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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8109127 No.8109127[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> eating Carolina Reaper
> keeping water on standby

Who are the most retarded 'epicureans' of all time and why is it these two?


>> No.8110134

>"i can't breathe!!!"

anxiety ridden bitches

>> No.8110363

>keeping water on standby
I think less of you as a person if you think water helps.

>> No.8110367

White people, everyone

>> No.8110370

Why did they switch tops? Are they pornstars?

>> No.8110375

Well that went down exactly as I expected it to.

>> No.8110399

Do you know what epicurean means or are you just a total pseud? Hint; it's the latter

>> No.8110432

It's a combination of epic and Korean, used to mock trendy white Americans who listen to K-Pop

>> No.8110447

>watching and laughing as someone whose presumably your friend freezes up and then curls up and starts shaking
Fucking normies, reee. Also, they should have had cold milk on hand. They've got nice tits, but they're dumb as shit.

>> No.8110469
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Like their Moms' husbands always say, "Thank God the good Lord made them pretty."

>> No.8110501

>I'm literally shaking right now
>is literally not shaking right then and there

Like, does she not realize she's being recorded? I can see that you are not shaking you dumb, lying bitch.

>> No.8110507 [DELETED] 

Go get shot by a cop, nigger.

>> No.8110513


Black people, everyone.

>> No.8110600

Why you gotta bring race into it?

>> No.8110609


I'm sure they would be sorry for their casual commentary not conforming to your highly autistic verbal communication protocol

>> No.8110651

Yes, fucknut. Did you miss the really conspicuous use of inverted commas or are you always this cocking dumb?

>> No.8110713

>White bitch eats not a full pepper, screams and cries and pukes blood
>Nigger eats 3 full ghost peppers dipped in ghost pepper sauce, just runs around acting like a retard for a little bit

We sure did a good job breeding those beasts

>> No.8110743

To be fair, it's possible she legitimately felt she was shaking due to her pain receptors firing.

>> No.8110845

Somehow I doubt a brown or black chick would fare much better chewing the whole pepper, but no one will pay them to watch it happen.

>> No.8110847

ghost chili is not that hot dude

>> No.8110882

not my proudest wank

>> No.8110910

carolina reaper =/= ghost pepper

>> No.8110911
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Then use it as lube the next time you receive anal penetration.

>> No.8110915

It is unfortunately erotic to see them in pain and fear like that.

>> No.8111080

I have one of each: ghost pepper, carolina reaper, trinidad scorpion.

What should I make with them? I figure some hot chili or sauce would be good.

Of course I'll take a wee nibble of each too.

>> No.8111103

Three chili salsa.

>> No.8111109

Ghost pepper: curry

Carolina reaper: roast or grill until crispy and crush into a pot of baked beans

Trinidad scorpion: nachos

>> No.8111112

>not cold milk

>> No.8111346
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Because all niggers are racists, what can you expect, they have an IQ of like 75 and their frontal lobes don't even function. If you compared an fMRI of a nigger to that of a mountain lion the only real difference would be the presence of a neocortex, you would find the exact same patterns of almost non-existent frontal lobe activation. One's left to question if ther ugly, sloped skulls even leave space for things like brodmann areas 10 or 11, I honestly wonder if cytoarchitecture studies were done on niggers orbitofrontal cortices because I'm pretty sure they just don't even fucking have one. You could give these glorified apes an icepick lobotomy and nothing would change. They're a race of post-accident Phineas Gages gambling away fortunes, becoming violent at the drop of a hat and driving away friends who would help them thrives in favor of criminal contacts and STD infected vagina.

>> No.8111371

They are some nice titties tho you gotta give her that much

>> No.8111381

Maybe she was using it as a generic intensifier

Ever think of that, eh?

>> No.8111387

>around blacks
>don't relax!

>> No.8111415

You would think blacks would have a natural immunity/tolerance to hot peppers as in couldn't be any worse than being pepper sprayed.

>> No.8111429

That's pretty funny.

Speaking of minorities, I once read about U.S. Special Forces troops in Vietnam torturing NVA soldiers by pouring Tobasco sauce in their mouths. According to SF Master Sergeant Roy Benavidez, it worked 100% of the time.

Asians typically don't like the spicy stuff.

>> No.8111443

Probably helped they likely didn't know what the fuck it was

Some random dude pours spicy shit down your mouth you've never seen before could be pretty horrifying

>> No.8111455

>asians dont like spicy
what the actual fuck are you talking about?
multiple chinese cultural regions, korean, thai, indian all have spicy food as a prominent part.

>> No.8111458

Good point.

>> No.8111490
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blah, blah, blah...

Translation: I've never left the United States.

>> No.8111504

lets be honest it's erotic to watch girls this hot do just about anything

>> No.8111507
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I would fuck

>> No.8111509

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.8111528

youve obviously never left the flyover shithovel you were born in.

>> No.8111529

as opposed to being figuratively retarded?

>> No.8111532

>making a film about eating ridiculously hot peppers....
>better show my cleavage

>> No.8111541

Rednecks ftw

>> No.8111546

Sorry, junior. Most Asian food is not spicy. Some of it is and some of it is fantastic. But most of the Asian dishes are not spicy.

BTDT for years, hot rod.

>> No.8111559

This could just be the most complex racial insult I have ever read.

>> No.8111580
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>now we try it in our pussies

>> No.8111605

>I'm confused
>Okay what
I lost my shit

>> No.8111607
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>> No.8111612

I know you aren't complaining about titties

>> No.8111617

obviously a flat woman or jealous mtf

>> No.8111622

You should film yourself eating them and then posting, faggot.

Like: d'uh.

>> No.8111629
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>> No.8111643
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The Jews have been poisoning the drinking water of young and brave Aryan men, women, and children for thousands of years. Then when their time of retribution comes, they scower like the rats they are. This is why we need to cleanse the world of this filth.

>> No.8111758


Bitches trying to sell shit with their tits and ass are simply trying to take advantage of male biology.

It's like waving a drink in front of an alcoholic....

>> No.8111984
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> ears THREE reapers
> laughs
> vomits
> makes jokez 'bout money shots
> laughs
> vomits


>> No.8112040

M8 it's not only white people, go look up how many times Jews have been caught proverbially "Poisoning the well" and exiled from various nations and cities.

>> No.8112055

you don't know how to make tap?

>> No.8112063

jesus christ catfish

>> No.8112093 [DELETED] 
File: 63 KB, 336x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, if you guys cooked with this pepper what would you make and in what sort of quantities?

I can actually order them fairly easy here. Dried.

>> No.8112112
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So, if you guys cooked with this pepper what would you make, and what sort of quantity of it would you suggest using?

I can actually order them fairly easy here. Dried.

>> No.8112114

are you forgetting the 5th of fucking fireball he tanked?

>> No.8112132


>> No.8112156

I'd put it in my step mom's food

>> No.8112186

Because she is so mean and didn't get you those new Jordans.

>> No.8112205

>It's like waving a drink in front of an alcoholic...

>> No.8112254
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>containment board permavirgins spreading their herpes and bringing down the whole site with them
Must finally be nice, having a place where people actually pay some attention to you.

>> No.8112292

>tfw no ig of the hot brunette

>> No.8112313

> I hate free speech! Ban it! Stop it! Wahhhh
Fuck off.

>> No.8112501
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