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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 377 KB, 1920x1080, fuckingstop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8126656 No.8126656 [Reply] [Original]

Why are vegans so insufferable?

I eat only plant-based food but holy fuck can vegans kindly fuck off? You're making it extremely hard for me to even bother when I end up being associated with a bunch of angry teenage hipsters every single time I have to eat with others. "Oh, anon doesn't have any meat on his plate? Must be vegan! Let's all get extremely uncomfortable around anon, because he's probably angry at us all for eating meat."

You choose to eat zero animal produce because you care about animal rights? Good on you, mate. Now shut the fuck up and eat your oats.

You choose to eat zero animal produce because you want to be an insufferable, holier-than-thou, nosy little prick? End your pathetic life right now.

I couldn't give less of a fuck if other people eat meat. It's not my personal mission to "convert the heathens", and neither is it yours. Vegans can go suck PETA's tiny champignon cock.

>> No.8126666

haven't read your post but I'd eat the shit out of that so I don't know what their point was

>> No.8126673

Well I hope you're hungry because she's absolutely full of it.

>> No.8126694

Because opinions are fundamentally terrible. It's not reaaaally a vegan thing in particular. It's just normal to want to punch someone who repeatedly talks passionately about a thing you dont care about. Even though you're a vegan too, you could totally be annoyed by them because either you don't notice your own vegan rants or because you just kind of do stuff but don't ascribe deep importance to the habit in the way they do.

People who think they matter are the worst. It's how we get conservatives

>> No.8126703

Is peta trying to convert me to cannibalism? It's working.

>> No.8126704

i hear more people complaining about vegans than vegans actually being annoying

>> No.8126710

>Try to relate to who's on your plate
No one is on my plate. Just some dead animal.

>> No.8126713

Vegan detected!!

>> No.8126715

You seem very brave.

>> No.8126729
File: 94 KB, 672x502, 1474678147002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegetarian here,
For a while I was a militant vegan, the militants aren't true vegans. The reason they're so insufferable is because they think they have the moral high ground. Like how euphoric atheists think they are the most enlightened.
They literally think that by themself not eating meat they are changing the planet for the better, and that everybody who eats meat is a cut who're literally hitler.
TL;DR: I'm special syndrome

>> No.8126732


>> No.8126747


>> No.8126774

>woman trying to influence things
>she just takes her clothes off

Every fucking time.

>> No.8126784
File: 37 KB, 340x294, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% vegan. I put peas in it instead of mushrooms and ham.

>> No.8126792

whats that green shit? she'd need to be dark brown and slathered in ketchup for the average american to recognize it as food

>> No.8126922

Because, like evangelical Christians, they're so insecure in their belief that the only way they can validate it is by attempting to convert the heathen.

>> No.8126949

Sweet free anal plate

>> No.8126964

Underrated post.

>> No.8127005

>its how we get conservatives
while they have the most dramatic of examples, I wont deny, that statment is misleading as every political party or lean is full of that shit.

>> No.8127009

because non insufferable people do not have the overwhelming and insane set of emotions that lead someone to become a vegan

>> No.8127010

>its another anon blogposts about how insufferable vegans are thread
do you not see the irony?

>> No.8127020

I only eat plant-based animals and vegans piss me off too

>> No.8127088

Well, all the chickens and cows I eat are fed plant based diet so I must be eating a plant based diet as well.

>> No.8127116

I would eat that

>> No.8127122

My sides

>> No.8127125

I especially like it when they do eat meat but they eat it secretly and its ok because it's more important to get other people to commit to not eating meat than following their own fucking rules

>> No.8127189
File: 334 KB, 669x1157, rekt by nature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's teh joke

>> No.8127224

Reminder to use shift+click to hide threads like this one in the catalog.

>> No.8127290

Vegan food isn't very filling in my experience.

>> No.8127314


I know, right. OP is just mad he's addicted to fast food and is an overweight man child.

>> No.8127320

Here is OP's other thread he made last night.


>> No.8127329
File: 1.78 MB, 1200x680, giphy (6).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8127372

Satanic quads checked

>> No.8127575

lol this

>> No.8127580

>with cheese
>100% vegan

don't even bother picking, you've already failed

>> No.8127624
File: 367 KB, 336x592, LOLRausers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8127669

looks pretty tasty to me...

>> No.8127815
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, etoLcT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna eat her ass out so bad nigga