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File: 114 KB, 1200x864, Jelly_Donut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8106014 No.8106014 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best donut? And why is it jelly-filled?

>> No.8106023
File: 117 KB, 800x533, d29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chocolate glaze master race

>> No.8106025

The only acceptable donuts are powdered jelly, boston creme, and plain cake.

All others are meme shit.

>> No.8106038
File: 37 KB, 440x330, Doughnut_plant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someday ill try pic related someday.... anyways they got some really tasty looking doughnuts on their website really want the 3's leches doughnut

>> No.8106043

Boston CREAM PIE, fag

>> No.8106045
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>> No.8106085

Sure. If you want to be sober and vomit.

>> No.8106146

Cake donuts are shit and so are you for liking them. Yeast-risen4lyfe.

Plain glazed, yeast-risen donuts are best donuts, but jelly are good, too.

>> No.8106171

Growing up in bongistan, I was extremely disappointed when I found out jelly doughnuts were what I grew up knowing as jam doughnuts.

They sounded so much better when I thought they were filled with jello.

>> No.8106179

French Cruller

>> No.8106193
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There is nothing wrong with the powdered jelly stick, you sick fucks.

>> No.8106214


>> No.8106255

any other New Englandfags here disgusted by the drop in Dunkin Donuts quality since they went big time?

>> No.8106266

am I the only person that likes lemon filled?

>> No.8106269

>They sounded so much better when I thought they were filled with jello.

Jesus Christ, Britain.

>> No.8106283

this, cake doughnuts are overrated, way too heavy in the morning. pretty much deep fried cupcakes.

Also watch this if you want get hard to gordon ramsay's whispering

>> No.8106292

paczki all the way.

>> No.8106301
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>> No.8106305

never had one

Op said no memes

>> No.8106311

My favorite, and always will be. Now I must get me a dozen tomorrow morning.

>> No.8106315

Pretty sure cake doughnuts are always baked and never fried. Yeast ones are fried.

>> No.8106377



>> No.8106383

no they are both fried, that's not what makes cake doughnuts too heavy though.

>> No.8106405

Is that cherry jelly or strawberry?

>> No.8106434

thats just a fuckin muffin in the shape of a donut, take a lap

>> No.8106460

It's red

>> No.8106548

This was what I came here for.

Couldn't figure out how to make the "a" with the little doodle under it though.

>> No.8106555

I got no clue, I'm Mexican. Wife is Polish though and I learned pretty quickly how delicious they are.

>> No.8106556

cake donut cinnamon+sugar

dont like yeast donuts idk why tho

>> No.8106568

This but also Cinnamon Twists
Really anything not too sweet so you can drink black coffee with it

>> No.8106613

Hey, you try being a small child and being led to believe the magical land of America gets doughnuts filled with fuckin jello. It sounds magical to a kid.

>> No.8106882
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>> No.8106883
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>> No.8106888
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>> No.8106892

my nigga

>> No.8106895
File: 111 KB, 960x636, Cinnamon-Crumb-Apple-Filled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8106906
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>> No.8106910

jeez man, this is a safw for work board, dont post that stuff.

>> No.8106911
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>> No.8106914
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>> No.8106918

bear claw donuts exist? jesus christ, are they filled with the same delicious amazing filling as regular bear claws?

>> No.8106919
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Is that a donut covered in fried chicken crumbs?

>> No.8106920
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>> No.8106933
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says Chicken floss. so is it like fish floss?

>> No.8106940
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>> No.8107005
File: 75 KB, 500x333, ChaosChaos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you feel it?

>> No.8107009

Apple fritters are pretty bomb-ass

>> No.8107091


>> No.8107101

what is it about these that make them so much better than regular glazed donuts, they're fucking amazing

>> No.8107110

That's kinda what it is, yeah. It's a plain donut spread with a thin layer of mayonnaise and lightly pressed into a bit of chicken floss. If you've ever had rousong, it's the same thing, just chicken instead of pork.

I'm usually the one to post that. Bapple was the shit.

Either way, cake doughnuts are fucking disgusting as are the people who prefer them to the obviously superior yeast doughnut.
I'm looking at you, >>8106556/>>8106025

>> No.8107359
File: 18 KB, 500x481, 1460565222866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decide to try krispy kreme
>all donuts taste of plastic and sugar
>never go back

>> No.8107364

maple frosted

>> No.8107390
File: 95 KB, 1024x670, Fudge-Donuts-1-1024x670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am the king of the donuts.

>> No.8107434

>milk is murder
>your condition
I was annoyed at some of the stupid names, but that description made me smirk.

>> No.8107602

anything with peanut butter or maple senpai

>> No.8107612

That, with a nice big glass of egg nog.

>> No.8107701

good song

>> No.8107718

Fucking yes. I avoid that place now. CTfags got bakers dozen tho. Coffee sucks but donuts are god tier.

>> No.8107728

Are donut places exclusively owned by Asians where you live? We don't have too many laundromats around hear, so all the Asian immigrants own donut shops. I don't trust donut places not owned by Asians.

>> No.8107804

The independent ones? Around here, all but three, and they're mostly Vietnamese or Chinese. A few are Korean and I know of one that's owned by Cambodians.
The three not owned by Asians, one is a coolier than thou joint owned and operated by whites, another is owned by some sort of 'spanics (likely Mexicans) and the last is owned by white-ish-looking Brazilians.

Indians/Pakistanis tend to own franchises here, though even a handful of those are owned by East Asians.

>> No.8109440

They can be filled with whatever you dream of. I think the most traditional is an almond paste and apple cinnamon.

>> No.8109685

jelly donuts are pure gluttony

why not douse your steak with honey or dip your slice of cheese in ranch dressing while youre at it

>> No.8109731

>Literally can't pass one of these fuckers up.

My nigga

>> No.8109770
File: 28 KB, 417x318, e89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer god tier jelly filled...

>cinnamon apple filled

fucking warm apple pie in my hands.

>> No.8109797
File: 39 KB, 380x331, MrsMurphysSouthwick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the premium donut...

Cake Cinnamon Sugar, right out of the fryer. Damn, they're good.

>> No.8109930

I tried a boston creme pie and the custard was fucked. It was almost like jelly and had little taste.

>> No.8110752
File: 53 KB, 960x638, Glazed-French-Cruller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are the best
i can eat ten of them right now

>> No.8111163

I once had a fresh made cruller, warm and the glaze still dripping.
Best thing I've ever eaten.

>> No.8111172


>> No.8111180
File: 100 KB, 900x542, twin-peaks-donuts-supercut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8111220

Place by me makes the best sugar donuts you can get. Also they have a peanut butter pudding filled chocolate glaze that is like eating a Reese cup donut.

>> No.8111243

those are chocolate frosted

>> No.8111531
File: 214 KB, 747x839, 1455481007249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do burgers distinct donuts with holes as donuts, and those with no holes... well, as not donuts? as an yuropoor this confuses me, because the ones with holes are named different than the ones without