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8096551 No.8096551 [Reply] [Original]

What should I put in vegetable stock other than carrots, onions, and celery, plus herbs? Potatoes? Asparagus? Mushrooms?

>> No.8096553


no to all the other stuff you suggested

save that for when you actually use the stock

>> No.8096558

Maybe celeriac, leeks with green top.

>> No.8096560

No potatoes. They soak up salt and flavour.
The flavour of asparagus is too delicate to really do anything but if you want to chop off the inedible ends and throw them I guess waste not want not.
Dried mushrooms (not fresh) actually work surprisingly well at adding depth. I certainly wouldn't waste porcini in there but otherwise go for it.
Besides that, I'm partial to a bit of dried seaweed especially if what I'm making is going to be asian inflected. Aside from that, salt, herbs (rosemary, thyme and bay tend to be my go to), maybe a bit of garlic you're good to go.

>> No.8096581

Garlic is good. Corn cobs are good (they make it a little sweet).
Mushrooms are really good in stock, but they are gonna make it brown. and like >>8096553
said, they are even better when you actually get to eat the shroom, not just taste the taste.
Anything that smells good, aromatic, and flavorful when cooked (NOT CABBAGE OR BROCCOLI SRSLY UNLESS YOU WANT A CUP O FART) may be a good addition to the soup.
I'd choose sweet potato over white if you must include.

>> No.8096584

I usually add one parsnip and a quarter to half a celeriac. You can also try to add leeks, cabbage or kale and dill if you want a sort of green soup. Mushrooms only if you have a few pieces of dried ones as well as fresh.

>> No.8096586

parsnip, swede, turnip, garlic, ginger, peppers, bit of cabbage, peppercorns.

>> No.8096596

Beef you fucking numale cuck

>> No.8096601

Recently boiled three chicken breast in a stock of cilantro, diced white onions, diced peppers (yellow, green, and red), carrots, rosemary, and a bay leaf for good measure. Please to say it tasted pretty good overall, especially given the fact there isn't a drop of salt.

Now I finished the chicken and will use the rest of the broth to make rice and beans. Thoughts?

>> No.8096628

I have to emphasize how important mushrooms are in a good vegetable stock. They add a really earthy depth and compliments other flavors very well. Maybe also add some leek. Id take out the asparagus, will add to overall bitterness. Also remove the potatoe, they don't add anything to the stock.

>> No.8096647
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I like to add tiny pasta stars

>> No.8096659

I just save leftover bits of all my herbs and vegetables in a gallon bag in the freezer until it's full. Usually supplement with extra onion, carrot and celery, sometimes leeks too. I do the same with chicken bits until I have enough for chicken broth.

As some anons said, mushrooms are good, but if I add mushrooms I generally want it to be a mushroom broth, so I use either a lot of mushrooms or none. Dried mushrooms are great for this.

>> No.8096668
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Very good thread

>> No.8096673
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Should I make bacon stock?

>> No.8096676

Cilantro is highly recommended as it boosts the flavor of the stock nicely.

>> No.8096722

There are aprox 14,000 species of mushrooms

So I will try to narrow it down a "tad"
I recommend dried shiitakes for your stock, will and a nice depth of flavor and they can handle the long simmering time

italian parsley - don't go overboard can be strong, I save stems in the freezer for stocks
leek would be good but spendy around here, could use leek trimmings and save the good parts for a soup
I agree corn cobs might be good but haven't tried them

I would NOT add
Any salt, nope none in a stock
Any type of potato, will make it soup not stock
cilantro, to strong for a stock
cabbage, kale, too strong
if you add any meat (nothing wrong with that) it is no longer a veg stock

>> No.8096725

Op said stock, not soup

>> No.8096732

sure, if you like salty grease water stock, go for it

>> No.8096739

One more thing to add, if you want your veg stock a little hardier, roast your veggies in the oven first, just font let them get too brown or it could make your veg stock bitter (not and issue if your adding them to a beef stock)