reddit tier, newfag?

>> No.8137046

Not the guy who responded to you, but anons just cry "reddit" whenever they see something they don't agree with or don't like, or don't have any arguments to counter you.

Speaking of which, >>8136962 is a good post. I would not have any problem with eating dog personally, but I definitely see how social stigma would prevent people from doing so. Some anons in this thread are saying it doesn't even taste good, so maybe its for the best that I haven't had it.

>> No.8137076

>just cry "reddit" whenever they see something they don't agree with or don't like, or don't have any arguments to counter you.

so it's sort of like "meme" then?

>> No.8137096

Dog is a stringy meat.
Slow cooking, seasoning, and tenderizing are all key in making it edible.

>> No.8137130
File: 176 KB, 664x1203, fedora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dogs are the oldest domesticated animal, they've been by our sides for 40,000 plus years. Unlike cows, goats, sheep, chicken, etc., dogs were not bred to eat. They came from a time before agriculture- they were domesticated to hunt with us. The taste for dog meat has only ever developed in various cultures because at one point people were starving at had to resort to eating them. But even then these cultures have legends and stories about the bond between man and dog. To me, eating dog is betraying an extremely primordial- and unique- relationship 40,000 years in the making.

>> No.8137159

>implying being a westerner that's okay with eating dog meat doesn't make you an edgy fedora faggot
You're the kind of asshole that finds pets degenerate

>> No.8137178

I hope you're aware of the irony of your reply

>> No.8137192

That's not a fedora.

>> No.8137197

I would have no problem eating any animal that is edible and tasty.
It's hypocrisy.
Same thing with horses. Horse steak is fucking delicious.

>> No.8137198


>> No.8137209

there is none you fucking dumbass. he spoke the truth.

>> No.8137223


>> No.8137225

Wow you're right, that's a cavalry hat?

>> No.8137350


>> No.8137680


>> No.8137733

I would eat a dog just to offend all the butthurt whiteys in this thread

>> No.8137802


>> No.8137844
