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8134263 No.8134263 [Reply] [Original]

Why do corpse-eaters think veganism is wrong?

>> No.8134294

Because humans are omnivores you retarded faggot.

>> No.8134301
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Yummy, I fucking love eating animals. Tastes extra good when they've suffered horribly. Oh wait they can't because they can't process "suffering" because spoilers they're dumb animals :^)

You keep depriving yourself of crucial vitamins and become an effeminate faggot with gyno hanging off your chest and I'll eat a nice juicy steak with zero consequences.

>> No.8134344

dumb frogposter

>> No.8134355

You know, animals aren't dumb, really they feel a lot of emotions. Exemple: Usually, to have milk, you inseminate a cow cuz she makes milk only for her son, but, in order to optimizate this production, you take the baby away from its mom and u usually have to calm her with a lot of disgusting way. And you repeat this process until the cow die or get very sick. Animals do have fucking feeling.

>> No.8134378

>she makes milk only for her son
uhh sexist much? -.-

>> No.8134413

Sorry, i don't speak english well but i didn't meant that

>> No.8134421

Thanks anon, I didn't really need to get a hard on every time I drink milk though.

>> No.8134430

Lol what a dumb cow, way to get manipulated

>> No.8134438

Have you raised animals? I have. Raising animals is why I really could not be a vegan for ethical reasons (perhaps I could be for environmental).

Cows and Pigs I can justify as possibly morally relevant. Pigs I am not as happy for that because they're a bunch of mean cunts who, if you lie down in their pen, will just eat you without a second thought. Chickens are even worse, they do not have something we would consider emotional complexity. They are violent.

And no, I did not raise them on a factory farm, this was a few pigs, cows, and chickens on my grandfather's farm in the country. They were treated well, they were still bastards.

Even if you somehow justify these as morally relevant. Are fish? They are primitive to the point some can not even feel pain. How about we go even farther? Are shellfish morally relevant? What about clams?

If you really try to justify me that a clam is morally relevant I honestly can't see you as anything but a retard.

>> No.8134454

>living creature
>fish dont feel pain

so now youre a marine biologist too? get fucked fatty you eat me because of culture. You were taught to eat meat just like you were taught to take your dads cock in your mouth.

>> No.8134455

>implying vegans don't eat plant corpses

>> No.8134481

buttmad salmon detected
go jump in a bears mouth or something

>> No.8134491

Marine Biologist here, master's degree in Marine Science from University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. Whether or not fish can actually feel pain has long been a subject of debate. All we really know is that fish get stressed out if you zap them or let them suffocate.

>> No.8134501
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>corpse eaters
that's metal as fuck
i love that nickname

>> No.8134503

Are you implying that every living creature feels pain? Because that would be just retarded.

>> No.8134506

Ok, try and justify to me the moral relevance of clams or oysters.

>> No.8134514
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won't someone please think of the cockles?

>> No.8134516

Because we're not mentally ill, like vegans.

>> No.8134518
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>said Eugene as he struggled to lift his Papier-mache textured twigs he calls his arms laboriously over his macbook pro's keyboard to type out a shitpost; the most energy he could possibly expend given his lifestyle of consuming on tree bark and pencil shavings.

>> No.8134605

Check your endoskeletal privilege, bigot.

>> No.8134639

Bro, you just took the bait

>> No.8134670

I don't think veganism is wrong in itself.
Just don't fucking tell me what to eat or not eat because that's my damn business. Eat whatever you want.

>> No.8134671

Sir, you're only making us seem more metal. Example of how you are failing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vi2DyXA0Rok

>> No.8134700

Consider suicide. You knew perfectly well what the anon was referring to.