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8119678 No.8119678 [Reply] [Original]

I start work at Wendy's tomorrow. I'm kind of nervous because I think I'll be the only white employee. Everyone else who works there is black, and they're pretty ghetto-y acting blacks. Any tips?

>> No.8119694

Good luck, me.

>> No.8119697

Try not to Pepsi

>> No.8119698

Learn ebonics and refer to them as "nigguh". GL op

>> No.8119702

What do you mean?

>> No.8119717

Find a different job. Even I refuse to work with ghetto blacks.

>> No.8119722

every time you walk into work, apologize to each of them profusely and earnestly about being a part of a group which systematically oppresses them every day. go through a huge amount of motions, getting close to them, making deep eye contact with a very guilty expression, shake their hands and thank them for being open-minded enough to deal with you. never miss a chance to shake their hand and apologize.

before long, the idea of discussing racial matters around you will strike them as completely disgusting, they will avoid you and never bug you with their retarded fucking BLM google bullshit, they will just get silent when you walk into the room and you can do your fucking job without having to deal with them googling all over your white ass. make sure you really nail it home that there is no benefit to giving you the whole "white man keeping us down" routine because you feel more guilty and awkward about it than they could ever try to make you feel

>> No.8119726

I have a feeling it's not going to work out. I already have a hard time taking to people, and these are people I really have nothing in common with.

>> No.8119731

Yeah I'll be sure to do this

>> No.8119739

basically if you don't know how to make googles like you and want to chill with you, your best bet is to convince them to stay the fuck out of your face. make their asses uncomfortable in a nonviolent way and you're set.

>> No.8119749

How would you suggest I do that? I'll already be awkward and quiet so that'll probably do it.

>> No.8119761
File: 385 KB, 1024x957, 1471651649868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frame them one-by-one for really really bad shit that guarantees they'll get fired. Find homeless white men and women and have them apply, saying you'll put a good word in for them. Tell local news outlets about your locations' new hire-the-homeless program to help get people off the streets. Wendy's is pressured into hiring them all. You now have nothing to worry about.

>> No.8119765

I just told you. Apologize profusely and excessively about being a white man. They can't get mad at you, but it will make them uncomfortable enough that they won't want to deal with you.

Just being quiet and nerdy isn't enough, that's how you get those googles to be like "aww look at this dude" and then they'll never stop talking shit about your:
1. shirt
2. shoes
3. head
4. hairline
5. anything they can think of that is not their fucking business
The awkward threshold for googles is different from yours, so you have to do things differently to get them to fuck off. And don't do any stupid shit like making fun of Black culture, they will just lose their shit in a bad way

>> No.8119773

I'll just expect the worst and that's probably what will happen. I know I'm screwed. I hate my life.

>> No.8119776

Just tell yourself that you're better than them cause quite frankly, you are.

>> No.8119784

no you fuck, man up. work hard on getting them to never want to be around you and you will reap the rewards of sweet, golden silence. keep being an awkward fat nerd from the second they meet you, and they will hound you with their google antics until the day you quit

>> No.8119787

Stop being such a fucking baby and learn to work with people you don't like, otherwise you will get nowhere in life. Man the fuck up. You got this.

>> No.8119791

I'll power through it somehow cause I really need the money. Thanks for the advice bro, even if it was in jest.

>> No.8119792

Often tell them you're saddened by the death of their brother, Harambe

>> No.8119793

Yeah I know I need to stop being a baby. Thanks.

>> No.8119794
File: 279 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_0124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play I will always love by whitney houston in your car with the windows down as you're parking, make SURE other employees can hear you listening and really feeling the music. If you can't do it in the morning just find a moment, it may not be easy, but a few have to see and hear you listening to that -- use headphones and a phone if you have to,, and if they believe you, you are set.

>> No.8119795

Maybe this is good advice.

>> No.8119800

I take the train

>> No.8119801

So 4chan really is full of autists, huh...

>> No.8119804

Haha yeah dude man up and ignore you're the only piece of white meat in the middle of a Google riot. Beg them to FUCK your sister too.

>> No.8119805

Yes I am an autist

Will do

>> No.8119812

Wendy's was my first job in high school. Really wasn't that bad. I kinda liked working there after I got used to it.

>> No.8119813

I know you're only pretending to be retarded, but he's asking for advice. It's a job at Wendy's. If he can't handle that, he won't be able to handle shit in life. "Man up" is the best advice for him.

>> No.8119817

Not meaning to sound so harsh btw op. But really, it's not going to be that big of a deal. Rushes will suck and the people will suck, but you'll learn to deal with them better and the money will probably be worth it. Good luck.

>> No.8119820

Your original post was the epitome of autism. Are you really surprised it attracted autists?

>>>/r9k/ is that way bro.

>> No.8119825

Btw I came off sort of racist in this thread and I regret that. I'm just awkward, and more so around people I have nothing in common with

Thank you

>> No.8119827

That wasn't me

>> No.8119863

there people just like you with their own hopes and dreams just remember that just talk to them you should fit in fine

>> No.8119877

Everyone will be chill as long as you maintain an "in this together" attitude. Shit sucks and you're all dealing with it as one group of employees. Always cover your own ass instead of their ass in the end, but at least initially be willing to play ignorant on light stuff.

If their "Ghetto-y", I assume you mean they're some loud ass motherfuckers. So, y'know, whatever, a bunch of low class extroverts. Just be accepting and receptive, they're not socially stupid they can tell if you're awkward, so just be open to their stuff and they'll realize you're an awkward whiteboy and won't push it too hard. Unless that's the joke in which case I suggest probably just being the "butt of the joke" (if you can even call it that) and let them immerse you in whatever niggery shit they're going on about.

Or they won't give one sly single shit about even so much as acknowledging you, let alone talking to you and befriending you, in which case it's just status quo you little faggot.

>> No.8119892

Thanks you're right

Lol thanks

>> No.8119950

Protip: nigger is a racist term don't use it

>> No.8119966

I'm fat I'm skinny I'm a guy I'm a girl I'm a kid I'm an adult I'm .....anonymous

>> No.8121251


>> No.8121343

so what word is being filtered to "google"?

>> No.8121352


>> No.8121383


The dudes are working which puts them several giant leaps above your average ghetto blacks.

>> No.8121390
File: 978 KB, 275x208, tumblr_inline_nfiuva1gdN1rqe9e5.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much any place ran by niggers is going to be horrible. youll get bulldogged and made fun of for sure. pretty much all you can do is act just as aggressive but then youll get teamed up on and fired bc the place is already ran by the same pack of chimps

>> No.8121391

It's just a really dumb, really forced meme that will pass in a week or two.

>> No.8121435

Make it known that you're the one running the place because you're white and they're subhuman shitskin niggers

If you have any other questions I'll be around, OP

>> No.8121510


>> No.8121547

OP keep it cool. Don't snitch don't rock the boat. It's a minimum wage job following the work efficiency of everyone else. Try too hard and they will give you all the shitty jobs. Stand up for yourself there might be a time where the manager, supervisor will pick on you giving you shitty cleaning jobs do em initially but if you catch yourself doing em all the time stand up for yourself. Most important thing when working minimum wage be a good employee for your own standard learn skills that can transferred over into your life or other jobs BUT IT'S STILL A MINIMUM WAGE JOB IF IT'S BULLSHIT FIND ANOTHER THEN QUIT. Plop this job on a resume and move on.

>> No.8121883

don't drop the spatula, OP

>> No.8121893


>> No.8122623


>> No.8122683

Wear neutral colors

>> No.8122801

just smile and say hi to whoever you work with.Start conversation like asking about themselves.People love talking about themselves and after they say their part you say yours and now you know a bit about eachother.

>> No.8122814

Just be funny and you'll be fine.

>> No.8122826

Become the boss.

>> No.8122868

It's easier talking to blacks than other races, they're naturally gregarious so they're really easy to keep a convo with since they're more likely to shoot the shit and break the ice earlier

>> No.8123217

Put some fuckin corn rows in your hair, call yourself Vanilla Bomb or some shit. Act like a nigger and you'll be head lettuce washer in no time

>> No.8123220

Pack heat. All blacks pack heat

>> No.8123261


>> No.8123297

White Privilege: The Thread

>> No.8123351

Hook an mp3 player up to the train horn and play it

>> No.8123359 [DELETED] 


>> No.8123776

make sure you wear red ankle-bands, wrist bands, a red undershirt, and red grill.
They will know.

>> No.8124208


>> No.8124217

samefag kys

>> No.8124232


Seriously this. Ghetto blacks who actually have jobs aren't that bad just be a good sport cause they will definitely fuck with you especially if youre the only white person there.

>> No.8124274

We just hired our first black dude in my kitchen, I'm the lead and I've trained him the same way as everyone else only I had to do it like four times and he is still fucking terrible. Find a different kitchen OP, cuz you are in for a rough one.

Either that or just work harder than them. This should be easy. Soon you will be their boss. Especially if the owner/manager is white. Good luck OP

>> No.8124867 [DELETED] 


>> No.8125822

Not race related, but tryou not to eat the food there too often. You will gain a ton of weight.
I worked at mcdonalds in high school and that shit screwed me up until well after I graduated

>> No.8125823 [DELETED] 

guys it's op
I never went in for my first day
Looks like I'll be a NEET a little longer

>> No.8125853

Violently swing the door open your first day and yell "What's up niiiiiiiggas?"

>> No.8125959

>works at Wendys
>better than other people who work there
you sure mate?

>> No.8125964

Well done lad

>> No.8125971 [DELETED] 


>> No.8125983

Now I want a baconator

>> No.8126098

Have fun, nigga. Everyone likes to have a good time

>> No.8126392

Don't go.

>> No.8127450 [DELETED] 


>> No.8127519

naggers obviously just nigger it.

>> No.8127529

Just don't be a fucking pussy, but you're posting on /ck/ so that's impossible. Enjoy being treated like shit.

>> No.8127534

Just be friendly and polite. They obviously know you're white so don't try to act any different than you normally do. Try to be funny and crack some jokes even if they're corny.

If they're shitheads then that sucks and you might have to find a different place to work. that's how it goes everywhere.

Could be worse. If you worked with hispanics, game over they'd never bother communicating with you.

>> No.8127797


>> No.8128002

>Everyone else who works there is black, and they're pretty ghetto-y acting blacks

Sounds like a horrible work environment.

Why would you choose to work there.

On the other hand it will be very easy for you to excel and get promotions etc.. if that is the path you want to take.

>> No.8128009

I didn't go in for my first day

>> No.8128016

>It's easier talking to blacks than other races, they're naturally gregarious

What a load of pure bullshit!

>> No.8128020


Hmm who is the ghetto black now?

Yeah that would be YOU, way to go.

>> No.8128762 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 267x244, 1474808969719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just fucking realized

S76's projectiles get evaporated by McRee's fucking flashbang, WITHOUT STOPPING SAID FLASHBANG

The fucking thing will literally trump out your Helix.

Same as when you fire them and you die right after, the fucking rockets just disappear.

What are they made of fucking paper mache???