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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8116059 No.8116059[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Roast steak on high flame with olive oil and garlic on each side for 5 mins
Then put in a 200 degree oven for 45 minutes
Take the steak out and glaze it with honey and soy sauce
Put back on pan on low heat and cook with butter and onions
Serve immediately and top with butter and ketchup

>> No.8116077

sounds good

>> No.8116083

This is the technique for cheap cuts, I hope.

>> No.8116084

Marinade steak with choice marinade.

cook onions and butter in pan at med until onions are clear.

Increase heat to high

Sear steak on both sides to seal in flavor.

Reduce heat to medium

keep dressing melted butter and onions onto it

Cook until rare, med rare or whatever.

Pretty basic way i do it but i play with it sometimes and i don't have a bbq.

>> No.8116086


>> No.8116130


>> No.8116206

Put salt and pepper on, cook to order.

>> No.8116220

Buffalo steak is the way to go.

>> No.8116230

Cape buffalo or water buffalo?

>> No.8116248
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>> No.8116253


>Roast on high flame.

You're doing it wrong.

>> No.8116263


>> No.8116403

>adding sugary shit to your steak
how shitty is the meat you're eating

sounds about right

>> No.8116417
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You almost got me until the ketchup

>> No.8116426

1. take a fork or a knife
2. poke holes all throughout the steak
3. pour vinegar all over it making sure it gets into the holes (will break down the meat and soften it)
4. let it marinade overnight

thank me later

>> No.8116433

Not bait

>> No.8116480

place a wireless thermometer in your biggest steak. Cook your steak in an oven set to 280 degrees until you hit 120 degrees. Sear in a pan heated to 600 degrees for 4 minutes a side, or on a grill heated to 750 for the same. Finish at 135 for the perfect steak.

>> No.8116483


I'm referring to a steak at least 1.5 inches thick.

>> No.8116524

use a blowtorch

>> No.8116605


>> No.8116616

I'm more akin to microwaving steaks.

>> No.8116662

For stovetop steaks, I just sprinkle a little salt and pepper and sear it with just enough butter to coat the bottom of the pan. Sometimes I'll toss in some sliced mushrooms while the steak cooks so they can absorb a bit of the grease. Serve with a baked potato or an ear of corn. Cheap and tasty.

>> No.8116668


>> No.8116672

Please stop spamming /ck/.

>> No.8116673

Wonderful tips. Imma try this. Thanks, OP.

>> No.8116679

No problem

>> No.8116706


Not this.

>> No.8116728

>5 minutes
sheit, this is way too lo-
>the rest of this
Oh, I see

>> No.8116732


>> No.8116734

Yes, your bait worked, no need to go further anon

>> No.8116741


>> No.8116782

>olive oil
stopped reading there desu

>> No.8116940


>roasting your steak for five minutes

Just let it sit at room temperature for half an hour you fucking idiot. Make 50/50 butter and olive oil, put on high, wait till butter browns and sear on both sides for 60-90 seconds MAX. Let rest in foil in 140 degrees celcius for 10 min, serve.

Fuck you.

>> No.8116945

>eat this expensive steak in Japan
>chef keeps fucking fiddling with it
>no crust because Japanese people don't like crust on their meat


>> No.8116968

As someone who lives in Japan, can confirm. Japs have zero concept what-so-ever of how fucking steak works.

>> No.8116979

I get it, you're a filp. I hope prasident Duterte's death squads get you!

>> No.8116993
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that was probably traditional preparation of a steak. in most japanese steakhouses they will prepare it for you western-style but they will cut it into small pieces because you're still supposed to eat it with chopsticks. at least they don't marinade because marinading a good fucking steak should be a crime.

>> No.8117006

Just because something is "traditional" doesn't mean they're not ruining good meat.

>> No.8117015

>pour in spices and melted butter into ziplock bag
>throw in your meat and get it covered
>put it in your sous vide bathe
>wait for set time
>take out and let rest
>sear in max temp cast iron skillet
>let sit a minute before eating the perfect stake with minimal effort

>> No.8117740


>> No.8117799

Certainly wrong. You're overcooking the meat, and overpowering the flavour of it with all sorts of other things.

You should get a nice cut, and no less than an inch thick.
Leave steak out to lower it to room temperature.
Heat up a thick-bottomed frying pan to about 45-50 degrees Celsius.
Melt a tablespoon of butter in the pan.

Put the steak in, spoon some butter from the pan over it.
Move it about so it doesn't stick, after about a minute turn it over.
Add a little bit of pepper to the side you've cooked, spoon some more of the butter on.
After about three minutes (making sure it doesn't stick) flip it again, add a bit of pepper to this side, and keep drizzling butter.
Cook on this side for about three more minutes, still being careful not to let it stick to the pan.

Because it's on relatively low heat, the edges of the steak might not be cooked yet, but both sides are done, so if they don't look cooked you want to stand the steak on its edges just long enough to brown them off.
There's no point putting it in the oven since it's already as cooked as we want it, so just let it rest for a minute and then serve. Of course if you have several steaks to prepare you can keep them in the oven to keep them warm, but no higher than 45 degrees because you don't want to cook them any more.

If you want it medium rare you'll have to raise all the temperatures by about 10 degrees.

Do not add any condiments or seasoning except maybe a pinch of sea salt on top.

>> No.8117804

If you want a brick piece of shit at the end yeah sure

>> No.8118232


>> No.8118567

>b-but cooking your steak properly means it will be all dry and gross! I'm not just a filthy fucking savage who should stop pretending to be civilized and just eat raw meat straight off the still living animal, barely searing it is NECESSARY for a nice juicy steak!

>> No.8119243


>> No.8119246

Heston Blumenthal solved this shit a long time ago. Quit fucking around.

Salt your steak, find the hottest heat source available, put your steak on that shit. Flip it every 15 seconds till it hits 125 (USE A FUCKING MEAT THERMOMETER YOU DON'T HAVE SUPERPOWERS) Put some pepper on that shit and let it rest at least 5 minutes.


>> No.8119271

please die soon

>> No.8119272


>> No.8119312
File: 123 KB, 1280x720, berns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Salt your steak, find the hottest heat source available, put your steak on that shit. Flip it every 15 seconds till it hits 125 (USE A FUCKING MEAT THERMOMETER YOU DON'T HAVE SUPERPOWERS) Put some pepper on that shit and let it rest at least 5 minutes.
He's flipping it constantly because he's trying not to get the inside too hot, ie keep it rare. That isn't perfection, it's a way to get his desired temperature without making a crust, something I desire, not steam that never dries.

I adore Heston, but I think he's going insane with the flipping. I'll take someone ladling some hot fat over the top, crusting the sides as well as the top and bottom, and Ruth's Cris is great, Christies in Miami, as is a well done Peter Luger skirt steak with a everything-but-the-kitchen-sink glaze, so is a butterflied flank smothered in chimmichurri (argentine beef is tasty). The

One of the best steaks I've ever had was at a leftover from the Trader Vic's era restaurant called the Mai Kai, where a filet was seared on all sides by a 1800F chinese clay oven thing they've been using since 1945. It had a hint of teriyaki too.
Best steaks in the country are Berns in Tampa FL.

>> No.8119323


>> No.8119326

> Berns, Tampa FL

Just looked this up. Thanks for the tip. Going to make a specific stop next time I'm States side.

>> No.8119327

How do you afford to travel the world do u hav jo.b?

>> No.8119362


Asperg Cuckenthal is literally a kitchen memelord that brought us such classics as "frozen fries are better". him and J Kenji Alt-Cuck get together to suck their wives' dicks and spout retard strength pseudo science about shit everyone knows already

>> No.8119364


>> No.8119367

Wow can you do court things do u get to yell at bad criminaul

>> No.8119406
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Look, there's no rocket science to perfect steak. First, perfect steak is just over medium rare. Too much rare is a specific taste but well done is a fucking abomination.

I use this pan. It's cast iron and looks like shit but this is my go to steak baby and it never fucks up.

You need to get this is as hot as possible so leave it on full heat until you can feel the heat coming off it from a foot away. Put an oil in that's got a low smoke point. Enough to cover the bottom. Once that oil starts to go very liquid and you can feel the heat, slam your steaks in. Two at a time but no more as you want the surface heat maximised.

Leave it approximately one and a half to two minutes and lift to check the side is perfectly crusted and grid scored. Flip it. Same for the other.

I love fat on steaks. Two ways to do this: either cut the fat off beforehand and score it and put it in a few minutes before the steak. It will curl up into a delicious little curl of perfect crispness by the time you're done. Alternatively, and once you have experience with the heat, once both sides are done just lift it with tongs and place the fat side flat down on the pan and press. The fat cooks remarkably quickly but you need to concentrate the heat and hold it.

Once this is all done, place your finished steak on a piece of foil, wrap and leave for no more than two minutes. The heat will keep cooking it while you get your plate etc. Plate up straight away, salt and pepper if you prefer.

That's it. It's no more complicated than that. Always use good quality and quite thick cuts.

>> No.8119443

It's worth it. They even have their own veggie farm:) Happy eatin' :)

>> No.8119445


>> No.8119450

Thanks, y-you too.

>> No.8119462

Certainly seems it. American steak houses generally seem good in my experience but this apparently has quite the rep. Thanks again for the tip.

>> No.8119557


>> No.8119693

Alton brown's recipe for skirt steak cooked on the coals of a grill is great. There's a video out there. It kinda depends on what you like though.

>> No.8119714



>> No.8119729


Literally the only guy who post their steak in a thread about making steak, and it's one of the juiciest ones I've ever seen. I'm disappointed with everyone here.

>> No.8120355

>honey and garlic and shit
The fuck are you doing? Salt and pepper is all that's needed.

>> No.8120364

>salt and pepper is the only spice thing
>things white people say because they can only taste a couple spices at once

>> No.8120366

Sorry boy, us whites can afford better cuts. We don't have to cover the up the flavors with sauces and spices.

>> No.8120375

Up until our grandparents lifetime, spices were the most expensive part of a meal, way more than the meat. Covering up a not so great cut of meat was not a thing until extremely recently because it didn't make sense. Other cultures besides Europeans and White Americans used spices because they made the food taste even better.

>> No.8120379

Plus French food is only famous because of the sauces so wtf are you even talking about

>> No.8120403

Finally! A proper cook.

>> No.8120871

If you're too poor to eat A5 grade beef, you probably shouldn't comment,

>> No.8120877

You don't make the perfect steak. God does. You just cook it. That's how it works!

>> No.8121261


>> No.8121336

god its nice to have someone of influence saying that you can only turn a steak over once. most stupid bullshit

>> No.8121339



>> No.8121356

>soy sauce
I'm literally shaking, if you do that to a good stake you deserve a painful death.

>> No.8121429

The only bad ingredient is the ketchup

>> No.8121508


>> No.8122218

Wtf is up with these honey sauces?It's a meal, not a dessert

>> No.8122651


>> No.8122656

can you do this with pork tenderloin or should I not bother because

>> No.8122665


If you want to taste propanol do this. Stop using torches that leave residual hydrocarbons on your food. A blue flame does on guarantee that your tongue can't taste a few ppm of oil based flame. Trust me.

>> No.8122667


>> No.8122689

Obese Americans have small penis always eat junk food saludo de lima peru callao

>> No.8122719


Did you slip into an aneurysm? Or did you just announce your family name?

>> No.8122875

If this tastes like shit I'm going to hunt you down and pay a nigger to tongue your anus

>> No.8122877

its delicious dude
Bone apa tite!

>> No.8122893

unfortunately I don't have any ketchup, any ideas on a substitute? I have:
>thai sweet chili sauce
>vietnamese hot sauce
>a fuckton of tomato/pasta sauce

>> No.8122895

Add a little sugar to the tomato sauce and use that

>> No.8122897

wil do, thanks m8

>> No.8122977

Steak isn't good. Burgers are better.

>> No.8124130
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get imported pomace olive oil and quit buying the shelf shit, faggot

>> No.8124258


I put plenty of butter in a good pan and two or three garlic cloves and bring to a bit lower than medium heat. When reasonably hot, I add the steak, peppered on both sides, and cook it on one side until the edges show it cooked almost to the middle. Then flip and repeat.

When done, I set it on cloth or paper towels to drain and rest while I wash my cooking utensils. After about 5 minutes of resting, I put it on a plate and eat.

The best steaks I've eaten were cooked this way.

Many people think you have to sear the hell out of the steak to get some carmelization. Using butter, you will get plenty of carmelization.

If you get some good grass fed beef and try to cook it on high heat, you would be very unhappy with the results and blame it on the grass fed beef when the cause of the poor steak would be a failure in the cooking technique.

>> No.8124273

What's with the retarded meme that you're supposed to only turn it once? Is it some test of chef skill that some Redditor faggot saw and spread to his Redditor friends as "law" to look cool?

>> No.8124303
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literally this. I use a 15in cast iron and leave it on high until its smoking well. add a good bit of butter to the pan then throw in my steaks. I leave them on for ~3mins each side without fondling them, adding more butter and crushed garlic after the first flip, sometimes brushing with thyme (not that necessary really) and basting. after I just give it some salt and pepper then resting for ten mins then viola.

>> No.8124308 [DELETED] 

wa la

>> No.8124316

fuck you

>> No.8124322 [DELETED] 


>> No.8124464


>> No.8124878 [DELETED] 


>> No.8124970

grind it into hamburger and make a burger.

>> No.8125179

Why do people eat steak when chicken exists?

>> No.8125349

Fuck that. Just bake it at 350F, on a rack over a drip pan, until it's 145-150F inside. Do whatever the hell you want with the drippings -- sauce is optional. If not making a sauce, apply coarse salt and black pepper.

>> No.8125401

This. It's the best steak I ever had. It needed a little extra cooking for me though, it came out very very rare.

>> No.8125562

Sweet, just moved to Bradenton, Tampa is 35 mins away.


>> No.8125631

Would rather have Mortons in Buckhead

>> No.8125668

Why do people eat chicken when fish exists?

>> No.8125686
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Went to a restaurant once with a guy who ordered his duck well-done.

You remind me of him.

>> No.8125692 [DELETED] 

R u a lady

>> No.8125978 [DELETED] 


>> No.8125980

Just eat it well done with catsup like I do

>> No.8127422 [DELETED] 


>> No.8127774


>> No.8128243


>> No.8128872 [DELETED] 


>> No.8129016

Vacuum seal with thyme, butter, salt and pepper rub. Sous vide for 1 hour at 127 degrees F. Reverse sear 1 minute each side, done.

>> No.8129020

>Reverse sear

fucking stop this. you're searing it. "reverse searing" would be if you somehow uncooked the outside of the fucking meat

same retard shit as calling it "reverse racism" when it's black on white. it's just FUCKING RACISM

>> No.8129506
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Enjoy your warm raw meat

>> No.8130752 [DELETED] 


>> No.8131616
