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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8136525 No.8136525 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your opinion on the food wishes channel.

Too Americanised?

>> No.8136527
File: 81 KB, 718x395, how bout no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not american enough.

i don't want your ooga booga jungle brown people recipes, chef john. stick civilization pls.

>> No.8136529


Flag shitposts belong on a >>>/flagboard/

>> No.8136530

Isn't that just potatoes and saffron rice?

>Most powerful nation in the world
>scared of mud people with sticks

>> No.8136597

The US is not civilisation; it's the wild west.

>> No.8136619

Jack Toby: We're not pioneers anymore, Dad.
Paul Kersey: What are we, Jack?
Jack Toby: What do you mean?
Paul Kersey: I mean, if we're not pioneers, what have we become? What do you call people who, when they're faced with a condition or fear, do nothing about it, they just run and hide?
Jack Toby: Civilized?
Paul Kersey: No.

>> No.8136781

>le cayenne man

>> No.8136834

That guy's cadence and the lilt in his voice is so fucking irritating. Makes him come off like a stupid piece of shit that should get knocked one.

>> No.8136997

I agree. The few videos I saw had some good food but his voice fucking ruined it for me

>> No.8137277
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Senpai has noticed us

>> No.8137377

He should update his channel picture, I thought he was part black this whole time. And his inflection is kinda annoying

>> No.8137378

>not putting cayenne in everything you eat

>> No.8137412

Comfiest food channel.

>> No.8137436

To be fair, it is pretty versatile.

>> No.8137547

It's annoying at first, but endearing in the long run. If you check out his early videos, they;re just his normal speaking voice and it's monotone and boring as shit, so I get why he switched it up.

>> No.8137559

saw that the other day on his instant potatoes shill vid, wasn't expecting that. his shittalking of those people mad at him for making a sponsored video makes it better

>> No.8137565

Who knew fans wouldn't be okay with a shill vid.

But yeah, he knows of our presence. If we call upon him, we might summon the power of the cayenne.

>> No.8137572

there is no such thing as "too americanized"

>> No.8137573
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other content creators have shilled with a lot less heads-up for a product. i understand how both sides of it, but the unnecessary bullshit that came from a video about boxed potato flakes is just silly

>> No.8137574

check out the BBQ pit boys.

>> No.8137584

fuckin savage

>> No.8137589

I really like him. At first I thought his pronunciation is annoying af but now I got used to it and think it's entertaining listening to him.
He, Byron Talbott and Akis Kitchen are the first youtubers I look up when I want to try something new. Also Seonkyoung Longest, her mongolian beef was the best I ever had

>> No.8137613

It's not. I watched a ton of these with some shitty Ausfag and I could never get over his valley girl up talking.

>> No.8137679

I don't get what's so hard to understand. If he gets more money he can make better content.

>> No.8137694

This is autism.

>> No.8137835

His intonation is way off, otherwise fine.

>> No.8137871


Fuck he's great.

I had a lot of trouble getting over the voice at first too, but then it just grows on you.

Not to mention the style of filming by focusing on the food and not himself is a huge reason why I like him in the first place

>> No.8137880

>Light a cigar with a $100
God damn that's a good way to end it.

>> No.8137887

He's right, though. The best Chef John were the early ones where he's somewhere in between his normal voice and the weird robotic cutesy voice he puts on today.

Better channel:

>> No.8137896 [DELETED] 
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>not american enough

>> No.8137897

I like him.

Decent videos, good camera, decent production quality, keeps things entertaining with slightly silly voice and humour.

Even his easy mash shill video was good
don't know why people got bothered by that though

>> No.8137907

Agreed. Don't listen to people who say you just get used to it or that it's soothing or whatever. I love his food and I respect him, but I don't watch his channel due to his annoying baby talk.

>> No.8137914

I like it actually, very relaxing

>> No.8138222


Go fuck yourself with your ASMR garbage

>> No.8139675
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Fucking rekt god damn what a guy.

>> No.8139732

He is an absolute cunt in his comment section.

He made a sellout video recently making imitation potatoes of all things

his recipes are lack luster now

he's still pretty good all things considered though, at least when he is not cooking, "block of wood on a piece of paper"

>> No.8139816
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>> No.8139825

>don't know why people got bothered by that though
probably not because he was shilling but because of what he was advertising
felt weird to hear im talk about instant stuff in a good way and him acting like it's his favourite even though he usually praises fresh ingredients and says the only canned ingredient you should use are tomatoes
I honestly dont care though, as others have said: 1200 videos, and two of them were sponsored or advertised something, it's not like he betrayed his fans or destroyed his legacy
Where I'm from the most famous TV chef, who praised freshness and quality ingridients to the degree that he founded his own brand and wouldnt use anything but that started advertising for McDonalds. THAT is selling out

>> No.8139836

The fuck is ASMR?

I like it because it's good food without any talking, instead of good food with baby-speak over all of it.

>> No.8139859

He talks with the same stupid upward inflection at the end of everything he says and it drives me fucking nuts

>> No.8139913

I hated it at first, but now it fills my heart with peace.

>> No.8139920

I used to watch his videos years ago and loved them. However I checked out his recent content yesterday and he's completely overhauled the way he speaks and it's sooooo much worse. Dude is seriously annoying now. But his recipes are sweet.

>> No.8139923

Like it sounds like he's speaking to a dog

>> No.8140352

You mean retarded talking channel? Cant stand that helium infused cunt. Thought he had to be fat too.

>> No.8140376

I like how he does experimental dishes and stuff. He once made this snail-less escargot with mushrooms and quite clearly hated it but still uploaded the video
also theres some hilarious shit in the comments of his videos
>Commenter: is there a vegan option for this dish?
>Chef John: No.

>> No.8140406 [DELETED] 
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>Chef John, an American Chef

>Too Americanised?

>> No.8140412
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>Chef John, an American Chef

>Too Americanised?

>> No.8140446

It's not that he shilled for a product. It's that the video has literally no other purpose. It's up there like a Foodwishes video but all it is is "buy this product and follow the package instructions." If he did something creative with it and said, "hey, I'm advertising this product 'cause I think it's awesome," that would be cool. Instead, it's just 100% advertising under the guise of a video. Even MPW does something creative with his Knorr videos. They're essentially ads, but he isn't completely wasting your time.

>> No.8140459

what a fuckin guy

>> No.8140518

>those eyes
>too American
Clearly hes from kaer morhen

>> No.8140533

He's my favorite YouTube chef, I've seen most of his videos of the last 3 years

His voice is endearing but it took me a little while to get used to. He's a fantastic chef and I appreciate the formatting of his videos.

>> No.8140540

I think I heard in one of his videos he said he was like a 1/4 asian

>> No.8140701

>passive aggressive whine ass bitch fit
wow he really showed those haters!!! xD

>> No.8140717

I'm conflicted.
He's a perfect pedagogue, but so often his techniques reek of magical thinking. I think he puts too much stock into French cuisine, and he doesn't really understand food as a science. He puts a lot of stock in marinades, he puts a lot of stock into a many archaic culinary practices. However, those are faults that are common to all culinary personalities- Gordon Ramsay is probably worse than he is, though Gordon Ramsay, like Chef John, is still entertaining and easy to watch, albeit for different reasons.
Chef John, in spite of his technical approach to cooking, is far more conversant in cooking as an aesthetic and an art.

>> No.8140786
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>> No.8140803

cooking in russia

>> No.8140825

Is this fresh pasta or are you some kind of tumblr culinary nu-kin?

>> No.8140938

Annoying fatass, old /ck/ hated him

only with the flood of reddit did this board actually start to like him

>> No.8141561

>old /ck/ hated him
they really didn't care either way about him compared to now, honestly. it was all about alton brown

>> No.8142028

i thought it was kinda funny. it's blatant and up front product placement but it also pokes fun at himself and his own channel. then the amount of butthurt and drama that it stirred up and continues to is just straight up hilarious.

>> No.8142035

The only real issue I have is that his videos have consistently grown longer for no apparent reason. It's a lot of empty space and videos on simple things are almost 8 minutes long now.

>> No.8142626

Whatever happened to that about Alton Brown? I haven't been here for a while and when I came back nobody talked about him or what they said was negative.

A few years ago, they (we) were still creaming over good eats reruns.

>> No.8143359

There's only so much you can talk about Good Eats. He hasn't done much worth talking about since. He's gotten more political, and goes around on podcasts and talk shows bloviating about shit he obviously doesn't understand. I think he just likes to hear himself talk.

>> No.8143373

this x1000
i really wish reddit didn't exist and they'd all be stuck on facebook or twitter their entire lives

>> No.8143433 [DELETED] 


>> No.8143501

theres some salt in your undies

>> No.8144548


what a smug cunt.

>> No.8146024

I mean, good point. I figured newfags would cycle in as oldfags die out and he'd still be talked about.

>> No.8146028


>> No.8146033

guy has so much content I don't know where to start.

>> No.8146043
File: 903 KB, 908x1004, 1473776549007.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I agree with you in spirit I dont see the point at bitching over one video, the guy has made tons of videos and blog posts you can still go over and even download for personal use. Even if he did nothing but more product placement, hes given you a bunch of content you can access virtually for free with ad block. how the hell do you complain about that?

MPW's knorr videos are excellent product placement because of that creativity, but this guy doesn't owe you anything.

>> No.8146237

Go choke on a slushie you numbnuts.