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8112606 No.8112606 [Reply] [Original]

>Ima vegetarian, you HAVE to make something for me!

When will they stop /ck/? I'm sure other places have a vegetarian option for you. Stop trying to impose your BS at every restaurant.


>> No.8112611

If they actually buy it, then it sounds good to me. Satisfying a demand is good business.

>> No.8112619

Are there not already plenty of shitty vegan restaurants for those faggots to go to in L.A.?

Perhaps people should unite and form a petition demanding vegan fag places serve a meat product....

>> No.8112620

In n out is doing just fine without it. The lines are already out the door and the drive thru filled with a simple 3 item menu. (Single patty, single patty with cheese, and a double patty with cheese.) they're satisfying demand as is.

>> No.8112623

The lines are already out the door and the drive thru packed from open to close. They're supplying demand as is they don't need to change a thing.

>> No.8112629

Don't like it? Eat somewhere else. Fuck you.

>> No.8112640

They can leave.
And nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.8112647

Why should I go I'm not the one requesting an item not on the menu. Maybe I should go to a vegetarian place and petition they sell juicy steaks like >>8112619 said

>> No.8112649

>In n out is doing just fine
>they're satisfying demand

That's nice, but if there's even MORE profit to be made, why not make it?

>> No.8112652

>eat meat all my life
>love me some in-n-out
>start dating sarah mclachlan-ass bitch
>go vegetarian
>can't eat in-n-out anymore
>i know, maybe if i demand they make something i can eat, i'll be able to have in-n-out again!
>never realize that it wasn't the brand i was looking for, but the meat
>commit suicide age 30

>> No.8112653

They already have 10 cars at the drive thru and a line out the door at any given time until closing. They don't need more people. Kind of why I don't even go anymore lol the wait is ridiculous.

>> No.8112657

Sounds like they need veggie burgers and more locations!

>> No.8112659

It's fucking retarded to get upset about other people's dietary choices. In-N-Out would be stupid not to add a veg option if enough people signed, because money.

>> No.8112663

I agree with you but this sense of entitlement really bugs me.

>> No.8112668

The hard call here is that signing a petition translates little to actually buying the product.
Its a poor way to measure market demand and suistanability of that demand

>> No.8112670

It's not about whether or not it would be a smart financial decision, it's that these leaf-eating sacks of shit have the gall to demand a fucking BURGER SHACK to cater to their dirty conniving leaf-eating ways.

>> No.8112674

I think it's justifiable for vegetarians to ask for something for them. It's how capitalism works. People want something and if a company thinks it'll be profitable, they give it to them. Absolutely nothing wrong with it. Sperglords like to think that it's somehow disrespectful or, especially if the company gives in, is further spreading some sort of degeneracy like when restaurants start serving food for muslims in heavily muslim-populated areas. They aren't asking to get rid the meat, they're not taking anything away from you. People keep making the argument 'if you don't like the food then don't go there' but why don't you choose not to eat the veggie burger if they choose to make one?

>> No.8112677

>put lettuce and tomato on a bun with sauce
>charge idiots $8 for it

Sounds fine to me

>> No.8112679

nice in theory, but you forget that they would have to source a new supply for veggie burgz.

that costs time and money

>> No.8112682

This is it, right here. In-n-Out is run by Commiefornians. If there's no veggie option, it's not because a veggie option never occurred to them.

Veggie burgers would fit in at a burger shack.

>> No.8112686

>Veggie burgers would fit in at a burger shack.
No it wouldn't, because veggie burgers are burgers in name only. In reality, they're sandwiches, and sandwiches are not burgers, capisce?

>> No.8112694

It's not because of either of these. It's because vegetarian logic is functionally retarded.

>> No.8112695

>start dating sarah mclachlan-ass bich.

There's your problem right there. Every feminist vegan I've fucked has been a borderline head case.

Stop putting your dick in crazy.

>> No.8112701

You can get it off the secret menu

t. californian

>> No.8112703

Oh, I haven't forgotten. I just like arguing with people who think they're being censored when vegetarians have meal options besides salad. Not only would In-N-Out need veggie ingredients, they'd need more storage and separate cook surfaces in every restaurant!


But what do you think about cream in carbonara?

>> No.8112816

They're making their desire known. A petition sounds like a fantastic way to let a company know if it's worth putting in the effort of supplying their stores with vegetarian patties.

I don't think they're implying that they're owed more vegetarian options at all, just letting some measure of collective interest be known.

Nobody needs to open a business. Need doesn't really matter.

>> No.8112837

The petition's wording is VERY entitled.

>In-N-Out has been letting its fans down by failing to serve anything that would satisfy a burger-loving customer who wants a healthy, humane and sustainable option
>In-N-Out would be making a huge statement that it truly cares about its customers

They're a failure that doesn't care about their customers for not having a veggie burger? Harsh, man.

>> No.8112839

Don't they already have french fries?

>> No.8112850

They have a grilled cheese, basically a burger with everything just no meat. Kek and also a protein burger, which is a burger without buns. I'd say that's enough.

>> No.8112853

Make it as shitty as possible, charge 5 times the price and have two or three in the fridge for months

>> No.8112865

What if you want a vegetarian protein burger? Do they just fill your hands with cheese?

>> No.8112875

no matter what both have spit in them so just eat your shit food in silence.

>> No.8112881

>Not only would In-N-Out need veggie ingredients, they'd need more storage and separate cook surfaces in every restaurant!


>> No.8112917

how do you know it would give more profit?

>why doesn't every restaurant just make everything, then they satisfy all needs!

>> No.8113031

mustard fried falafel burger sounds dank

>> No.8113064

>ordering the vegetarian burger animal-style


>> No.8113077

I'm a vegetarian and, yeah, this is a shitty thing to do. You should ALWAYS know what a place has to offer before going and trying to order off-menu is unacceptable

>> No.8113096

I work in a decently sized restaurant out in the mountains, where meat/bbq is king.

We keep a box of generic veggie patties around just in case some faggot comes by. We make no attempt to cook this patty in the same manner as our other food, which is to say our food has a distinct taste and feel that we do not try to incorporate into a veggie patty.

This is an issue with a place like In-n-Out as well. So much research and development went into their current menu. You're asking them to either put in the same effort for a veggie patty and hope it still tastes like In n Out, or you're asking them to do like we did and just keep around some generic veggie patties to pacify a few homosexuals.

>> No.8113146

Stupid fucks, just order a grilled cheese and deal with it.

>> No.8113148

they can go to a vegetarian place

>> No.8113152

>So much research and development went into their current menu.


its in n out, they made the menu up 60 years ago and changed nothing since

>> No.8113153

vegetarians were never their fans

>> No.8113160

Gonna go ahead and be that person, because let's face it, I usually am in most threads but..

I'm not a vegetarian. I'm eating chicken thighs right now. I love eating meat.
HOWEVER. I love a good veg burger - or a veggie version of anything. I like my veggies as much as I like my meat.
It'd be so cool if In and Out had a veg option, I'd love to try it. I try most veg burgers at places.

>> No.8113183

I worked at a place called Tilt here in portland and we didn't do this for our veg patties.

(also I no longer work there and don't care about throwing them under the bus)

>> No.8114136

Key word here is TRY

I'm sure most ppl would, along with vegetarians. However most probably wouldn't be regular customers and would go back to their normal faggy places

>> No.8114141

So you really just don't want other people taking up lines at your hipster Wendy's.

>> No.8114170

>Stop trying to impose your BS at every restaurant.
Why not think of it like this: vegetarians aren't imposing anything on anyone, they're saying they'd like to patronize this restaurant - they want to give them their money if they'd just sell something they could buy. Sounds more like a business opportunity than imposing BS.

>> No.8114172

It's not being done for the same reason McDonald's doesn't serve candles and gas fluid. Businesses aren't magical versatile things that can cater to any demand.

>> No.8114186

That's true. But I also suspect there is a tendency recently that, instead of using our freedom to choose which company we want to use, we want major private companies to cater to our needs. And I think it's a dangerous tendency when we start thinking private companies should act in some way as a guardian that needs to please us.

>> No.8114249

Beavertonfag here.
How bout that Voodoo?

>> No.8114253

You sneaky bastard. Although i used to use the same thermometer to check the temperature of meat pies and vegetarian pies when i worked at a cricket stadium.

>> No.8114326


There is almost certainly no way to add this to their menu at a profit. They are trying to blackmail this restaurant into providing them vegetarian options at a loss.

They and you are being stupid assholes or stupidly naive. The second can be fixed, just think for a little longer before you type.

>> No.8114330

who cares, in-n-out isn't even that great, just good value.

>> No.8114336


lolno. Stop treating these petitioners as if the're dangerous. You're giving them too much credit.

>> No.8114343

ITT: Dipshits who think their own biases trump business sense.
Why would a BUSINESS shun an entire demographic? Especially one of the biggest demographics in their market(since it's SoCal)?

>> No.8114348

If it's such a good idea why do customers have to run a petition to get it done?

>> No.8114357

>I think it's a dangerous tendency when we start thinking private companies should act in some way as a guardian that needs to please us.
But that's how capitalism works. Businesses cater to a customer base. They can decide how wide that base is going to be. But when you're such a popular business that people outside your current base want to patronize your business I'd call that a quality problem. Those running the business can decide whether it's worth their while to accommodate a wider demographic. Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. But there's no "danger" here. It's simply a consequence of success.

>> No.8114358

Because businesses need to know that they won't be creating a product no one wants.
I own a shop and add products to my inventory all the time because people ask for them.

>> No.8114372

That's rich. Vegetarians are such a small part of the population that they can be ignored without economic consequence. McDonald's makes a point of ignoring them. In-N-Out can make their own call. But at the end of the day it's their call. There is nothing resembling blackmail here because vegetarians are not in anything resembling a position of power.

>> No.8114374

if in n out could do a veggie burger that would match the quality of their burgers they would. That alone is the major road block not even factoring in their strict supply chains and all the other issues. They have a small menu but they do all that shit to perfection

>> No.8114386

I'm saying there's a change of attitude. Instead of choosing the companies we want to go to, creating equal relationship between customer and company, we want the big companies to act as more or less democratic institute, who holds moral responsibility toward their customer. It's a difference between, "Hey In-N-Out doesn't have what I want, let's go somewhere else" and "Hey, In-N-Out, make something for me". It's cynical because companies aren't democratic entities, they hold no responsibility towards us except for legal ones, but yet we're basically saying, "I can't go anywhere else so please try to please us".

>> No.8114407

>we want the big companies to act as more or less democratic institute

In fact, democratic republics are a good analogy for how companies work. Market experts act as representatives for the public's interest. And companies MUST be responsible to SOME interest, or they go out of business.

>> No.8114414
File: 26 KB, 500x375, 1346888557629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ima vegetarian, you HAVE to make something for me!
>then Ima not going to buy it anyway, as Ima picky as fuck eater...

>> No.8114423

sounds like you're just triggered by their choice of words

>> No.8114449

There is no change in attitude. The change is in how people eat. Time was when a burger was pretty egalitarian - a lowest common denominator safe bet. That was back when beef was king and your clientele was entirely white and Christian. (The Catholics could always find a fish fry on Fridays). Demographics have shifted since then, and the burger is less of a one size fits all meal. Plenty of people out there don't eat beef for whatever reason, and some of those who do are particular about its provenance.

In-N-Out as a private business can decide whether or not it's worth it to accommodate these demographic changes. At this point it probably doesn't matter what they decide to do, regardless of what noise a very small minority makes. There's almost always a noisy minority ranting about some shit, and ignoring them is almost always fine for business. But accommodating them might not hurt either. NYC hot dog legend Papaya King now has a veggie dog on their menu. I've seen no comment on it, though I'm sure it's made a handful of vegetarians feel good about the brand.

>> No.8114464
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>Make me something I like or I'll continue to not eat at your restaurant!

Bartenders sometimes have to tell even their most loyal patrons to fuck off. If you are of as little consequence as someone who was never once bought something, you mean even less. I hope In-N-Out doesn't change a damn thing.

Actually, no, I hope they speed things up in the kitchen. The drive-thru is always a mile long.

>> No.8114480

Veggie burgers can be good but it's a little weird to petition for In N Out to make one.

>> No.8114486

I'm sure there are thousands of stranger petitions out there.

>> No.8114498

>if you don't do what we tell you to do, we're gonna boycott your restaurants!!!
But you already don't eat here. Your boycott would be meaningless.
>that's not the point!!!

>> No.8114500

Sounds like you don't really get how communication works.

>> No.8114512

>what is supply and demand
>what is knowing your customers
capitalism cuts both ways
if they can gain enough business (or stop a loss of business) by making veggie burgers they'll do it, regardless of anyone's feelings on the matter

>> No.8114513

>Why not think of it like this: vegetarians aren't imposing anything on anyone

Because that's EXACTLY what those limp-wristed faggots are doing.

They're not "asking" the burger joint for veggie options, they're "demanding" the burger joint for veggie options, and when they don't get it, they'll condemn the burger joint for being bigoted against vegan faggots...which they should be.

There should be a bunch of normal people that harass a vegan place because they don't serve a meat dish for their non-vegan clients.

FUCK vegans.

>> No.8114522

>people shouldn't voice their opinions
>a petition is harassment

you're arguing exactly like a libtard

>> No.8114525

If I had the burger joint, they'd get soup-nazi treatment.

>> No.8114526

Or could it be because there's not nearly as much demand as the petition pretends there is, and a veggie burger in the end could be non profitable.

>> No.8114532

This is it exactly. Accommodating vegetarians might increase your profit by a very small amount, or it might not be worth it because they're such a small part of the population. But it could be a source of goodwill for them. Observant Jews aren't a relevant market demographic for Coca Cola in the US, but they went to the trouble to certify it as Kosher regardless. McDonald's moves a lot of Fillet-O-Fish sandwiches during Fridays in Lent. You never know.
>limp-wristed faggots
That sounds pretty forceful for such weak characters.

>> No.8114554

Vegetarians can come up with their own cuisine.

>> No.8114606


They aren't even trying to make an economic argument, so obviously they already realise that's a lost cause. That's why they went with emotionally loaded moralising bullshit.

Their odds of success isn't what makes it blackmail, the way they worded it makes it blackmail.

>> No.8114627

>emotionally loaded moralising
Why should that even raise an eyebrow when you're talking about vegetarians? DYEL?
>the way they worded it makes it blackmail.
I don't see how the protest of a group of people who are not even customers of yours could hurt your business. The kind of people who buy fast food burgers don't give a fuck to begin with, so this is a tempest in a teapot. Why does it rustle your jimmies?

>> No.8114634


Jews are accommodated because they are huge fucking assholes with will to power and cohesion.

They probably scammed coke into doing it by some jewish executive forcing it through, and once they did it a couple times stopping with it would be anti-semitism.

Vegans don't quite have the same power.

>> No.8114647

Saying mean things isn't blackmail

>> No.8114651

Conspiracy theories aside, In-N-Out will either choose to accommodate vegans or they won't, and it doesn't really matter which choice they make.

>> No.8114679

Shit but what if vegitarians boycott them????

>> No.8114742 [DELETED] 

So basically they demand shitty vegetarian food?

>> No.8114745

> the genepool won't be improved by one less cuck

>> No.8114756


Why would it have to be shitty? In-N-Out makes good food. If they developed a veggie burger recipe, they would probably come up with a delicious one.

>> No.8114773

Vegan fucks are no different from kikes and kebabs.

In and out can gagf if they yield to these militant fucks. Part of their allure is their 50's style approach to business which means vegans and other cockroaches aren't catered for. Fuck off elsewhere.

>> No.8114801

You sound mad that it isn't the 50's anymore. Remember food in America sucked back then.

>> No.8114803

>Stop trying to impose your BS at every restaurant.

Fucking THIS.
I couldn't give a crap whether someone is vegetarian or not, but that doesn't mean you get to DEMAND that any restaurant do anything to suit you.
My father in law has been a vegetarian for over 30 years, and he never imposes his shit on anyone. When he comes to our holiday dinners, he just eats the vegetable sides and skips the turkey/roast/ham/whatever or other dishes that have meat in them. He's never gone hungry. When goes to a burger place, he just orders a burger without the "burger" part, just the vegetables on a bun with condiments. He has never made a big deal out of it or tried to convince anyone else to be vegetarian. The only food related thing I've ever heard him go on about is smoothies/juicing, but that's because he just now discovered it after he had jaw surgery.
Vegans and vegetarian zealots can go fuck themselves.

>> No.8114808

As a vegetarian the last thing I would ever want to eat is a veggie burger from In n Out. Even if the patty itself was meatless you just know it's being cooked on the same griddle that the regular ones are and will absorb the grease and juices. Or at least will in some other way come into contact with meat since the whole restaurant it stocked full of it.

>> No.8114824

>You sound mad that it isn't the 50's anymore. Remember food in America sucked back then.

You mean when most people actually ate home cooked meals instead of processed garbage and fast food.......right.

>> No.8114828

What if people who never went to In-n-Out stop going to In-n-Out?

I shudder to think of the consequences...

>> No.8114833
File: 28 KB, 400x400, Jesus approves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vegans and vegetarian zealots can go fuck themselves.

>> No.8114838

If they want a burger so bad they can eat a fucking hamburger or shut the fuck up and make something at home.

>> No.8114844

The 50's was a dark time for American food. The start of fast and frozen food becoming normalized.

>> No.8114865

Coke noticed, after one (yes, just one) rabbi contacted them many, many, MANY times that Coca-Cola was made with grain sugars (like barley) and therefore unsuitable for Passover. He asked if they could make it with cane sugar instead and offered to declare the drink kosher for Passover if they did. So, in 1935, they said "sure, fine, whatever" and that's that.
So, every year, look for 2litre bottles of Coca-Cola around Passover time with a golden cap. Those are made with cane sugar rather than corn syrup (which is also generally considered forbidden during Passover due to the possibility of cross contamination of corn with other grains during its harvesting).
There's no Kikespiracy forcing some company to do their bidding. None. It was one guy who wanted to get his 'beetus on while he had his shitty Passover meal.
>srsly, ashkenazim have the fucking WORST cuisine

>> No.8114878
File: 153 KB, 500x697, furter-bursting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>home cooked meals instead of processed garbage

What's this 'instead of' bullshit?

>> No.8114894

don't talk shit about kasha varnishkes, shmegegge

>> No.8114898

Maybe the vegetarians should boycott the restaurant.

>> No.8114950

Hey vegieboy I will let you smell my burger while you eat your sad carrots

>> No.8114958

All food is processed

>> No.8114961

>Back then

>> No.8114962


just like how it's all "organic" right?

>> No.8114966

Just order your buger without the patty. Wala!

>> No.8114967

I'll let you smell my burger, anon.

>> No.8114972


>> No.8114987

Maybe all that lack of protein has fucked up your brain
That's not a burger you are eating that's soy processed with sunflower oil

>> No.8114996

I let your mom smell my burger last night while I was eating my carrots.

>> No.8115007

I bet you get plenty of fries between those buns you little estrogen riddled sissy boy

>> No.8115017

I sincerely hope you make no attempt at cooking them beyond nuking them on a microwave you glorious bastard

>> No.8115034

Tell me more about my burger buns.

>> No.8115038

>Why would a BUSINESS shun an entire demographic?
Probably because the business isn't meant for that demographic at all and realize they shouldn't be trying to please a vocal minority.
In and out is about practicality. It's in the fucking name. Nobody in their right fucking mind is going to a burger outlet to get a veggie option.
Stop trying to push your hippie horseshit into every single crevice you can find. You have enough places to fit your needs

>> No.8115070

>the fucking name is 'In-n-Out'
>the wait could be an hour long

>> No.8115073

>Why would a BUSINESS shun an entire demographic?

Because trying to appeal to everyone means you appeal to no one.

That's why they don't serve Chinese food in Italian restaurants.

>> No.8115086

>Nobody in their right fucking mind is going to a burger outlet to get a veggie option.
This is changing. There are many burger joints that offer veggie burgers, and some places dedicated to them as more and more people want vegetarian options.

So the question isn't why a burger joint would offer a veggie burger, but does it make sense of In-N-Out to do so? Your opinion of veggie burgers being hippie horseshit is completely irrelevant.

>> No.8115106

You guys don't get it. In n out is so successful because of their simple menu. They make one fucking thing and they do a damn good job with it. They won't add a veggie burger.

>> No.8115123

Because in and out costumers don't want to share the same eating area with a vegan

>> No.8115128

>They make one fucking thing

Two if you count fries.

Veggie burgers are cohesive with In-N-Out's existing menu. Like >>8114449 said, Papaya King - which also does one thing, two if you count papaya drinks, added a veggie dog to their lineup.

>> No.8115136

My guess is that's a very small percent of customers who are as annoying as the vegans they feel so threatened by.

>> No.8115138

They are juicy, smeared with sauce and people who eat them end up with ecoli

>> No.8115155

No everyone hates being around vegans and everything else that vegans bring with them
Just a small amount of costumers would outright refuse to keep going
But regardless it's a fuck if you do fuck if you don't because you don't just want a salad you want a great vegan alternative for the few vegans who are going to thre. In business you either embrace the vegan/organic/wathever costumers or everyone else because vegans are going to go to the trendy place that bends over and doesn't even bring animal produce in the store not the burger place with a vegan options

>> No.8115160

Sure every single vegan is going to see a reference and sign but like 2% of them are going to go eat the vegan burger and its going to take millions in research it doesn't make sense at all
Plus fuck the people who say it's a good gesture, vegans don't have good press so people are going to pay more attention to a cheaper gesture like donating one dollar for every extra big meal to africa

>> No.8115161

>the vegans they feel so threatened by.

Always trying to play the "fear" card.

You don't feel threatened by having to inhale somebodies fart in an elevator, you just find it disgusting, and would rather not submit yourself to the experience.

Being around vegans / faggots is the same thing...

>> No.8115193

>He when I use to eat meat really liked the food here, you should make a veggie burger. It might make you lot of money and be a worthy investment.

>> No.8115198

>I am calm and rational

>> No.8115215

you chose to no longer eat meat and somehow its everybody else's problem.

>> No.8115223

just stick a piece of lettuce between dry buns and sell it as a joke for 25 cents

>> No.8115271

Fund it

>> No.8115276

Beaverton is only good for the asian market, also Voodoo is overrated trash. I'd rather get my Donuts from a Fred Meyer

>> No.8115281

>It might make you a lot of money
Prove it

>> No.8115287


Desire is not the same as demanding something. This isn't likely to increase their business and those fucking shitheads will just move onto something else.

>> No.8115292

I actually have a solution
You vegans may bring other food to in and out that's actually vegan as long as no brand is featured in the container and you agree to pay for a big soda that may or may not contain meat

>> No.8115293


Coke didn't notice, coke is not a person. Someone at Coke noticed and took action, some people at Coke pushed it at the executive level, some people at Coke with authority took the decision.

How many of those people were of the tribe? We'll never know, I have my guess.

>> No.8115337


>Oh, I haven't forgotten. I just like arguing with people who think they're being censored when vegetarians have meal options besides salad. Not only would In-N-Out need veggie ingredients, they'd need more storage and separate cook surfaces in every restaurant!

Why do vegetarians even push cross "contamination" as an issue? I understand the moral position, but being a stickler about that does nothing to reduce animal product consumption even when they are accommodated.

Separate grills only hurt the environment by using more energy. Getting trace amounts of burger on your veggies doesn't affect any animal's life, not even the vegetarian's.

>> No.8115392

Just imagine the training, sourcing of new veggie"beef", new equipment to cook the veggie burger. Then all in n out kitchens are built to exact specification. They would have to dedicate grill space just for veggie burgers (vegeterians complain if meat is cooked on the same grill astheir veggie burgers. Dont think its financially viable for them.

>> No.8115417

Just buy them premade from a cheap third party source and dedicate an extra microwave to them

>> No.8115427

in n out works cause its a simplified menu. the other fast food places should serve veggie burgers. they dont, because veggie burgers are shitty, and no one besides vegetarians will order them. the film "Time after Time" from 1979 has h.g. wells in the present, at a mcdonalds, not recognizing any menu items. he finally realizes he recognizes 2 items: fries, and tea. so he is happy. eat your fries and tea, veggie people.

>> No.8115429

I microwave veggie burgers sometimes, but they're a little disappointing without the crispy outside.

>> No.8115436

exactly. test market it in select locations first, see if there is sustained interest. you wont get vegans anyway, and most vegetarians are not very strict. they are NOT an oppressed minority.

>> No.8115438

Served in the same place where they burn the dead mammal flesh.

>> No.8115443

just fucking get a grilled cheese you goob.

>> No.8115470

no, cause its ridiulously easy to certify coke as kosher. set up the mechanism for certification, show a rabbit how its made, rabbi comes by once a year, asks if anything is different, they say no, we havent added pork flavoring yet, and poof, is all kosher.

>> No.8115479

depends on diminishing returns. to supply vegetarians, they need stock. this takes up space. do you keep stock that sells quickly and steadily, or stock that moves slowly and sporadically? if you keep the slow/sporadic stock, you have to make it as valuable or more valuable to the company than quick/steady. that means raising the price, which sort goes against the image of in&out. There's a reason the company hasn't expanded mid west or east coast, they diminish the quality of ingredients and increase prices due to transportation costs.
>if there's even MORE profit to be made, why not make it?
it's just not that simple. they mights squeeze out a penny or a dollar more, but is it worth it?

also, fuck vegetarians.

>> No.8115487

fucking racist eyeteyes.

>> No.8115528

Are there ANY nonmeat patties in existence that actually have good taste and mouth feel? i havent found one yet. i think it would have to be a felafel burger, a big patty of deep fried felafel. hmm, i think im gonna try that.

>> No.8116107

Never worked at voodoo-- but I'm one of the few people that lives here and enjoys their food apparently? I'll eat almost anything so I'm not exactly the person to ask about taste.
Not only that but I'm prone to being diabetic later on in life as literally everyone in my family has it. So I'm not really into eating sugar anymore.

>> No.8116113

>You sneaky bastard
It wasn't exactly up to me. We had extremely limited space to work with and would just keep the veg patties with the salad stuff. Everything was in separate containers obviously.

>> No.8116241

meat soda

>> No.8116312

>Observant Jews aren't a relevant market demographic for Coca Cola in the US, but they went to the trouble to certify it as Kosher regardless.

That's just paying a bribe to the Jews, Coca-Cola didn't change a thing in their recipe.

>> No.8116342

Their choice of words are inherently condescending, self-righteous and literally ooze entitlement.

>> No.8116348

>More options

Veggie burgers are pretty good desu lad

>> No.8116367
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You people are getting super angry at a pretty simple issue.

Because you're all basement dwelling neckbeard NEETs, you're forgetting that some people have friends. If one friend in a group of 5 people is vegetarian, that group of friends most likely won't go to a place that has no vegetarian option, unless they're assholes that don't like that particular friend. The burger joint isn't just losing the business of the one vegetarian person, they're losing the business of 5 people who have gone to a different restaurant that have something for their veggo friend.

When a situation is framed as "vegetarians DEMAND X", or "minority DEMANDS Y" it's easy to have that knee-jerk reaction of "how dare those assholes DEMAND things?" The reality is that it probably would just be more profitable and inclusive to have something for vegetarians in your restaurant.

>> No.8116404


>> No.8116408

You eat somewhere else you vegan fag

>> No.8116409

Fucking millennial snowflakes. Grow the fuck up and stop expecting people to wipe your ass for you.

>> No.8116416

You're not exactly helping your case by being immature.
Ironic since one of you is telling vegans to 'grow up' despite you being the one that's being childish.
Just calm down, lads. There are many many people in this world. All are different from you and that's okay.

>> No.8116425

asking is not imposing

it's not clear that anyone has to 'lose' by them giving in. the petitioners are attempting to demonstrate that there is a demand for said product.

>> No.8116430

Why do so many people freak out over this? When I was on Facebook, people were literally acting like their very way of life was under assault. They were also upset that McDonalds has healthy food available on the menu, and being autistic about the frying oil. Who would have thought the Spurdo comics like "eat the fugging salad" are true? It's so easy to beat up on vegetarians as an easy way to sell more bacon mac and cheese meme foods. The food industry knows people hate vegetarians/vegans for being "smug" or "uppity" and exploits this mercilessly. It's the same shit with people DEMANDING that McDonalds remove salads from the menu and go back to the 1970s burgers/fries/shakes only. It's mostly my parents' generation who are doing this. In-N-Out is terribly overrated. Everyone goes there when traveling to California and I didn't think it was that big of a deal. Someone should just open one chain that is nothing but pure lard bacon mac and cheese Doritos meme food, and people who like variety can go somewhere else.

>> No.8116446

>Fucking millennial snowflakes.
Ha ha, sorry times are changing and you resent getting with the program. How does it feel to be a dinosaur?

>> No.8116472

Its a supposedly christian family owned outfit. I wish jesus said "this cheeseburger is flesh of my flesh, this milkshake, blood of my blood"

Church would be tasty.

>> No.8116510

In-N-Out is run by conservative Christian fundamentalist family who print scripture on the bottoms of their cups. They personally own and operate every In-N-Out location and refuse to franchise them out and make more money, because they care more about honoring their Lord through superior burger quality than making maximum dosh.

>> No.8116520

Just give them a microwaved boca burger and charge twice as much.

>> No.8116689

Unless the person is an asshole, they'll make do.

My brother is veg now and he occasionally goes to innout on his own and doesn't mind if other ppl suggest that or other meat based places.

Sorry that you only know people who are dicks and only can eat at veg places

8/10 made me reply and rustled

>> No.8116735


>> No.8116828

I'm not a vegetarian or veegan but I love burgers made with a veggie patty instead of beef, those are pretty good.

>> No.8116854

If I wanted vegetarian burgers I'd have chicken burgers

>> No.8116869

Chicken isn't vegetarian. Did you mean fish? That would be pescatarian.

>> No.8116883
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The classic McVeggie™ is wholesome and filling. A delectable patty made of green goodness, potatoes, peas, carrots and selection of Indian spices. Topped with crispy lettuce, mayonnaise, packed into sesame toasted buns.

>> No.8116887
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Obligatory image.

>Inb4 some fag whines about how he knows its fake

>> No.8117345

Don't forget about the fags in Dan Francisco

>> No.8117370

I went to one of my local chip shops the other day and asked for a veggie burger.

The guy behind the counters facial expression changed as if I had just asked him if I could do a shit in the middle of the floor.

I asked him what they sold that was vegetarian, and he replied "nothing", and just stood there.

Felt like something out of one of those American films about the deep South.

>> No.8117406

>veg places


>> No.8117478

not him but you've spectacularly missed the point

>> No.8117504

The customer is always right. :^)

>> No.8117509

There is no point. A bunch of noisy fringe people "demanding" shit online is meaningless. Similarly fast food chains deciding to accommodate vegans is equally meaningless. This shit is not some kind of culture war.

>> No.8117619

>Felt like something out of one of those American films about the deep South.

You mean the ones where some dumb ass urbanite faggot asks for some stupid shit in a shop that doesn't obviously carry said items?

>> No.8117625

Please, you know nothing about San Francisco. If you did, you wouldn't say dumb shit like that.

>> No.8117630

Exactly how is that post "childish"? Is it childish to expect people to fucking deal with the real world instead of whining about how they have the right to have everyone bend to their will? Fuck off, you piece of shit.

>> No.8117648

Demanding a privately owned company to cater to your particular needs and wants is retarded, but it's even more retarded for a privately owned company not to cater to a growing potential customer base.

tl;dr: Everyone is retarded.

>> No.8117665

>expect people to fucking deal with the real world instead of whining about how they have the right to have everyone bend to their will
That's really funny. You get to decide what exactly the """real world""" is? I got news for you, Anon, it's always a work in progress. And people speaking up for what they want can sometimes change things. I know change makes some people uncomfortable, but it's inevitable. You sound like a fat middle aged suburbanite yelling at the kids to get off his lawn.

>> No.8117783

There is a huge difference between asking or suggesting and demanding.

If they're just suggesting that if they had a vegetarian option they could get more potential customers, that's totally fine, the restaurant can make their own decision and the people asking need to be okay with any outcome.

If they're demanding to be catered to and get pissy when they don't get their way, they can leave. This goes with many similar situations.

In the end it's the company's decision, not the people who have no share in the company telling them to eat elsewhere and not the person who wants a black bean burger at a burger place because they don't want to kill a cow for their meal. It's literally none of their business.

>> No.8117827

>here is a huge difference between asking or suggesting and demanding.
When you're in no position of power it's hardly different at all, just a matter of hyperbole. If a police officer "asks" you to do something it is a demand, because he's in a position of power. A bunch of vegans online "demanding" something is nothing more than noise that may or may not be heard.

>> No.8117840

I figured all burger joints would have veggie burgers.

>> No.8118529

I have no problem with this petition but I think McDonalds would be a better target since they already have the item in other markets and it sounds really good.

>> No.8118563

>The reality is that it probably would just be more profitable and inclusive to have something for vegetarians in your restaurant.
Do you realize that businesses like In and Out do extremely well because they SPECIALIZE in a specific item? This is like demanding KFC make burgers, for fuck's sake.

>> No.8118587
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It's more like demanding that KFC make veggie wings. Which they could totally do.

>mfw eating buffalo cauliflower as I post this

>> No.8118589

They do well because they offer a decent quality product at a cheap price. They're tooled up to make burgers. Adding veggie burgers to the list wouldn't really rock the boat.

I think the idea rustles so many jimmies because the idea that we're moving toward an America where everyday restaurants accommodate vegans rubs some people the wrong way. That seems silly to me, but it's obviously a thing as shown by the level of animosity in this thread. You'd think veggie burgers were terrorism.

>> No.8118601


There's a lot more complexity here than it appears on the surface. The first thing I'd be concerned about is the fact that some vegan/vegetarian customers would be worried about whether or not their veggie burgers would be cooked with the same equipment and utensils as the meat based burgers. So now I have to either be prepared to deal with that knid of added hassle, or I have to double up with a 2nd flattop and another set of utensils, not to mention the management effort required to make sure that the cooks don't switch back and forth between them. It's extra hassle that is probably not going to be offset by the tiny percentage of customers I might gain from appealing to a niche market.

>> No.8118654

I personally don't think it's a good idea for In-N-Out to put a veggie burger on the menu. Yet. But we are moving toward a time when vegan options will be common even at fast food joints.And I think that's a good thing. But it is amusing how the idea makes people flip out.

>> No.8118678

it's because vegans are obnoxious cunts, and them getting their way is offensive to me

>> No.8118684

>them getting their way is offensive to me
That's hilarious to me. Pure comedy gold.

>> No.8118708

what a waste

>> No.8118715

>we're moving toward an America where

Instead of pussies, like vegans, women, faggots, and negros, creating their OWN shit to accommodate their OWN needs, they instead bitch, moan, and cry discrimination when already established institutions don't change to accommodate their special snowflake desires.

Fuck vegans.

>> No.8118721

Disagree. People flipping their shit over stupid things they're offended by on the internet has always been and will always be hilarious.

>> No.8118738

to be fair, In-N-Out used to definitely have a veggie burger on the menu (circa 2005?). I remember this distinctly because my grandpa didn't believe me when I said it existed and we made a bet on it and he lost.

>> No.8118754

Veggie options would largely slow restaurant operations and decrease the quality of non-veggie items. This is common sense in a restaurant.

In-N-Out does enough business that it would not help their financial situation at all.

>> No.8118757

>bitch, moan, and cry discrimination when already established institutions don't change to accommodate their special snowflake desires.
So what? At the end of the day it's a matter of whatever works. You're acting like established institutions are some kind of sacred things, and they're not. If they want to remain relevant they sometimes have to adapt to changing times. And how Americans eat changed entirely during the 20th Century, and it's still changing. Culture is like that. It changes. If you don't happen to like the direction it's changing in that's too bad for you. But being outraged about it just makes you a punchline.

>> No.8118780

vegans and vegetarians shouldn't be eating at In-N-Out as their dietary habits are a celebration of fruits & vegetables. it's stupid that a vocal minority is forcing a company to cater to them especially since only a minority of them will ever eat there anyway

>> No.8118802

>vegans and vegetarians shouldn't be eating at In-N-Out
I wouldn't think they are.
>a vocal minority is forcing a company to cater to them
That's not what's happening, though. They can't force anyone to do anything. They just know that the squeaky wheel gets the grease, and making noise is pretty much all they have the power to do. In this case I'd say don't hold your breath. In-N-Out could do a veggie burger, but I don't think there's enough demand for it to make economic sense just yet. The time will probably come soon, though. More people want vegan options than ever. Plenty of folks who aren't vegan like the idea of eating more plant based meals. Some folks are gonna get fucking rich catering to that. No reason fast food joints can't get in on it as well.

>> No.8118854


Why are reactionaries such hyperbolic crybabies?

>> No.8118857

He's whipped, not a cuck baka desu senpai

>> No.8118884

Who knows, but that's what makes this shit so hilarious. The people getting butthurt about the vegans being whiny crybabies are acting like whiny crybabies themselves. And they don't see it, which makes it all the more funny.

>> No.8118889

>being so much of a useless neet you believe the "real world" is some unchanging entity that you have to conform to instead of living your own life
now this is the actual beta

>> No.8118895
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>> No.8118896

Or backwater dweller. Tough to tell the difference.

>> No.8118899

>The people getting butthurt about the [group] being whiny crybabies are acting like whiny crybabies themselves.
>And they don't see it, which makes it all the more funny.
it boggles my mind every day, but this is pretty much what has become of 4chan

>> No.8118912

>And they don't see it, which makes it all the more funny
There is literally nothing wrong with what is being said in this thread. According to you, sensible people are supposed to hear about these idiot vegans and just pretend its okay? Voicing common sense is somehow being a whiny crybaby? Keep eating those dicks, you hypocritical faggot.

>> No.8118925

It's total social media behavior. When you're used to participating in communities where your specific opinions are validated and reinforced by others in the same bubble you start assuming your opinions are facts. Then when you step outside of those communities you have no idea how stupid you sound.

Which is why I've stayed here instead of bothering with social media. Here I can do what I've been doing since I first got online: pointing and laughing.

>> No.8118943

>Keep eating those dicks
>hypocritical faggot
Hmmm. Is this how people with "common sense" talk? You know it isn't. If common sense were on your side you could simply make a point and it would be obviously correct. Buy since it isn't you're reduced to name calling, and not much else in your response. That's pretty fucking weak, even by 4chan standards.

>> No.8118948

>cherry pick a few words
>refer to them instead of address the points made
I win.

>> No.8118952

And I love how you call people whiny crybabies yet have the gall to call some one out on name calling.

Good job proving you are a hypocrite and sore loser.

>> No.8118954

The only point was "I am the arbiter of common sense, and I don't like vegans or faggots". As I said, weak.

>> No.8118958

You gotta admit it is funny that the people making fun of vegans for being histrionic end up doing so in a completely histrionic manner.

>> No.8118965

You are confusing vegans with SJWs. If gay people want a 18+ bookstore to carry buttsex erotica, that's okay too. It's about dietary preferences.

This. Why are people so threatened by vegetarians/vegans? I am neither, but sometimes I get snide comments if I even eat a meal without meat. There is also a pushback against healthy food in general. People are actually butthurt that McDonalds still serves salads (better side than fries IMO), uses vegetarian oil, and bakes the pies instead of frying them like back in the good old days. People think their way of life is becoming some kind of environmentalist health freak dystopian nightmare just because some people eat veggie burgers. Of course, like all fears, this is easily exploited. Making fun of vegans and vegetarians is easy, especially when you want to sell bacon or whatever indulgent memefood you want. They even beat it into little kids by making them hate vegetables and eat tendies with fries and ketchup instead.

>You're acting like established institutions are some kind of sacred things, and they're not.
This, especially In-n-Out. It's an overrated regional chain. McDonalds is way more reflective of our country as a whole, and they actually try new things on the menu even if they flop. The same is true of most fast food chains. Some might think half of Californians are vegan whole food freaks, and that's not too much of an exaggeration, but the other half are self-righteous indulgent fools who think their special snowflake California burger is the best ever.

It's okay to get this butthurt over a petition? Okay pal. Back to the bacon nutella meme sriracha stuffed crust pizza Joey.

>> No.8118977

>uses vegetarian oil, and bakes the pies instead of frying them like back in the good old days

Forgot to point out that there is such a dislike of healthy food, even if the "healthy" option tastes better, if people know they will say it's worse. The baked pies are better. The oil made little difference and their fries are basically the same.

>> No.8119047

>It changes. If you don't happen to like the direction it's changing in that's too bad for you.

By using hate and trying to demonize people for not appealing to your special snowflake desires, you create the kind of backlash seen on /ck/ in any vegan related thread.

>> No.8119055

>Thinks appeasement ever solves anything

>> No.8119061

>You are confusing vegans with SJWs

There's no difference as the vegan faggots are out for social justice for vegan faggots....

>> No.8119105

>That's nice, but if there's even MORE profit to be made, why not make it?
Because if it is a processed veggie 'burger', like the faggots want, then it goes against everything else on the in-n-out menu basic real and fresh food and they would have to source and store the patties to meet the alleged demand of about 100 people, out of which 0.5 may order one once.

And if its just lettuce in a bun, then you can already order that. In-n-out lets you add any toppings for the same amount, so the faggots can just say "I want lettuce instead of a burger"

>> No.8119129

Look, if I'm out with people and they want to go to In-n-Out, I'd rather eat whatever shit frozen veggie burger option they grudgingly get instead of telling the group "Can we go somewhere else, they literally have zero menu items I can eat." This kind of shit is the only reason I ever mention being a vegetarian, if everywhere my friends/family/coworkers wanted to go had at least one menu option, I would just quietly eat that and not make waves.

>> No.8119131

I don't understand why you would want to go eat at a place that doesn't cater to you though.

Like if I hate Indian food I just wouldn't go to fucking Indian joints, I wouldn't go there and ask them to make something they don't have.

>> No.8119133


get the fries you piece of shit stop trying to make everyone feel guilty just for not hating themselves

>> No.8119135

Yep, I'll have a meal made entirely of a small sleeve of fried potatoes because you're angry and reactionary. Thanks for the input.

>> No.8119139

Exactly. It's reactionary Breitbart style bullshit. Vegans are on the """approved""" target liost, along with feminists, homosexuals and all minorities. And yes, it was funny for a minute last decade. But now it's just tiresome old meme. Yeah we get it. Vegans are faggots.Ha ha ha.

You're a snoozefest.

>> No.8119180


>lol this boring im just tired of it
>let me write paragraphs defending myself though

>> No.8119191

There's nothing to defend, though. That's my point.

>> No.8119201

>This kind of shit is the only reason I ever mention being a vegetarian
You're a faggot.

>"Can we go somewhere else, they literally have zero menu items I can eat.
stop ruining everyone's good time.

>This kind of shit is the only reason I ever mention being a vegetarian, if everywhere my friends/family/coworkers wanted to go had at least one menu option,
"Give me a cheeseburger, no patty please"
You're a faggot. You're asking for something you can already order.

>> No.8119223

>go somewhere with a friend
>they don't mention that they don't eat meat and order a bun with lettuce

I'd feel kinda shitty sitting there watching them eat that shit desu.

>> No.8119235

They did it to themselves, they would be doing the same thing even if you wren't with them.

Why feel bad about something that happens no matter what you do?

>> No.8119244

I'll bet you get left out a lot

>> No.8119247

Well I mean, they wouldn't go to In-n-Out if I didn't want to go there, and they'd probably have suggested something we could both enjoy if everyone wasn't hostile to non-meat diets by default... I'd rather go eat Indian food or something instead of that shit...

>> No.8119252

Nah, I live in Seattle area, not the inbred South.

>> No.8119254
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>feels bad about friend eating shit
>wants to eat shit

>> No.8119264

>indian food
>ooh, I'm so metro and culturally sensitive
ok faggot

nice stereotype bruh, not everyone enjoys indian or other ethnic foods and most places that have vegitarian options are usually insanely overpriced. if I just wanna grab a burger with the buds then no, I"m not gonna invide the guy who doesn't eat meat, frankly I'd think they'd be offended if I did invite them.

>> No.8119345

>metro and culturally sensitive
>ok faggot
Check out this guy's masterful debate style everybody! He's crafting such common sense arguments!

>> No.8119946

>h-hey guys, I m-mean Sirs: I think I've found a substantial demographic of jews(?) over here that say they w-would buy our product if we, uhh, well we changed the ingredients slightly on a relatively small batch of our product. I-It only really has to be for, gee, about a week or so...
>what's that Johnson? You say you've found an untapped market?
>y-es, Sir. I believe so, Sir.
>well, Jorgenson! By golly! If there's money in it then I say we give it a shot!! Dag Nabbit, it's fresh ideas like this we need around here! You're gettin' a bonus this month, Jameson! Buy little Timmy something nice..
>I-it's Tammy, Sir.
>what's all that now?..
>n-nothing! t-thank you, Sir!

>> No.8120020

murderers order a bacon cheese burger
>that's ok, it's their choice

vegetarians ask to have one ingredient substituted
>grrrrr fucking vegies how dare they not weigh 400lb like me

>> No.8120043

It would fuck up the counter space. Im sure there some anon that worked in innout but from the outside everything is in its place and there is no spare space. Also a microwave is probably against theyre companies philosophy since they pride themselves on fresh meat, in house potatoes, fresh veg. A microwave just doesnt fit.

>> No.8120429

I didnt read this shit but why do they want to eat there specifically when they know they dont have vegan options. Why not every bbq joint have tofu ribs because a couple people want to eat at a chain that doesnt cater to them. Where does it end? Gaia's garden doesnr have carnivore options that quinoa salad doesnt come with chicken my soup doesnt have sausage. I just wont fucking eat there. In-n-out is good but there are obviously better butger joints and it still beats mcdonalds paying a dropout to fuck up a $1 burger and smash it before wrapping it up and forgetting half your order.

>> No.8120852

>murderers order a bacon cheese burger
Well, the DA defines murder as one human killing another so...

>vegetarians ask to have one ingredient substituted
But faggots aren't asking to substitute patty for lettuce, they are asking to fuck everything up.
You can already add or remove or substitute as many toppings as you want at in-n-out for no additional cost. These people are just too stupid to ask to substitute lettuce for the patty.

>> No.8120868

>why do they want to eat there specifically when they know they dont have vegan options
Sometimes vegans get invited to dinner parties. Shocking, I know.

>> No.8120879

They could just eat the food. Nothing is stopping them other than their ponce.