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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8121209 No.8121209 [Reply] [Original]

Whipped cream is made in a copper bowl, from unpasteurized cream, and a wire whisk (no ball). It can only be handled with a wooden spoon once it's made, or else it ceases to be whipped cream and becomes USA dairy dessert (now made with more fillers and adjuncts)

Most of you have never had whipped cream, despite your quixotic belief to the contrary

I have no room for empathy for your kind. It's like feeling sorry for bacteria. The world would be a better place without your canned garbage, and without you

>> No.8121210
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>> No.8121212

Your mom loves my whipped cream, if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.8121218
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Anyone who's had any training knows what you posted, you're not special.
Go fuck yer mum with your whisk, buttbreath.

>> No.8121234

Anal training?

>> No.8121385
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SS works the same for cream. egg whites benefit from the copper. also, no one cares.

>> No.8121396


Seeing as what he said is bullshit, I have to disagree

>> No.8121407

No, a copper bowl and wire whisk is the proper way to make whipped cream, but the last part of what he typed was weird bullshit.

>> No.8121698

No, you are a fool and have embarrassed yourself
Copper helps with egg whites, it doesn't matter for cream
In the future please refrain from posting about cooking topics and stick to your regional fast food arguments

>> No.8121705

>Unpasteurized cream
Hope you enjoy your ride to prison criminal scum

>> No.8121730

They say that if you whip cream too much it becomes butter. Can you also turn butter back into whipped cream? If not why?

>> No.8122029

Land of the free

>> No.8122074

I'll whip your cream OP

>> No.8122085

Sure, just unwhip it

>> No.8122109

I'm now more interested in turning whipped cream into butter than these dipshit autists cream wishes

>> No.8122201

>all these flyovers defending spray cream
Never change, /ck/

>> No.8122299

literally no one is doing that

>> No.8122364


I use high temperature pasteurized cream from the Aldi in a plastic beaker with a stick blender.

>> No.8122371

It's literally just the process of whipping for longer, that's it. It kinda shifts texture "suddenly" which is very magical. I strongly not making plain butter, though. Works fine for cooking, but it needs to be infused with something more otherwise, not sure on the specifics.

>> No.8123514 [DELETED] 


>> No.8123534
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or you can just put it in the magic bullet for a couple of seconds

>> No.8123563

you should only be using a copper bowl for whipping egg whites. Not for cream

>> No.8123771

I never used copper and I used a plastic whisk.

What do I do

>> No.8124046

the tools don't change the chemical nature of the final product.
unless you are a savage the material of the bowl won't matter, and bubbles are the same no matter what you use to make them

>> No.8124055

You're mistaken.
When whipping cream, it is important to do clockwise circles with the whisk.
To turn butter into cream, you simply do counter-clockwise circles.
Don't ask what happens when you do counter-clockwise circles with cream, and don't attempt it either.

>> No.8124058
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First, this is the best tool for whipping cream.
Second: fucking French and their "one right way" to do everything.
Ce qui compte c'est arriver au but.