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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8098949 No.8098949[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You guys seen this yet?

>> No.8098950


>> No.8098951

damn, i usually dont give a shit about the guy but im happy for him

hope he makes it, time he stepped it up

>> No.8098952

i luv him

>> No.8098953

Good for him. Brah deserves it.

>> No.8098954

Joey looks like a straight pig holy shit what the fuck

>> No.8098955

Speaking about Joey:

>we're able to co-exist right now
>and I hope it stays that way

Fucking lol you hear that Joey, the SECOND you step on reviewbrah's turf you're fucking DONE.

>> No.8098956

>tfw stuck with Joey representing the west side

I want to trade

>> No.8098957

That was cute.

>> No.8098958
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>> No.8098959
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>people were bullying this guy

For what reason

>> No.8098960
File: 207 KB, 1440x900, AlphaBrah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knows his demographic
>Won't be affected by demonetization since he reviews major fast food and they'll def want to advertise on his vids
>Only real competition (kek) is fucking Joey
>Laying it down that Joey needs to stay on his coast
Reviewbrah is based

>> No.8098961
File: 113 KB, 802x600, 1473884867902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're all gonna make it brah
They are jealous of his ripped physique and alpha personality

>> No.8098962

Message loud and clear reviewbrah. We gotta go fuck this fat fuck's shit up.


>> No.8098963

I thought he was kicked out of his house or disowned by his parents or something

>> No.8098964

i love him so much

>> No.8098965

Guy in dapper suit V fat ugly monstrosity sticking his face in a mound of nuttella.

>> No.8098966

No he was being stalked i think

>> No.8098967
File: 2.27 MB, 640x480, review brah dindu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8098968


>> No.8098969
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>it's gween :3
Based reviewbrah

>> No.8098970
File: 33 KB, 396x385, 543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a board about fitness, you stupid faggot. Take your pedo looking cunt back to /r9k/

>> No.8098971

i just hate his face so much

>> No.8098972


Hol up, his legs look big, or is it because he is sitting, he doesn't look fat. Is he lifting?

>> No.8098973


>> No.8098974

I fucking love review brah.
So fucking based

>> No.8098975

>Tie goes below the belt
>Hair nearly combed back
>Always the front right angle to hide his scrawny proportions
>Suit has too much shoulder he looks like he's a fucking yaoi character
>Always slouching
Beyond triggered

>> No.8098976

Yeah, it's hard to pull off as well as he does.

>> No.8098977

I've always found something endearing about this guy. It's probably some little brother complex I have that makes me want to protect him. That fan art makes him look beautiful though.

>> No.8098978

Yeah I've always wanted to be the hungry hungry caterpillar

>> No.8098979

can you explain how?
Everyone keeps saying this

>> No.8098980

Christ, just look at him. Like, damn.. He doesn't give a fuck. He dresses up in comically oversized old-school style suits and explains to you in a quiet, gentlemanly manner how a Double McCheese tastes. You may ask at first "Why?" Why would you ever want that?

But then it starts to grow on you. And reviewbrah is like that. He's not obnoxious, not loud. He's gentlemanly, persistent - basically, he is quality in human form.

>> No.8098981

he's cute

>> No.8098982

So thoughtful.

>> No.8098999

Does he have a big following outside of 4chan or is it mostly just us? Also who else thinks he shitposts on /ck/ as anon.

>> No.8099000

cnn should have done some research on the guy before giving him a national spotlight. like his creepy postings on pedofile boards

>> No.8099014

trips back to back

reviewbrah confirmed for king of /ck/

>like his creepy postings on pedofile boards

>> No.8099020

someone posted screenshots sometime back. don't have them but someone else should know what i'm talking about

>> No.8099027

Those poor guy has been harassed for years. Before he even got a following people were photoshopping things making it look like him, harassing him and putting out disinformation. Been a fan from the beginning on from misc and KNOW people who would go out their way to do this. Glad he's retained his composure and is making a name for himself. Wish people would just let him be. He's harmless.

>> No.8099029

sup reviewbrah, that was a good interview btw

>> No.8099032

Not reviewbrah. Been following for a long time though. Hope the channel isn't ruined by newcomers.

>> No.8099036

sure thing ;)

>> No.8099044

Cool, but why are they playing this goofy music in the background? As if to say that he's some kind simp or spastic or something, he's a well spoken and intelligent guy

>> No.8099048
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>> No.8099085
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>> No.8099090

Maybe it is because he's quirky? To me its kind of sweet and heartfelt and cute music.

>> No.8099093
File: 48 KB, 432x432, 1471866192127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a big cat.

>> No.8099103

They should have asked him about the gangstalking

>> No.8099116

If there is pending litigation, CNN would have to go speak with his attorney instead. I imagine that's the case.

>> No.8099120

>ban all threads about Jack, even if it's not shilling his vids
>this stays up
come on guys, it's all or nothing.

>> No.8099124

Quit posting. Maybe it will go away.

>> No.8099127
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>> No.8099130



>> No.8099133

Reviewbrah is or was handling a stalking situation. He got doxed and it went too far.

>> No.8099202


>> No.8099223

Guys, where in NY does Reviewbrah live?

>> No.8099276

Holy fuck this is amazing. He's made it.

>> No.8099295




>> No.8099310

go back to prison, Joey

>> No.8099358

Where do you think you are?

>> No.8099417

He's been on both :ck/ and /fit/. /ck/ used to hate him and /fit/ loved him. Also fucking newfags.

>> No.8099419

I really like how they used the clip of joey stuffing his face with nutella.

>> No.8099425
File: 50 KB, 638x639, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was moved from /fit/

>> No.8099436

When you guys say "he made it" do you just mean he got to explain that he reviews fast food on tv? What's his ultimate goal?

>> No.8099443

I generally don't give a fuck about fast food or youtube reviewers, but I'm happy to see this guy get some press. He's so oddly sincere about what he does.

>> No.8099447

mega kek

>> No.8099451
File: 106 KB, 379x568, allsmiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno. I think we're all just happy that our favorite FAS suit fetishist is moving up in the world a bit.

>> No.8099468

Exposure you absolute cretin. Kill yourself immediately.

>> No.8099471

>moving up in the world a bit
Do you think normal people care about fast food reviews?

>> No.8099490

>I don't understand what exposure is
You are fucking stupid kid. Please get the fuck off /ck/ you retard, /b/ is more your speed. Fuck off.

>> No.8099508

This kid is goin' places.

Hats off.

>> No.8099514

whos the guy with the beard that always cooks the most disgusting foods. often the most awful combinations.