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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 445x286, porkshoulderroast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8101446 No.8101446 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, Pork Shoulders are going absurdly cheap over here, and i've never cooked it before. I have access to a stove, oven, slow cooker and BBQ.

What are some good recepies to use with it?

>> No.8101454

Just roast it, eat it throughout the week in various ways: straight, tacos, sandwiches, etc.

>> No.8101455

Hey, I was just watching this video!


I was going to try this because I've been craving pulled pork like how my dad does it in the smoker, but I live in Manhattan, so no smoke for me. Foodwishes recipes nearly always come out perfectly for me, so if you try this, I'd be interested in hearing your opinion.

You might also shred it with a fork and broil it crispy with some oil to make pseudo-carnitas

>> No.8101461

Cheers man, i'll make a thread about it later

>> No.8101573
File: 1.03 MB, 2448x2448, IMG_4060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pulled pork, smoked 10 hrs on my Smoke Hollow smoker using apple wood. This is manna from heaven.

>> No.8101576
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Smoke Hollow Smoker is awesome.

>> No.8101579
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The result is the best BBQ ever.

>> No.8101582

You should throw that shit away.

>> No.8101586

Shredded it too much. Take it easy.

>> No.8101589

Dry rub with equal parts kosher salt and course ground black pepper, add some smoked paprika
Smoke for 5 - 7 hrs low heat 250 degrees.
After 5 hrs if the fat is split spray with apple cider vinegar and wrap in aluminum foil and put back in the smoker for another 5 hrs to finish rendering the fat and making it tender. Then take it out and let it rest for about 1hr. Shred and add your favorite BBQ sauce. Invite friends and pig out. They will think you are a BBQ god.

>> No.8101591

How cheap is 'absurdly cheap?'
Last time I bought shoulder was last year. Had the skin still attached and cost 69¢/lb.

>> No.8101593

>Shredded it too much
Are you retarded?

>> No.8101604

Throw it in the slow cooker with some onion, garlic, tomato, lemon, chili peppers, and a Corona. Cook untill you can shred ot with a fork. Then fry it up a bit, fucking canitas for days.

>> No.8101608

I just can't listen to this man. He needs some serious speech therapy.

>> No.8101618
File: 27 KB, 500x351, funny_food_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'll admit that his inflections are getting way out of control lately, he didn't speak that way a few years ago. The good thing is that unlike most long-running Youtube productions, his actual content (the food and recipes) are still rock solid along with his increasing editing ability and viedo/audio quality. He also hasn't sunk into some over-the-top personality to make a better "show" or started being an ultra shill, so I gotta respect the dude.

Been watching his video recipes for years and he hasn't begged me to buy something from him yet, which is getting harder to tolerate with many of my older YT subscriptions.

That looks like regular pulled pork, my dude. Not sure what you're talking about.

>> No.8101688

>You're the Eric Holder of your pork shoulder

I love this man.

>> No.8101696

did leave it on full smoke the whole 10 hours? did you wrap it in foil at any point? what temp?

>> No.8101698

I find something more like a brown ale does better for meat like pork/beef/lamb

>> No.8101719

Make pulled pork.

I always smoke mine for an hour then transfer to a slow cooker and pour root beer all over it. Let it go for at least 6 hours, remove it, pull it, sauce it, then put it in a toasted bun with coleslaw.

>> No.8101810
File: 1.14 MB, 1275x2931, pulled prok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the others said, pulled pork is great.

If you don't have a smoker, I make it in the oven with great results...

>> No.8101908

that's way too dry

>> No.8101919

Replace apple wood with cherry wood and this

>> No.8101920
File: 80 KB, 720x960, butt abt halfway - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you keep it juicy? I did one in a smoker for about 6 hours the last 2 I wraped it in foil I think it was around 275 degrees it wasn't as tender or as juicy a I had hoped

>> No.8101925

Pork and beans soup man

Or Borscht

>> No.8101928

>he unironically doesn't know how to keep pulled pork juicy

Oh Lordy, the standards this board has fallen to. Makes me ashamed to associate with all of you.

>> No.8101930

You've got to marinade and inject. You can also keep it coated in squeeze butter or give it a layer of bacon ends

>> No.8101934

One should not help the newfriends, for it will give them a right to think they may return.

>> No.8101937

We were all new, once. Don't be a buttlord. If someone legit wants cooking tips then more power to them

>> No.8101940

You are weak, and it will be your undoing one day. Take my word for it.

>> No.8101944

That's nice, now go masturbate to some dickgirls or something

>> No.8101954

if you projected any harder people would start calling you Epson.

>> No.8101955

You have been marked by the eye of K'Altharla. I do not envy you.

>> No.8101969

Anyone have experience with an indoor pan smoker? The kind that look like you throw it away after. Never smoked before, I'd like to try it sans investment first

>> No.8101972

that was my first time im just learning

>> No.8101986

Then fuck off to Tumblr and come back when you have some experience.

>> No.8101988

Smoking indoors?

>> No.8101989

but would it go better with the other ingredients I listed?

>> No.8101991

Ignore the edgelord

Wrap and marinate your meat though a shoulder shouldn't need too much marinating. If you still have trouble after wrapping, get some fatback or cheap sausage and pack around it

>> No.8102000

Put a pan of water into the smoker and refill it as needed. I made the same error the first time I smoked something (a pair of spatchcocked chickens, two chains of homemade chicken sausages and some chillies).

Thankfully, pork can be saved by mixing it with grease, lard or oil after you've pulled it.

>> No.8102007

better get those memes in before your step dad gets back from the store :^)

>> No.8102010

I'm sorry my obvious superiority makes you feel uncomfortable and wary of me. It is what it is. I'm not here to intimidate you, i'm here to lay down the law. Move on.

>> No.8102014

trolling or not, you should give suicide a serious consideration.

>> No.8102017


Microwave it for 27 minutes

wa la

>> No.8102018

The fact that your brain jumps to 'trolling' as an escape for the TFO that I just B on you tells me everything I need to know about you.

There are several more fitting boards on this website for a man of your.. intellectual level, i'd suggest >>>/b/

>> No.8102030


>> No.8102088
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>> No.8102098

I was thinking of cutting mine into steak-thickness slabs before roasting and pulling it apart so I can get more seasoning in the meat. Is that too much?

>> No.8102102
File: 1.27 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_2100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slow cook that bad boy and make some pulled pork sandwiches.

>> No.8102240

>marinating a pork shoulder
Should I explain why this is completely ineffective and stupid, or can you figure it out on your own?

>> No.8102247


>> No.8102248


Slice thinly and make this.

>> No.8102253

cute as hell

>> No.8102787

I mix homemade bbq sauce with the meat once it's pulled.

>> No.8103094

BARBACOA, put it in the crock pot
Better than chipotle's bullshit and you can eat it for like a week straight. Tacos, burritos, over rice, over couscoucs, with cheese, without cheese, shit's great.

>> No.8103108

This. Find a crockpot/slow cooker recipe on the web that sounds good to you, and it will be almost impossible to mess up cooking a pork shoulder. Roasting/smoking takes more attention/technique.

>> No.8103132


>> No.8103169

Apply your rub the day before and let it sit in the fridge overnight. The salt in the rub will help retain moisture. Use a water pan with just water, no apple juice or other bs. Turn your heat down to about 235 it is not a race. Get a good remote temp probe and cook based on temperature, not by time. Smoke untill 165, wrap in hd foil tightly and the pull when its reached 195-200 degrees. That shit will stall out around 170-180 degrees, this is normal, do not open the door, do not adjust temperature. After you pull it out of your smoker place it in a cooler and fill the empty space with some towels, let it rest for at least an hour preferably two. Then shred it.

For extra joociness and flavor, that catch pan you have for the drippings contains the nectar of the gods. Pour that shit in a bowl and fridge it while the pork is in the foil. There will be plenty of drippings after you remove the pork from the foil as well, do the same with that. After its cold, remove the fat from the top and put the rest in a small pot, low heat until it turns to liquid again. I mix in bbq sauce to taste and heat for about 5 min, pour over pork and serve.

>> No.8103207
File: 2.17 MB, 960x960, BBQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to add pic.

>> No.8103235

barbacoa is beef. What OP has is pork.

Pork Carnitas is an excellent use of a pork shoulder. Cook it low and slow, a little acid, a little smoke, and some spices. You can make burritos, tacos, and even use some of the meat for a southwest corn soup, tortilla soup, or green chile soup.

So far OP, we're at carnitas, pulled pork, and maybe some kind of stew.

>> No.8103240

Except no. That's not what barbacoa means.

Except no. That's not what barbacoa means.

Barbacoa just means 'barbecue' and doesn't refer to any specific meat on its own any more than the word 'barbecue' does in English. This is why you can get barbacoa de chivo or barbacoa de cerdo or barbacoa de mariscos or barbacoa de pollo or yes, even barbacoa de res, among other types, anywhere.

>> No.8103241

Too much work. Season it well enough and when you shred it it will all mix together.

>> No.8103246

Oh mein gott

>> No.8103299


Fuck off. Barbacoa is beef.

>> No.8103317

But that's completely and utterly wrong and therefore, by extension, so are you, Wrongy McWrongerson.
The word refers just to cooking meat over open flame. That's it.
American style barbecue sauce, such as brands like Pace and Sweet Baby Ray's, is called 'salsa barbacoa' in Spanish. It's not a specific dish. It just means 'barbecue.

>> No.8103332

I'll bet you're really fun to talk to at parties. Do you correct the chipotle staff on their barbacoa offerings when you order?

>> No.8103345

I honestly hope that if I ever act like this my friends will have enough sense to take pity on me and kill me.

>> No.8103349

not /juicy/ enough

>> No.8103809

I just put one if these in my slow cooker with mustard, apple vinegar, BBQ sauce, red pepper, and some honey. I've been eating it in different ways for a week.

>> No.8105060

Don't fry it, put it in a roasting pan and drizzle some of the juice over it. Roast it in the oven at 450 until crispy.

>> No.8105080

>implying anyone who knows what barbacoa is would eat at chipotle
just how stupid are you? holy fuck