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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8113893 No.8113893 [Reply] [Original]

People of /ck/, I beg you. I need your help.

I am abroad in Korea. Today I saw a small roach in my apartment, walking across the floor. The fucker went right into the wall before I could catch him (Sadly there are many nooks and crannies..).

I am 100% ready to go full nuclear. Buy poison, spread it everywhere, get rid of ALL my food and eat in restaurants for the next week or so. I've only seen a single roach so far. I don't let much food lie around.

Just how Fucked am I? I'm in full panic mode right now

>> No.8113897

Just co-exist peacfully

>> No.8113902

if you see one, it's very likely it has already laid thousands of eggs and started a colony behind your walls. You're pretty fucked OP.

>> No.8113907
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that's what I thought/read

do you think I should lay out poison or just straight up call an exterminator?

it was only a few minutes ago that I saw the first one, it's the only one I've seen but that doesn't say fucking anything

>> No.8113921

Calling an exterminator to spray is probably actually safer than completely shoving store-bought poison all around your house. Generally those sprays are not very toxic in comparison.

>> No.8113929
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>call an exterminator?

I'm assuming that you're renting, so this ought to be the landlord's responsibility.

But I'd go ask over in /diy/.

>> No.8113934
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how the FUCK am I supposed to eat and sleep for the next few days? I cant even think about anything but roaches crawling and shitting over my body as I sleep. scared to even go into my kitchen.

I deal with all kinds of insects, I have no problem cleaning up shit or piss or vomit, hell, I've cleaned up an old woman's dead vagina when I worked in an elderly home, but this shit, for some reason is triggering the some ancestral fear in me that makes a little bitch.

>> No.8113938


thanks man, appreciate it

I can't fucking live in here, I've already made my decision anyway

trying to get some korean girl from my uni to translate for me and go to the landlord, make her call an exterminator tomorrow

after he's done I'll lay out a mixture of sugar and baking soda for the next.. three months

>> No.8113940


#1 clean up. Roaches only show up if something is attracting them: food or water. So find what it is that they're after and get rid of it. Got any dirty dishes in the sink? Pet food lying around? Spills? Leftovers? Trash that hasn't been taken out? A faucet that drips? Fix all that stuff first. If you don't correct that then they'll just keep coming back.

#2 You don't need an exterminator. Get the right kind of poison and it's very safe to humans and pets, not to mention it's murder on cockroaches. A product containing permetherin would be a good choice.

>> No.8113946

It's over. They'll crawl into your ear and lay eggs.

>> No.8113948
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go to sleep with a plastic bag over your head. they won't get in your mouth that way.

>> No.8113949

>not to mention it's murder on cockroaches.

You say this like it's a bad thing

>> No.8113959
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I'm just curious as to how much of a shit your Korean landlord is going to give about roaches, since I'm sure other folks in your building have 'em too. Maybe even your neighbors.

>> No.8113964

landlord will blame you for it and keep your bond money.

>> No.8113967


well jokes on them, I've already filled every hole in my body with poison


better make sure I properly seal it


>Got any dirty dishes in the sink?

that was most likely the reason, yes. I was very, very autistic about not having food lying around. guess I didnt do a good enough job, my fault.

>Pet food lying around? Spills? Leftovers

nope to all three

>Trash that hasn't been taken out?

I do it everyday, but that's not enough

Tbh I'll just bring it out every time I leave the house now

>A faucet that drips?

That, too? fuck

You ever been in a Korean house? try finding something that ISNT broken..

>You don't need an exterminator. Get the right kind of poison and it's very safe to humans and pets, not to mention it's murder on cockroaches. A product containing permetherin would be a good choice.

why not both?

>> No.8113970

>You say this like it's a bad thing

No, I didn't. The fucking point is to kill them. How could that be anything other than a good thing?

>> No.8113971


probably 0 shits

I'd still rather try it though. If she refuses to pay I'll pay for the exterminator myself, what choice do I really have?

I would blackmail her, but I don't even speak the language bros

>> No.8113973

>why not both?

Because the exterminator costs money and probably isn't needed at all. Call them when you have a major issue, not when you're sperging out after seeing a single roach.

>> No.8113985

did you pay any bond or insurance money to the landlord? that's held as security for any damage that you do to the property.
if so then the landlord may say that you caused the cockroach infestations by leaving food around (try proving otherwise!) and they may keep your bond/insurance money to "pay for damages".

just be wary, is all i'm saying.

>> No.8113988

hijack a plane and fly it into the building!

>> No.8114011

This happened to me, they were living in the walls, they came out of the lights on the ceiling and the water heater, my neighbors had them, everyone had them. I was properly fucked. tried poison/exterminator that did not work.what did work finally was sealing every place they could come out of with caulk and duct tape. I no longer have them.

>> No.8114037


actually a really good tip, tx

ill be really careful, theres a good chance they tr and screw me over


>what did work finally was sealing every place they could come out of with caulk and duct tape. I no longer have them.

just sealing? not sealing and then gassing/poisoning?

did you move out?

how'd you cope with it?

>> No.8114044

GUYS I reposted this thread on /pol/ and they told me I needed a Serbian accordion player to Remove the Roaches, where the fuck do I find one??