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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8126766 No.8126766 [Reply] [Original]

What are some other examples of foods that are offensive? This title is problematic and should be changed in the UK

>> No.8126781
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Sure, this thread will end well..

These were eventually renamed as FADS.

>> No.8126788
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Australia in charge of offending the masses.

>> No.8126812
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I think they banned these in Canada but you can you can still get them in the U. S.

>> No.8127017
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Nigger kisses (Netherlands)

>> No.8127155

Lol I have never seen these in my entire life what are they

>> No.8127161
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They're not real - he's a troll and also a cuck autist - he actually is a cuck I'm not just memeing

>> No.8127162
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>> No.8127245
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Was about to post the German version, although they are officially called "Schokoküsse" (Chocolate kisses) now, most people still call them Negerküsse

>> No.8127284
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>Rapeseed Oil

>> No.8127287
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There's this really popular sauce called Zigeunersauce (Gypsy Sauce) in Germany, which some people (read: Romani and Sinti) found offensive.
So the city Hanover forbade selling "Zigeunerschnitzel", so it's now called "Schnitzel Balkan Art" (Balkan style schnitzel) or "Balkanschnitzel" there.
I think they also tried suing the producer of the sauce but failed

>> No.8127293


Ha, I remember those when I was a kid in Denmark. They're called "nigger balls" there.

>> No.8127718
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>> No.8127730
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>> No.8127788

You are problematic and should be changed to something that does not adequately form a single, healthy, functioning (You)

>> No.8127792


>> No.8127800
File: 33 KB, 600x598, kiosk_fi_brunbergkiss_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigger's kiss, now Brunberg's kiss. Finland. I think they changed the box to something blank recently.

>> No.8127943


>> No.8128022

Love to have a gay time

>> No.8128046
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>> No.8128061


Abradolf Lincler is real!

>> No.8128064
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gonna throw some niggerballs in the mix.

A few weeks ago I ran into this drunk Swedish guy while walking home, dude was pretty cool so i went with him to a bar. While we were there he told me how he worked in a theater back home and people still call them nigger balls without giving a fuck. Mostly old people but whenever he corrects them that they're called chokladbollar they always make a point to try to correct him that they used to be called negerboll

>> No.8128067
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>> No.8128077

Brazil nuts used to be called "nigger toes."

Their name in Portuguese and some other languages still translates to nigger toes.

>> No.8128115

My mom used to put them out at christmas with other nuts. That's what she called them. Nigger toes. lol

>> No.8128141
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>> No.8128176

Sure you do bud, sure you do.

>> No.8128191

Pretty sure a better translation would be "negro" which is less offensive.
"Neger" was never really a slur in Danish. It's just old fashioned.
And "negerboller" would be "negro buns" rather than balls.

>> No.8128413
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I have a few R. Crumb comics. Mostly Mr. Natural and Id Comics. I like them a lot, but Groening's "Life in Hell" scratches the same itch a bit better for me.

>> No.8128558

No Bimbo negritos/nitos/bimbolettes?

>> No.8129721

>s/pol/ cones

>> No.8130623

I made some homemade faggots the other week. They were amazing.

>> No.8130678
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It's now called nito.

Fucking niggers.

>> No.8130794


i mean.....the commercials weren't subtle

>> No.8130820

Werent they called bimbolettes?

>> No.8130826

I love those, they're pretty good. I think the mascot they used grew an afro over the years

>> No.8131054
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This is what I get when I google that but for as long as I remember, they called them negritos.

Fuckers started using less chocolate filling too.

>> No.8131075
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>> No.8131090
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>not knowing who Robert Crumb is
>not knowing that these 'toons are intentionally and ironically offensive
>being this fucking culturally ignorant

>> No.8131452
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>> No.8131603

We call it canola now.
And that's less invigorating

>> No.8131622

I still call them nigger toes.

>> No.8131740

>candy makes your hair grow
>this somehow offends people
care to explain?

>> No.8131746
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This glorifies Imperialism

>> No.8131749
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>> No.8131753
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>> No.8131760
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>> No.8131761
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>> No.8131978
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>> No.8131986

fuck off

>> No.8131991

wtf i hate japs now

>> No.8131995

wtf i love japs now

>> No.8132009

They were/are called bimbolettes in other countries.

>> No.8132257

Isn't that more like "negro balls" and not "nigger balls"? I don't think Sweden has a history of using the word nigger.

>> No.8132260

We call them negerinnetetten here.

>> No.8132520
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>> No.8133224
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hopping on the negro bandwagon

>> No.8133701
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>> No.8133718
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>> No.8133759

>Cherry blossom-shaped strawberry cream bread

How could they mess this up so badly

>> No.8133954

jokes an them...

in germany bimbo means nigger

>> No.8134016

Holy fuck I thought Gron-nink stopped doing Life in Hell back in the 90s

>> No.8134042


Jesus christ. The word faggots has been around longer than those fucking faggots have been parading in the street

>> No.8134089
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>> No.8134093
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>> No.8134136
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>> No.8134143


I'd eat that

>> No.8134165
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>> No.8134186
File: 20 KB, 450x600, negro-butler-3-life-like-statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My local kebab joint has two blackface statues which are fucking hilarious. I have no idea why they have them either but the PC patrol would be offended as fuck at them, and then cognitive dissonance kicks in because muslims can't be racist or something.

The statues look like pic related:

Also I remember my local pharmacy having a big oll negro bust, a pooinloo bust and an indian (including headdress) bust. I wonder what they did with those after the pharmacy moved to a new building.

>> No.8134962
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I like you

>> No.8135058
File: 26 KB, 400x400, Pico-Dulce2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some dude got an ice cream maker machine
>is one of the best ice cream , says outsiders and people from other places of my country.
>problem is , the guy actually ad a girly voice while being a bald big 40 yrold male
>people start calling the place "la heladera del trolo" (the faggot ice cream)
>the best flavor of the place is "helado de pico dulce" and people here refers pico dulces as dicks
>so everyone says "the pico dulce of the faggot is very good"

>> No.8135547

>which some people (read: Romani and Sinti) found offensive.

Why is gypsy a slur, exactly? Everyone knows "gypsy", how many know "romani" or "sinti"?

>> No.8135999
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>> No.8136283

People like that are just the worst.

>> No.8137465
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>> No.8137482

Where in the US (Los Angeles specifically) could I buy these? Or an alternative name they might be sold under? They sound delicious

>> No.8137495

I think that "Zigeuner", here translated as "gypsy", is a bit more offensive than "gypsy" is in America.

>> No.8137506
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>> No.8137527
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desu the mushroom they use is called jews ear.

>> No.8137577

Hah. Even my black ass finds that shit funny. I wish the food worked that way.

>> No.8137581
File: 52 KB, 533x400, 101633d1e30d030a7b8d58e5ec5fbd1e_RU grill and pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many of the food trucks and pizza places at Rutgers University serve something called the fat sandwich, which is a submarine sandwich roll stuffed full of fried junk food. Many of them have names like "Fat Bitch," "Fat Balls" and "Fat Philipino." [sic]
Back in 2005, the university made all the food trucks on school property remove offensive or potentially offensive names. While a small, outspoken subset of the student population encouraged and cheered the decision most people thought it was heavy-handed and unnecessary. Obviously this didn't apply to the establishments located off university property.
I don't know if it's still the same now, but back then if you ever tried ordering a "Fat Beach," the Arabs behind the counter would say "One Fat Bitch, coming up!"

>> No.8137676

i lol'd

>> No.8137691

i got that reference

>> No.8137701

If you eat that you will vomit

>> No.8137713
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Top or bottom?

>> No.8137715

This is the second weirdest thing I've seen all day, and I've had a long day

>> No.8137728

Allow me to elaborate
t. /v/

>> No.8137730
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Fukken shitnigglers

>> No.8137981

It's not pronounced rape, it's rap-eh. This is swedish snus, also known as snuff in english. You put it under your lip.

>> No.8137990
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Does this count?

>> No.8138029

Haha my fat step dad bought these and I used to eat them

>> No.8138037

Read that as spooge pudding at first.

>> No.8138063

"Nigger" is a bastardized version of "negro". It's the same word, only the former has become known as a slur, thanks in part to the US.

>> No.8138076
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t. /sp/

>> No.8138211

*i'd eat that out

>> No.8138365

I'm hungry now.

>> No.8138615
File: 20 KB, 440x169, eskimo-pie-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new zealand's problematique

>> No.8138863

Always in the stockings