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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8119686 No.8119686 [Reply] [Original]

hi friends, and we're back

don't touch that dial, the self-loathing, vomiting, shaky hands, nightmares, and blissful emptiness are all coming up soon

>> No.8119706
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What's UP mother fucks
I got a permit to rhyme
It's filed with the city
You should see it sometime

Just discovered Buck's Fizz - I'm going to ruin my credit if I'm not careful because champagne is much tasty. That being said, switched over to Jameson, I'm sincerely trying hard to mask that I'm a drunk sack of shit despite having a beer (sometimes two) on my lunch break at a relatively new job

>> No.8119707
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I'm drinking self distilled low wines, had nightmare dreams last night about my ex wife's sexual parts. It's fine.

>> No.8119727

I have to quit because of panic attacks. I swear it's the fucking alcohol.

Only had one beer tonight to taper off, I think I'm gonna make it to bed without getting drunk for one of the few nights in the past four years.

>> No.8119730


isn't that the same as a mimosa

>> No.8119742


yup, it definitely worsens my panic attacks too

not enough to make me quit for good though

>> No.8119754



That scene is no fucking joke. About 14 hours after a proper hose I wake up with that. It's some weird sleep version of delirium tremens mixed with anxiety and depression torment. Try to avoid.

>> No.8119788


It's either relentless depression or crippling depression with spurts of fun here and there. It's like cliff diving.

>> No.8119810

If you like champagne, you owe it to yourself to try the French 75. It's my favorite cocktail, but because I don't have any friends I have to use up the whole champagne bottle myself and I usually end up getting dangerously drunk.

You can get relatively cheap, decent sparkling wine instead of genuine champagne. If you're mixing it anyways, it's definitely good enough.

>> No.8119811

Any of ya'll watched Horace and Pete? It's worth shilling out money to Louis CK for, and it's way more worth torrenting. Alcoholism is pretty well explored in that show, and Hawkeye is in it.

Horace and Pete, by Paul Simon:

>> No.8119815

I usually get panic attacks when I try to stop drinking. I think the main reason I started drinking heavily was to stave off depression, anxiety, and panic attacks. The last time I tried to get sober, I had all of those, but even worse than they ever were before I became an alky. And the dreams, man. The fucking dreams. And muscle spasms. And the stank-ass sweat. I'd rather drink until my liver starts shutting down and then kill myself quick and painless.

>> No.8119819


Read everything your wrote, and never post in an alcoholic thread again.

>> No.8119824


whoa whoa whoa dangerously drunk on that whole bottle of champagne eh

>> No.8119828

Fuck you too bruh.

>> No.8119834

Look up the French 75. There's gin involved. You tell me what happens when you have a bottle of champagne and a bottle of gin in front of you and you're an alcoholic and you're "just having a couple drinks." Or just don't. I'm sure a bunch of you are just role-playing anyway.

>> No.8119844


ok ok my bad if there is gin involved

i feel you on that

anyway you know im just miserable and like to banter

>> No.8119848
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Hey guys. I get drunk on light beers and maybe a few swigs of hard liquor every night. Space it out with saturday-monday of opiates, amphetamines maybe one or twice a week when something needs to get done, benzos when I want to get absolutely comfy after work, blow every two weeks or so for fun.

It's more or less "under control" in the sense that things are regulated. Completely sober would be nice, yet boring, but then I would have to cut off my enables of both brother and every friend.

>> No.8119854

It's all good man. I just don't see why people feel the need to dick-measure in a thread about alcoholism. It's literally killing us. It's not something you "win."

>> No.8119857

welp. the weekend is starting. this is when I really start to crave. I've been sober for two weeks and think I might try drinking on saturday night, see how much I can limit myself. I really wouldnt consider myself an alcoholic but I do have a binge drinking problem which is why I stopped for those two weeks. Flew off the handle a bit and was drunk for a few days straight. I figure I deserve a night of drinking though after quitting for a while

>> No.8119858

drank a 4pack of founders imperial stout last night and had the darkest shit of my life today. it was pretty much black. kinda scary until i realized why.

also that beer seemed to give me the satisfaction of smoking a cigarette. left a nice tobacco aftertaste. any other beers that taste like tobacco? thx

>> No.8119860


DOn't get me wrong, I'm saying you're lucky. Not trying to disrespect you. You're not where a lot of us are.

>> No.8119867


for me it's just because im depressed and i get shat on all day by my landlord my boss my doctor and my parents so i get online and shit on random strangers

>> No.8119885

got absolutely nothing to say, spent my fucking day talking about the death of my mom and now i'm drunk as fuck, pls ignore me thks anons

>> No.8119895

well hey, man. we're not gonna shit on you. we're here for support.

>> No.8119899

you know black shits can be a sign of internal bleeding

>> No.8119903

I've been at the end of my rope for awhile and have broken promises to quit for the last few weeks. I don't have any alcohol right now and I'm in full blown panic mode. I know I'm almost dead but my brain is screaming at me to drive to the store RIGHT NOW! I'm shaking and it's hard to type right now.

>> No.8119904

Is The Famous Grouse good for cheap scotch? It's on sale this month and I'm trying to decide whether to pick it up. These deals are killing me.

>> No.8119907


thanks friend-o

im in a dark place these days

i got denied a raise at work and i dont think my antidepressants are working and im so tired all the time, the alcohol keeps calling my name

>> No.8119910


yes it's just fine

it is dewar's tier, bushmill's tier, quite standard

>> No.8119912

You don't know anything about my drinking habits. You're going off of a single post about one type of cocktail, and trying to dick-measure. I'm in my 30s and I never go to the doctor because I don't want to answer questions about how much I drink. I buy a minimum of 12 beers every day, plus a handle of whiskey, vodka or tequila every 2. While holding down a job. That's the minimum that I drink just to stay functional. I've been drinking this way since my early 20s. So when I want to have a cocktail using a carbonated beverage that you have to drink quickly that also involves opening up a bottle of gin, I don't need some punk-ass kid on the internet telling me what I am and am not. This isn't a contest. The first to reach the finish line fucking dies.

>> No.8119916
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the man said it

>> No.8119922

Hi ck. I think I might be an alcoholic. I'm only 19, so my main source of alcohol is stealing from my parents. I feel like a piece of shit whenever I do it, my parents know it happens but they don't do anything to stop it. The wierd thing is even though I get depressed whenever I drink I don't want to stop. It's scary how badly I seem to want to get drunk every night. While my life isn't ruined yet it's not far from becoming that way, I don't know what to do at this point. Should I tell someone?

>> No.8119926


I'm not an alcy or anything though. just get drunk every once in awhile. that founders turned my tongue black, so I'm pretty sure it's responsible. I'll definitely have a look at my next bowel movement tho :)

>> No.8119935

It can also be a sign that you've been drinking red wine. I've had dark coffee-ground shits before, but after a night of drinking red wine my shits are always frighteningly black.

>> No.8119939

If you can't control your drinking now, you'll definitely not be able to hold back when you're able to buy it alone.

>> No.8119940


You were yapping about champagne and cocktails. Pardon me for assuming you were a fucking lightweight. Do whatever you want and die of fatty liver if you choose. Thanks for not getting it.

>> No.8119945

So what do I do?

>> No.8119947


>> No.8119951


don't come to these threads for advice

dont drink, it's a junk cure for your problems

t. alkie

>> No.8119953

stop completely

>> No.8119958

Your parents will notice eventually, so it's just a matter of time before you're going to have to answer some really awkward questions. Just give it up. Is there a history of addiction in your family?

>> No.8119959


and now i bet your brain is saying...wait...they're wrong...i don't need to stop COMPLETELY that's a bit much

>congratulations you have the alkie gene hard fucking core and can now enjoy a lifetime of your brain literally lying to itself

>> No.8119962

IMO one of the surest signs of potential alcoholism is the inability to stop drinking once you start drinking. If you recognize this in yourself, try to avoid drinking at all costs. Keep your mind occupied with other thoughts, do some other stuff, don't let drinking while you go about your night become a normal thing.

Whether or not you are currently an alcoholic is a matter of definition (could be considered an alcoholic b/c of volume consumed, motivation for consumption, binginess, genetics, escapism, etc. etc.), but you certainly have the potential to be one.

If you are depressed, make a considerable change in your life. Don't keep up the same patterns and add alcohol abuse to the mix. Your honeymoon phase with drinking will be over before you know it and you will begin to hate it.

>> No.8119963

Brains are funny that way. We protect our egos even when it's literally destroying us.

>> No.8119972

I have a few uncles who have been disowned from my family for their habits. But character flaws aren't really something that is talked about by my family.

>> No.8119975

i don't know what kind of red wine you're drinking, but red wine is my drink of choice and i've never had dark shits

>> No.8119980

There's a fair likelihood that there's a genetic predisposition to addiction running around in your family. If you're seriously worried, I'd go straight-edge. Very few people set out to become alcoholics, and if you're worried now, it's best to nip it in the bud before it has a chance to take over your life. If you have close friends, it might be something you want to tell them to watch out for in you. I became a full-on alcoholic because I'm generally a loner and drink alone.

>> No.8119984


shallow middle class families always look for reasons to complain and act holier than thou. Their children end up on coke, meth or heroin. The pretention is always the point of no return for most pretend wealthy families.

>> No.8119988

Maybe it's just me, but I drink everything under the sun and I've only ever had those really black shits after drinking a lot of red wine. They stink way worse than after drinking anything else as well.

>> No.8119996

>If you are depressed, make a considerable change in your life.
I wish I had figured this out sooner. I had some bad shit happen to me growing up and became self destructive. Alcohol helped me forget it all AND be self destructive. Now 10 years of forgetting later, I'm at the end.

>> No.8119997


So you don't have crones disease. Blood in your stool is a real problem. But the rest of it is a problem too.

>> No.8119999

So what do you call me doing A/R, A/P, and every other small task 5/7 40 hours a week while doing hard drugs in "moderation"?

>> No.8120002

I don't suppose you guys would have any advice about a support structure for this stuff, I'm not really sure who I can talk to about this in order to get genuine advice that isn't just the usual, "get over it" "everyone has vices" cliches.

>> No.8120035

You either control your shit, quit, or you do neither and you become full-blown alkie-mode within a few years, no "support structure" is going to save you.

>> No.8120041

There really isn't a lot of good support out there. Your choice is basically 12-step programs, which are cultish, semi-religious bullshit, but they really do help people. The point is to meet individuals who are cool and can help and give you support. The programs themselves are nonsense, but they get these people together.

Talking to someone who has never had a drinking problem fails 100% of the time, because they simply don't know. They don't know what it's like, and even if they mean well, they don't know what they're doing. You could also talk to a therapist, if you can afford a decent one. But beware of the ones who give you a list of things to do, because they don't know what they're talking about either. A good therapist is there to get you thinking.

>> No.8120053

>get you thinking
can you elaborate on this?

>> No.8120056


Everyone else here are fucked. Talk to your most trusted family member or close life long friend. Those are the only people that can help you. These fucking people are already lost. FIND YOUR FRIENDS. I'm not kidding. They'll pull you out of a fire.

>> No.8120057

I don't know where you live, but try SMART. It's like AA, but without the rigid, take-it-or-leave-it approach.

>> No.8120181

going absolutely hammered to school right now, what am I in for /ck/?
sleeping for two hours somehow didn't seem much more appealing to me than playing 2 hours of paladins, would've overslept amyways I guess...

>> No.8120274

everyone is going to be able to smell it on you

>> No.8120345

Who fucking cares
I somehow feel kind of energetic and creative right now, I actually enjoy being totally shit faced in class

>> No.8120431

>puking and shitting violently over a shot and three beers in the course of three hours
My body can't do it anymore. It's time to stop.

>> No.8120475

My first weekend off where I havent had any beer. Only problem is that I work graveyard. So there isn't really anything to do at 1:00 am besides playing wow and browsing 4chan. I was so bored I went for a walk right now.

>> No.8120586

Started watching what I eat and switched from beer to whiskey and gin. Easier to get a nice buzz and I don't end up drinking as much which is nice.

Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel. I have noticed I am sleeping a lot better as opposed to drinking a bottle of gin and a 6 pack coupled with several bags of crisps a night.

>> No.8120591


Yeah it is perfectly fine, probably your best bet from the cheap stuff like JW red / Grants / bells etc. The black grouse stuff is good too.


I went through a phase of drinking a lot of red wine, was 2 bottles a day at one point. My shits were a very dark green, that was disconcerting. Was also about 3 years ago, everything is fine.

>> No.8120615


I recently stopped drinking and it also lasted 2 weeks. I thought the same thing that you posted and decided "fuck it, I got this drinking thing under control now" I drank and am back in the same exact cycle i was in before.

It gets pretty tough after a couple weeks. I know they say take it day by day, but all I ever think about is "Am I really not going to have a drink for the rest of my life?" and those are the types of thoughts that set off anxiety. Fuck me though, thoughts while drinking like "Am I really going to drink for the rest of my life?" can also set off anxiety.

Do what makes you happy man.

>> No.8120632
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>wake up
>drive to work
>top off coffee/whiskey
>More whiskey/gin&tonic
>drive home
>Hard liquor til pass out

>> No.8120649

That's nice.

>> No.8120656

I love my girlfriend so much and yet I continue to put her through this.

Why. I'm such a piece of shit.

>> No.8121150

How are the withdrawals

>> No.8121160

i just bought some whyte and mackay triple matured scotch. is it any good?

>> No.8121164

were any of the bartenders alcoholics?

>> No.8121165

Never had it but honestly the label makes it look trashy

>> No.8121171
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>> No.8121176
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60 days sober. I keep a 50ml bottle of fireball on my person to remind myself that I choose not to drink.

>> No.8121178

Shit got a lot better when I switched from hard liquor to wine. A bottle of wine gives me a nice warm buzz and it tastes nice. Liqour is good for getting fucked up real fast but I got tired of the room spinning, blacking out, and puking bile in the morning. I would suggest some of you liquor drinkers give wine a go.

>> No.8121179

kek. good idea

>> No.8121193
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Haven't used hard drugs in a few weeks, but I can't seem to entirely kick alcohol. I keep telling myself I'll just split my bottle of cherry mead with my friends and maybe have a whiskey sour, but I know I'll move onto beers then swig out of the whiskey bottle till I pass out again. Wanna quit by the end of the year so I can finally call myself clean.

>> No.8121221

It's been a a year since I've been drinking every day. A few nights ago I woke up and I couldn't breath. I was violently forcing it. I thought I was going to die. I'm still going to drink today though.


>> No.8121227

I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.8121228

>the self-loathing, vomiting, shaky hands, nightmares, and blissful emptiness are all coming up soon

Bitch, it's already here and has been here for week. I'm tired of this show, I want to change the channel.

>> No.8121229

I was bleeding out of my ass every time I took a shit for a week. It's stopped though.

>> No.8121236

so you didn't reply to that image?

>> No.8121270

What is the coolest whiskey / whisky / scotch label?

Obviously Japanese labels look exotic but I am going to go with the Oban box and label.

>> No.8121287

found a wine that was on special, but was also offering 33% more (1L bottle)

it goes down without me hating it, so thats a win in my book.

cheap red is really drinkable to me

>> No.8121315

Only had 7 beers last night. Felt pretty good not having a hangover this morning. Going to be drunk until Sunday now that it's friday.

>> No.8121392
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Update: I successfully avoided going to the store and buying alcohol last night. Fell asleep at around ~1:00 AM and woke up at 9:00 AM, pretty normal for me. The difference is that I didn't feel so hazy and dizzy when I woke up.

I'm not going to panic at all today. What was freaking me out, I think, was that dissociative/depersonalized feeling involved with the hangover. It's like my thoughts are fixated upon existential crisis and I become paralyzed, can't even function properly.

Going to try to just have one beer tonight with dinner and do it again. The feeling of stasis during daylight hours beats the shit out of drunkenness at night for me.

>> No.8121402

I think you might be me, this is one of my biggest barriers to returning to drunkenness...the hangover derealization and panic attacks

I guess usually I would rather be bored as shit and mostly emotionally stable during the day than have a panicky hangover

>> No.8121453

Good to know that somebody else out there has experienced this.

>I would rather be bored as shit

Yes, this is what I'm coming to terms with. I had a lot less fun last night without alcohol. No pacing around listening to music, browsing the internet was boring, etc... basically ended up spending 3-4 hours lying in bed watching videos and streams until my interests were sated and I could pass out in peace.

But that's just the world I'm facing. I'm too deep into the mind games. If I get drunk in a way that I feel deep down is inappropriate, I wake up with a hang over, kick myself hard, question my existence, then convince myself I'm having a heart attack or can't breathe.

The glory days of boozing are over for me. I'm not invincible. I'm sick of the internal struggle and just want to chill/be happy.

>> No.8121682

Last night I had a dream that I was pregnant (I'm a man) and I kept drinking alcohol in hopes that it would kill the fetus inside me
I usually have crazy ass dreams anyways but there seems to be something subliminal about this

>> No.8121708

Oh god the birds are back

>> No.8122153

Hallucinatory birds or real birds??

>> No.8122171


its all good I tried to bayonet a squirrel in my underwear from my bedroom window

I go a little crazy when im on a bender

>> No.8122206
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Fell off the wagon 12 days sober
Drinking cold beers and eating pot noodle watching YouTube.
Why am I alive?
I feel an umbilical cord is tied to me and booze. (Mother drank during pregnancy, no complications. Only this addiction)
Kill me now

>> No.8122217

at least you made it that twelve days. Get it out of your system and start anew tomorrow

>> No.8122274

Well boys, I'm getting out of the game after tonight. I had a harm-reduction system that was working pretty well, but I decided to make an exception and drink on Wednesday night, and here I am on my third night of binge drinking in a row.

Clearly I haven't taken enough time off, so at least for the next few months I'm done with booze. I went two and a half months earlier this year and my life improved amazingly in that short span. I was genuinely happy, my finances improved, I lost weight, I was getting compliments on my performance at work, . . . .

Speaking of work (I'm a lawyer), I just remembered this youtube video of a drunk lawyer in Las Vegas. It's pretty cringe-inducing.


>> No.8122316

Sorry about your loss. That's got to be tough. I've never lost anyone I was that close to. Closest were my grandparents, and that's not quite the same.

>> No.8122355

I hear there are lots of alkie lawyers?

>> No.8122368

Russian here, how that fuck do you guys get hangovers? I literally never had a hangover in my life, and I once drank like a whole 0.7 bottle of vodka with no food to break it in. Just drink water with it. Like a shit ton of water.

>> No.8122416

Fuck man, that's rough. Stick it out. Order a pizza or some Chinese or Mexican or a burger or whatever. Just stuff yourself.

Yes, tell someone. Go to an AA meeting, or SMART if that's available in your area. You don't have to commit to anything. Just show up and talk to some people after the meeting.

This is solid advice.

This guy is retarded.

I've heard of this happening. Apparently it really is a sign that your body can't take any more.

Very interesting approach.

>> No.8122425

How do I get started on the road to alcoholism? I need something to replace my binge eating.

>> No.8122426

Ditto, but 0.7 bottle? What size bottle? I mean .7 of a pint vs. .7 of a quart is a bit different.

I used to drink 3/4 of a quart a day plus a bottle of wine, spread from morning to night, ate decently, and felt ok, not great in the morning.

>> No.8122429

Supposedly. I don't know that it's worse than any other profession, but I certainly have it. Then again, I only became a lawyer because a professor in college recommended that I go to law school, and the idea of putting off the real world for a few more years appealed to me. So I could have been anything, and whatever I might have been, I'd still be an alcoholic.

Of course if you drink a bunch of water with it you won't get as hung over. But you also won't get as drunk, and there's the rub.

>> No.8122438 [DELETED] 
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wat do

>> No.8122463

Whats some dumb shit you've done while drunk al/ck/?
>late at night
>have to piss
>bathroom seems to far away even though its like 20 steps away
>open my window to piss out into the bushes outside
>screen is on
>push on it harder and harder even though the little tab at the bottom would have been easier
>bust a hole in it
>end up just ripping it off there and throwing it outside
>piss out the window

>> No.8122467

litres. 0.7 of a litre, m8, we use metric system here.
I don't drink it with the alcohol, I drink it after. You could just drink it before sleep, just remeber to drink as much as you can hold.

>> No.8122472

ive literally never even been this drunk before in my life

I think I don't ever get drunk, I just get buzzed???????

>> No.8122527


>I don't drink it with the alcohol
But then you have to avoid getting black-out drunk. Not something I'm able to do, my Ruskie bro.

>> No.8122533

just smoke weed idiots lol

>> No.8122554

About the same then, .7 quart or litre. That's the frightening thing for me. My body handled that much alcohol a day and I still felt ok in the morning, whereas most other people couldn't even do half without crying about a hangover.

>> No.8122584

Russia stronk

>> No.8122621
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When you live in the South, you can get 5 years for simple possesion, and Harambe will welcome you as his cellmate.

>> No.8122630

>21st birthday
>drank at least 6 beers and a bunch of vodka
>go out on back porch to smoke
>gotta piss real bad
>don't feel like going back inside
>walk to the center of backyard and piss

>> No.8122634

I've done that when I haven't even gotten drunk yet. Once you urinate in public the first time it becomes significantly easier to do afterwards.

>> No.8122645

that one time I didn't even feel it that much because I literally had to carry my buddy around. We were at a music festival stationed in an abandoned 5-store tall warehouse which had a shitton of holes in the floor where you could fall down 2-3 stores, and since my friend could not really take the poison as well as me I had to manually transport him up and down the stares, according to where the band we had interest in began to play. In the end, that fucker managed to somehow get stoned with random hippie guys as well, and next day claimed to have no memories whatsoever about the previous events.
Why are you frightened? That means you're healthy. In some cases it can be a bad thing, especially if you start to drink more in order to feel the effect, but in general the stronger yourt body is, the better you can hold your liquor.

>> No.8122657

>I hear there are lots of alkie lawyers?


>> No.8122662

just moved in to an off campus flat at uni, lonely and bored as hell. just finished building my bar. just killed two 40's of old e.

don't know what's next, nobody wants to hang out ;_;

>> No.8122684

I'm just starting in on my first beer, hopefully my roommates come back in an hour or two so I'm not drinking alone all night again

>> No.8122696

this turned into /le drunk college bros/ real quick

>> No.8122703

I hear you. But I did start creeping up on the intake, I started getting older, and I realized there was going to be a serious price to pay. And although not hangovers, my body started hurting in places it shouldn't hurt. So, I had to stop.

>> No.8122704

My bad, I'll back off for a bit

>> No.8122714

You ever wake up with random bruises on your body because you carelessly ran into the corners of tables and shit when you were drunk

>> No.8122724


pissed the bed, landlord made me buy a new mattress

>> No.8122750

Yeah, and then start wondering if it isn't liver disease, because that's one of the symptoms. After all I can't remember how I got it.

>> No.8122773

How can you just have one beer?

>> No.8122784

Finish entire bottle of bourbon after having beers. Wake up in Police cells theres and ambulance officer in the room looking at me as well getting question "Do you know why you're here"

>> No.8122785 [DELETED] 
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If yall dont fuck with prince you should listen to this song



who's actually /addicted/ here? Like, if you don't drink you're gonna get WDs that might become DTs that might mean death?

Never had the DTs but I've been hearing birds that definetly aren't there throughout my most recent detoxed.

Fun, I guess.

Hardcores, join me. What's your daily bender intake? Mine is 25-40 units. Still get """"mild"""" WDs.


>> No.8122791

lmao yeah i've wondered that before but then I get a fuzzy recollection of running into shit
one time I woke up with a giant bruise on my leg and couldnt for the life of me remember why until I wanted to go for a bike ride and my handlebars were all skewed and fucked up. then I remembered I went out for a midnight bike ride when I was drunk and crashed hard into the nearby parks swingset

>> No.8122805


There are clotting factors your liver can't produce in end stage cirrhosis. That's the reason you can't clot and the excessive bruising.

>> No.8122807

Does any one else wake up with bloodshot eyes? Whats thd cause of this? Is it something to be concernd about?

>> No.8122810

End stage :O

>> No.8122824

Happens. Some in this thread are on track. I was. My uncle terminated from it.

>> No.8122829

From wiki
>Alcohol causes the tiny blood vessels on the surface of the eye, called the sclera, to become dilated and inflamed, resulting in bloodshot eyes
It could also just be that you get shitty sleep after drinking. its my understanding that if you go to bed drunk you usually dont fall into REM

>> No.8122876

Even as little as three beers can trigger it.

>> No.8122899

Don't just listen to those guys, there's all kinds of reasons for bruising. I bruise like a ripe peach, and always have, because I'm perpetually anemic. I'm also an alcoholic, but that has nothing to do with my anemia, which was diagnosed long before I was a serious drinker.

>> No.8122919

Just relapsed on a corona at chipotle...?

>> No.8122928

You might be good with one, but don't continue for a good while. I'm still early and in NA not AA to boot. On the path to getting drunk tonight, but I can't in good conscience call myself clean, nor say I have any experience

>> No.8122946

Of course unwarranted and excessive bruising isn't caused only by alcoholism. But it is one, among other, symptoms of chronic alcoholism. To say otherwise is really just a denial mechanism.

>> No.8123228

Welp. listening to sad music and crying again. Life is kind of beautiful yall

>> No.8123363

Going to need music links.

>> No.8123422

What if I only drink on social occasions and can't stop then, but have no interest in drinking on a normal day ?

>> No.8123428

I drank a whole 30 pack of Miller Highlife for my birthday and drove dough nuts on my neighbor's lawn. They are Mexicans so I waved my gun around and threatened to call Immigration.

>> No.8123443

maybe you shouldnt do that

>> No.8123446

Im killing everyone close to me, and you too just for bullshiting with me. Expect me.

>> No.8123450

ill fucking expect you cunt come at me

>> No.8123498

This is solid advice. Sitting here depressed on a park bench with a beer in my hand. Lost my job and my wife. In my early 30s. Its hard to see a way up from this.... maybe so more constrictive activities would work.

>> No.8123664

Anyone else get the "want to jack off but can't" feeling when wasted

I have started preemptively wanking before drinking because it gets so uncomfortable otherwise

>> No.8123676

That is purely physiological. Just a fact of getting wasted. Wanking involves a mixture of chemical and physical reactions and drinking fucks it over in multiple fronts.

>> No.8123687

any easy vodka recipes?
what foods fit some cocktails with vodka as a base?

>> No.8123716

I have such severe social anxiety that I can't act like an normal person Unless I've had at least 4 drinks.

I've always struggled with self loathing but I was dating this beautifual wonderful woman and I'd tell myself. "well if she loves me how bad can I be"

For 3 years. Shes was the love of my life.
Its been nearly half a year since it ended.

>> No.8123738

Someone asked for music?
Tom Waits is the Patron Saint of Drunks


Some more:

I was sober all morning. Till I woke up this afternoon

>> No.8123831


Go sit on the porch in cool autumn weather with a sweater under a bright blue sky
Take the vodka and put it in a glass
Add chilled seven up
Consume with Vlasic bread and butter pickles

>> No.8123836
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Canadian Club 12 year old hangover.

not that bad of a hangover only had 375ml, but this really iisn't that great for whiskey.

Didn't drink from 2 days until last night, after drinking for 7 nights strait.

felt great,

>> No.8123894

yeah i did my homework now
currently waiting for the sausages to fry and the rasstegai to finish in the oven
>pickled herring
>Sauerkraut salad
also added some baked feta

>> No.8123917

this happened to me for the 4th time this year last night

>> No.8123925

Wtf do they just let you go without charging you bro?

>> No.8123932

ahh ye olde hardys special

the poor man winos favourite

>> No.8123939

drunk and disorderly or affray mostly, last time i started up on the cops for harrassing a busker, apparently i decided i didnt like that and the old man with the banjo was my new best friend

this time i passed out on a highway out of town and had rolled onto the unlit road, no charges but could have really died this time

>> No.8123947

I'm just curious what happens with a drunk and disorderly do you just pay a fine?

>> No.8123956


generally a fine, repeat offences you could do a little time, if theres violence involved yeah you could definitely do some time depending on circumstances

>> No.8123984

Well, it begins today. About to take my first antabuse pill.
It's always interesting coming back to these threads in the morning, reading certain posts as if for the first time, then seeing a (You) and realizing you wrote them.

>> No.8124068
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Sup bros. Made it about 12 days. Or one weekend really because I only drink on weekends. I think the hardest thing about abstaining is dealing with the state of the world. When I get plastered over the weekend, it's like a great reset button. Of course I never make any progress in my life, but I'm absolved of the shit that builds up during the week mentally.

I was trying to start a new way, get on a health kick, seek enlightenment, some kind of bullshit. At least do something that doesn't wreck my body so bad every weekend. To you guys that quit, what do you do to get yourself through, not necessarily the day, but the week or month? And no AA fags, you guys can fuck off.

>> No.8124089

Honestly I play scratch offs

>> No.8124092

god I hate waking up early with a hangover and not being able to get back to sleep. only got like 4-5 hours last night

>> No.8124103

Awesome stuff.

And let's not forget about Zevon:


The last few aren't about drinking, but still damned good music to set the mood for a night of solitary drinking.

>> No.8124129

Set short- and -mid-term goals that are significant but not too difficult to accomplish. Try to make it practical too. For some reason improving your life in a practical way, like learning a new language to improve your career, works better than doing things like learning a new instrument. At least it does for me.

Travel helps. Once every few months take a short trip somewhere you've never been. You can do it really cheaply too, if you go on the bargain-finder sites like Kayak. Having a trip to look forward to in a few months will help you resist the temptation to the instant gratification of booze.

Focus on your finances too. It's amazing how good it feels to have money. Less than a year ago I had thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars of credit card debt, and now I'm below $1500 and I have a small nest egg in savings too.

Stay connected to sober people too. There are alternatives to AA, like SMART, that give you all the benefits of a twelve-step group with none of the bad stuff. It's a great way to meet people too.

>> No.8124248
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Read this

>> No.8124252

I stopped counting the number of days, but I'm over half a year sober, and I've only had maybe a half gallon of whiskey, and less than 30 beers in those first 3 months.

Compare that to drinking a half gallon of whiskey every 3 days, chasing it with beer (about 18/week), and smoking a quarter sack of weed a week. I was doing that for about 4 years. It's a miracle I'm still alive, but I've probably shortened my lifespan significantly.

I'm done for good. I didn't have a health scare which is probably what you'd expect. I just got tired of being a failure and decided to do something about it.

>> No.8124690

That sounds so peaceful, might have to give it a shot

>> No.8124814
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>tfw you level up and become a functional

took me 5 years

>> No.8124850

what age did you guys start drinking heavy and when did you check your liver after heavy drinking

im relatively young but im starting to worry that my body wont make it in the long run

>> No.8124888

Congrats brother, I hope you can make it last. Just be careful.

>> No.8124896

>family having a party today
>like 90 people I don't give a fuck about or care to see coming over
>don't even want to leave my room
>however hired a food truck so
>like15bottles and a shitload of beer
>all my dads friend got some fine ass Latina daughters

I'm only here for the alcohol food and bitches. Gonna pull up a seat and drink until I pass out. Time to make an ass out of myself boys.

>> No.8124925

are you considered next level when you can blow like a .2 and still maintain yourself like you're sober
because I can do that. Tolerance is a crazy fuckin thing

>> No.8124926

Thanks, next step is to stop drinking on weekdays and just get smashed on fridays like a normie to feed the beast

Unfortunetly I dont think I will ever stop completely but jesus its so scary to wake up after a blackout

>> No.8124934

For me drinking around People is scary as fuck because of what can I do drunk

>> No.8124940
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Why not just ranch up instead?

>> No.8124966


or you level up and go to the ER at .33 and the actual medical staff doesn't even care or begin work on you until your levels drop below .05 and withdrawal starts

i have done this

>> No.8124973
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started heavy drinking at 24, had a normal liver test at 26 after detox

2 years sober

relapsed for 6 months and liver test was 2 points higher than normal after 2nd detox...clean again now hope it's back down in range

>> No.8124992
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>> No.8125005

shit how long were you at the hospital to reduce to a .05?

>> No.8125016


i dunno probably like 4 hours, i have a turbo liver

>> No.8125066

Fellow (future) lawyer drinking tonight, same as last. One year of school left and these past two have pushed me onto the sauce more than before. Fuck law school.

>> No.8125077
File: 2.35 MB, 4032x3024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently drinking Corona Familiar, never had before. It's pretty good.

>> No.8125078


wow, reasonably hardcore alkie here and i have never come across that

where did you get it

>> No.8125081

Me and my dad drank like 10 of those together the other night. I'm an alchie so it didn't fuck with me too much but i had to walk him from outside to the couch where he passed out because he was falling over LOL

>> No.8125084

legalize ranch you life long alcoholic .

>> No.8125109

Saw it at the corner store. I'm in Bodymore, Murdaland.

>> No.8125343

>living back at home after graduating college
>trying to get shit back together
>have intervention with family about my drinking
>pretty much can't drink since they're always around
>sober 2 months now
>home for 2 weeks while they're on vacation

How do I stay sober when there's nobody but myself holding me accountable? I want to just get drunk for one night, but I doubt I'd be able to keep it at one night

>> No.8125346

This is too relevant


>> No.8125356

Really? It does the opposite for me. I get jittery and nervous when drinking sure, but the only times I've had a full blown panic attack or breakdown was when I was sober, alone at home, and then took a walk in the middle of the night.

>> No.8125443

>haven't smoked in 2 years
>craving them last night like I always do when I drink
>now have half a pack that disgusts me now because im sober
I was going to throw them away but I guess ill just save em in case I want em tonight when im drunk

>> No.8125475

I'm at a bar and I think I hit a new level tonight, bought some bulleit and a flask for 30$ and just ordered their budget scotch and am now refilling my drink every time I go for a """"smoke"""" fuck these exorbitant prices.

>> No.8125476


i adore smoking when drunk

i would smoke all the time if it were allowed at work

as it is i can't stand going into nicotine fits in the middle of a work day

>> No.8125480

it was a good day. I did not try to bayonet any squirrels from my bedroom window.

>> No.8125484

>i adore smoking when drunk
so do I. plus its nice to sit outside 3 sheets to the wind, stare at the stars and light up a ciggy

>> No.8125485

that's the same as Corona Extra. It's possible the dark bottle preserves the flavour a little better, but yeah, same shit.


>> No.8125489

fuck man I'm not even that much of an alcoholic even if people are used to saying so
there's just this girl that I do really like, that isn't interested in me one bit, and I'm rationally sure I shouldn't keep this up but fuck me I wanna keep drinking cause of why not, it feels better
thanks phone autocorrector

>> No.8125546

I smoked a bunch of hash tonight without getting paranoid. Minor victory I suppose.

>> No.8125865

Maybe snap your cards. Get groceries all at once spend all the money and have no cash on hand to buy drink. Make it hard to just go and buy it. Fill up spare time by joining groups and just trying to stay out of the house unless your doing some thing proactive...

Thats my attempt at helping. Try to stay off the drink what ever it takes.

>> No.8125869

Yeah, it was law school that did it to me too. Unfortunately, practicing law is even worse.

>> No.8125913

relapsed like fuck. taking a box of cheap wine and going fishing. catch you later anon

>> No.8125918

I made it through law school and my first law job (3.5 years of private criminal defence mixed with general practice) completely sober.

Now that I do criminal prosecutions my caseload is much higher and the overall significance of each case is much more substantial. Not to mention doing exclusively criminal law is an extremely depressing cross-section of the state of humanity.

Alcohol almost every day for months now.

>> No.8125923

Hey me too. Relapsed at least. Cheap gin and pizza here.

The depressing subject matter is why I could never be a lawyer

>> No.8125977


>> No.8126004

Not all that much of a victory, though, since your still a degenerate pothead.

>> No.8126015

Work your arse off to get lots of money and live a depressing life.

Why'd you even both anon?

There's NEETS out there with more happiness than you.

>> No.8126040

Woah bro, sounds like we've walking the same paths in different dimensions. The other side of the tightrope, ya know?

Want to go into criminal defense, worked at the public defender's office for two years now and while it's definitely interesting, it's also depressing as fuck. Trying to mentally prepare myself for a career of that shit.

Best of luck to you JD, hopes up and glasses lifted higher.

>> No.8126070
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I grew up in the middle of nowhere, so peeing outdoors was just part of my day-to-day. When I went to college and started living in the city I didn't stop. If I have a reasonably amount of privacy I will pee pretty much anywhere.

>> No.8126078


>> No.8126090
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where do you think you are right now?

>> No.8126099
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Johnny Hobo is good shit. Drank many a handle of vodka and Schlitz while drunkenly slurring along. Although I hear that Pat The Bunny is a faggot.

>> No.8126175

Any advice for someone at the end of their first day of not drinking? I feel like I'm losing my mind. Seriously.

>> No.8126223

focus on something other than drinking. I know that seems like an crazy task but you shouldnt even be in this thread. Distance yourself from anything that reminds you of drinking. Go watch some TV or a movie, try to make it something where characters dont drunk much. Which is hard, I know but you can find something. Anime is a good suggestion the yungins in those shows dont usually hit the booze. Try to remind yourself how shitty you felt waking up after a night of hard drinking. take a hot shower. just picture yourself in a better place because you didnt drink. You made it through this day, you're doing good already man. you take that first step up the stairs which is the hardest, you see a never ending staircase ahead of you but because you took that first step you realize its just another couple of those until you reach the top. I believe in you, we believe in you. Its harder than you think but its also easier than you think. good luck

>> No.8126288

Thanks man, that actually made me feel a little less crazy.
Wish I could sleep, though. I'm trying to just watch comedies right now, that don't feature drinking, and relax. It's hard, I feel like I can't think straight.

>> No.8126354

>im sober now for 3 whole months thats one accomplishment that you helped me with. the one thing that ever tore us apart is the one thing ill never touch again
fuck I gotta stop listening to music when i'm drunk

>> No.8126363

yesh. I wish I could do real drugs but I have to have stupid ass job and im addicted to making money. Like omg i wish I could smoke weed and get barred out but I can't cause I have to make money and making money makes me happy wtf

>> No.8126366

delete this post & kys

>> No.8126400
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Been through that cycle (binge constantly for X amount of days then have to take at least a night off) and I've found that if you just go full insomnia and as the other anon said focus on something, eventually you'll have a decent sleep that's not full of tremors, dread, what have you, and after that I usually feel great. Unfortunately I keep getting back on, but once I quit for 40 days and I just progressively felt better every day, but some friends came in from out of town, one drink turned into the constant cycle of oblivion.

I'd reccomend a comfy vidya or other media that you can fall asleep to. Civ was my go to. And you really can't think straight, real alkies go through various states and severities of mental and physical withdrawl.

>> No.8126512

I think you sould do whatever you feel like doings:D

>> No.8126547

I stay sober for about 10 weeks after Civilization V came out, and each expansion and DLC kept me sober for a few weeks.

Civ 6 is coming out soon, and I still binge drink. Maybe I'll stop this time.

( ._.)

>> No.8126552

am I the only one drinking at 7 am and eating onion stew?

I don't wanna be alone anon's

>> No.8126556

It's almost 10pm here and I'm drunk and eating corn chip pringles. Never before have two people been so close and yet so far from one another.

>> No.8126561

You'll be even more alone shortly.
When you die.

>> No.8126572


forever together m8

I tried drinking myself to death. it didn't work.

>> No.8126587

>I tried drinking myself to death. it didn't work.
not with that attitude. i'm pretty sure i've only got months left.

>> No.8126591

I just ended up crashing my car into a curb and waking up in a detox center

whats your story anon?

>> No.8126598

not alcoholic, just doing some day-drinking for the first time in a LONG time.

>black label
>listening to drake

unfortunately it's not a great time of day for shitposting

>> No.8126600

I crashed my car into a parked car on the way home from a drunken midnight Maccas run. Luckily when I purchased the cheap bomb car several months prior I didn't fill out the appropriate paperwork (I was driving it unregistered) and it was technically still being driven by the previous owner. I woke up the next morning on the shore of the lake right in between McDonalds and my apartment near where I had crashed and had to limp to a hospital to get my foot stitched up, the brake pedal had gauged the sole of my foot from my foot. This all happened in a relatively suburban area so I stopped by a bottleo on my way to the hospital and had vodka enroute. I told the triage nurse that I had fallen, hungover, down the concrete stairs in my apartment building and landed funny on my foot causing the damage.

This has been a slow escalation of drunken violence that has been increasing in intensity. It's like a Fibonacci spiral of self harm. I'm almost certain that I'm going to get drunk on night and walk into that lake and drown before Christmas.

>> No.8126601

I should add that I was driving bare-footed, which is why the pedal molested my foot. If drunk my put thongs on it would have been much less of a hassle.

>> No.8126602

M8 you wreck my xr6 I'll wreck you

>> No.8126604

this is absolutely normal behaviour anon

>> No.8126608

I hit a Camry I'm sure I was doing the world a service. Also what kind of person would park their car on a dodgy city street without comprehensive insurance.

>> No.8126609

my only ever solution has been to drink hard liquor to the point where i cant even get out bed for a day or two. from day three onwards, im an honest to god productive member of society. have stayed off the booze for months at a time using this method, but i cant relapse or its all over.

not trying to say im some awesome anon with THE solution, but this is what works for me. I cant do anything by half-measures. probably why im such a pisshead desu

>> No.8126612

you're speaking to me anon. it will happen sooner or later for both of us. i just hope im asleep for it. i regret nothing. god dammit man

>> No.8126617

do any of you other pissheads listen to the pogues?


>> No.8126620

Nothing would make me happier than a night of forgotten drunken ecstasy from which I never awake. I don't think there is a better way to go.

>> No.8126627


in my mind its either just keep riding this train and the whole thing will sort itself out (im the anon who got woken up in the middle of a highway barefoot >20km from town by cops a night or two ago) or quit, live some shit life, and eventually relapse anyway and dissapoint everyone -

a kek for me and a kek for the cop;
why'd he have to wake me up?

>> No.8126634


I hear you

that night, I called my best friend to try and get him to drive me back to detox - he has a broken leg and cant drive so idk wtf I was thinking. plowed my car into the curb. pulled into a parking lot and started throwing my shit everywhere trying to find my spare tire tools - turned around and there was a cop in the parking lot.

drove on my spare tire to the closest neighborhood complex and slept in my car. woke up around 3 am with the most incredible thirst you could ever imagine. walked for an hour and a half trying to find an open store to get something to drink.

ended up drinking from a puddle because I was so thirsty.

I drank 1.5 L of vodka that day.

it was the kind of thirst that no amount of water could fix.

>> No.8126640


>it was the kind of thirst that no amount of water could fix

i try to describe this to people. its like im thirsty, but you cant fix my thirst - only i know what i need.

>> No.8126643

what scares me is the prospect of waking up a cripple in some goddamn hospital, fuck that, fuck that seriously.

>> No.8126644


luckily it went away. it took about a week. it was like I was walking through a fog. I dropped out of college, hadn't been to work in over 2 months. all I would do is walk to the liquor store as soon as it opened.

I was so paranoid that id stuff bottles of vodka down my pants so no one saw me. I don't even know who I was scared of. id walk down side streets and sleep with my back against my bedroom door so no one could come in.

I think I may have a slight drinking problem anons

>> No.8126647

fuck it, let your freak flag fly

>> No.8126648

I mean, look, if the sauce gets me half way dead and I need to take the last little step, I'd rather do it then be pissing in a bag for the rest of my miserable life or whatever.

I drink to kill myself, but I'm sure I'd just outright kill myself if I couldn't drink.

>> No.8126654

i have a mate whos pissing in a bag for the rest of his miserable life, and its so fucked up, everything anyone says will always be condescending, its fucking brutal. fuck that.

the hardest thing would be your family, if i can just get my head run over by a truck and not know about it, fuck yeah, finally - i dont want my family and shit to be there and be all "omg anon is having such a hard time". that would be worse than dying.

>do not resuscitate

>> No.8126657


lol im 27. being a drunk at my age isn't as cool as it was at 19

>> No.8126659

I feel like my family is well prepped for my death. I mean, they're not going to be celebrating or anything, but when I die I think the reaction is going to be more "yeah I saw that coming" then "omg ;_; or whatever"

>> No.8126662


my nigga i am 26, true its not cool anymore, fuck it, become a dishevelled mouthy cunt with a bad haircut like me, its good for ya

>> No.8126672
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fuck ya m8. I was seeing this cunt for about a month, banged her in the back seat of my car high on cocaine, she expressed concerns about my drinking and wanted to back to being friends...

I told her ''no thanks. I have enough friends.''

needless to say im still single

living the dream m8

>> No.8126681

hows your haircut tho

>> No.8126687


got my hitler haircut, hugo boss dress shirt/sun glasses, skinny jeans, and dress shoes.

may not be too fashionable by European standards but here in syrup land apparently im well dressed.

>> No.8126692

you sound like a well dressed drunk, i like it, keep it up rummy

>> No.8126714
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I gave up rum a while ago. vodka is more flavor neutral.

morning fellow drunks! its 9 am here

>> No.8126720

i gave up rum too once, i thought it made me fighty - switched to vodka, then that made me fighty too - switched to red wine, then that made me fighty too. eventually realised i might just be fighty. its good for ya.

>> No.8126723

>no response


>> No.8126724


lmfao. id fight some cunts with ya

speaking of fighting, im gonna hatch a plan to kill some squirrels from my bedroom window.

will check back in in a few hours.

>> No.8126726


get a bayonet anon

>> No.8126733
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way ahead of you anon. these little fucks keep trying to get into my room while im trying to sleep.


>> No.8126742

nigga close the door or make a glue trap covered with acorns

>> No.8126748

>get 4 momth summer holiday from college
>expect to drink a lot
>only get drunk once

>go back to college
>get drunk everyday by myself
should i just become a NEET?

>> No.8126751


I need the fresh air and the noise from outside because my younger brother is a fucking NEET who hasn't left the house in 10 years and is on his keyboard all night which keeps me up. yeah I live with my family.

those are good ideas. I was also thinking of smashing a beer bottle and putting the shards on the window ledge?

>> No.8126783

>two weeks sober
>literally can't stop thinking about getting wasted

>> No.8126795

Welcome to being 15

>> No.8126796

uhhhhhh why do I never save that last bit of weed for the morning after drinking? I fucking hate myself.

>> No.8126976



good morning sir you are a cool poster and im glad you're still alive

>> No.8126990


>my brother is NEET
>i live with my parents but am not NEET
>i say am an alcoholic

something isnt adding up here anon
respect lost

>> No.8127021
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Best friend died 2 days ago....been in a haze since....cheers 11:37 am here

>> No.8127029


how did he die?

>> No.8127032


>> No.8127035

He struggled on and off for years. Was starting to look like he was getting his shit together and then boom....

>> No.8127061

That's what happens man you get clean then relapse with the same amount you did when you had a giant tolerance and it's all over

Better death than cancer or Alzheimer's or war wounds Orr airplane crash or a hundred other ways to go though

Sorry for your loss

Keep yo fuckin chin up son

>> No.8127195
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Haha there's only two times you need to drink. Drink whenever you have something to celebrate. Drink as consolation when something goes wrong. That's my 6 month plan to emotionally unhinged alcoholism (ymmv)

>flatmate in bathroom
>piss in backyard
>I was sober (I think)

which is why I'm fucking moving. weed really will help you kick booze.

You're at uni. Find your campus organization website. Go to some shitty club for long enough to make friends.

One beer is not a relapse. ONE BEER IS NOT A RELAPSE. That doesn't mean have just one beer. You know damn well one beer leads to two, and two beers is a relapse. If you managed to have one and then stop, thank your lucky stars and don't tempt fate by doing it again. You're still on the wagon.


>Canadian Club 12 year old hangover.
Of course your 12yo is hungover, stop giving her Canadian Club goddamnit.

You could try meditation, hiking, swimming, biking... anything that takes you out of the rat race and releases endorphins might work. pick your favorite and if it doesn't help, try the next one.


Alcoholism is not a competition. Resist the urge to contrast yourself with others. Is it a problem in your life, and do you want to quit?


Hey everyone, this guy doesn't drink when he's gaming! (Pic related, cross your eyes)

drunk you sounds like a huge doucher.

It's not your fault anon. Don't forget to pour some out for your bro.

>> No.8127338

well well arent we just a cheery little fuckwit?
top of the mornin' to ya, ya fuckin dickhead

>> No.8127363
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same to you!

>> No.8127399

Shopping day?

>> No.8127809

Thanks to the wonders of pricing errors, I have picked up two bottles of Bulleit bourbon for a whopping £12 each.

Never drunk bourbon before, any tips? Do I use ice? Water?

Don't really want to mix it. I drink a lot of scotch with a small amount of water so I assume that will work fine?

>> No.8127867


Bulleit bourbon is pretty sweet, you shouldn't have any probably going at it neat. You can use ice, you can use water

fuck it don't matter anon, it's how you want to sip it. Though, I think it goes well with cherry pepsi.

>> No.8127878


Trying the first one with a splash of water as I normally would, this stuff is nice.

Have to admit I struggle with most stuff neat as all I get is a burn and no taste but I might try it with this. Going for ice next.

>> No.8127881

Appleton 12 yr rare is a fucking weird drink and I need help.
>arrange neat
>Smells like brown sugar
>nose starts to burn
>is dry at the onset
>couple of the spices
>a rye whisky like burn

>> No.8127894

I dont even drink that much although i do drink a lot of craft beer (work in it so its hard not to). Do t have a very good diet either desu.

Two days ago my leg gave out. Then my right arm started feeling sore. As if ive just had an intense workout. The pain on my limbs lasted for days before i finally got it checked out hy a doctor.

Turns out drinking so much has caused nurological damage that may be perminant.

I cant belevie desu. I may never run again and i limp a lot now. All from drinking beer. I quit drinking immediately. Im only 26 i dont want to fuck over myself this young. Drinking is great until youre hit with real world consequences

>> No.8127907

Pushing through at this point with the intent to cut back to part-time work in about two years.

That'll still keep me with a much more comfortable income than other professions, but also with manageable stress levels and plenty of free time.

I'm in for the long game.

>> No.8127908


ok but...how much did you REALLY drink bro...?

>> No.8127944

Often for like a week straight. Then have one cool off day and get back to drinking. One my worst days id put down two six packs of high abv ipas within a few hours. Normally a few bombers a day.

The shitty thing is that i dont think of myself as a real alcoholic. I drink beer because i love the way it tastes. I dont drink vodka or anything else really. Yet i get shafted with this shit that not even the hardcore alcoholics i know have. I havent had beer in like three days and i miss it already

>> No.8127953


hmm yeah that's a lot but it doesn't seem like it's enough to cause alcoholic neuropathy at age 26

you got fucked by genetics my boy

im 28 drink more than you and am doing fine physically

emotionally not so hot tho

>> No.8127965

Hope you get better bro. That amount of drinking i told you about which isnt a lot but it cost me a 4 year relationship with a girl who wanted to marry me and caused me to slip into a 3 month depression. Im better emotionally now but as i said physically im fucked now. Funny all this talk is making me want a drink.

>> No.8128001

i think i've done it lads
had my last drink wednesday night
have p much just been in bed since then using a benzo taper to deal with withdrawals
i feel pretty alright now
should be on 0mg tomorrow :)
got work tomorrow but i think i will be okay. would be amazing to have kicked this shit

got a friend's bday drinks on tuesday, i could just not go depending how i feel or try and drink soft drinks .we will see

>> No.8128026

Live by the bottle die by the bottle

>> No.8128052

I know you don't want to mix it, but bulleit makes a damn fine Rob Roy

>> No.8128058

is mixing alcohols bad like people say?

I haven't been drinking long but the other day I drank Tequila, then Gin, and some red Wine. It made me depressed as fuck but not sick or anything

>> No.8128091


In my experience, it is a meme.

I frequently drink wine, beer, whiskey, and gin in the same night and the next day is just the same as if I have only stuck to one.

Trick is water before bed and a decent amount of sleep.

>> No.8128092

only non experienced drinkers say that. I've mixed several types of alcohol and had the same kind of hangover

>> No.8128143

you did good, dont let anyone tell you otherwise
eat something light

>> No.8128288

The people that say that are the same type that say "whisky makes me an angry drunk, vodka makes me want to dance, tequila makes me etc etc"

>> No.8128336

Is this an image for ants?

>> No.8128364
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Lets lighten the mood a bit in here guys, let's hear your best drunk story

>> No.8128392


sorry I get a little bit confused sometimes. whats not adding up?

thanks mate! still alive :)

>> No.8128411


a bartender asked me if I could say the alphabet backwards and I told him id whoop his ass backwards

I wasn't served

>> No.8128435

I picked up a mouse to save it from some cats when I was pretty drunk. My room mate yelled at me for coming home drunk with a rodent in my hand. I brought to my room where I passed out with the door open for fresh air, when I woke up in the morning he was gone. Still miss that guy.

>> No.8128465
File: 1.14 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk what it is about being drunk and being fascinated with animals, a few years back I chased around an opossum for like an hour while hammered. Got bitten shortly after this pic, luckily didn't get rabies

>> No.8128468


>> No.8128481

idk. I didn't even go over looking for the mouse I wanted to pet the cats, then I noticed the ball of brown fur they were batting at and saved the mouse.

>> No.8128505

>The shitty thing is that i dont think of myself as a real alcoholic

You were putting away the equivalent amount of alcohol as a fifth of liquor a day. That's not a lot for an alkie, but it's enough to get you in the club

>> No.8128516

Brewdog Libertine Black Ale is sporting that tobacco when you drink it late at the evening. If you're unexperienced the bitterness takes over. I've been in both camps myself nigga.

>> No.8128520

Revealed to the girl I had had a crush on for a few years that I liked her, she told me she'd had a crush on me, too. Didn't lead to much other than us huddled next together in her room, watching old movies, but, I couldn't stay because her parents were born-agains (she was staying home to save up money after ending a long-term relationship).

Saw each other again on Thanksgiving break. She came to where I was living and stayed a couple nights, which was rare because she usually worked 6-7 nights a week in a factory. We both had some Blue Moons one night and some Wild Blue Lager ( slightly higher ABV - like 8%) the next and just cuddled and kissed and went to various restaurants those days.

It was a nice little vacation. We kept going on dates, but never went steady, partially because she lived in the town I grew up in and I in the town I went to university in. Long story short, she broke my heart, it was for the best because it turned out she was a Scientologist, and somehow some part of me still pines for her today. Because of her, I still have a thing for girls around 5'3", AA cup, and thin as the kind of shits you take on Adderall to this day.

>> No.8128526

Drank like 8 beers and almost a pint of vodka last night marathoning a show.
I could have sworn I had half the pint left for tonight when I went to sleep. Nope.
Barely a shot in there, I just drank it and that's all I get tonight because it's Sunday and I live in the fucking midwest.

>> No.8128601

That's a shitty feeling, it always happens to me. Wake up and think "oh nice, I think I have at least 1/3 of that handle left for today", then look in the freezer and it's barely a couple shots

>> No.8128622

Yeah, it really is like retarded as fuck. The thing is, if I really kept whole bottles of liquor around I'd probably get right back on the fifth a day train no problem and that would really fuck my future up since I have like no prospects as it is. I mean I guess it's just better that I don't drink tonight, but I'm kind of pissed off about it 2bh.

>> No.8128653


hey man you could always relapse and end up like me.. im the bayonet bro.

ive lost everything because of booze.

>> No.8128675

I got drunk the day after I moved into a new apartment, forgot I had moved, and stumbled back from the bars to my old apartment (which happened to be unlocked) and fell asleep there. The new guys living there were chill luckily, they thought it was hilarious

>> No.8128688


Who else /majordepressivealcoholic/ while going to uni with a full course load?

>> No.8128702


you still have a computer and an internet connection.

>> No.8128706

Similar story I spent the night at a girls house blacked out and woke up at night thinking I was still in my apartment. Took the route I take in my apt to the bathroom which in her apt took me to the corner of the room where I pissed all over her desk

>> No.8128731


very true. I have an enormous amount of support from my coworkers/family but im still struggling.

>> No.8128778

Thank fuck I was able to find about half a bottle of wine. Not much but a whole shitton of a lot better than nothing at all.
Got lucky.

>> No.8128789


im about 750 ml of vodka today and not feeling much.

glad you got your fix m8

>> No.8128795

That has to be rough.
I mean I definitely became full blown during the last years of college, but it didn't truly come to it's ultimate fruition until I had my degree and was done with that place.
If I had gotten into the territory where I was once during school, I would have failed out no question.
Good luck.

>> No.8128817


Thanks I will be needing it

>> No.8128825


yeah me too i was a binge drinker during college but it wasn't until the stresses of the working world hit me that i turned into a self-medicating true alkie

>> No.8128862

When you drink heavy during college you can just label it as a normal college kid, problem is that most people stop those habits and move on with a real life after, where as I moved back home and kept drinking

>> No.8128923

Anyone else not enjoy drinking anymore/can barely handle hard liquor anymore yet drink out of addiction?

>> No.8128961


I was drinking hevy before I even started uni

>> No.8129089

Get a hobby
I started woodworking

>> No.8129163

Did two semesters at an uni, things weren't bad at first then it got to the point where I just had no motivation to leave my dorm room. Second semester without a roommate definitely did not help. Two years later, drinking every night. I'm just glad that I'm not starting to drink right when I wake up these days.

>> No.8129165

So did I dude, so did I.

>> No.8129194

hey niggers

I usually don't have a problem with drinking at all. If i dont drink im fine. But the problem is once i start drinking ill binge drink. I either have 0 drinks in a night (which is totally fine) or ill have at least 8. If i have 2 or 3 i need to drink more until i fall asleep.

What do?

>> No.8129612

As a full blown alkie I would recommend you just avoid drinking most of the time and just make it easier on yourself. Just get shitfaced very sparingly and mostly don't drink.

>> No.8129624

