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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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8096603 No.8096603 [Reply] [Original]

>how healthy are you, how much water do you drink per day

>> No.8096622

I eat a lot of fast food but also a lot of Chipotle so it evens out. Probably not the healthiest.

>> No.8097133

Heart attack waiting to happen
3-5 litres a day

>> No.8097140

Quite healthy
about 3-4 litres

>> No.8097151

dying from lack of oxygen
There's no water on the Moon fool

>> No.8097179

Why are you on the moon

>> No.8097219

>I think of myself as pretty healthy, but fuck, I have leukemia, and a year ago I was drinking a bottle of vodka every day.
>I drink a lot. If I don't hydrate enough my meds give me water retention and I start to puff up.

>> No.8097228

>SW Florida
Not the most healthy I typically eat well balanced meals but will cheat and get fast food or cheap restaurant food once or twice a week, I tend to under eat or only eat one meal a day so I'm underweight. I do drink a lot of water though I don't know the exact amount but I'm drinking pretty much constantly all day

>> No.8097247
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>8 year smoker, drink every stupid day, but no illnesses aside from that
>at least a liter of water, I get it for stupid cheap at work

>> No.8097256

Moderately Healthy
About .5 to 1 gallons of water a day

>> No.8097260

>a whole quart of water

>> No.8097275

>ywn eat a Krabby patty

>> No.8097289

Stupid NASA tests

>> No.8097303

>Very healthy, kinda slim, no illnesses other than asthma
>I only drink water, around three glasses a day

>> No.8097305

>Healthy but need some body parts examined
>About 30oz

>> No.8097315

>skinny (I do cardio because it is easy), 1 1/2 liters

>> No.8097325

pretty fit (lots of swimming) vegetarian diet, and 5 - 7 litres on average a day

>> No.8097332

>Pretty healthy but i have high blood pressure because of a certain condition i have
>About a liter

>> No.8097336

I would be healthy if I didn't drink so much liquor.
I'm not sure how much water, but alot.

>> No.8097344

>273 lbs but dropping due to martial arts, not water usually just a Gatorade after lessons

>> No.8097358

Yeah it's a small amount I know THANKS

>> No.8097780

The midwest
Im 250lbs at 5'9" so you can tell im pretty fat. I completely cut out all drinks except for water a few months ago. I probably drink a gallon or so a day.

>> No.8097817

Not very. Skelly BMI <17 and never exercise. I take my diet and getting proper nutrition very srsly though.
Probably like a 3/4 of a gallon maybe more. My piss is always clear.

>> No.8098129

>135-140lbs, skinny but out of shape because I'm a lazy fuck and have a shitty diet, 1.5-7 liters

>> No.8098141

Fat, want to die
About a gallon a day since my kidney stone 4 years ago, as well as other diet changes

Never again

>> No.8098145


7000lbs jet fuel erryday

>> No.8098153

My body is a temple.
Typically between one and a half to two litres of water per day, depending on the season. Plus another 750 ml of electrolytes with my cardio workout in winter, and double that in summer.

>> No.8098155


Underage b&

>> No.8098157
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>measuring electrolytes by the liter

>> No.8098160

Slightly overweight
Not healthy at all, and maybe like 3 cups per day.

>> No.8098164


shit forgot, USA

>> No.8098189

Costa Rica
I eat a lot of fast food but still have holocaust survivor body type for some reason...

>> No.8098290

28, Mexico. Overweight fat lazy paisano who enjoys greasy street cuisine. Does Tea/coffee count? about a liter average.
What are you datamining for OP?

>> No.8098482

Still fat, not as fat as I used to be a long time ago but fatter than I was a few years ago
I drink water constantly, it's a nervous habit at this point

>> No.8098485

>none, not a drop. Ever.

I live off coffee and redbull.I eat like a fucking gross cow but I weigh 106. Everyone thinks I have cancer.

>> No.8098595

Cody, Wyoming, obese as fuck
At least 2 liters a day

>> No.8098604

United states
Bouta gallon a day? give or take about 10%

>> No.8098621

>those drinks
You probably do.
Jesus fuck I'm fat. Drink about 120 oz a day

>> No.8098636

>I'm pretty fat especially after dropping twins and not having a job. I'm at my pre-pregnancy weight (dropped the 40 lbs I gained in 2 weeks) though, but my life has always been about damage control. I'm terrified to gain large amounts of weight in a short span but my weight has increased an average of about 5-6 lbs a year since high school. My "regular" weight for a long time and usually when I have a job is 220-230. I am currently trying very low carb dieting especially when I saw that I was 0.4 oz from 250. I've never been that heavy outside of pregnancy and I never want to see that on the scale.

>> No.8098639

Oh and I drink plenty of water. 8-10 cups a day. I don't even care for anything that isn't water these days.

>> No.8098688

6'2" 210lbs and walk about 7 miles a day because of my job, but other than that pretty lazy. I drink about 1 liter with each meal and one in the morning. For some reason I'm always thirsty

>> No.8098711

>Oldest town in TX
>Overweight, but one thing Ive got going for me is that I drink nearly 2 L of water every day Im at work, and about 1 L when im off of work.

>> No.8098718

short question, what kind of water do you usually drink?
flavored, with gas, flat, lemonwedge?

>> No.8098738

>slightly overweight, about 2 liters a day. Too much of it is soda.

>> No.8098743

>how healthy are you, how much water do you drink per day

Other than being a 20+ year smoker I figure I'm doing alright health wise. I make my own breakfast,lunch, dinner pretty much everyday. Fast food is something I only occasionally eat when I'm traveling. I carry about 20 pounds extra from excessive alcohol binges that finally caught up with me. No longer a heavy drinker. I drink close to 1/2 gallon well water everyday plus coffee and tea. I don't use sugar. I walk, garden, and bicycle as my exercise at the moment. Job also keeps me
pretty active. I don't take any medicines, only a few vitamins.

>> No.8098749

Avoid refined sugar no heart problems

>> No.8098850

New york
Im not, im a fat fuck working on not being one
In june i was 318 lbs
Now down to 295
Im also 6'4 so looks slightly less bad
Its slow but its progress

I drink 2-4l per day usually, more if i have lemon to add to it

>> No.8098854

New England
im pretty healthy, not fat. if i keep drinking how ive been this past week that'll all change.
70oz of water a day give or take.

>> No.8098856

>Melbourne, Australia
>High-school State Athlete turned skinny-fat gamer

>> No.8098859

Oh, and about 2 litres.

>> No.8098885

>Pretty in shape. Could afford to cut some fat and replace it with muscle, but other than that pretty ok.
>I drink water fairly irregularly, maybe 1.5-2 liters a day.

>> No.8099026

>east coast FL
>healthy bmi of 21, drink 3.5 L of water a day, cardio 30-60 minutes a day

>> No.8099461
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>Fairly healthy, but haven't been working out the past couple of weeks; I drink at least three liters of water every day, pham, thanks to my Nalgene water bottle

>> No.8101514

getting ear crease, constant abdomen pains, being sent to gastroenterologist for endoscopy so not very healthy no
about 4 pints water
about the same in tea/coffee

>> No.8101521

going to die of a stroke; 5 water bottles a day

>> No.8101737

I eat health 80% of the time which I think is a good balance. No idea how much water, but the only nonalcoholic things I drink are water, tea and coffee (no sugar). That being said, I'm a borderline alcoholic and use drink as a coping mechanism, so I've been hitting it hard for the last few months. Also started smoking again after quitting for two years for the same reason.

>> No.8102128

Healthy as fuck
2-3 liters a day

>> No.8103204

going to kill my liver
4-5 liters daily

>> No.8103538



I run marathons and a pilot.

3-4 litres

>> No.8103548

>kinda pudgy but lift weights and trying to lose weight to
>idk how much it is but I'll usually fill up this large movie theatre cup

>> No.8103629

Feeling nicotine withdrawal atm
Skinny( thought i was skinny fat but no)so doing chin ups everyday chugging shitton of milk everyday
Gotta be about 2 liter a day
I think about suicide every minute

>> No.8103655

skinnyfat cigarette smoker, at least 3 liters probably pushing 5-6 liters on some days

>> No.8103671
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>I just lost 50lbs and went down 4 pants sizes since january by following a mostly nutritarian diet, I drink about 3 large glasses of water a day, sometimes 4.

>> No.8104354

Flyover Land, Wisconsin
I eat a lot of take out, but I try to cook when I can on my days off.
Probably a little under half a gallon of water each day.

>> No.8104455

USA (northeast)
4 glasses of plain water, otherwise coffee, tea, and diet sodas (equal to 4 more drinks), and usually 4-6 alcoholic drinks a day
I am physically okay, but mentally and emotionally pretty unhealthy.

>> No.8104464

>Boil Notice

>> No.8104558

>Was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma and have gained about 30 lbs since
>About 2-3 litres

>> No.8104688

>East coast US
>Towing the line between Obese and Overweight but have a lot of muscle mass
>About 2 litres a day

>> No.8104699

>Southeast USA
>Just moved to a house with really shitty tap water, so not as much as I should. Maybe three 17 oz bottles of water a day.
>Getting healthier. Fell into a depression over the summer and now that uni has started up again I've gotten a little better. I've started eating a plant-based diet again rather than just junk food and I really feel a difference since I'm actually eating things with nutritional value. Also going to the gym to lose some flab.

>> No.8104983

Not very
Up to 6 litres a day

>> No.8105215

>>how healthy are you, how much water do you drink per day
9/10 health
up to 3 litres a day, which is a lot mroe than the average around me.

>> No.8105279
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Ready for the new Israeli pack coming out for wargame?

>slightly above average, 1-2 gallons depending on if I'm shoveling a lot outside or not for my slavewage job

>> No.8106563

Smoke and eat poorly
Had a bottle two day ago

>> No.8106648



Water and sparkling water are the main beverages I consume. Only drink alcohol occasionally.

BMI sits around 19 and I try to eat healthy.

>> No.8106721

Dont eat much
Maybe half a bottle of water and a bunch of pop

>> No.8106894
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Burger (Florida)
Not obese or too fat (129 lbs skinnyfat borderline chubb) but my diet is awful. I just eat whatever and whenever I feel like it. It's been a good two weeks since I've had a plain serving of water.

>> No.8108029

>Northwest mexico
>Healty and fit but somewhat fucked by pesticides, 2-4 liters.

>> No.8108050

>19 m
>Moderately healthy
>4-5 liters a day

Lost about 70lbs two semesters ago. walking, eating better, and no soda makes a huge difference.

>> No.8108059


>Smoke and eat poorly

assumed you smoked and ate lard by the bowlful as soon as you said Scotland

>> No.8108622
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>Michigan, USA
>average healthy, 100 ounces of water per day

I had a kidney stone a few months ago, so I'm trying for 100 ounces of water per day for life. One of the worst experiences of my life, and I hope to never repeat it.

>> No.8108642

>Could probably KO anyone on /ck/ in one hit if I wanted to.

>> No.8108649
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bitch i live in canada too, fite me

>> No.8108651

>bretty healthy, about two liters i guess, but a lot of green tea too

>> No.8108977

How the shit are you even alive??
I'm not one to tutor folks, but you sure that's healthy? I've heard of people dying from drinking far lower amounts than 7 litres, and there's just no scientific proof of how people "Need" a large amount of water every day.

>> No.8108994

Just chiming in here, the "at least two litres of water per day" thing is just a myth. Not being conspiracy theory guy here, but more and more doctors are coming out saying it's probably just a bullshit myth propagated by the bottled water industry that you need to drink at least that amount of water every day, in fact it might not be very good for everyone, especially not with a low salt and mineral intake.

>> No.8109016

I have an HDL level of >100
Like, 500 - max 1000mL a day, if that.

>> No.8110520
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>New England
>generally don't eat crap, drink 10 liters a day
>mfw sometimes still thirsty

>> No.8110530

>I've heard of people dying from drinking far lower amounts than 7 litres
You must have great sources

>> No.8110675

Pretty healthy, eat fast-food once every 6 months or so, 2-3L/day

>> No.8110679

Almost none, I get sick a lot and I'm underweight but I'm otherwise very healthy.

>> No.8110688

>Southwest, Phoenix AZ
>Tons of water, ate 4 cans of collard greens and spinach yesterday

It ain't great but man does my skin look good

>> No.8110696

Diabetes diagnosis?

>> No.8110791

New York
5-8 cups a day.
Skinnyfat. I'm cutting until I get a job, then I'll bulk

>> No.8110846

>drinking water is healthy

When is this retarded meme going to end?