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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8118961 No.8118961 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a newly hired Batista from Starbucks anything?

>> No.8118962
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>newly hired Batista

>> No.8118964

Do you like blogging on anonymous imageboards?

>> No.8118966

How long until you kill yourself?

>> No.8118970
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>> No.8118975


>> No.8118978

I give it a few months

>> No.8119028

DT, Cafe, or Mallbux?

>> No.8119035

You started during the worst season of the year. Dont assume they want PSLs hot.

>> No.8119049

I'd give them my hot PSL, if you catch my venti macchiato.

>> No.8119051

You will hate your job until February.

>> No.8119056

suck my pink drink fggt

>> No.8119064


>> No.8119065


You had one job.

>> No.8119073

London Fog lattes are garbage tho

>> No.8119078

I know and i never assume
Don't doubt it

>> No.8119082

DT shit nigga, feel bad for ya.
Just remember the vast majority of customers you get won't know jackshit about what they actually want

>> No.8119090

All I do is DT. Assume everyone is retarded.

>> No.8119100

Where do you work and what do you do?

>> No.8119112

Same, just hired. What I've learned:

>employees give no fucks
>managers give even fewer fucks
>9/10 are on some sort of drug
>everything is chaos
>everyone knows starbucks overroasts its beans and they agree it's garbage
>the machines do all the work pretty much
>fraps are a pain in the ass to make
>customers don't know what they want or what they're talking about
>it's all just fucking sugar
>"close enough" is a valid recipe

>> No.8119118

It is. I constantly get "this is not the size I wanted" even though its the one they stated or "can you make it bigger pls?" Or the usual "I never asked for that drink"
Like state? Texas and usually I am DT or customer support. Occasionally they'll put me on bar but since I am new they're waiting
Pretty spot on although my manager cares WAY too fucking much about minor shit. Everyone else doesn't care much and are chill

>> No.8119134


My manager doesn't give a fuck if we clock an extra half hour, and hell we don't even wear aprons or name tags. One guy wears hightops. No set breaks either, we just come and go, and we leave whenever.

Oh I should mention there is hella wastage of food and they don't bother recycling.

>> No.8119164

texas baristas unite
Work in Austin plz kill me

>> No.8119167


Slight protip while you lot are still stuck on DT. Start memorizing drink recipes while you ring them in, if you're lucky you'll impress your Shift and get switched to bar ASAP.

>> No.8119175

What are three visible things that if a male customer walks in having, you know you would never be romantic would him?

What is your favorite Starbucks sandwich?

>> No.8119177

I prefer bar to drive actually
Less work no?

>> No.8119182

Former Starbucks barista AMA

>> No.8119186

>fraps are a pain in the ass to make
too fuckin bad because it's the only good thing on their menu

>> No.8119198

Why is that new cold brew not that bad? Do they sweeten it?

>> No.8119202
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>> No.8119210

>we just come and go, and we leave whenever.
Fucking lucky bastard. And yes the waste of food and drinks is insane
San Antonio here.
I've been trying to do that. Getting the hang of it a bit
I dig the double bacon
How many years did you work?
I haven't tried it but it looks decent

>> No.8119218

Yeah that cold brew really bailed me out when a date led me there, why do women love that shitty place?

>> No.8119224

Women have inherently bad taste

>> No.8119225


1. Order off the "SECRET MENU"
2. Hit on me while I'm working
3. Be (You)

and best sandwich is the grilled cheese, too bad most stores don't get it anymore

>> No.8119232

>3. Be (You)

wtf i HATE starbucks now

>> No.8119233

can you tell me why they stopped selling the maple scones?

>> No.8119236

>Women have inherently bad taste

If you're dating a woman who doesn't drink good coffe, then you have bad taste my broe.

>> No.8119237

artificial scarcity

>> No.8119241


>> No.8119242

Would explain why I got a second date.

>> No.8119268

Oh wait I almost forgot I have never used the wi-fi there how does that go? Is it just them telling you the pw like any other cafe?

>> No.8119286

Think it was seasonal
Nah you just connect and accept the terms and conditions and you get wifi

>> No.8119295
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Have you seen a non hipster in store yet? Coffee shops are for hipster faggots.

>> No.8119325

Yes I've seen many non hipsters. Starbucks I'm at near lots of corporate businesses and hospitals so many of them come along with old man who like to read the paper with a dark roast. Those are my favorite to serve. Quick and easy drink and no bs

>> No.8119639


>> No.8119658

I'm curious on how many baristas post on /ck/ tbqh, current barista now and if my store didn't get reserve coffees I would have bounced by now

>> No.8119663

>Girls will refer to this as coffee

>> No.8119667
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underrated post

>> No.8119704

God damn I used to work as a pastry chef making abominable creations of empty calories but Starbucks still never ceases to amaze me.

>> No.8120894


>> No.8120908


>> No.8120927

the fuck does DT mean?

>> No.8120971

Drive thru

>> No.8120973

Donkey Tits

>> No.8121033


my location is outside a fancy hotel. We get mostly businessmen, nearly everyone is in a suit. Tips are fantastic. The people who work there are more often than not hipsters, though. We don't have a drive through either. I really picked the best location ever to apply to.


imo all the food looks like ass. It all comes wrapped in plastic and it sits in a bin all day.

Only thing decent there is the hot tea because you can't fuck that up.

>> No.8121054

>work at American Starbucks right next to Canada boarder in Washington
>Takes both American and Canadian Cash
>American customers are Litterally dumbest species alive
>Canadians are nice but they never ask for anything special or can't voice what they want (drives me mad)
>this was around the time those Nexus cards were introduced and I got one
>Finally go to Canada
>Starbucks in Vancouver is a dream
>Legit friendly staff, clean, well kept
>See a rude ass hole, think my dream is shattered when he is a her to cute part timer
>About to white night when he suddenly pays with American money
>I only have American money
>Leave in shame cause I don't want to be associated with that

Didn't get my coffee and realized America sucks all over again

>> No.8121068


"if you are rude to your enemies, they win"

MAGA you stupid hat traitor.

>> No.8121073
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Go away, Justin.

>> No.8121075

Why are you making a thread just because you work a low wage retail job

Do you think making coffee entitles you to some kind of respect? You're not an artisan and you're not exerting any skill that couldn't be learned by a random person on the street within 5 minutes

>> No.8121077

Lol youre a fucking fast food worker stop trying to sound dignified

>> No.8121144

How heavy is a venti pumpkin latte after years of vegan diets with no protein?

>> No.8121146

it's not low wage she's making bank compared to McDonald's

>> No.8121180


Not even him but not really. There's no flying grease or nasty roaches or food assembly. You need to memorize recipes and be able to make changes as the customer requests. It's more similar to bartending. But I guess you only eat at mcdonalds so that is the first thing you thought of.

>> No.8121737

But that's what they are