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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 465x330, electic-kitchen-stove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8092969 No.8092969 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck do I use one of these motherfuckers? I'm housesitting for a couple days and I've used a gas range my entire life. I can't make shit without it charring the bottom of whatever I'm cooking. Is this a problem for anyone else or am I buttfuck retarded?

>> No.8092978

If your problem is burning shit perhaps you should use ever higher heat for more time, maybe that will solve it

>> No.8092980

>Is this a problem for anyone else

>am I buttfuck retarded?

>> No.8092992

Banter aside, one thing you have to keep in mind is the heat wont lower immediately so if you need two different settings for one dish you better use two different stove partitions instead of just lowering it as youll end up burning shit because no one has patience to wait for it to reach desired temps

>> No.8092996

Glass stoves are decorations for people who don't cook

>> No.8093002

Thank you for actual answers
I'll keep that in mind
Based on what I've experienced and the people I'm housesitting for I'm beginning to agree with you.

>> No.8093012

gas ranges scorch everything. Electric ranges are far more forgiving.

>> No.8093020

>Glass stoves are decorations for people who don't cook
Worthless pieces of shit
Turn it on med but don't put anything on the burner and just watch it, the fucker will glow red hot, then turn itself off, then glow red hot, then turn itself off, repeat until the end of the world
These stupid thing turns on full blast until it hits a temp you set the dial at (say medium) then cycles off, when it starts to cool below a certain threshold (say med low) it turns itself back on full blast until it goes back up to medium, repeat
When you put a pan on it retains some heat so mellows the stoves satanic tenancies a bit, but they still totally suck
Can you tell I'm stuck with one now?
Gas or GTFO!

>> No.8093025

Awww, did the bad gas stove scorch your ghetto box mac n cheese powder?
Learn to fuckin cook

>> No.8093030

use the thickest heaviest pan you can to try to even out the heat, I posted 8093020

>> No.8093031

Thanks, bruv

>> No.8093035

Pro tip:
if they have a outdoor gas grill with a side burner, use the side burner and fuck that glass top yuppie furniture

>> No.8093171

I like to slam my pans about like an angry Chinese takeaway chef, is a glass stove right for me?

>> No.8093257

I spent a combined 12 years in dorms and apartments. I don't want to ever have electric appliances again.

You can turn the gas on, and a light-weight non-stick skillet is immediately hot enough to fry an egg. Assuming you're standing right over the pan with an egg in your hand, it takes no more than a minute to cook it.

Electric? Put the pan on the burner. Set the oven to a number. Walk away for five minutes. Wave your hand over the pan to see if it's hot. Nope. Walk away for five minutes. OK, it's hot. Break egg. The pan goes cold. A full minute passes before the temperatures rebounds. It's taking forever to cook, so I turn the dial up a few numbers. Nothing happens. I flip the egg. Here comes the heat finally. Now it's TOO hot. Turn the burner off completely. It keeps cooking the egg. Move the pan to a burner that's turned off. Fuck's sake.

Fuck. Electric.

>> No.8093291
File: 9 KB, 220x250, lindo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tis a poor workman who blames his tools.

>> No.8093295

what kind of shitty ghetto electric stovetop did you use? Mine heats up in about a minute

>> No.8093297

I count six different ones. I think two were the same brand and model. So five.

>> No.8093305

not really. no self-respecting chef uses electric stoves.

>> No.8093308

this is true

i always offer to cook turkey dinner at my gramma's house and she has one and it FUCKING BLOWWWWWSSSS

>> No.8093310

only because gas is cheaper in a commercial setting

there's really no difference that can't be bridged with a bottle torch

>> No.8093317

Well I'd rather not be bridging anything with a fucking bottle torch when I can have a gas range

>> No.8093321

Electric stove tops react slowly to temperature changes. It affects performance, and it's a hazard as well. You see a flame? It's hot. No visual indicator with an electric stove. They only glow at high temperatures and/or when it's cycling.

>> No.8093325


>> No.8093326

>I like to slam my pans about like an angry Chinese takeaway chef, is a glass stove right for me?

sorry its a weird morning i feel a little bit off but this had me laughing to myself like a retard on the bus

>> No.8093330

you are retarded,404 iq > 100 not found

>> No.8094045

Can't even use a 3 gallon pot, no matter how gently, on most without going against manufacturer recommendation, voiding warranty, and risking breakage. Some are built enough to use 3 gallon pots, but I have yet to see one which will take a 5 gallon stock pot.

>> No.8094062

Gas > Electric coil >>>>>>>> electric flattop

That's a dangerous maneuver in one's own home, anon.

>> No.8094090

You need thick bottomed pots, we have a glass top and my family recently inherited a set of pots and pans, my mom thought it would be an awesome idea to get rid of our old set immediately because new=better.

The new pots are paper thin and I burn fucking everything in them even on low settings, I was 20-30 minutes into caramelizing onions the other day on like 1.5/10 power and I turned around to open a can for 30 seconds and the onions went from lightly browned to charcoal in that time

>> No.8094146

The pans need to be dead flat on the bottom; for optimum performance. NEVER put a hot pot lid anywhere on the glass surface. Glass tops suck majorly.

>> No.8094591

My girlfriends parents have an industrial kitchen gas stove in their home they took from the kitchen of a restaurant they used to own.

I'm so jealous that thing is beautiful.

You could bring a 50 gal cauldron to a boil on it and that thing wouldn't give 2 fucks. The fucking tile floor beneath it would give before it. Obviously it modulates temperature perfectly too.

People that willingly own glass tops or think the difference doesn't matter are just clueless and, in my experience, make equally clueless foods. They don't seem to care about subtle differences and comparing quality.

They're like the sort of people that think beer is beer regardless and if you want to drink a nice beer out of a tumbler you're just being pretentious because it's the same thing as drinking it out of the can/bottle. They don't realize that just because the difference doesn't matter to them that doesn't mean it doesn't matter. They just have no concept.

>> No.8094606
File: 2.93 MB, 640x360, seasoning wok.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I ever win the lottery, my kitchen's going to have an industrial wok burner.

Also one of those magic japanese deep fryers that float the oil on water.

>> No.8094909

My college apartment had storage heaters and an unclosable window in the kitchen, because it was so small we had to keep the heater off to fit the bin and mop. Trying to make pancakes on the electric stove took two hours of preheating the air in the room let alone the burner, otherwise the pancake never cooked through enough to flip.

We learnt you could heat the room with it because one time we were out for the day and returned to a hot kitchen. No lights, nothing set to a temperature. Just one burner heated to hell and back for no reason. We had to turn it all off at the wall, and when they checked it out there was "nothing". Happened again when I had left a chopping board on there for lack of space, bye bye board.

Only stove I've ever used that was capable of burning things to a non stick frying pan. Spent two years without frying leftover rice.

>> No.8094955
File: 58 KB, 547x547, 1442805062926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-Is he literally burning water?

>> No.8094959
File: 33 KB, 310x378, 1291231848429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i have to cook on one in my apartment

>mfw ive actually gotten used to it and would probably butcher the shit out of any thing i cook on something else now

>> No.8094964

Ain't a sin to sink a tin...

>> No.8094967

is he tempering that wok?

>> No.8094976

>home growing up has gas stove
>later in teenage years, through college, multiple homes all have electric stoves
>they all suck ass and take forever to heat up
>move into own apartment
>not the oldest building I've ever seen but still from the 70's
>electric range
>put a pan on, turn it on
>1 minute later it's screaming hot and my oil is smoking
that range doesn't fuck around, I absolutely love it

>> No.8094985

>How the fuck do I use one of these motherfuckers?
You don't. They're impossible to use and the worst invention of all time. Just eat cup of noodles and fast food or something.

>> No.8095003

Is that an induction top? They are the easiest appliances to use in the world how retarded are you? 10-30% simmer, 30-50% light heat, 50-70% med heat 80% high heat, 90-100% only use for boiling water real quick.

>> No.8095014

When looking for a house I made sure of only 2 things:
>gas range
>non shallow sink
I dun hit the jackpot but now I'm regretting the lack of windows.

>> No.8095015

It's not about the heating up, it's the lack of consistency.

>> No.8095050

I know that feeling, when I went back to family's place I couldn't do shit with gas for weeks because everything was fast again.

>> No.8095104
File: 101 KB, 800x600, 1459308239976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these stovetops are aids

here's how the heat settings work

low: turns on to max heat for about 10 seconds, then shuts off for a minute, then turns on to max heat for about 10 seconds, etc.
medium: turns on to max heat for about 30 seconds, then shuts off for a minute, then turns on to max heat for about 30 seconds, etc
high: turns on to max heat for about a minute, then turns off for about a minute, then turns on to max heat for about a minute, etc

idk who came up with this idea but they're a fucking idiot.

>> No.8095168

Bang-bang control is literally how every electric range works, not just glass top ranges.

>> No.8095176
File: 49 KB, 540x340, 1424743216966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my parents cook every day. They are great cooks. They have a glass stove.....I think you might be wrong. I am sure I am going to hear a bunch of shit about them being retarded and not actually knowing how to cook, but whatever. cu/ck/s will be cu/ck/s

>> No.8095195

not always true but gas is infinitely better, electric burners were straight up made by satan

>> No.8095282

This is what people who don't actually make things say. It's a stupid saying.

>> No.8095289

They aren't actually that expensive anon, I've been looking into getting one. You can buy a six burner with two ovens, a griddle and a broiler for 2500 bucks.

>> No.8095296

My grandparents have a descent glasstop. I can make good food on it which is more than can be said for my parents anemic propane stove. Even so I say no self respecting cook would ever willingly own a glasstop

>> No.8095300

must be (for some reason), because you don't season a pan with water

>> No.8095326

how does /ck/ feel about AGA's? Anyone ever used them? I am considering buying one. Will i need a gas range as well?

>> No.8095472

gas > electric coil > cooking your food on a hot engine block > eating it fucking raw > glass top electric

those things are complete garbage and the dumbest thing ever invented and put in a kitchen. even dumber than that cheap plastic piece of shit that's supposed to turn vegetables into spaghetti. the fact that some engineer thought this was a good idea and people actually bought them is a good argument for eugenics.

>> No.8095481

Holy shit, did i write this and forget about it?

>> No.8095521

anon its not the 80s any more electric is just as good as gas

>> No.8095586

Oh totally. It's more the infrastructure around it than the cooker itself though, it's one thing to have a dinky sauna kitchen for some minimum wage fast food restaurant, but in your own home I'd want some serious air space for it.