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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 200 KB, 1536x1023, o-BELLY-FAT-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8088500 No.8088500 [Reply] [Original]

There's literally nothing wrong with being fat and indulging in one of life's simplest pleasures.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.8088510

Morally wrong? It's wasteful.

A bad idea? It comes with a variety of health risks, as well as a diminished physical capacity.

Why society looks down on it? Most people would agree obesity = ugly.

>> No.8088511

I have to pay more taxes because you fat fucks can't avoid the sugar Jew and become ubermensh like me.

>> No.8088512

Being fat isn't pleasurable. Lose weight for once in your life and you'll see for yourself how much nicer everything is.

>> No.8088513

There's literally nothing wrong with being an alcoholic and indulging in one of life's simplest pleasures.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.8088549

there are faster ways to kill yourself. I wish you'd utilize them.

>> No.8088632

There's literally nothing wrong with being amerifat and indulging in one of life's stupidest pleasures.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.8088645


This is true, there's nothing "wrong" with being fat, but there's technically nothing "wrong" or "right" about anything. Morality is not objective (no I'm not some stupid edgy liberal. it's just that that's technically correct. Doesn't mean much practically though, still need lots of laws to maintain order etc.).

The real issue is that it's stupid to be fat. It displays that you are lazy and lack impulse control. It also makes you less sexually desirable in most cases, and in many or most cases is bad for your health, and can affect confidence and other mental aspects.

Food isn't actually so good that it's worth indulging in to the point you experience all those consequences. Thus, it's arguably stupid.

>> No.8088650

>Have no self control
>Be extremely unhealthy
>People find you repulsive
>Suffer many complications normal people won't
>Die way earlier
No, there's nothing wrong at all.

As someone else asked, why is everyone on this board either a WATER ONLY skeleton or a fatfuck who can't eat without shoveling Graham's Number worth of calories into their gaping maws in one sitting

>> No.8088654

>You must be fat and have no self control to enjoy eating.

Have fun with your beetus.

[protip; McDonalds and candy water is not one of life's 'simple pleasures']

>> No.8088673

I am fat, it sucks

you have a smaller dick
you can't fuck properly cus ur belly is in the way
you look uglier
you look shittier
you are stupider

>> No.8088689


there's nothing wrong with it, but there's a point where it stops being enjoyable. trust me, i've lost family members to heart attack and stroke. it's not worth a later life of debilitating illness for a few decades of careless living

>> No.8088691

Pursuing hedonism is basically acceptable, if you have no loved ones and make sure you don't harm other people. This is not the same as there being nothing wrong with being fat.

>> No.8088880

Two years ago my BMI was 30, now my BMI is 20.

Advantage of being fat is certainly you can enjoy more food, and now that I'm thin I feel guilty eating all kinds of tasty foods because I know how many calories they have. Eating 1800 calories a day really limits what I can eat, and, that sucks.

People say that "you can have anything in moderation," and that is sort of true but if I eat 400 calories of french toast, I'm hungry so much faster than my healthy breakfasts that it ends up having a domino effect.

I still feel being skinny has many more advantages and that ability to sacrifice is a good quality.

>> No.8088926

>now that I'm thin I feel guilty eating all kinds of tasty foods because I know how many calories they have.

Why feel guilty? I'm at the "ideal" body weight, but when I eat something indulgent and especially a lot of it, I usually just plan on eating less before or after, in order to balance out the total caloric intake. There's nothing to feel morally guilty about though. You're just indulging one of your senses momentarily.

>> No.8088929


Who said there's anything wrong with that?

Do whatever the fuck you wanna do with your life.

>> No.8088932

What? You mean besides all the health issues? Even nature lowers your sex drive so your fat fuck genes don't spread.

>> No.8088937

I don't know. I guess I haven't adjusted to my new weight yet, I feel hungry a lot. Haven't figured out what I can or can't eat yet, and how much. Seems like just maintaining is a struggle.

>> No.8088947

Enjoy rotting in hell. And I'm willing to bet on top of that that you're a fuckinng faggot, too. Kys.

>> No.8088952

What's the actual scientific documentation on lowered sex drives from obesity? Is it a direct physical result of obesity or is it mental?

>> No.8089031

>spending 20%+ of your paycheck on food
>perpetual heartburn
>nicknamed "human garbage disposal"
>people challenge you to eat absurd amounts of food for the sole purpose of getting to laugh at your gluttony
>spending dozens of extra dollars per item of clothing because of XXXL shirts and custom sized pants
>medicines to quell symptoms of your body dying
>eating less than 3000 calories a meal gives you stomach pains
>eating becomes a method of passing time
>struggling to get up all the time

It's not worth being fat, especially like I was. I didn't realize all the bad until one of my friends pointed out to me how spending $50 a day on food wasn't normal, and neither was consuming 8000 calories a day. He was brutal to me, but he got me to change my ways.

>> No.8089047

It's something something higher estrogen levels/lower test levels because of something in body fat inhibiting test production. Body tries to keep hormone balance so when test drops, estrogen rises.

I forgot the details, it's from a physiology from college.

>> No.8089119


all of this

>> No.8089133

I like being fat. I like how it feels being large. I wish I could be the size of a bear.

>> No.8089152

There's literally nothing wrong with being addicted to heroin and indulging in one of life's simplest pleasures.

Prove me wrong.

>> No.8089162

lol mad skinny people think they'll live forever

>> No.8089171

Its only wrong to yourself cuz u gonna die n feel like shit

>> No.8089190

The biggest hurdle when I was 297 pounds was administering an enema on myself for when my boyfriend came over.
Now I've lost weight it's easy to be sparkly and clean, not to mention how much easier it is for him to hit my prostate now.

>> No.8089417
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Poe's law is a bitch, you're disgusting either way.

>> No.8089423

Least I can wipe my own ass you obese sack of shit.

>> No.8089427

>obesity = ugly

>> No.8089430

but the food

>> No.8089440

fpbp, also I would argue that most fat people enjoy/appreciate food less and more so just mindlessly eat.

>> No.8089476

Basically this, it's a lack of self control, not some deep appreciation of fine cuisine.

>> No.8089513

Wrong is a subjective term.

Do you have an actual question or was it just you mumbling to yourself again?

>> No.8089555

It can be pretty pleasurable tho
Like you binge in carbs and sweets to the point you are full and then you get I'm a cozy bed during g winter with a heater pointing straight to your belly and a light blanket and slowly drift to sleep
Big bodies are meant for hibernation mode plus the fatter you are the more calories you need to maintain bodyweight so you eat like am athlete but sleep like a baby

>> No.8089557

do drugs instead. better high than sugar rush

>> No.8089562

>Food isn't actually so good that it's worth indulging in to the point you experience all those consequences. Thus, it's arguably stupid.
That depends on the individual tho
What if I can't have sex anyways, I don't give a crap about my health and I'm already bipolar?

>> No.8089565

>There's literally nothing wrong with overeating.

Except you're, you know, eating too much food.

Unless you're a body builder, it isn't beneficial at all.

>> No.8089591

Well I don't really like drugs at all, not even alcohol or cigarettes.
Also I tend to eat way more when I feel bad than when I feel good

>> No.8089594

if you don't like drugs or alcohol that means you haven't had enough yet. just like food, eh?

>> No.8089602

I did like alcohol but now it gives me a lot of phisical pain and makes me feel sick so I don't drink k anymore
I don't exactly get out of my comfort zone for things I may enjoy either

>> No.8089606

>it gives me a lot of phisical pain and makes me feel sick

good thing for you chronic kidney disease and diabetes is easily curable right

>> No.8089616

I hope not, why the fuck do I want to stick around long enough to deal with all the shit that will come in my 30s and 40s with my obesity

>> No.8089621

a rope can end the suffering today

>> No.8089625

I'm not suffering right now
If I ever have to deal with great pain I will definitely kill myself tho

>> No.8089667
File: 94 KB, 788x591, 1468936689075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've loved food ever since I was baby
while other babies played with their food I would eat methodically
I apreciate the tastes, textures, and the freshness with every single bite
I love food so much I took up bodybuilding to stay fit
my favorite meal is blackened salmon, brown rice and broccoli+cauliflower with a lot of lemon
food is life

>> No.8089685

People worth anything will avoid your presence.

>> No.8090005

It's true and you know it moby

>> No.8090007

Then it's better when you just go an hero

>> No.8090012

>not eating tons and exercising tons to enjoy the best of both worlds

>> No.8090021
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Scrawny fucks lol

>> No.8090025
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Because skinny is beautiful?

>> No.8090029
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Nice strawman.

>> No.8090031

Nice gyno.

>> No.8090032


t. Former fatty

>> No.8090062
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>> No.8090066 [DELETED] 

I'm fine with both left and middle

It's unrealistic to expect all women to have an ideal body, but it's FAR, FAR BETTER to err on the side of too thin than too fat

Fat is repulsive, anyone who disagrees with me is simply rationalizing their poor life choices

>> No.8090067

So long as you're fat in moderation

>> No.8090083

I used to be really close to the left and my boyfriend wants me to gain weight
getting close to the middle, not quite there yet
personally, healthy to chubby weight it best healthy wise
when I was near the left I lost my period, and I'm still trying to get it back. Even if it looks nice, that's not a healthy weight.

>> No.8090092 [DELETED] 

>when I was near the left I lost my period
just because you are fucked in the head does not make obesity ok

>> No.8090101

Your body is made up of a bunch of different chemical elements that can be divided into around seven billion billion billion individual atoms and every single one of those atoms came from the food that you eat. You literally are what you eat.

What is a fat person made of?

I think that part of the reason why healthy people are considered attractive is because when we see a fat person we see an inferior product that is made of bad material, and therefor not a suitible mating partner to share genes with.
Plus the obvious social aspect of seeing someone who readily makes poor choices.

>There's literally nothing wrong with being fat
There literally is.

>> No.8090107

It's not wrong to be fat... as long as you recognize that it's unhealthy. Everyone has a right to enjoy their own poisons in life and go out on their own terms. It is, however, wrong to promote obesity as healthy, as the "Health at Every Size" movement is doing. Many of them actually believe their doctors are lying to them as part of some agenda. No. Obesity causes heart attacks and smoking causes lung cancer. You are free to make your own decisions in life, but you have to live with the consequences.

>> No.8090110

>There's literally nothing wrong with being fat
Yes, there is.

t. Fatty

>and indulging in one of life's simplest pleasures.
Nothing wrong with that, as long as you don't turn what is supposed to be an uncommon occurrence into a habitual thing.

t. Fatty that is trying to cease being so

>> No.8090121

>and therefor not a suitible mating partner to share genes with.

Yes indeed. But it's interesting to look back at how the ideal of beauty changes with time. Look at many old paintings, for example, and the ideal man and woman were much heavier than today's ideal. That could be explained by the fact that having a little weight on your frame meant you were well fed--a major concern back then. Of course, even those paintings I'm talking about aren't at the level of OP's pic.

>> No.8090140
File: 105 KB, 1021x742, this kills the gene pool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see what you mean and it's a very valid point, but the crucial part is in your final sentence.
Particularly in modern times where more people die of food related illnesses than of hunger, so a depiction of a well fed person is a lot different to what it might have been a few generations ago. Muscle flesh now takes the place of fat tissue.

Captcha spotted the problem

>> No.8090151

>fat people's food opinions are more relevant than normal people

this meme needs to end

>> No.8090155

>but the crucial part is in your final sentence.

Sure, I wasn't disagreeing with you. I was just raising a related point about how our ideals of beauty change.

>> No.8090159 [DELETED] 

Yeah, I know. I was agreeing with you and elaborating on your valid point to highlight your point even further.

We are in agreement.
Clearly we're both made of the good stuff!
>you are what you eat.

>> No.8090160

Yeah, I know. I was agreeing with you and elaborating on your valid point to highlight your point even further.

We are in agreement.

>> No.8090161

>>you are what you eat.

I fucking hate that phrase. It's a bastardization of a quote from Brillat-Savarin. The original was "if you tell me what you eat, then I'll tell you what you are". It was referring to class distinctions. For example: "if you eat vegetable stew then you're a poor peasant but if you eat roast wild boar with a honey glaze then you're a patrician".

Somehow these days it's been bastardized to imply something totally different than what the old snooty food-snob meant it to mean. And that bastardization isn't even true in a literal sense.

>> No.8090166

Yeah, I deleted and reworded that comment because it came accross as being elitist which is probably what triggered you into finding a way to view it as racist.

I didn't mean to cause offense. But the phrase "you are what you eat" literally and figuratively means simply "you are made up of what you eat".


>> No.8090168

It`s bad for your health and you`ll be unattractive. If you are fine with that eat whatever you want.

>> No.8090173

You didn't offend me anon. That quote just bothers me because:

1) it's been completely misunderstood from what it was originally meant. The fact that it is an erroneous interpretation bothers me. I don't care if people want to use it to be racist or classist--just use it correctly.

2) The re-interpretation is not true in a literal sense unless you go full-on sperg and talk about individual atoms. The idea that eating fat makes someone fat is just as absurd as claiming that eating carrots turns someone into a carrot.

>> No.8090202
File: 27 KB, 288x200, proabort33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "are what you eat" not true in a literal sense
> unless you consider molecules and take it literally

>> No.8090221

You seen to be missing the point.

1) Nobody takes the expression to that absurd of an extreme, so practically speaking it's not true. It's only true to autists, but that doesn't count.

2) When taken to the spergmo extreme the statement becomes meaningless

>> No.8090231

who /feedee/ here?

gf loves to cook and i love to eat

its pure hedonism on both our part

>> No.8090232

>you are what you eat is not true


>> No.8090248


How on earth are you getting from "you are what you eat" to "my sperm tastes good". You or your sperm are not literal fruit so clearly it's not true.

Did you instead mean to say "what someone eats affects their body"?

>> No.8090249

>He samples his sperm

>> No.8090251

>life become complete suffering from 30 to death
>death itself expected at 50, 60 with good genes
>you cost money to everybody when you get sick
there's literally not benefits.

>> No.8090317

As long as you mantain a balanced diet and still do some excercise ( all this for health sake)
No, there is nothing wrong with it

>> No.8090328

>>you cost money to everybody when you get sick

Sure if you're poor.

>> No.8090353

>Nobody takes the expression to that absurd of an extreme
>so practically speaking it's not true.
>It's only true to [people who take the expression to that extreme to discover the facts and find the underlying practical truth],
>but that doesn't count.

>> No.8090368

1800 calories seems rather low? Are you a guy?

>> No.8090380

Yes because you are either obese or underweight right?

>> No.8090492

If you wanna be fat, be fat. Your call. You're fat and happy with it? Great, I'm glad for you. Same with smoking, drinking, doing drugs, whatever. It's your life.

Just don't try and say like it's the superior option, morally or physically. That shit can fuck right off.

>> No.8090496


Of course it doesn't count because those people you greentexted are a tiny minority of the population. You really are on the spectrum aren't you?

When someone says the term "bad ass" do you correct them and ask why they are talking about ill-behaved donkeys or do you understand what it means in common parlance?

>> No.8090503

>it's not true.
>It's only true to autists, [ie. people who know the truth]
>but that doesn't count.

>are a tiny minority of the population
people are people and people's bodies are made of the same chemical elements.
i don't know what point you're making.

>> No.8090526


>> No.8090533

I've recently gotten about 10 pounds overweight and it already feels like shit desu

>> No.8090536

>i don't know what point you're making.

That the aforementioned statement is so broad that it's pretty much meaningless, therefore it's a poor interpretation of the phrase. That ought to indicate to you that it's a bad definition.

Let's do another example. When someone mentions "Organic food" do you say: "but all food is organic because it contains carbon"

>> No.8090543

full circle

stay in denial and keep eating your crispy chicken.


>> No.8090560


Nah, there's a huge difference between the two.

Everyone knows the literal definition of "Organic", and yet they also know what is mean in the context of food.

The difference with "you are what you eat" is that very few people know what it actually refers to, yet so many people are fond of bastardizing the term.

>> No.8090562


you can decide if i'm laughing or telling you that i love you.
take your time, i'm going to bed.

>> No.8090578

nice stealth /fph/ thread, op

>> No.8090796

shut up amerifat you ugly, fat cunt

>> No.8090831

Absolutely nothing "wrong", no. Potentially unhealthy, yes.

>> No.8090881

There is literally nothing wrong with injecting krokodil into ones face and enjoying one of life's simplest pleasures

>> No.8090894

>not fully testing the physical limits of your body while you can
>not doing excercise allowing you to reach the secret wonders of the world (mountains, monuments, jungles)
>not feeling that wonderful endorphin rush from a good workout
>being able to see your dick

C'mon, OP. You sound like the fat family from In Bruges.

>> No.8090909


Gee, if somehow more people would get it...

>> No.8090913

fuck this is true. ever since i lost 90 lbs i get so cold in the winter

>> No.8090950

No.. But being normal is a good start if you want to be attractive, fatfuck

>> No.8091014

Good luck, anon. I was fat, got down to a unhealthy weight by eating nothing and doing nothing but cardio, and now I'm trying to get to where I'm supposed to be by eating normal - 1500 cals a day for me- and working out in the gym. It's a hard road, but once you get started and make it a routine, you can add some stuff in and make it a fun road.

>> No.8092123

>the aforementioned statement is so broad that it's pretty much meaningless
That statement is literally the exact opposite of broad. It's highly specific. In fact nothing is more specific than looking at individual atoms that make up the chemical composition of the human body, and recognising that each and every one of those atoms came from the food that we eat.

The statement is only meaningless to people who don't understand it.
You are what you eat.

>> No.8092689

I agree. I'm not fat, but that's just because I don't like being fat and try to watch my weight . I just feel crappy When I put on weight. You're right though. Eating is one of the most primal and universal of necessities and pleasures in life. There's nothing wrong with indulging oneself. Eat what you want to die on your own terms I say.

>> No.8092695

*and die

>> No.8092995

Fat people are a menace to society. They use up resources because they lack willpower and discipline. Worst part of all they think it's perfectly fine to be a lazy slob.

>> No.8092998

>eat like an athelete
thats just an excuse to be a lardass, how about being a real athelete to actually have an excuse to eat alot?

>be /fit/
>eat as many cheeseburgers as i want
>do my routine for being /fit/
>get even more sexier by the day

>> No.8093008

It's fast time preference activity. Which is always wrong and degenerate. Fun for a short time, awful for a long time.

In other words you're a subhuman. Really.

>> No.8093014

I like to eat a lot, so I make myself low fat veggie bean chili with toast for most meals. I spend a lot of money on spices to make it taste delicious. Eating a big bowl of hot chili really fills me up, and I actually lose weight.

>> No.8093040
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>Unironically believes that being overweight is something you ought to seek out for the sake of enjoyment.

>> No.8093043
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>Morality is a spook
>A follower of Stirner has escaped his containment board

>> No.8093176

>reaction picture isn't dfw

>> No.8094625

slightly aroused tbqh

>> No.8094913

But then I can't enjoy the pleasure of sex with attractive ladies

>> No.8094916
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gross, why would i want that?

>> No.8094968

Literally kill yourself

>> No.8094969

There's literally nothing wrong with living in denial.

>> No.8094980

What if i just want to enjoy myself as much as i want and die young and am eating what i want and drinking every night?

Is that really so bad?

>> No.8095002

>eating is a source of entertainment


Sorry, but that pretty sad.

>> No.8095010

I never said it was entertainment
But if i want to eat something, i'll eat it, who cares if it kills me a little faster then something that doesn't taste as good
I would rather enjoy it and die already

>> No.8095018

I guess I'm pretty lucky that all of my favorite foods are very healthy and nutritious. I've generally stopped eating a lot of things I don't particularly care for like pizzas, burgers, cakes, cookies and such, as a result my bloodwork has gotten pretty phenomenal.

It actually kind of perplexes me that people can have something like Taco Bell be their favorite food.

>> No.8095062

Hey, it's your life and I see your point more clearly now. Let me re-address something:
>die young and am eating what i want
First of all, please don't think that I'm telling you how to live your life, because I'm not. Just providing a bit of perspective so you can make your own choices.
But imagine you've been given five years to live. Wouldn't you want to be as healthy and as physically functional as possible to live life to the absolute maximum in the short time that have left? Eating the rights foods to give you the energy to cram a whole lifetime of activity into five short years?
Plus you just feel better when you're healthy. What's the point of living if you don't feel good and enjoy living?
Enjoy your food, by all means. Even indulge at times. But if your overall fitness and health is good then you're going to feel good no matter what you're doing. It's like a drug.
I don't care about living longer. I just want enjoy the current moment more (without taking drugs).

Sorry, I know I seem to be preaching like a vegan.

>> No.8095072

It's fine anon, and i understand, it something i've struggled with deciding if i really want or not for a long time
But sometimes i feel like the little bit of extra time isn't all that much in the long run

I don't think it helps that i don't really know what i'm missing with being healty as i've been a fatass since i was 10

I've slimmed down a bit and i eat a healthier then i did when my mom chose my food, but it's still not enough, and i don't ever really feel like making an effort

when i'm working i usually only eat once a day, and that's usually some form of chicken mixed with rice and a soda or some water, it tastes really good, but i don't know, i don't really want to eat a salad or anything

>> No.8095129

>i feel like the little bit of extra time isn't all that much in the long run
This is really the mindset that triggers me and it's the main part that I feel the need to address.

For me personally, being fit and healthy has absolutely nothing at all to do with living longer and has everything to do with feeling better in the current moment.
I say that as someone who has been obese and is currently very fit and I know how I use to feel when I was obese. Sure, a lot of other things in my life have changed in that time which may contribute to the current feeling of wellbeing, but I also know that I look at situations differently than I used to, and have a clearer mind to see more positives than negatives in every situation. 'Healthy body, healthy mind', as they say in the classics. It really is true.

Even in the short term if I haven't done any exercise for a few days I can feel myself getting more frustarted at situations that I would normally just laugh off. Then I go for a long ride on my bike and get a good dose of endorphines and adrenaline and everything seems different. Just better somehow.

Basically, all I really wanted to say is that wanting to be fit and healthy for the purpose of living longer is, I think, a misconception. Because for me it's all about enjoying the current moment, and just generally feeling better overall.
Literally, healthy body = healthy mind.

Plus my dick looks bigger with less fat and I get to use it more often, so there's that.

>> No.8095130
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There's nothing wrong with it, so long as you don't expect my taxes to pay for your easily preventable health problems later.

There's nothing wrong with it, so long as you don't demand that I hire you over someone who's likely to havr better impulse control and be more productive.

There's nothing wrong with it, so long as you're not preaching to my daughter about "healthy at every size, do whatever your body craves because addiction knows best!"

There's nothing wrong with it, so long as you are not upset and bitchy when I don't want to fuck you

Other than that, eat whatever you want, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.8095370

Never trust a fat chef, because they've eaten all the good bits.

>> No.8095620

Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins.
Bad joints, bad heart, bad arteries, makes you slovenly, you look terrible, you probably feel terrible, you'll smell more from sweating or from the foods you eat, you can't see your penis anymore, and you'd generally be a bad person.

>> No.8095626

No one will hire you for a job or love you. Two pretty essential parts of being an adult. I know, I live it.

I literally don't care about the health risks of being fat though. I just want to look good to improve my social life. Plan on keto dieting until my bday in December.

>> No.8095651

Why do you care so much what other people do? Take your meds buddy.

>> No.8095671

Read that first one again in particular. Fat people literally do affect you indirectly through taxes.

>> No.8095676

I agree, as long as you arent puttinthe cost of doing so on others. If you don't hurt others, do as you please. Atleast be fat from good food tho

>> No.8095678

Im down 20lbs in 2 months without exercise. While im still a fat fuck at 295 lbs, having clothes foit looser is a nice feeling.

>> No.8095680

>There's nothing wrong with it, so long as you are not upset and bitchy when I don't want to fuck you
You better fuck me or I'll tell my friends on tumblr that you tried to rape me.

>> No.8095709

Look, I'm not fucking arguing with you, ok?

>> No.8095715

>He doesn't gargle with his own thick and manly, deliciously pineapple and mango infused sperm.


>> No.8096195

I like this image, but it should be taken a step farther.
Maybe fractals or something.

>> No.8096205

I find it really interesting that this argument (which I'm not disagreeing with)
is nearly always solely centered on taxes. I hardly ever see someone make
the point about insurance rates, which are also affected.

>> No.8096224

air travel tickets should charge by weight

>> No.8096301

Morality is objective the same way that rules of grammar are objective. Yes, we created both, but both fit into our paradigm. The fact that we created morality doesn't make it so that you get to put scarequotes around what's right and wrong and say that nothing is right or wrong.

things being objectively true =/= things being objects.

moral paradigms exist objectively, but they don't exist as stone tablets (at least not these days). the paradigms exist as both the sum and root of moral thought. it is difficult to escape being socialized into moral norms, but impossible to escape a moral norm if it's built on intuition in the first place.

even the science we use to understand objects, qualities of the world around us is paradigmatic. you'd probably not have any problem saying "this object has this much mass, objectively speaking".

the difference is that morality draws upon rational intuition, whereas science draws upon sensory input (in a very crude sense, more likely we would say that scientific beliefs are built upon synthesis of reason and the senses).

we make entire languages anew just to form completeness and objectivity in scientific statements. we don't do this with our morality because we simply do not care about morality enough to spend time talking about it... instead, we choose to leave the whole topic incomplete and call it subjective. not surprising, then, that we let knowledge and truth slide down the same slippery slope.

anyway, yes, there is something wrong with being fat, objectively speaking. this wrongness relies upon a scientific paradigm of health, a moral paradigm of good habits, an ethical paradigm of virtue/vice, an aesthetic paradigm of beauty. "being fat is wrong" is an objectively true statement.

you might say, but anon, the paradigms could shift, and one day it could be that "being fat is right". that's absolutely correct-- however, (cont)

>> No.8096312

however, what this paradigm shift would require would be some new science proving this (like, "turns out being fat wards off cancer!") or a complete rejection of science in favor of aesthetic paradigm shift (this is the fat acceptance movement, and the reason why you have to be delusional to take it seriously).

my opinion is that we are too far along to revert to archaic world views, we know better. there's a kind of snowball effect at play with world knowledge that cannot be stopped.

>> No.8096317

all of this operates under a first-world paradigm btw

>> No.8096318
File: 215 KB, 1068x780, 1471889423850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not too bright, are you?
I said I literally don't give a fuck what he does - so long as he is not trying to affect me or my family with it.

>> No.8096348
File: 104 KB, 700x525, americans 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat people are ugly and once they get big enough they become androgynous.

Not to mention an enlarged heart, blood like butter, stressed and easily damaged connective tissue. Basically being fat is like red lining your car 24/7, never getting an oil change and putting too much gas in your tank. Also fertility goes down when you get too fat.

>> No.8096354

>posting this on /ck/ and not /fit/

are you scared of being rekt OP

>> No.8096559
File: 8 KB, 269x211, 1460388743610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many people make the concious effort to stay thin? How many people just have a low appetite?

How many of those people that complain about fat people and how they have no self control are the same people that brag about how they can eat whatever they want and not gain weight?

>> No.8096562

I talk about how much I hate fat people all the time

I eat 1200 calories a day

>> No.8096649

>falling for the "obesity is caused by genetics" meme

>> No.8096654

When I eat whatever I want, completely unrestrained, for prolonged periods my weight settles at a BMI of 19.5-ish.

That said I can and have still dieted down much lower so it's not exactly fair to say naturally slim people don't know what having the self control to practice calorie restriction feels like.

>> No.8096661

I was a former fat kid, so I'm pretty shallow when it comes to looks. Especially considering all it takes is portion control and a little bit of exercise

>> No.8096681

>the same people that brag about how they can eat whatever they want and not gain weight?
Because they don't eat a lot. Calories in, calories out, control yourself fatty.

>> No.8096693

You sound like you're trying to convience yourself.

Enjoy your cardiovascular disease and broken joints famalam.

>> No.8096754

Because normal people don't seek attention for being normal.

>> No.8096761

You can increase your calorie intake guilt-free by simply exercising more.

>> No.8096798

My point is that most thin people don't use self-control to stay thin.

>> No.8096799

Nothing wrong other then being unhealthy and unattractive

>> No.8097405

Always remember to apply your safty device first BEFORE assisting others. Safety is our number one goal.

>> No.8097422

I eat a lot but still do work outside every day on my property. Going to start eating less and eating less meat in general too. Hopefully that'll help.

Yum, rice and beans.

>> No.8097496
File: 205 KB, 420x426, 1464552787651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gentlemen, it's time to discuss the real good feel

>tfw fat girlfriend