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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8106709 No.8106709 [Reply] [Original]

What's your weekly food budget, /ck/?

>> No.8106748

I spend $50 everyday

>> No.8106752

20 kiwi bucks
So about, what, 14 burger bucks?

It sucks senpai.. Been eating beans and pasta for too long now... I don't even know why i hurt myself like his by browsing /ck/

>> No.8106757

If I count in alcohol and tobacco, $25-$35 a day.

>> No.8106760

... Have you considered quitting and spending the money elsewhere?

>> No.8106917


>> No.8106924

About $50-75 a week depending on if I eat out

>> No.8106929

100 a week for gorcery, 50 for date night, pizza friday.

>> No.8106935
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roughly 100 kangaroo skins per week, once per month around 130 when I replace the things I buy in bulk like brown rice , sweet potatos, shit ton of canned tuna etc
Im also /fit/ and live with gf so my costs should higher than most here for food alone.

>> No.8107297
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tfw we'll never have fergburger in the USA

>> No.8107318

Let's see

$10 chicken
$5 veggies/produce
$6-8 yogurt
$3-6 cheese
$1.5 turkey bacon (one package lasts 2 weeks)
$4.5 ground turkey (buy it every other week)
$5 hummus
$4 pepperoni

About $40 I guess. I would add eggs but I can't eat them anymore apparently

>> No.8107328


>> No.8107337

I'm not sure what you mean? Cheese isn't cheap if that's what you mean.

>> No.8107349

$25 vegetables and fruit
$2 2L anti-dairy farmers milk
$5 frozen veges (2 to 3kg worth)
$5 eggs
$2 bread
$10-20 on bulk stuff I might replenish sometimes I.e oil, rice, flour, butter, sauce, tea etc
I don't eat out much or drink alcohol so it's tempting to splurge on better breads etc.

>> No.8107354

I usually spend my whole paycheck minus rent and gas on food and booze

>> No.8107357

Living the dream anon

>> No.8107368

Americunt here, I try and spend no more then 20 bucks a week. I don't qualify for food stamp or any other commie benefit programs.

>> No.8107393

Oh I get it, it's not cheese because I'm in America. That's okay, I'd rather not eat bacteria-ridden baby-killing cheese.

>> No.8107415
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tfw brought a shit ton of chicken a while ago when paknsave had it for 7 bux a kg
>the only thing in my diet that isn't beans, lentils or or pasta is discount cock

>> No.8107420

how expensive is turkey per kg in burgerville?
>turkeys cost an average of 25-30 buckaronis per kilogram
>you can't even get ground turkey
>or turkey bacon
life is suffering

>> No.8107421

A mil

>> No.8107450

Well 3 pounds of JennyO ground turkey is about $9 at Walmart. I like to make meatballs with mire poix "crumbs" or just cooking it with taco spices. As for whole turkey I don't know.

>> No.8107453

Bout tree fiddy

>> No.8107454

25 Murican dollars if Im on a good week.

>> No.8107459

probably going to drop a hundo today

the cool part is I don't even have to spend like this, I eat most of my meals at work for free

>> No.8107470

what the fuck 1 pound of jenny o is 6 bucks over here fuck me dude

>> No.8107501

One of my greatest pastimes was to find the best deals and live frugal.

I could spend $100 at Sam's once a year for staples like rice and beans, and then live on $20 a week. It was a lot of fun.

But then I got married, and my wife says she didn't go to school to eat rice with every meal.

I hate my life now.

>> No.8107513

Usually between 25 and 50 USD per week

>> No.8107528

yeah getting married and having a Family puts a real damper on life.

>> No.8107537
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What happened to you anon?

>> No.8107541

How can you post on an Mediterranean homebrewing board if you're a baby?

>> No.8107547

>discount cock
What did he mean by this?

>> No.8107785
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I don't have one. I make 450 dollars a day at one job, and 170 a day at the other. Food budgets are for plebes.

>> No.8108289

I only spend around $50 a week and that lasts a month.

I'm a fan of healthy budget recipes.

>> No.8108313

>tfw working as a chef during school
fuckin 11 an hour for 8 hours of work in a night shift is barely worth it (it's canada so everything is close to australian prices, keep that in mind). don't work as a chef if you want to ever cook at home again, it's terrible.

>> No.8108316

With alcohol, probably $300 a week or so. I rarely eat in, drink every day - some weeks are better than others because I get a lot of nice meals from work.

>> No.8108475

About $20.

So $80 a month.

Feels good.

>> No.8109492

$10 for vegetables and fruit, $20 for the rest

>> No.8109558

Weekly food budget is around $100.

What that gets
10lbs chicken
8lbs of beef
1 gallon of milk
5 dozen eggs
two canisters of oatmeal
tub of peanut butter
bag of potatoes
1lbs of bacon
2 tubs of greek yogurt
Assorted fresh veggies

And every month I get a 25lbs sack of rice.

>> No.8109612

$40 a week for lunch at the company caf
$20-$40 on groceries
$? on shitty fast food when I don't want to cook

>> No.8109838

>5 dozen eggs

WOT? 5?

>> No.8110143

>he's not eating at least half a dozen a day
Skinnyfat cuck detected.

>> No.8110431

$70 for two persons. $10 per day.

>> No.8110436

What and waste it?

>> No.8111111

$111,111 on chipotlel

>> No.8111123


>> No.8111125
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Enjoy your meal!

>> No.8111134
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>> No.8111136
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>> No.8111160
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>> No.8112710
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breddy expensive

better be good

>> No.8112733
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>> No.8112778
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nice numbers bruv

>> No.8112781
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include me in the reddit screencap

>> No.8112812

Fuuuck, missed out... Nearest paknsave is too much petrol away.. Though, i did spurge on some bacon scraps, to make my pasta interesting

Nothing happened per se, just a wageslave. Though, i have been living in a tent for months. Saving up for a plane ticket outta here muh nigguh,

>"don't ever develop a substance dependency in a socialist state"

>> No.8112814

Eating is kind of necessary.

>> No.8112831

about $7-$8 a day. fast food mostly

>> No.8112833

eh like 100 overall

>> No.8112841

If I'm being good, about 25 a week. That's if I don't eat out or do anything I know I shouldn't.

>> No.8112856

About $100, for 3 people.
That's just groceries.
To be fair, one of us is an adolescent male who eats protein like there's no tomorrow.

>> No.8112906

>anti-dairy farmers milk
What is this nonsense?

>> No.8112928

About $100 a week for the bf and me, throw in another $15 for booze.

>> No.8112997
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>> No.8113027

Dem septs tho

>> No.8113051
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600 a month. So divided per week that's roughly 150.

We eat out sometimes.

>> No.8113076

>To be fair, one of us is an adolescent male who eats protein like there's no tomorrow.
My wife's son is like that as well! It must be those African genes lol.

>> No.8113088

about 40$
I want a raise :(

>> No.8113098
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>> No.8113106
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>> No.8113118

I never kept track of how much I was spending on food until recently. I was pretty surprised. $180-$200 a week on groceries(lots of organic shit) and $175-$250 a week on coffee/takeout/restaurants. That's a lot for 1 guy, especially since I'm not overweight. I blame it on living in an expensive city and working in an expensive area of town. I can't have any cooking devices but a microwave in my shop so I usually get takeout from nearby. I also drink a lot of coffee. Even black coffee costs a lot in a high-end neighborhood.

>> No.8113829

As much as I want, really. I cook almost everything from scratch and buy good ingredients but I eat more chicken and pork chops than foie gras and fillet.

>> No.8113871

spent $80 aud this week but it will probably last me 2 weeks, so $40

>> No.8113903
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>> No.8113914

around $100 a week. cooking for one. I like quality ingredients. when pushed I used to be able to get that down to $30ish without eating processed shit. too much effort shopping around every few days for near-expired things though.

>> No.8113932

I dont have a budget, but probably spend about £50 a week unless I go out to a restaurant or something.

>> No.8113943

40 euros without alcohol

>> No.8113975

this week:

ground beef 500G
2 cookie boxes 400G
white chocolate 200G
whole milk 2L
potatoes 1KG
onions 1KG
fresh tomatoes 400G
lettuce 200G
fresh green beans 500G
cheddar slices 250G
bacon 300G
butter 400G
buns x6

23 euros

>> No.8113980


>> No.8114000

30 dollars a week including alcohol and drugs

>> No.8114596

So you don't do any drugs or eat?

>> No.8114698

I just threw up from laughing in the middle of class.

My professor yelled at me.

>> No.8115190

Some almost expired B1G1 drinks I bought - .50
Big greek yogurt container - $5
Box of cereal - $2.50
B1G1 hummus - $4
School lunches - $6
Almond milk - $3

Around $21 it looks like

>> No.8115200
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Wew lad.

>> No.8115204

It should be 50 dollars a week, but it always ends up being $120 the first week then somehow I'm broke for the rest of the month. I end up eating stuff like oatmeal with a fried egg and some lima beans I find in my freezer for the last two to three weeks.