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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8131724 No.8131724 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like meat in the morning, /ck/?

>> No.8131751

I greatly dislike sweets for breakfast. Pancakes, waffles, breakfast cereal, oatmeal, Pop-Tarts, yogurt, soda, energy drinks, granola bars, etc. I can't stand the stuff.

My ideal breakfast is sausage or bacon, eggs, and potatoes.

>> No.8131758


milk and sugar foods upset my stomach in the morning.

>> No.8131815

Damn straight.

>> No.8131820

And you sound like incredible fags.

>> No.8131930

Sweets taste bad and make me nauseous at any time. My ideal breakfast is eggs, bacon or sausage, hash browns, toast and fruit.

For health reasons, though, I eat a bowl of unsweatened granola with blue berries.

>> No.8131933

same here.

Usually have poached egg and toast. meat if i have some available,

>> No.8131958


meat goes well with my breakfast beer

>> No.8131972

Fruit, that'll do.

>> No.8131979

Weissewurst is a great breakfast food. Laksa is the best though.

>> No.8131982

I skip breakfast, a coffee or some water until lunch

>> No.8132247

Steak, eggs, hashbrowns, and pancakes for me. Or country fried steak w/ a biscuit and gravy.

>> No.8132258

A fried egg on rice and miso soup

>> No.8132530

God fucking yes, I wish I had more sausages in my house when I was younger, would have eaten that shit for breakfast erryday

What are your guy's favorite sausages?

>> No.8132546

>,tfw never have time for breakfast because I spend 20 minutes fapping and shitposting when I wake up

>> No.8132553

Not really, I just have porridge.

>> No.8132580


Same, my man.

>> No.8132634

How are oatmeals sweet? Or some yoghurts for that matter.

>> No.8132648

oatmeal is pure fucking sugar asshat

>> No.8132672
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>he doesn't make homemade oatmeal with oats and milk only and sprinkle raisins on top.

>> No.8132688

Used to put one splenda packet into my oats.

Now I just put frozen wild blueberries.

I'll have that and some egg whites for breakfast. I guess it's healthy. I drink a couple beers or some bourbon for dinner though. At least I'm losing weight.

Every once in a while I'll cook up some soup with chicken or cheap steak in it, along with veggies and whatever noodles I have around for breakfast.

I don't care much.

>> No.8132689

Oatmeal is only sweet if you buy one of those premade instant kinds. I used to eat those dry as a kid because they were nothing but sugar and spice with a little bit of oatmeal

>> No.8132691

If I want to be a fatass, sure. But coffee or tea and a bagel/ toast is fine.

Bacon and eggs is a bit much though. If I eat meat, it's usually leftovers heated up.

>> No.8132693

Oh and I cut out the splenda because it was sweet enough without it.

After drinking so much beer and bourbon in my life my tongue detects flavors like sweetness much more efficiently. Can't handle sweets like I used to.

>> No.8132699

Get your pallet more used to bitter things like coffee and beer and you'll be able to detect the sweet flavors in unsweetened oats. Add fruit if you need to.

>> No.8132710

i feel that cooked oatmeal works fine on it's own with some sweet fruits and/or cinnamon

>> No.8132842
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Of course. Four minutes in the microwave and I have the perfect morning snack.

>> No.8132866


nigger are you fucking retarded????


>tfw they sell EVERY freeze-dried fruit imagineable in supermarkets here
>tfw best breakfast muesli of my life

>> No.8132869

>soda, energy drinks

p-people have these at breakfast?

>> No.8132947

yes you fucking pussy

I crack open a couple of cans of mountain dew every morning

>> No.8132950

What kinda sausage is the white sausage?

>> No.8132957

yes i do. the only thing i can't eat in the morning is sweet things. i once almost threw up because of eating something too sweet

>> No.8133627

Bavarian Weisswurst. From Veal and Pork, has a spongy texture and a very mild flavour. Heated (not cooked) in water, mostly eaten with sweet mustard.

>> No.8133634

I love to have bacon and an egg fried in bacon fat once a week

Some days I have Starbucks turkey bacon and egg sandwich because it's not that many calories and has a meat element

>> No.8133687

All beer has an underlying sweetness to it, yes even your hop bomb double IPAs

These niggas get it. Anything sweeter than some melon in the morning is too much for me.

>> No.8133765

Usually in the morning I'll grill up some sausage, Black Pudding and put it between bread with a little bit of sauce.

>> No.8134257

Of course they do, you dingus. If the bitterness overwhelms the sweetness to the point that you can't taste it then you aren't accustomed to bitter tastes. That was my point. Did you not actually read the post?

And things can be both sweet and bitter. Having some sweetness does not mean the bitterness isn't there.

You've made a great non-point.

>> No.8134374


I don't eat eggs and the sweets-for-breakfast thing never sat well with me, so my idea breakfast food is a BLT and hash browns.

>> No.8134386


some bacon is always a nice treat but anything with too much spices is a little much for the morn. bacon eggs toast is my jam brother

>> No.8134415


Same except for all the garbage. I do eggs turkey sausage and hash browns.

>> No.8134424


Usually no time so I make protein shake instead of breakfast. Banana spinach milk/yogurt vanilla protein powder and then whatever else I wanna do that day blueberries, peanut butter, strawberries, etc.

I can only eat a sweet if I end the meal with savory. I feel sick if I end on sweet.

>> No.8134427

>anything with too much spices is a little much

You ain't lived 'til you fry up leftover Chinese food into a breakfast scramble with eggs and enjoy that with some coffee.

>> No.8134453

It depends.
If I wake refreshed with nowhere to be, like on days off or holidays, yes.
Otherwise I need to be up for 1-2 hours before I have any appetite for it, sometimes longer.
I often eat a nature valley bar or those 'belvita' 4pack biscuits in the morning to settle my stomach.

>> No.8134466

I like meat all the time.

I think I have a problem because meat is about the only food I ever crave.

>> No.8134478

is that a homemade cheeze-it?

>> No.8134509


My usual routine is:
>water first, 2 glasses
>2 cups of tea
>some kind of good fibrous fruit, usually either melon or apple
>then I'll make either scrambled eggs with toast, or an English muffin with egg and Canadian bacon

I don't like eating oatmeal or other cereals for breakfast, because I don't like the carb rush. I can feel it come on, and feel the slow down once it wears off. No sir, I don't like it.

>> No.8134524

How can one anon contain this much sperg?

>> No.8135908

That doesn't sound very appealing, walk me through you process.

>> No.8135951

I only eat breakfast on the weekends as part of a brunch thing. Breakfast in the morning is cruise control for wanting to start the workday with a nap.

I've never understood how people wake up hungry - but that's how my family has always been for the past four generations of men, apparently. Coffee, out to work, no lunch, post-work snack/meal, dinner late, and to bed.

>> No.8135990

>White sausage on water
I mean shit they are supposed to know their sausages but I have a hard time picturing it as good

>> No.8136430

It's a piece of pork belly

>> No.8136434

Milk upsets your stomach? If you're lactose intolerant, try lactaid

>> No.8136441


This guy gets it. Ideal breakfast for me

2 scrambled eggs
Pan fried mushrooms and cherry tomatoes
Few strips of crisp peppered bacon or turkey sausage
Slice of melted cheese on whole wheat toast
Spoonful of giant baked beans in tomato sauce


Toasted onion bagel, herb cream cheese, smoked salmon with dill, red onion, capers, lemon

>> No.8136454


Oh yes as well as hashbrowns.

Hell I would rather eat leftovers from last nights dinner for breakfast over anything sweet.

I can accept a savoury crepe though. I have had some with ham/egg/cheese/chives. Potato pancakes are delicious. Savoury waffles are good. Breakfast burritos. Just nothing sweet. Ham and cheese crossiants are delicious too.

>> No.8136487


>> No.8136498


Happy Oktoberfest, anons

>> No.8136520
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>tfw no more weisswurst, leberkase, or brot
damn it america

>> No.8136524
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can someone truly be such a sperg?

>> No.8136706
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I would like meat, but i can't be bothered to cook in the morning.

I usually buy whatever fruit is one sale, chop it up, freeze it and make smoothies with I've got. Usually hit it with a scoop of protein powder and other health food memery. This and a coffee in the morn get me to lunch.

>> No.8136726

wtf is that white sausage thing? is it meat?

>> No.8136770

I don't like sweets for breakfast either, It makes me crash before lunch.

>> No.8136775


>> No.8136777


>> No.8136793

honestly, I try to eat stuff like porridge or some meat for breakfast, but I am just way too hungry when I wake up and always just quickly make myself 4 slices of toast all buttered up with orange marmalade, and it's like 800 empty calories to start the day with, doesn't even leave me satisfied after 30 minutes honestly.

>> No.8137323



>> No.8137475

I'm not even Bavarian, but weisswurst is one of my absolute favorite breakfasts. It's also a good excuse to have a glass of beer in the morning.

>> No.8137488

They're really good. Don't think of them as Johnsonville brats, or whatever. The point is not a crispy, browned skin. The point is the delicate, lightly spiced meat in the middle. It's refreshing, meaty but not heavy, and delicious. You have to get it from someone who knows how to make it, though. If you have a German sausage shop in your region, go there. You have to have them fresh-made. I live in the German-dominated Rust Belt, and there are only a couple of shops nearby who makes them fresh. They're very delicate sausages, you're not supposed to let them sit around, so I would distrust any packaged ones you get at the supermarket.

>> No.8137523

Mmm dog shit and pretzels

>> No.8137530

Classic breakfast, but waffles are great man.

>> No.8137550

Bacon, sausages of the Jimmy Dean variety (though not usually JD), ham, sometimes smoked turkey if i am out of ham. Not always, though. This AM i had corn flakes with dried strawberries

>> No.8137578

Country life butter, you ill never have a better bit of butter in your knife